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Joe Biden Said ‘There Ought To Be A Target On President Trump’s Back’

Posted on Friday, July 26, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, July 26 — Robert B. Charles, better known as Bobby at the Association of Mature American Citizens, is a prolific writer focusing on current events. He served on the staffs of President Ronald Reagan and President George H. W. Bush; he served as Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell and as counsel to the U.S. House National Security subcommittee for five years; a former litigator, he taught law at Harvard University’s Extension School. In an interview with Rebecca Weber on her Better For America podcast he provided insight into events that shook our nation.

Bobby’s take on the recent attempt to assassinate President Donald Trump was that Kimberly Cheatle, Director of the U.S. Secret Service, was to blame. Indeed, she resigned earlier this week. 

“There is no way with an open rooftop within very short firing range, knowing that this guy is on the roof and no one taking him out,” he said. “Obviously there was a failure of communications between those that knew he was there, including law enforcement and the snipers that had him or would have had him in their sights, or should have had him in their sights. It should have been a cleared location long before the event. It should never have even been able to get set up.”

Bobby went on to note that “this is not the Secret Service that I knew under Reagan. under Bush 41 or under Bush 43. The Secret Service was and should be considered the elite law enforcement agency. I’ve worked with ATF, DEA, FBI, and I know these Secret Service guys. They are the best of the best traditionally. So, either the training has fallen down or there’s no priority when it comes to Donald Trump. They put agents there, they’re in training or something, but there’s no priority. You know, things roll downhill and if the leader of the organization is not inspired and focused and selfless and directed, that flows all the way down to the field level. So I will tell you fundamentally that first shot should never have gotten off and, secondly, the response in my view was subpar.”

He went on to focus on the need to turn the rhetoric down and to stop the talk that inspires political violence. Bobby pointed out that AMAC has long been focusing on the need to stop the talk. “We have been very methodical in article after article saying this is dangerous; it leads to a bad place. Think about the sequence of events after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. You had a speaker of the House and a Majority Leader pushing violence in the streets. We almost had a Supreme court justice assassinated. We have heard again and again the behaviors on the part of President Biden.”

Bobby went on to note that President Biden “set up a press conference in which he bathed himself in red light. He used the words enemies of the people to describe MAGA Republicans and ultimately half of the nation who had voted for Donald Trump. This is the exact language that was used by the Bolsheviks at the beginning of the last century. It is the exact language that was used in the French revolution, which stirred violence all over that country. How he could have even begun to think about doing that I can’t even imagine. But the demonization of Donald Trump has been a methodical, progressive, ongoing event such that just a couple of weeks ago you had Joseph Biden saying that there ought to be a target on President Trump’s back.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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2 months ago

Just imagine Kamala Harris in place of Trump, same exact situation. The left would have been burning down cities and then cry peaceful protest. The MSM stooges would justify the violence.
The disgusting red backdrop for that Biden speech, if it had been Trump, would have also triggered violent reaction from the thumb puppets on the left.

Lawn Ranger
Lawn Ranger
2 months ago

Let me make sure I have this right: Biden made the above statement, i. e. that he wished that Trump had a “bullseye on his back” every time he got up to speak. That is nothing less than TREASON on Biden’s part. He ought to be tried and arrested for that.

2 months ago

Exactly. The dems with Obiden have spread disinformation and lies over Trump and his supporters be they MAGA or middle of the road reps we are enemy of the state. Hatred streams out of his mouth even during the debate when ole Joe talked about his son Beau. Who didn’t die in Iraq but ole Joe likes to tell people that. This also belongs under the long list of lies Joe has been telling since 2020. Only when he is running against Trump or any Rep. he hates opposition. He likes it best when he is dictating to us with executive orders and orders mandates of behavior. Follow DEI, only Black History is to be taught in schools. Our founding fathers were terrible people. The Supreme Court needs to be abolished. We need millions of invaders in our country to replace those pesky middle class that can’t be brainwashed. After all these people didn’t built America. We are working for the invaders to reach equity. They allow smash and grab. Stores have to put their products behind glass under lock and key. Because everyone can steal a thousand dollar every day. Equity you know. Meritocracy is gone. I don’t know why kids still go to university. Oh yes just the rich kids. Joe will pay their student loans. Not the poor slob who made minimum wage his whole life. No not his kid gets a paid student loan from Joe. We pay for the invaders education and housing and health care. Just to break our savings so we will be dependent on ole Joe for a hand out. This is their plan only they forget there are more of us than of them. We will vote them out in November and expose them for what they are liars and manipulators who want to keep the power over us forever. Only we still have the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and a Supreme Court. We are still the land of the people, by the people and for the people. And we are not giving that up.

