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Bureaucrats Plan to Act as Deep State Against Trump, Poll Finds

Posted on Monday, January 13, 2025
by Outside Contributor

A surprising number of federal government employees admit they are gearing up to act like a deep state, opposing the incoming second administration of Donald Trump.

Most Americans, even many of the elites who voted for Vice President Kamala Harris, are willing to support Trump’s administration, according to an RMG Research survey commissioned by the Napolitan Institute. Yet 42% of federal government managers who work in the Washington, D.C., swamp intend to work against the administration.

RMG Research conducted three surveys in mid-December to study three different segments of the population. The polling firm focused on what it calls the Elite 1% who have postgraduate degrees, earn more than $150,000 annually, and live in densely populated areas; Main Street Americans who meet none of these three criteria and who represent between 70% and 75% of the U.S. population; and Federal Government Managers—federal employees who live in the National Capitol Region around Washington and earn at least $75,000 annually.

Main Street Americans tend to have less faith in government and want more freedom for Americans, while the Elite 1% tend to have more faith in government and say Americans have too much freedom. Main Street Americans tend to look down on the idea of a deep state opposing the people’s elected president.

Favorable Headwinds for Trump, With One Exception

The poll found that many Americans are willing to support the new administration, even among the elites and those who voted for Harris.

The survey asked, “Looking ahead to the next four years, will your political efforts be primarily to support the Trump administration or resist the Trump administration?”

Most Main Street Americans (59%) said they would support the new administration, while only 28% said they would resist it. Even the Elite 1% proved more likely to support (48%) than resist (39%) the administration.

Even some of those who said they voted for Harris in November said they would support the new administration. Twelve percent of Harris voters said they would work to at least somewhat support the new administration.

On Election Day, 64% of the Elite 1% voted for Harris, while only 34% voted for Trump. Yet among the Elite 1% who voted for Harris, a quarter (26%) said they are working to support the new administration.

Federal Government Managers, however, proved evenly split, with only 44% saying they would support the administration and 42% saying they would resist it.

Government Employees Joining the Resistance

Unsurprisingly, Federal Government Managers proved more gung-ho about resistance when they identified as Democrats.

While the vast majority of government employees who identify as Republicans plan to support the administration (89% “somewhat support” or “strongly support”), almost three-quarters of Democrat bureaucrats plan to resist (73% “somewhat resist” or “strongly resist”). More than half of Republican managers (52%) said they would “strongly support” the administration, while 40% of Democrats said they would “strongly resist” it.

A quarter of all managers (26%), whether Democrat or Republican, plan to “strongly support” the administration, and only a slightly smaller portion (23%) say they will “strongly resist” it.

The survey also asked federal government managers what they would do if Trump gave them a lawful order they considered bad policy. Only 17% of Democratic managers who voted for Harris would follow Trump’s order. Three times as many (64%) said they would ignore the order and do what they thought was best. This amounts to a declaration that they plan to act like a deep state, opposing the people’s elected president.

Voters did not look kindly on the idea of bureaucrats refusing to follow orders, however.

More than half (54%) of Main Street Voters said that a bureaucrat who refuses to follow a lawful order from the president should be fired, and even most of the Elite 1% (52%) agreed.

Most Republican managers (74%) say a bureaucrat should be fired for refusing a presidential order, while only 23% of Democratic managers agree.

A Yawning Gulf

When asked about the most important political issue at the moment, Federal Government Managers had different priorities than Main Street Americans and voters as a whole. (The survey asked an open-ended question rather than giving a list.)

Main Street Americans proved more likely to mention some version of the economy (40%) or immigration (18%) as the top issues, as did voters overall (39% chose the economy, and 17% chose immigration). Fewer Main Street Americans named some version of America’s politics (4%), abortion (6%), or Trump (4%).

Even the Elite 1% seemed closer to Main Street Americans than the Federal Government Managers. The elites named the economy (26%), America’s politics (11%), and immigration (7%) as their top issues.

While the economy proved the top issue for bureaucrats, as well, only 18% chose it. Another 11% chose immigration.

Many of the Federal Government Managers selected issues that didn’t register for most other Americans, such as guns and crime (10%), climate change (6%), education (5%), equality (5%), and cybersecurity (5%).

While these are important issues—and I’d like to see how many bureaucrats named some version of gun control and how many named increasing crime rates—they reveal a gap in priorities between bureaucrats and those for whom they write the rules.

