
National Security , Newsline

Rubio Demands Panama Reduce Chinese Influence Over Canal or US Will Act

Posted on Monday, February 3, 2025
by Outside Contributor

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio kicked off his trip to Latin America by meeting with Panamanian leaders, pressing them to urgently address the Chinese regime’s influence over the region.

The top U.S. diplomat shared his national security concerns with Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino and Foreign Minister Javier Martínez-Acha in a Panama City meeting on Feb. 2.

Rubio told them that President Donald Trump has determined that “the current position of influence and control of the Chinese Communist Party over the Panama Canal area is a threat to the canal,” according to State Department spokesperson Tammy Bruce.

Rubio called the status quo “unacceptable” and said the United States would “take measures necessary” unless there were “immediate changes,” according to Bruce.

The talks marked Rubio’s first overseas trip since assuming the post less than two weeks ago. The trip, which includes stops in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, also marks the first time in a century that a U.S. secretary of state has made Latin America the first official destination, reflecting a U.S. desire to counter rising Chinese diplomatic encroachment in the region.

The United States spent a decade building the Panama Canal, which connects the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean. In 1999, under a 1977 treaty, Panama took control of the 51-mile-long waterway.

The agreement gives the United States the right to defend the canal using military force to guarantee the canal’s neutrality and ensures perpetual U.S. usage of the canal.

A Hong Kong-based Hutchison Ports subsidiary currently operates two ports at the canal’s Atlantic and Pacific entrances. The company has renewed a 25-year contract with Panama, allowing it to operate these ports until 2046.

Rubio, a longtime China hawk, has warned that Beijing, which maintains tight control of companies based in Hong Kong, could exploit the ports’ control to shut down the canal in times of conflict with Washington. He told the Panamanian officials that such Chinese influence violates the neutrality treaty.

Mulino, who on Jan. 30 ruled out negotiations over canal ownership, told reporters after the meeting that the talks were very respectful and cordial and that the officials had talked at length to “clear up doubts” from the United States.

He said that the Chinese presence at the canal was among the most important topics in their discussions.

He acknowledged the concerns from Washington and noted that Panamanian authorities are auditing the Hong Kong port operator and that they will act accordingly based on their findings.

“The ports do raise doubts, but, as I said, so far, I have no elements of judgment to opine anything more,” he said, also stating that “the sovereignty of Panama is not in doubt.”

Panama severed its ties with Taiwan in 2017 and months later signed onto the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese regime’s global infrastructure project that critics said has trapped poor countries in debt.

Mulino said Panama will not renew the 2017 memorandum of understanding about the initiative once it expires.

The Panamanian leader also suggested a possible expansion of an existing agreement from last July to assist with U.S. deportation efforts.

The expanded deal could pave the way for direct deportations of illegal immigrants hailing from countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador who cross the Darien Gap jungle spanning the Colombia–Panama border, though Mulino said the United States would need to cover the cost.

Eva Fu is a New York-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on U.S. politics, U.S.-China relations, religious freedom, and human rights. Contact Eva at [email protected]

Reprinted with Permission from The Epoch Times – By Eva Fu

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 days ago

Isn’t it amazing what happens when we have a real man as president? Not a go along to get along it doesn’t know what a woman is and thinks that transgendered perverts are more important than the average American family. The Democrats will never get elected again their true colors have come out. They hate this country and they are willing to Burn It to the Ground just so they can rule over the ashes. The Democrat Party needs to be classified as a domestic terrorist organization, they are the epitome of evil

Edye Nye
Edye Nye
6 days ago

However about eliminating Chinese influence not just reducing it?

6 days ago

Chinese influence is rampant all over the world. They own strategic ports out right all over the world or Chinese companies run them. It has expanded under Obama and Biden regime hundred fold. With land in America bought up by the Chinese government. Of course under Chinese business names. Then South America and Africa and Europe thrown in for good measure. They are everywhere. If not buying up land or starting businesses, they are spying and starting unrest. Can Trump convince Panama and many other third world countries who have gotten millions from China to do business with them, to do business with America? The Yankee go home countries? It will be difficult. Especially after Biden and his no action regime where his defense was, DON’T

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
6 days ago

Has everyone forgotten about the Monroe Doctrine?

6 days ago

Don’t know we can trust Panama when they had severed ties with Taiwan to do business with China. Kind of a bad look for them if you know what I mean!

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 days ago

They don’t invent’ build or innovate but boy do they know how to use it to advance themselves .And the rest of the world enables them and lets itself be used. Who is the stupid one?

6 days ago

Interesting how Rubio and other’s in President Trump’s team can, much to the disdain of the democrats, get things done the right way.

