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Ukrainian Corruption – How Much is Too Much?

Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Ukrainian and American Flag

As Biden inflicts high inflation, interest, taxes, and regulation on average Americans, he dishes 100 billion hard-earned dollars to Ukraine. Suspicions rise – and for good reason – pockets are being lined, perhaps even Zelensky’s. While we stand watch for more Biden kickbacks, Ukraine’s corruption nears intolerable.

Objectively, Americans struggle to their pay bills, especially seniors on fixed incomes, losing life savings to inflation and high credit, with no end in sight. Meantime, Ukraine sucks down more money than NATO.

Where is that money going? Theoretically, to weapons. Some must be. But no one dares ask the hard questions. Talk is cheap, and Inspector General (IG), Government Accounting Office (GAO), and even Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports on recent Ukrainian corruption are few – why?

Answer:  Because the truth is profoundly embarrassing, especially in an election year, when Biden wants to keep funding Ukraine to posture support for freedom – while prosecuting free speech and free markets.

On numbers, doubts about Zelensky are mounting, and not just in America. Based on interviews with 2000 Ukrainians, fully 77 percent say Zelensky allows corruption in his government and the military.

More, we should have suspected Zelensky – and others – from the start. Think about it. This is the nation that underwrote Hunter Biden’s mystery wealth, as Joe Biden threatened to withhold $100 billion in aid (on record, Council on Foreign Relations) if they did not fire the prosecutor pursuing Hunter’s company. Note: They did, Joe Biden then released the aide, and that company paid Hunter Biden.

Now, far from backrooms, Ukraine just sucks down massive amounts of US aid, roughly five billion a month from US taxpayers, little for the money month after month, except more US debt and talk.

What was known in 2021?  Enough. Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in the world, as endemically corrupt as El Salvador, Algeria, Angola, or Zambia – more than 115 other countries, including Qatar, Dominica, Rwanda, Saudi, Namibia, Vietnam, Surinam, India, Colombia, Sierra Leone, and dozens of others. Even Cuba and China rank less corrupt than Ukraine. 

Other facts now sting. Old documents confirm, that even before Ukraine started draining the US Treasury and weapons inventories, Zelensky and his circle, including chief aide, owned “offshore companies… in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus and Belize,” some “used … to buy pricey London real estate,” and even after the 2019 election, Zelensky’s family got offshore money.  Maybe that’s where Joe and Hunter got the idea? 

Wind the clock forward. Throughout 2022 and 2023, “large scale embezzlement schemes” and “strategic corruption” continue to dog money sent to Ukraine, dribs and drabs getting out, always followed by an act of contrition, new resolution, or a firing – but the money all gone.

Ironically, as the Biden White House and congressional Democrats remain mum on endemic, unchecked corruption in Ukraine, under Zelensky’s watch if not guidance, some in the media are uneasy. They are asking how Ukraine can be absorbing all that money, and where it is going? They are right. Answers are few. While some stories have popped up, the reality is hard to ignore. 

Some media, especially in 2023, are finally asking, what is happening with all the money? They suggest Zelensky may be directly involved, yet where are congressional inquiries, reality checks, hearings, spending limits, IG, and GAO investigations?  Not to be found. Meantime, Biden and Yellen argue the world will end if Ukraine is not endlessly funded. But will it? 

Slowly, there is a realization that this unpleasant truth cannot be kept under a basket. It is the kind of ignominious practice that eventually finds light. A few in Congress know the open faucet must be turned off, but Biden and virtually all Democrats are all in, ready to keep spending, not cap or stop.  