RMG Research surveyed 1,000 registered voters between Dec. 12 and Dec. 13, 1,000 Elite 1% voters between Dec. 9 and Dec. 19, and 500 federal government managers between Dec. 9 and Dec. 23. The margin of error for the Elite 1% is plus or minus 3.1%, and the margin of error for federal government managers is plus or minus 4.4%.

What Does This Mean?

This survey confirms that bureaucrats in the administrative state are planning to oppose Trump from within, whether by refusing lawful orders or engaging in political activism against Trump outside of work hours.

This deep state phenomenon undermined the first Trump administration, and the president has pledged to fight it aggressively in the new one.

My forthcoming book, “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government,” reveals how major left-wing donors prop up a vast network of woke activist groups that staff and advise the federal government. This vast influence network held sway in the Biden administration but will not end on Jan. 20.

Congress can help Trump combat this deep state phenomenon by passing laws preventing public sector unions in the federal government, restraining regulations, and reining in agencies that have been insulated from Congress and the president, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Tyler O’Neil is managing editor of The Daily Signal and the author of two books: “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” and “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Tyler O’Neil

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

Well, if they are determined to undermine President Trump then I certainly hope they are found out and FIRED on the spot!!~

1 month ago

If they don’t do their job, fire their ass. Just like any job.

1 month ago

A major Rat removal is vital to Trump’s success in saving our Republic.

Robert G Polo
Robert G Polo
1 month ago

I say, dismiss the whole lot of them, they don’t do anything, so they won’t be missed one bit.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
1 month ago

This all comes to realize that when mid term elections come again, we must take more seats in the house and senate. Also, get the right people in these seats. Or we will be back to the progressive left wing ideology.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 month ago

The federal employees’ union will vigorously oppose any counteractive measures. Congress can retaliate by reducing/eliminating funding. Citizens can unite to create appropriate commotions.

Carrie Mataraza
Carrie Mataraza
1 month ago

Watch them, each one, and call for terminations or resignations for any infraction seen! Get rid of these arrogant, treacherous creatures. They never speak for our country or our citizens well-being.

1 month ago

I am NOT a fed gov employee. I am one of the ever-shrinking group of private sector employees whose hard-earned pay is confiscated to pay for the salaries and generous benefits of these useless leaches. As a private sector employee, I would be FIRED if I was part of a “resistance movement” working against the interests of my employer.

Poppa John
Poppa John
1 month ago

Drain the swamp!

1 month ago

These Anti-American Federal Employees know their Jig is Up when President Trump enters the Oval Office on January 20th!!!! Good RI dense!!!! We No Longer Want Such People and there are Far too Many of them!!!!

Debra Shepherd
Debra Shepherd
1 month ago

If they want to impede the federal govt,, fire them. Or maybe they can be cut when DOGE right-sizes our bloated government

1 month ago

Trump will just have to fire all those managers along with the deep state and start with people who will fight for America and not for an ideologue or the woke elites who think Americans have too much power. This country is founded on the principle of the people, by the people and for the people. And the people have spoken. And no bureaucrat manager is going to overrule the people who voted for change. See how far the dem Obama and Biden and Harris tentacles are reaching. Soros money has bought a lot of disaster for this country. And Biden rewarded him with the medal of Valor. What valor Joe. Did you even know what Soros has done and is doing to this country?. Are the millions of dollars you received from all your bribes worth it? To see the country destroyed. For generations to come. We need to be ever vigilant especially with the federal bureaucrats. They need to be fired because we taxpayers should stop paying their paycheck. They are working for all Americans. And they forgot that after all the brainwashing of the democrats.

1 month ago

I thoroughly believe that this is the communists big push to see the downfall of the U.S of America, which they have been working on for 100 years. Started by the democrat party as a smoke screen of service. Democrats helped the Chinese Communist concur .China. but with each election and more democrats believed and voted for, it got worse and worse. Bush was a huge push into “One World Order” and from there is became the democrat mantra. One World order then with Shwab, “You will have nothing and you will be happy”. One World Order with totalitarianism, with Communism control, No matter what anyone wants to call themselves to sound like they care about America –: Globalism, facists, liberal, socialists, RINOs, anti-nationalism, etc. The Communist Manifesto is the handbook. They love wars and power, and immorality. They hate peace, love, morals.and most of all Christ. The Christians hold the key: Prayer from the heart to our Lord and Savior Jesus – and whether you believe it or not, Jesus’ earthly mother, Mary most Holy. She is the crusher of the head of satan.