Dr. Wesley Shankland
Dr. Wesley Shankland
6 days ago

At least we now have a real leader in Donald Trump and an outstanding Secretary of State conveying the president’s orders. This is a national security issue and our patriotic leader is taking this issue very seriously. I thank the Lord for his guidance of the president.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 days ago

There would be NO Panama Canal without the US. There would be NO Panama itself without the US. We aided the Panamanians in their independence battle against Colombia. Our workers died of malaria building the canal. Why did Peanut Brain give control of OUR canal to Panama? We MUST get China out of our hemisphere. I guess DIMMs have never heard of the Monroe Doctrine!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 days ago

“A prosperous China is good for America!”- John Kerry. I’m sure its made him that way… minus 10% for the Big Guy.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 days ago

Get rid of these Chinese bases alone & reuse for US Navy & CG

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 days ago

It is hard to imagine the logic behind the Carter “administration” losing the Panama Canal. And now China in control!

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
6 days ago

Jimmy Carter gave the Panama Canal away, among the other stupid things he did, like interfering in Iran and Venezuela.

6 days ago

Does anyone know if the S. Americans swim the canal or walk over the locks enroute to the USA?

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 days ago

Finally taking care of one of America’s huge mistakes. Hard to imagine what logic drove the Carter tribe to this insanity. And now China’s in charge. Few things are more important than regaining control of the Panama Canal.

6 days ago

So thnn; I wonder how the enroute to USA illegals get from S. America thru Panama…..swim the canal or waltz right over the locks? I wonder if Rubio discussed that?

James D
James D
5 days ago

This is Trump via Marco Rubio politely, (for now), calling out president Mulino for taking money from China through their belt & road initiative and violating the neutrality treaty with the United States! Panama probably got used to the Biden administration looking the other way and thought they could double dip with no one noticing!

6 days ago

I take back everything bad I said about “Little Marco.” I stand corrected and apologize! Trump is the man!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 days ago

Very good article Eva , the inclusion of the agreement concerning the 1977 treaty in which the United States has the right to use the canal and the right to maintain neutrality is pivotal in understanding the situation. And understanding this. Panama Canal situation should be high on the list of important foreign policy matters for all Americans

6 days ago

I have seen articles for years concerned with how China has taken over the maritime shipping industry. the number 1 export economy on the planet, so they own most of the shipping containers (have you noticed the names on them when you see them on the highway?), and have ports near destinations to facilitate delivery of their goods. This has made it easy for them to foreign register container ships to hide their dominance. It’s good business practice; if you were an executive in shipping/commerce with the circumstances they had you would have taken the same steps as they: just good business, and completely legal. With the stupid view of outsourcing and such the US elites followed for years they watched them do it out in the open. This is stupid: bitching about needing to close the barn door after all the cows have gotten out and plundered the grain field. We should have been “watching the barn” years ago instead of sleeping on the job.

American Patriot
American Patriot
6 days ago

I almost feel sorry???? for the foreign diplomats that have to deal with the USA now, after 4yrs of Bydone & Kackles????????????????????????

6 days ago

Either China gets all the way out of Panama, or the Star Spangled Banner goes up over the Canal Zone. That should be Panama’s only two options. We built that Canal at great expense, monetary, and in American lives; and Panama as a country would not even exist if the U.S. had nor persuaded Colombia to give up land for the purpose of building a canal. If we were only interested in colonization, and expanding as Panama’s nincompoop President said we would have never left after we ousted their previous drug dealer President Noriega, and we would have never honored this idiotic treaty to turn the Canal Zone over to a country that falls for whatever communist pied piper comes first, Chinese, Cuban, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan.

6 days ago

China apparently hacpve brought in thousands of workers to build a bridge across the canal. The makeup of theses workers is unknown and they are encamped, according to US representatives there, in barbed wire protected camps. No US ambassador there for years has given China and Panama officials a free hand. Not a good situation. Very dangerous.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 days ago

Very good article Eva , understanding the matter of the 1977 treaty concerning the. right of. the United States to use of the canal and the right to maintain neutrality of the Panama Canal is essential to this issue. This issue should be high on the list of foreign policy matters for all Americans.

6 days ago

“Panama severed its ties with the non-CCP in 2017” so can we expect CCP attempt to lessen even more control over US & US based interests (inclluding the canal? Good thing “the sovereignty of Panama is not in doubt.” They’ll be able to withstand the pressure on their soversignty from communist China, as long as we will contribute more souls than lost to build it to defend our, and world-wide commerce, interests. Remember: Panamanian leader also suggested a possible expansion of an existing agreement from last July to assist with U.S. deportation efforts, while also enabling importing illegals to US.

5 days ago

The Monroe Doctrine should have been adopted and enforced since its introduction.

6 days ago


Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
6 days ago

I am awaiting approval again for stating facts. If I am censored, I will not renew my membership.

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