The fire alarm that was sounded in Los Angeles was also a wake-up call for cities across America.
It is a contemporary fact that virtually all large cities and most other cities have governments controlled by Democrat mayors and Democrat city council majorities. For decades these leftist or progressive politicians have won elections by pandering to the assumed interests of the various groups who have moved into the cities and replaced the groups who have moved into the suburbs.
The political mantra of urban Democrat politicians has been: “Vote for us, and we will take care of you.”
That “care” consisted of constant empty promises, welfare payments, other economic handouts, and special work privileges, including city government jobs, perks, and pensions paid for by taxpayers.
As Democrat politicians and local administrations became more and more entrenched, they created more and more government welfare programs and bureaucratic jobs — along with ever-higher salaries and more and more perks for themselves.
It is now common for many local officials to receive higher salaries, not counting perks, than the President of the United States.
At the same time, the political ideology of many urban Democrat politicians has moved sharply to the left. This has resulted in those politicians cutting local police jobs and reducing neighborhood security, ideologically altering education policies and standards, overloading schools with administrative roles, and imposing woke values on teaching and school curricula. Often using climate change as an excuse, Democrats in cities changed priorities of local public service needs and transferred funds and resources to controversial special interest programs.
Minority groups such as blacks, Hispanics, the homeless, and others were supposed to be the beneficiaries of this widespread urban largess. But it soon became apparent that defunding the police, non-prosecution of shoplifting and other crimes, removing necessary community resources under the rubrics of climate control, racism, and other social prejudices, and the redistribution of wealth were not benefiting the vast majority of black and Hispanic urban families, the homeless, or working class families who remained in the cities.
The reduction of police and fire protection, the ignoring of blatant shoplifting and other “minor” crimes, and the reduction of funding and resources for general community needs drastically increased crime and violence in urban neighborhoods and downtowns. As we’ve seen in Los Angeles, these policies also increased the risk of local natural disasters in the inner cities.
A wave of new city and county prosecutors also appeared who asserted that most criminals were really victims and needn’t be prosecuted. Not surprisingly, in those communities widespread shoplifting and acts of violence soared — and those who suffered the most were the majority of black and Hispanic families, working class families, and the homeless — who were allowed to pitch tents anywhere they pleased, but were left vulnerable to violence, disease, and the proliferation of deadly drugs like fentanyl.
The apotheosis of this profound dissolution and decay of urban neighborhoods and downtowns has now occurred in the nation’s second largest metropolitan center, Los Angeles, where 13 million persons live.
During periods of drought, certain areas in and adjacent to Los Angeles are subject to frequent brushfires. For many months now, the area has received no rainfall, and the whole area has been at the highest level of risk for wildfires.
Nevertheless, the Democrat mayor and the Democrat city council took no steps to prepare for a fire emergency. In fact, they reduced the city firefighting budget by $16 million and used those funds for woke special interests.
The Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom spent his time and efforts grooming himself to run for president and supporting economic and legislative efforts to resist President Donald Trump. The then-Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, herself a homeowner in Los Angeles and as recently as 2020 a California U.S. Senator, became the Democrat nominee for president in 2024, but ignored the fire danger issue in her own home town.
Mr. Trump, however, warned early in 2024 that southern California and Los Angeles specifically faced disaster if fire prevention steps were not taken.
Democrat Mayor Karen Bass then went on a junket to Africa just before the first brushfire exploded, and didn’t return to Los Angeles until several brushfires were out of control.
Understaffed firefighters were unable to bring these fires under control for days. Despite heavy rainfall last year, reservoirs were left empty, fire hydrants ran dry, and the fires spread.
Mr. Trump, who again had warned about the danger months before, was then criticized by the mayor and the governor for being critical of them! This ludicrous attack on Mr. Trump is standard operating procedure of urban Democrats — when things go wrong because of their own failures, they blame everyone else but themselves.