1 month ago

I sure hope President Trump learned his lesson the first time around by not firing all of Obama’s leftovers. Memo to President Trump: On DAY #1, fire all Biden’s snakes!

1 month ago

Exposing them with name and mug shot, is powerful. Exposure is the best weapon when used properly. Right or wrong, smack them directly between the eyes, make it hurt. Shun and shame spouse and children…get their attention.

1 month ago

DOGE will have its work cut out for it, but they need to wield a big axe, and cut our bloated fed govt to the bone. Restore govt to the roles explicitly given to it within the Constitution. Cut ALL other agencies.

Cindy Martin
Cindy Martin
1 month ago

Fire anyone who is insubordinate period

George M
George M
1 month ago

It is already easy to see who is winning. The “Social Security Fairness Act”, which is anything but, is a clear sign that either Congress doesn’t know any better, can’t read, or favors the Deep State. Our less than reliable Speaker let this slip through with the “urgent budget extension” because apparently is is absolutely critical that government workers and others who do not pay into Social Security, or pay very little in, get outsized benefits (expected to further damage (something like $200 Billion) seriously underfunded Social Security).
So much for the Congress saving money!

1 month ago

It was not long ago that the Democratic Elites would have been arrested for treason for violating their oaths of office. Attacking a president would be a federal offense and they all would be in prison, at Leveworth. The Democrats are doing what they keep accusing Trump of doing. But considering themselves above the law as long as it supports the deep state agenda. That they can do it in guise of “lets hate Trump”.

1 month ago

i hope trump follows reagan’s choice to fire the air traffic controllers and fires anyone who even thinks about hindering the recovery of the USA.

John Lemley
John Lemley
1 month ago

Congress’ actions to date do not convince me that they will change when we get our president next week. I do not have the influence to have a discussion with Trump. Can someone please advise him to have a “My Fellow Americans” talk like FDR had? Then, he can tell us what issues we can support for him. We can flood the offices of Congress with letters, phones calls and e-mails.

1 month ago

Fire the “Deep State” as soon as they are identified. Fight the unions if necessary.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Trump and his cabinet should fire recalcitrant employees and if the union rules forbid firing, they should be transferred as far away as possible from their current locations! Fire them and let THEM go to court and try to win back their cushy jobs!

1 month ago

What an amazing show of “democracy at its finest.” NOT. I guess these govt workers truly do not care about our country if they want to waste four more years not getting much done. Disgusting! How about a tip line for government employees to anonymously report managers who give opposite directions/attempt to undermine? A decent enough reward should do it. This is why we need MUSK to stay involved (they are already trying to shame him away)-he doesn’t care and will daylight names and faces to the public!!!

1 month ago

Federal Government Managers and employee who are resisters of the We the People mandate should be fired at 12:01 on January 20, 2025. We don’t need or want ANY America-Last enemies in government. trump must DESTROY the EVIL DEEP STATE AND THE D.C. CESS POOL, BETTER KNOWN AS THE SWAMP.
And ANY Damnocrap who fails to get on board with what We the People mandate WILL BE PRIMARIED and VOTED OUT.

1 month ago

Just scanning the article and looking back at the actions taken in Trump’s first elected Term as President, the impeachment processes, the Jan. 6th fiasco and the 4 years of litigated kangaroo cases are signs they will continue to harass the man until our nation, Trump and his supporters, the Constitution loyalists, and any supporters of our country (including allies) are completely destroyed!
Why did we expect they would willingly give up on having some sort of power, control of citizens and the downfall of our country? Stand firm, be diligent, and make the traitors reveal their true hearts!

1 month ago

Long past time to thin the herd!

1 month ago

Move government out of DC, by relocating agencies to the areas they serve!
I’d bet most of these enemy turncoats would refuse to move…to Tulsa, Des Moines, or Pensacola! They’re member of a club that requires everyone be in proximity!
Meanwhile, offer a reward for whistleblowers who identify these people, or find their clandestine meeting locations.
Zero Tolerance for Enemy Sleepers inside government!

1 month ago

If the whole departments are gone, they will be gone too. It’s that simple.