Michael B
Michael B
2 months ago

The real problem is that the media leans too far to the Left.

2 months ago

The nation seems to be 50-50 with its attitude. The Left has been STRONGLY STROKING the FIRE the past few years. Idiotic edicts and laws that are against all common sense. Increase government spending where most of the money is wasted (into someone’s bank account) and no accountability that has led to a massive debt which will be unpayable in the near future. The nation can get back on track with better representation and will take a lot of time to recover. However, most will get bored and turn back to the ways of the adversary thinking it will be better despite having shown the consequences.

2 months ago

Even I knew that the secret service should have been on that rooftop, not the shooter. The secret service always takes the high ground. Fire the person who was supposed to be on the roof and the director of that operation. There is no excuse for the sloppy handling of the protection of candidate Trump.

John Lemley
John Lemley
2 months ago

The ease in which the shooter got within firing range, the seeming complicity of the police inside the building (including the one who confirmed that someone was on the roof), the failure of those responsible for protecting President Trump and the disappointment expressed by at least 30% of democrats surveyed that the shooter missed, convince me that the shooter did not do this alone. It sure looks like others were behind this. I wish the shooter had been disabled rather than killed so he could have been questioned. He died with lots of information.

2 months ago

The democrat, or should I say communist, party wants no one to have guns. They keep screaming that we need more gun control laws. How about enforcing the laws we now have on the books? You can go to any major city in this country and find someone to sell you any kind of gun you want.
Clean up the “black market” and enforce the laws now on the books. Don’t sit on your fat, freeloading posteriors and scream gun control, DO SOME THING. Then, maybe you will see some sanity on our streets and in meetings. Make our country, schools, churches, streets, meeting places, and parks safe again. Cleaning up back market would go a long way toward a safer place to live.
Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and the largest gun related crime rate in the country. How does this add up? Please, someone tell me what I am missing here. I have several weapons in my home. Not one of them has ever hurt or killed one single person,

2 months ago

The biggest difference between republicans and democrats: republicans are mostly conservative law abiding citizens, democrats enable, encourage and empower radical criminal behavior.

2 months ago

No love lost for Biden. He is a man who will burn in Hell along with Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and a host of others.

2 months ago

Joe Biden is a disgusting creature and has been for 50 + years. Just because he’s now in his 80’s doesn’t excuse his behavior or his work or his lack of principles during his entire time in public office. Stop apologizing for the weak old man. This is a closet racist who fought against integration saying schools would become a “jungle’. This is a man with a boatload of racist jokes he thinks are funny and tells and retells. This is a man who plagiarized, grifted, lied and backslapped his way up the Peter Principle ladder. Who lighted on women and girls making them scared and uncomfortable in his close presence. This is man who panders to those he thinks will vote for him based on empty promises and who talks big about taking Trump out behind the barn but runs away at the first sign of having to prove himself — all braggadocio. Kamala is an uber Left version of Biden who got where she is due to the push from her relationships, first with a=mayor Willie Brown and then others. On her own she couldn’t even get 2% of the vote during the Democrat primaries. God help and save us from these two.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
2 months ago

and with that statement joe biden needs to spend his last few years in prison.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 months ago

Aren’t these the same people who made “dog whistle” comments about Trump’s speeches?

2 months ago

Isn’t it odd that there is still very little known about the shooter except he was 20 year old nerdy kid who spoon fed people in a rest home? No one is talking about this guy, not his family, co-workers, even the patients in the home where he worked. The media is not talking and that in itself is suspicious. By now everything he’s done, every text message, has been scrubbed. I am guessing it will end up in the same files as who left cocaine in the White House, and the Supreme Court decision leak.

2 months ago

The Communists’ rhetoric, along with their tactics and lack of denunciation of violent groups like ANTIFA and BLM incites violence against their political enemies, which is exactly what they want. They can harass and intimidate at will and keep the blood off their hands. Some have made token statements denouncing political violence in the wake of Butler PA, but when prominent leaders like Chucky Schumer and Maxine Waters exhort crowds with suggestions that imply violence, they are in fact guilty of any violence that occurs.

2 months ago

The leftist democrats are the ones, with media help, who are stirring the pot of violence, and always have been. Every assassination or attempt since Lincoln (except JFK) has been fomented by Democrats.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

SEE the Dems WANT Violence day 1

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

I wouldn’t be surprised about anything that”hiden biden”said,many of the screwier than thou said the same.I know that mad maxine said something to the order of cut down TRUMP and his supporters.The leftists are very sick and if left alone in their own little world will expand that sick little world further into our once peaceful world,they have a good start.