Real question: How much more denial, deception, covering up, ignoring, forgiving, and permitting of Ukrainian corruption will be allowed? More dollars lost? Ukraine is not even a NATO ally, yet they are soaking average Americans. What can you say? This cannot go on forever. Then again, the Bidens are not NATO allies either, and they … well, that is another story for another day. How much, then, is too much?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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9 months ago

The fact that Biden and friends just “gave” $Billions in equipment and cash to Ukraine without asking for any accounting audits is telling. Biden doesn’t care; it’s that simple. And why isn’t the U.S. REQUIRING Europe to pay the bulk of the cost for Ukraine? Why is the U.S., once again, the prime funder of anything that happens while NATO sits and grins, knowing they can “let the United States do it.” Most in the U.S.are now exhausted from the lack of honesty and decency in the Biden Administration. Support Ukraine at any cost, but allow the world into our country with Open Borders, including terrorists. We are waiting for the other shoes to drop and Biden will have even more blood on his hands.

9 months ago

Simple question…How much is too much?
Simple answer….the first time we gave corrupt Zelensky a dime was too much!!!
He is not stupid, he knows he is dealing with the most corrupt and inept President America has ever seen and he is manipulating Biden day in and day out. One corrupt hand greasing another corrupt greased hand. Past time to stop and totally forget Zelensky.
If our attention and money is given as any kind of aid it needs to go to Israel!!

9 months ago

Please send no more money America must come first!

9 months ago

This is another quagmire of epic proportions. I have a feeling that as soon as elected, our “representatives” forget from which state they are from to pretend being consul of the world.

9 months ago

If the Ukrainian government is corrupt as some believe then we should look no further than Washington DC as the corruption capital of the world.

9 months ago

It is easy to feel sorry for the average Ukrainian caught in the Russian invasion. Sending big bucks for maintaining the status quo is nonsense. Ukrainian corruption was well known prior to Russia’s invasion. Now I’m guessing there are people making money by having an unending war. Doing “something” because we are sympathetic to the plight of Ukrainians is not a plan and it won’t lead to a positive result. What does winning look like? If we don’t define it, we can’t accomplish it. But then we are pros at going to war without defining victory. I was in Vietnam, a primary example. Then we have Iraq and Afghanistan. When President Bush the Elder sent troops into Kuwait, he defined victory as kicking the Iraqi military out of Kuwait. I’m not sure that was a good definition of victory, but we did it and then we left.

Paul W
Paul W
9 months ago

“Too much” is a virtually unchecked invasion of our supposedly sovereign border, while this regime forks over OUR money hand over fist, by the BILLIONS, to a cokehead grifter who kicks part of it back to his tax dollar misappropriating benefactors while absolutely nothing is being spent to stop an invasion that is threatening national security, fueling violent crime and draining our already reeling economy. That, is WAY TOO MUCH to allow to continue! The only positive take is that the little grifting creep left dc today…empty handed.
PS Excellent article as always, RBC

9 months ago

Obama put the labs there..just as corrupt!

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
9 months ago

No doubt the Biden crime family is expecting substantial kickbacks.

9 months ago

The news I have heard that Zelensky has multi million dollars estates on the French Ruviera and in Florida. Ole Joe just opened a bank account for the Ukraine without any oversight. We are paying the social security for the Ukrainians and other social payments. Plus all the weapons and of course lining the pockets of the oligarchs and Zelensky. A mediocre comedian who goes on a shopping spree at the most expensive shops in New York while his country and its people are in the middle of a war. He is back today telling America help us or else. Or else what.
Why is ole Joe demanding a cease fire in the Middle East but not in the Ukraine. Why is he not demanding that the Ukraine and Russia sit down and negotiate a peace. That is what he demands of Israel and they were not the starters of the war. Ukraine should be told the same thing. Ole Joe does not understand what Putin with the help of the corrupt Ukrainian government is doing. Weaken America militarily and monetarily.
Enough said.

9 months ago

To: United States House & Senate: STOP sending American Taxpayer $ ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD and PAY OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT!!!!!!! STOP GIVING money, cloths, free health care, ANYTHING to ILLEGAL ALIENS and we WON’T NEED A WALL!!!!
ELIMINATE the Presidential Proclamation AKA “Executive Order”. Start running the Country for the people instead of Foreign Governments and LOBBIESTS. The President should have suggestions NOT PROCLAMATIONS!!!!
Get your heads out from where the sun doesn’t shine and take care of business!!!!
And it’s time we had REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN in the armed forces instead of Men dressing like women and Woman dressing like wannabe men!!!!!
THATS MY 3Cents!