1 month ago

There will always be evil among us..just need to find them out and get rid of them by not voting them in office and/or eliminating them in the work force. AMERICANS must know the difference between Communism and Capitalism. Educate in schools and in the Media. Our nation must adhere to values, morals and character.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
1 month ago

Voters need to remember this. The democrat party clearly hates America and the voters. Remember this at the next election and throw them out. The democrat party is the epitome of evil and needs to be treated as such. The federal employees need to all lose their jobs. Fill the positions with people that want to see America succeed, not losers that want only to destroy it. They are so stupid they don’t realize that if the country goes down, they have no job. It is no wonder people hate unions and democrats . . .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Bureaucrats are the Deep State A-Z
& aid from the RINOs & Never Trumpers

1 month ago

Perhaps President Donald Trump will have quite a bit to say about it….entrenched bureaucrats are like boils and destroy everything when they break. A strong dose of anti-dote should weed them out. The “government” has been a bloated, overgrown poison weed patch for years. Our Founders specifically called for and wrote in blood: A limited government! Not the gangrenous whale it is now. Wonder what would turn up if an investigation would be coming? How many non-essentials…and from what I’ve read they number in the multiple thousands…are sucking up what little of this nation’s bank account, thanks to the puppet Biden and his previous “president’, is left? Or, actually how much more massive deficit has been incurred under Comrade Obama…the one who in a speech promised to “fundamentally change America”? The one who’s been pulling O’Biden’s strings the last 4 years?
I pity the fool who underestimates President Trump.

1 month ago

Is there any reason not to prosecute the rebels for treason? At the very least fire them for refusal to do their jobs.
1964, the year that turned the democrats into a criminal syndicate. Unfortunately so many democrats are uneducated, poor and just follow the carrot to get all the “free” stuff the government hands out to them for their votes.

1 month ago

Congress must have the backbone to END all federal employee unions, defund, shutdown and fire every employee in the Dept of Education and many more unnecessary federal agencies and departments. Time to get all our freedoms back.

1 month ago

Want to work against the incoming President–“get the hell out of Dogde”. Get out of the country go be whatever you are someplace else BUT not in America!

1 month ago

They should be fired as security risks for their insubordination. No union should be allowed to support that behavior. They need to go on day 1 all 42%. Sabotage is a crime. They are criminals.

1 month ago

President Trump must hold his Cabinet responsible to track implementation by managers fully implementing his directives. Failure equals firing- that’s it. Hire, replace with people who will work hard and do as they are told.

1 month ago

the hatred is really against the american people and the country they wish to destroy

1 month ago

The demonstrations during Trumps first Inauguration and the threatened demonstrations this time are just appalling. These idiots who march in the streets to disrupt the proceedings are truly the most disgusting individuals this Country has ever seen. These people have no dignity and I seriously doubt that they even know the meaning of the word. And now to add to that we have the Government Workers, paid for by our Tax Dollars, making threats to resist the Trump Administration. What is wrong with their heads?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Democrat are like disease-carrying ticks in the woodpile.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 month ago

We do not authorize this deep state to act against our election choices. Those involved should be shown the door! Step one is to publicly identify the problem in a specific manner. Also publicize the best solution. Where needed the voters can contact Congress to make their concern known.
We have a role to play. The FED agencies are too large and too vast for one President to deal with. Regardless of the party involved we do not need an independent non-elected and behind the scenes stooges working to undermine our will. Ultimately the best defense is to reduce the government to Constitutional duties. That should eliminate more than half the unnecessary FED workforce!

1 month ago

Many federal government “managers” don’t manage their people and other resources particularly well. This explains their interest in working against President Trump, as one of his main objectives is to trim government cost with his new cost savings program.

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
1 month ago

Stands to reason they would work against the American people, as that is what happens when they do not support the President.

1 month ago

They need a seal team to go to some of these agencies and physically remove these people form their offices and their jobs.

Kathy Krajcik
Kathy Krajcik
1 month ago

This people are really sick. The people spoke, and they still can’t give it up. It’s time for them to go. This is stupidity and nonsense.

1 month ago

They’d better be removed on day one!!!!!! We can NOT have anyone who won’t at least give the new administration and president a chance to prove worthy. Trump was too trusting last time; I’m praying he won’t be buffaloed this time. i.e., Zuckerburg and friends for one group.

1 month ago

In my opinion, if any of these government employees decide to disobey an order from Trump and his administration, because they don’t like it or they don’t think it is good policy, that is treason. Because they would then act against the interest of our country a.k.a. Trump and his administration.

1 month ago

Cut off their funding air!

1 month ago

What do you mean “pretend”?????

Linda Mcmahon
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