2 months ago

He actually used the word ‘bullseye’, but later SAID he had SAID ‘target’, trying to calm it down, and denying he said ‘bullseye’ to the interviewer. I think this was just about 2-3 days before 7/13. Lots of folks feel that this was their ‘greenlight’ on ‘the Plan’ in place, coming directly from ‘the one everybody thinks is in charge’, but isn’t.

2 months ago

no one ever said joe biden was an independent thinker. look at all the plagiarism he’s knowingly committed. stealing whole paragraphs from others’ speeches. lack of any historical truths.

S A Webster
S A Webster
2 months ago

We in a moral war. Prayer is the best defense and protection. Are House and Senate has very few people that are there for the people. The democrats all the same with help from rinos . There is just so much evil. It is like a fog in Washington that is now slithering through the country. They don’t even try to over it up anymore. Put on the amor of God.

2 months ago

Very ,very fortunate for the people of The United States (wether they realize it or not,that the “sniper”was not skilled in marksmanship.I’m 84 years of age and during practice for big game hunting season,we call it sighting in,I am still able to hit 12” gong at 360 yds 5 out of 5 shots with a 7 mag rifle.If it’s brown it’s down.Thank The good Lord for His protection of President Trump that day!

2 months ago

We have chosen a lot of our leaders based on their speeches of saying what we want to hear and swallowed that “political hogwash”. Looking at our past there were 2 strong leaders, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, who said what they wanted to do and then set out to do it. Unfortunately people didn’t understand that Trump was not a groomed politician so his speeches were earthy and to the point and they were not used to not beating around the sweet talking bush, but to the blunt point!
We need to look at the politicians’ actions and mute the speech as we have been led down the garden path with many promises, but failed causes. We now have a current VP making the same sweet talking promises with no substance of how to fix the failed promises…just more of the same old empty sweet talking promises with venom added against her opponent. She has completely failed in her duties the same as the resigned Secret Service Director.

2 months ago

A heads up people of prayer. There will be another attempt on his life. Begin praying now. If you know how to pray a rosary, do that, or google how to.

2 months ago

No that’s not what he said. He said they need to put a BULLSEYE on Trump’s back.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

Only a Dictator would make such a comment on his political opponent. Dictator Beijing biden is the one who should have a Target on his back since he is Guilty of espionage and High Treason.
The FACTS speak for themselves and it’s ALL documented.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Ninety percent of all true “hate speech” comes from the LEFT! And the so-called Leaders NEVER condemn it. If a “right-wing” person actually shows hate–not true disagreement– our leaders condemn them!

2 months ago

TDS is a real thing. The swamp’s hatred of Trump is blind, stoked by mass media and an administration that preaches hate against all Americans who follow the presidential candidate who wants to “Make America Great Again”. Biden would not have been ousted if Trump’s assassination had gone as planned. This was not the work of a lone assassin. Trump needs private security that he can trust, and I hope he has it, because this persecution isn’t going to end.Marxism and Communism have made huge inroads in our country, but we can still save it. We have to. Our children and this republic are depending on us. The future of this land rests on our shoulders.

2 months ago

There is no priority when it comes to President Trump. And if it would have been one of the DemonRATS own they would be flipping out.

2 months ago

Everyone knows this was an inside job now they spend their time covering up. Why don’t they give headboard Harris Trump’s Secret Service protection?

2 months ago

yeah a target on Trumps back – this should indicate the hatred biden has for Trump. no one has the guts to turn biden in to the police – i’m sure he has had something to do with Butler Pa

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

I do not think there was a failure of communication. Trump was a target but it was not meant to be The rat we smell is the size of an elephant

2 months ago


2 months ago

Good ole’ Joe said some things truthfully. Not what they wanted him to say, just what the truth was. A crime none the less. As for the shooter, as the article stated he should not have gotten off the first shot. The snipers are there for a reason and should never need justification to take out a threat. All the “facts” just don’t add up. So sad to watch America slipping away.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Oh, well, a bullseye on the back is a hell of a lot better then a diaper on your azz, right, Joe? STFU and continue to fall on your sword, Joe.