The Los Angeles fires have now burned for more than two weeks. More than 12,000 buildings have been destroyed, more than 30 lives have been lost, and many others are missing. Damages are already estimated at $150-$250 billion — and climbing. Whole neighborhoods have been destroyed. Historic city landmarks are gone. Thousands are homeless.
The cause of the fires is still unknown and under investigation. Some individuals have been arrested for arson, but these fires often have natural causes or result from power lines.
With proper management of the very dry brush, maintaining adequate water supplies in reservoirs, and more firefighters and planning — along with better zoning in allowing residential and commercial areas of construction — the present unprecedented catastrophe might have been either avoided or contained earlier, and the dimensions of the disaster significantly lessened.
Other large cities in the U.S., each controlled by Democrats, face different risks and challenges. Many which have declared themselves sanctuary cities have been overwhelmed by undocumented immigrants, overcrowded and failing public schools, growing homelessness, and rampant violence and crime. New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago are among them.
In 2024, local urban elections showed some signs that the Democrat voting base was beginning to revolt, but Democrat politicians still maintain control. Property taxes and other taxes are rising sharply, and local city budgets are exploding — much of it to pay for local officials’ mismanagement and misplaced priorities.
Isn’t it time for urban voters to wake up and demand new and better local government?
Herald Boas is an AMAC Newsline contributor.
Sadly and tragically, Californians DESERVE what they got. They were warned multiple times about the critically need to PROPERLY manage the forests and landscape, and to build water collection sights and aqueducts to channel the water to places where it could be used to control and put out any and all fires that they KNEW WOULD COME. But the voters, being left-wing and ignorantly arrogant, voted for, and CONTINUE to vote for, left-wing Socialists, EPA WACKOS, and other dumba$$es for decades. EVERY SINGLE POLICY their elected officials have enacted have RUINED California. But these IDIOT VOTERS WILL NEVER EVER LEARN. IT IS TRULY INSANITY CAUSED BY SERIOUS MENTAL DISORDERS. .
Nothing will change until these blue “areas” stop getting federal funds to bail them out of their idiotic plans. Paying someone 3/4 of a million dollar salary to leave a major reservoir empty is just ridiculous.
Just remember. Democrat/leftie tenant #3: It’s NEVER their fault. It’s never your fault. It’s always somebody else’s fault. For a leftie, there is no such thing as personal accountability.
Democrats are not a party to vote for..they have proven themselves incompetent.
It is a wake up call. We will have mid terms around the corner. Thee is your chance to make changes. Also need to take back more seats in the house and senate from the Dems.
Newsome is already whining to the Trump Administration for assistance after his failed policies have wreaked havoc in California. Where was FEMA and the Biden Administration when hurricane Helene blew through the Southeast US.? (They even got caught witholding assistance from Trump supporters)
The Obama/Biden nightmare might be over now, but there are still plenty of Leftist/Democrat policies in effect that will continue to thwart real assistance efforts.
Government (especially Leftisit/Socialist government) is often a detriment.
We can take care of our own if government will just get the heII out of the way and leave us alone.
(That’s what hurricane Helene taught us in the Southeast US)
The last line is definitely on the money but there is doubt that these voters will wake up any time soon, especially for those who are having a free ride through the taxpayer.
Let’s for the sake of argument accept their argument that “climate change” was the root cause of the fires: that said, knowing there is a very high risk of catastrophe, what do they do? Cut LAFD funding by $17M, drain a 118M gallon reservoir supplying FF water to the area, secure control burns, refuse to put LAFD on stand-by during high winds, and fly to Africa to hobnob with Ghanan royalty!
Great article Harold. Hopefully, we will see a shift in urban voting. Praying for a great awakening in America.
Amen, If the major populations centers do not change, all that they will have left are people living on the government tit, as middle-class taxpayers will continue their flight to states with better opportunities for the.
Let Newsome be recalled by record numbers and in record time. Let Mayor Bass be forced to resign. Let this be a lesson to other Dem leaders. It was fun to see some of them looking glum at President Trump’s inauguration. Many of them were gnashing their teeth behind their clenched lips. May the Lord God empower President Trump’s administration to tear down the strongholds of the wicked. They have a whole lot of people backing them up in prayer.
