Bureaucrats cheat taxpayers. The Federal Government is not a business. Employees do not lose their jobs when work is unfinished,...
For decades, USAID – founded in 1961 by John F. Kennedy to advance US interests during the Cold War via...
Shortly before Milton Friedman's death in 2006, I had the privilege of interviewing him over dinner in San Francisco. The...
Government excels at NOT getting things done. But politicians promise more things anyway. Kamala Harris declared that our government would “build...
ActBlue, the massive online fund-raising platform for liberal causes, has informed Congress it did not automatically block donations made with...
In today’s economy of skyrocketing costs, the need to be money-wise is more important than ever! Here are seven sensible...
WASHINGTON DC, Oct 18 -- The Oxford dictionary describes crowdfunding as “the practice of funding a project or venture by...
The fundamental problem with Kamala Harris' campaign promises is that she has served as vice president of the United States...
Take our 10-question finance/money trivia quiz to test your knowledge! Good luck! 1. In which country is the euro not...
Take our 10-question finance/money trivia quiz to test your knowledge! Good luck! 1. According to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, which...
Sponsored By – Travelers One of the greatest joys in life is the bond between grandparent and grandchild. Even better,...
Sponsored By - Travelers It would be nice if legitimate, even beneficial, telemarketing calls could be easily identified from the...
Did you know that the average American owns 75 to 100+ clothing items? EnterpriseAppsToday also shares that households allocate an...
Vacation costs Taking a vacation during summertime is a dream for many families. Perhaps they hope to explore wonderous places...
Do you live frugally? If you do, read on to learn why this practice is likely good! How is frugal...
The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the...
Consumers on a budget are panicking as the prices of groceries and staple goods such as detergents and pet food...
To bet on the upcoming presidential election, don't just rely on polls. Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President...
Are you paying attention to what the money managers who you've entrusted with your lifetime savings are actually doing with...
There is a famous story about Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman walking down the street with a friend. The friend...
The world is changing – values should not. We are losing WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam-era veterans at an accelerated...
What is charity? That is up to you, but if authentic all heart, no expectations, conditions, or credit. Wrote St....
If you pay New York state taxes, you're paying top dollar and getting bupkis. Nothing in the budget deal announced...
Congress is at it again, spending heaps of taxpayer dollars on special interests and expanding the size of government with...
A look at the dark money groups and their backers fueling the 2024 presidential election. Democrats are outspending Republicans $800...
What are they? Scams are dishonest schemes whereby good people are swindled by bad actors who seek to perform fraud....
And other important things you should know! Scams are dishonest schemes whereby good people are swindled by bad actors who...
Emergency savings funds are important as they work to keep people experiencing emergencies out of debt. Establishing one is worthwhile...
We all have life stories, how we got from where we were to where we are, unexpected blessings, things overcome,...
The left’s equivalent of the Koch network, Arabella Advisors, is a powerhouse distributor of mega money to progressive PACs and...
Taking on an interior paint job and seeking ways to save money? Here are some clever ways to do so!...
People often ask how illegal aliens can afford to pay for their journeys. Much of the funding comes from predictable...
AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan As conservatives ramp up their efforts to chip away at liberal centers of power,...
Money experts frequently suggest that ordinary people utilize a finance strategy. But what exactly does this mean and how is...
Sensible people seek ways to be financially fit. Read on to benefit from these tips! Now that we’ve entered a...
Sponsored By - Travelers Investment scams are very common in the U.S., and anyone can become a victim. But for...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel We live in a country full of very generous people—especially conservatives. They give...
As Biden inflicts high inflation, interest, taxes, and regulation on average Americans, he dishes 100 billion hard-earned dollars to Ukraine....
So, last week we has one of those dawdle, dash, sigh, and vote dances, the sort republics have every few...
A key House committee on Wednesday released a copy of a $40,000 check it says was laundered through a China...
After spending $6 trillion on social welfare and a Green New Deal spending spree and running our national debt up...
The very definition of the word “brilliant” is clever, skilled, or showing great intelligence. Brilliant types “think outside the box”...
The ScamPeople often believe they are lucky to find money. Turns out it’s not always good luck after all. Police...
AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott In recent months, a number of notorious liberal “ethics watchdog” groups – most of...
If the horse you are taking is the wrong one and goes the wrong way, maybe it's the right time...
Things can happen unexpectedly… Melissa recently traveled to Mexico with friends. While dining at a restaurant, her handbag was stolen....
Saving money is unfulfilling for most people, at least in the short and medium term. In fact, it’s often a...
“Follow the money” was his seminal phrase, a mantra. Judge John Sirica told Watergate prosecutors to navigate by that North...
Families trying to make ends meet face unique challenges that single individuals, childless couples, and empty nesters do not. In...
Seniors trying to make ends meet face unique challenges others simply do not. The fixed income component is one. While...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel My seven-year-old daughter asked me an interesting question this week. “Dad, you know...
AMAC Exclusive – By David Lewis Schaefer While President Joe Biden and his PR team tout the supposed successes of...
The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government groups in America. These...
It’s routine to get a health check-up from your doctor—the annual physical. We do the same with auto check-ups each...
Understanding the complexities of Medicare can be a daunting task, but knowing how to be a savvy Medicare shopper will...
While likely yes, it’s not the main reason seniors do it RV is the abbreviation for recreational vehicle. The term...