A guy who has an idea of just how capable they are
A guy who has an idea of just how capable they are
2 months ago

I believe it’s only a matter of time before China makes its move on Taiwan. So, President Biden, what’s your plan to stop it? What’s your plan when the Russians and Chinese violate our 3-mile boundary or temp us to shoot down one of their planes in our 3-mile airspace? We should have taken out their stinking balloon, but your belief is not to piss them off. Isn’t it far past time to put our planes in the air (in our own air space) and shoo them out? If they have the balls to fire on our planes in our 3-mile air space we’d be far past appeasement.

2 months ago

It’s just so much fun to be standing in a 3×3-foot sound-proof box, screaming for so long abolu how the dems are destroying the country and watching it get worse day-by-day, no change in sight, but we keep screaming our heads off and murder is still illegal (although murdering conservatives is apparently just fine with the left). i’ve just lost all hope for anything but a bloody revolution a la 1776.

2 months ago

Biden can say anything hurtful about anything or anyone because he is a democrat.

2 months ago

I really think there was a target on President Trump’s back. The perpetrator had a wad of money in overseas accounts. I don’t think a twenty year old could make arrangements like that. I think that the FBI director needs to reappear before Congress.

2 months ago

I thought that HATE SPEECH has been agreed that it is no longer exceptable between candidates. And, the Country as a whole need’s to stop spuing that kind of language. The Democrate party , far left spus hate through their talk. Joe O”biden making the comment about a bulls eye is the type of hate speech that the Democrate party has been spuing sence the Obama administration.
The MAGA movement is not a hate group nor are they the enimies of the people.This type of language that the Democrate party is spuing is the same language that dictators have used over the centuries. These governmsnts and dictators were and are oppressive. The Democrate party uses the same type of language (hate speech) in an oppressive way.
The American people need to understand the ultimate goal of the far left of the Democrate part is to destroy our great Country by any means they can.
If anyone does not believe that GOD did not have a protective hand in the attempted assasination of Donald Trump on the 13 of July in Butler, Pa. Not to preach but, Isaiah 54:17″ No WEAPON that is fashioned againt you shall succeed,….”

Joanna Gavaghan
Joanna Gavaghan
2 months ago

I think that this was intended.

2 months ago

As a baby boomer, the attempt on Trump brought back livid memories of JFK in 1963 and (RFK & MLK in 1968). The Secret service is an elite group & had lapse with Reagan being shot. But the USA is showing weak spots to the world with two events: The Jan 6 attack on our Capitol & now this attempt on Donald Trump. On the bright side, I am sure that Americans are not aware of all these type of attempts that Secret Service and FBI have prevented. But it is real alarming that a 20-year old kid can do this!

Rosemari Warner
Rosemari Warner
2 months ago

I can’t find it, when did Joe Biden say “there out to be a target on President Trump’s back’? That is a serious claim and I should be able to find evidence that it was said. Please provide the evidence.

2 months ago
  • World Atlas (as of 2024) says: 46.50 % of US is Protestant with the remaining religions (53.50%) scattered over 12 classifications; the largest of which is apparently, Roman Catholic 20.80%) with Muslim at less than 1% (.90%). If we lose our freedom we’ll know where to look. Please vote. It’s only a lost cause if you listen to the minority. Please vote.
2 months ago

This is a PRIME example of the Democrat Marxists saying what they “accuse” Republicans of saying! They CANNOT HIDE when they are ON RECORD of their misdeeds!

2 months ago

The Democrats(communist party) have been pushing violence for decades, more so after the first bi-racial gay President was selected. What we are seeing is what happens in third world Communist Dictatorships to take out your political opponent.
Also want to point out the do nothing Rinos are just as much to blame.

2 months ago

Why is it the common thought that the conservatives need to tone down the rhetoric, while the hard left liberal radicals stand around and pour gasoline on the Fire. Aided 100% by the lap dog media. If you want to know what’s really going on read Tammy Bruce’s new book fear itself. And also check out Saul alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The left wing liberal handbook

Ken Pepper
Ken Pepper
2 months ago

If any citizen had done that, they would most likely have been arrested and jailed. Does this kind of speech being ignored mean that any U.S. citizen could be ignored, too? I pray this is not the case and that anyone, regardless of stature or position, would be either.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 months ago

They do it, and will continue to do it, because there is never any consequences for them.

2 months ago

There’s never been any doubt in my mind, that especially once Trump grasp the true gravity of the joint efforts by the WEF and Obama/Clinton/Biden’s grand desire to totally change the American sovereign nation into the globalist world government, with all their authoritarian acolytes joining them, to control and eliminate most persons around the world, that he was walking a thin tightrope to remain alive. What’s next on their menu? Let your imagination be your guide!!!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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