Another chapter in the eccentric science of “Democrat officeholders” not taking their responsibilities to their constituents seriously… even at the expense of taxpayers’ life safety. I wonder how much in taxes was paid last year by each LA resident who lost his/her home to Democrat negligence….
These people are intellectually incapable of understanding how their vote has anything to do with how they are living. Intellectually incapable is my way of saying mildly retarded concrete thinker.
Only voter can decide and many are oblivious and unaware. They get their welfare check and that is all that matters. Chilren have a future of welfare and that is OK . This fire disaster did not just happen out of the blue, there were no preparedness of any kind and that seems OK. That alone spells a big smelly rat.
Local Media
No innovation
For status quo
= LA fires
I feel sorry for those people in CA that are trying to get out from under scumbags like gavin newsom. It’s a shame that people who keep voting for the same corruption can’t get their heads disconnected from the rectum train to see the damage being done to their once-beautiful State. Until the demoncraps are voted out of office, nothing is going to change in California.
It seems that those who voted for the policies of the left are getting a healthy portion of consequence. Politicians and bureaucrats have failed to look after their constituents and were counting that nothing catastrophic would ever happen. That time has finaly come and everyone has to pay for their incompetence. No one cares about social agendas or woke ideologies when your world has turned to ashes. It’s time to elect people who cares about what truly matters, “We the People”.
These fires in Ca. are a long time happening. When will the people awaken to the possibility that their vote matters. Or is there a faction in the electorate that simply will not change!
Why the HELL do commentators who are supposedly conservative use the left’s language? We, assisted by the outgoing administration, were invaded by ILLEGAL ALIENS not “undocumented immigrants”. If we keep using the despicable, evil left’s language we have already lost half the battle. Words mean things. Let’s be precise and regain the upper hand in the narrative.
The answer to reducing fires is to privatize fire services.Instead of overpaid govt monopoly fire departments,we could have competition among private companies.An area line Pacific Palisades could have had their own fire dept,right in the middle of the area,with all citizens having the fire dept on their phone contact list.Could have stopped the fire while it was still small.I’m sure,with so many empty lots,after the fire,it would be easy to locate a private fire station in Pacific Palisades.Same thing for Alta Dena.
Little-known fact about California – the majority of the people there have been trying to vote out their Democrat overlords for years. They fail only because the entrenched Democrats have perfected the art of voter fraud to the point they cannot be overcome.
The Democrats have destroyed the once-great state of California.
Excellent article. Except calling people Undocumented immigrants. That is insulting. They are Predocumented Future Democrats. Lets be nice now.
Most, if not all, of these blue cities are “no voter ID” and “no paper ballot” areas. I wonder if these leaders are actually elected by the will of the people.
Marxist/democrats just doing what Marxist/democrats do.
California and politics. Both equally dubious.
People should wake up. Every year we go this with these CA fires! These idiots want total socialism. They talk about the environment all the time but can not manage forests. They couldn’t run a corner street lemonade stand.
Immigrants describes the people who came into this country and stay here Legally! Forget “Undocumented” as a term: you are referring to ILLEGAL ALIENS!
I agree. Decade after decade these liberal dwellers in cities such as Detroit, Chicago and others have voted religiously for democrat after democrat who all promise change for the better and it never comes. So a good definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same exact way over and over again expecting to get different results. I.E. I shot myself in the foot and it hurt, so then I shot myself in the foot again and it hurt again!!! If these voters can not see the error in who they are voting for they will never change the way they vote.
The GOOD news is that his pathetic response to the wildfires tanked Newsom’s chances at being the POTUS. The bad news is that blue areas of the nation will never change. They have been indoctrinated with the ‘Great Society’ propaganda since the 1960’s.
Stupidity got them into this mess, sadly many of them believe stupidity will save them. Just the opinion of someone who has witnessed the purposeful destruction of the United States.