On Monday, actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court about an alleged money laundering scheme for then-President Barack Obama’s reelection...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott (more…)
AMAC Exclusive - By Daniel Berman President Joe Biden, joined by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, delivers remarks about student loan...
Washington, D.C. – January 19, 2023 – Today, the Honest Elections Project (HEP) released a report in conjunction with the...
Although about half the states ban private dollars from funding local governing of elections as a response to Mark Zuckerberg’s...
There's no such thing as blue money or red money. Only the green stuff will pay bills. Friday, North Carolina...
Currently, with the soaring cost of college tuition, unexpected and expensive life events, rising interest rates, and high inflation, it...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis Just a few weeks after Chinese President Xi Jinping secured an unprecedented third term...
The American people can’t be blamed for confusion over Joe Biden’s official policy on illegal immigration, but a cursory look...
Per Forbes, food prices have risen 11.4% from August 2021 to August 2022, reflected on the most recent Consumer Price...
If Democrats lose this fall, repulsion with “dirty politics” may be the cause – more than inflation, crime, drug deaths,...
Gas prices have skyrocketed recently, and though they’ve come down a bit in some states, people are still discouraged and searching...
If you're a taxpayer in New York, or anywhere in the U.S., you're getting scammed by groups like United Way,...
It’s easy to fall in love with home designs we see on television, the internet, or in magazines. Whether it...
Facing a tight budget? You are not alone. Did you know that many people live paycheck to paycheck? Per CNBC,...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott President Joe Biden greets California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) as he arrives at Mather...
By Ian Gargan Americans continue to have their wallets accosted by runaway inflation rates, courtesy of the Biden Administration and...
AMAC Exclusive - By David Lewis Schaefer In a speech to the AFL-CIO last week, Biden unrepentantly remarked that he...
President Joe Biden spoke at the Port of Los Angeles the other day and addressed the issue foremost on the...
Cashier’s check fraud is a common type of scam often targeting elderly citizens. A cashier’s check is one that is...
From the keeping more of your money in your pocket series. Yikes! Bills keep going up, and, unfortunately, sometimes incomes...
In recent editions, we have pointed out that gold has risen during the Fed’s last three rate-rising cycles. We can...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis President Ronald Reagan once compared inflation to a violent mugger, a scary armed robber,...
Dear Rusty: I am 66 years plus 8 months old, am still working making six figures, and can support myself....
America is great because we are good, as de Tocqueville once reminded us. We must never forget that and never...
Since the start of the pandemic, many family gatherings have been put on temporary hold. However, as public health confidence...
Kitchen hacks, also called food hacks, are techniques used by cooks to speed up food prep, make kitchen jobs easier,...
More destructive than any specific policy item modern Democrats are pushing this year are the ideas they use to justify...
Dear Rusty: I have heard that when my wife and I pass, the government keeps all we have paid into...
Love can come at any age. While it is wonderful to find someone worthy of sharing your life, especially in...
House Democrats recently voted to advance the $1 trillion infrastructure bill that passed the Senate last month, setting up a...
Saving for retirement, or simply want to boost your nest egg for better security? The strategy is straightforward; set and...
Congress enacted nearly $6 trillion in extra money through multiple COVID-19 relief packages and the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion non-COVID spending bill...
During June 2021, sales of the Gold American Eagles slowed to only 4,000 ounces due mostly to a cessation of...
Any amateur magician knows palming a card or coin involves secretly taking something while distracting watchers. Biden's big spending is...
When I taught high school history and economics for 15 years, I used to get this question from a student...
AMAC Exclusive All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, not...
If someone entered your bedroom and stole over $1,000 from your sock drawer, you’d call the police and likewise be...
The Biden Administration waited until the Friday before Memorial Day weekend to send its long-delayed budget to Congress—and one look...
So, you decide you want to go on vacation. You and your traveling companions pick where and when to go....
This week, the entire Eastern United States experienced something Americans have not seen since the disastrous days of Jimmy Carter:...
AMAC Exclusive Facebook's meddling in the last year's election is widely known--from censoring the Hunter Biden scandal to restricting "political...
Earth Day is an annual event that occurs on April 22 to demonstrate support of the environment. What began in...
I decided to do some furniture shopping last weekend. It’s just time for a little updating and to change out...
Written By: Stephen Fauer, CFA Most people love tech, even if they don’t fully understand it. It consists of cutting-edge...
Dear Rusty: I will turn 66 this year and am considering claiming my Social Security. I have already applied for...
[caption id="attachment_334329" align="alignleft" width="529"] Grand Valley water rights, the largest and oldest on the river, allow people, communities, agriculture, industry...
Sponsored By - DonorsTrust With more than one million registered charities in the United States, keeping tabs on who really...
As Americans, we have been enduring for almost four years the secret conspiratorial collaboration of an unholy trinity of leftist,...
“While so much about the current environment remains unclear, there’s one thing that isn’t: gold, which—unlike people and our economies—is...
President Trump could use a guardian angel before he sometimes rudely or crudely tweets or comments, but he isn’t often...
Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT, is all the rage in the halls of Congress lately. To hear the Progressive left...
The U.S. economy is roaring like no other time in recent memory. The job market is hot, unemployment is down...
“The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed,” Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels said. What could this possibly...