Dwight K. Walker
Dwight K. Walker
9 months ago

Just send weapons that can be used to defend themselves and stop Russia. Quit spoon feeding them weapons just send the right ones.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

How come we never get an explanation as to what the final goal is? (I know the answer; the question is rhetorical.) Ukraine will NEVER get all of its pre-war territory back unless Biden sends in US troops. Even then, with our WOKE commanders, we could lose big!
How did US weapons end up with Hamas in Gaza? From Ukraine or Afghanistan? Why no auditing to see where the money is going? And, perhaps most importantly, why do some (alleged) Republicans support sending even MORE money to Zelenskyy?

A Voter
A Voter
9 months ago

Joe Blowden had to pay the Ukraine back for the millions Hunter collected from the Ukraine for him doesn’t he? This is a payoff from Biden. Next we’ll see Taiwan “invade” Chine so Biden can send them billions too.

9 months ago

I am angry at Establishment republicans. that don’t give a damn about the Trillion in interest we will be paying in interest on this insane deficit! This is on their watch also! The idea of billions of dollars being sent to the most corrupt money laundering capital of the world with no accountability my blood is boiling!

Michael Burke
Michael Burke
9 months ago

How do you destroy America? You do it from within of course. You take control at the highest levels of government, you bankrupt not only the economy but the very moral fabric of it’s citizens. You deplete it’s military capabilities and infect the morale of it’s members by installing bad actors in key positions of leadership.
You control the narrative through a biased cooperative media, Corporate & Big Tech.You destroy it’s sovereignty by leaving it’s borders wide open while encouraging not only the desperate to enter illegally from who knows where but the drug runners and potential terrorists that wish to do us harm too.
America is under attack from within and many Americans don’t even realize it.
We’re so divided it appears hopeless.You have to ask yourself as an American; “What country benefits most from a failed American and who is selling us out? I think that’s obvious by now.

Mike L
Mike L
9 months ago

Maybe it’s blackmail. joe is paying Zelensky to keep quiet about the crap that hunter and joe pulled off when joe was VP under obama years ago. The Ukraine cover-up.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Make sure to shave off the usual 10% to the Big Guy, Zelinsky!

9 months ago

Watch those who support the Ukrainian war from both sides of the isle. Just follow the money.

9 months ago

Once your in as a deep as Biden taking money for deals , you might as well continue at Americans expense, because you have never been for America ca to begin with. And the fools call Trump a crook??? I’ll take my four years of good life under Trump any day

9 months ago

Robert a very interesting and well written article, thank you.
So one has to wonder if American tax dollars,unaccountable, should be sent to Ukraine at all?
Yes,we do want to support freedom, deter communist aggression but isn’t that the responsibility of all the European countries to carry the largest portion?
There are reports of neighboring countries curtailing or ceasing to fund Ukraine at all.
It’s especially troubling because the marxist democrat party, biden and some rinos are pushing billions in non-transparent funding , which taxpayers should never allow

President Trump once again has it right and the current Republican majority in Congress seems to have figured out the correct way to budget and spend.
NO MORE slush fund omni- budgets which are contributing to a bloated bureaucracy, lobbyist payoffs and massive corruption and waste.
Its time to re-examine carefully where OUR MONEY is going and for what,BEFORE we send anything,anywhere!
This administration is CORRUPT!

9 months ago

I think that maybe the “Biden Mafia” is still profiting from the Ukraine fiasco or he’s paying them back for all the cash he and Hunter already received!!!!!!!!!

9 months ago

Even though Bidums propaganda arm, the MSM, Facebook and others won’t show it, FOX, Epoch Times and others have, so many of us have seen, heard and have some idea of what has been going on. We all heard Bidum say he will keep pouring “America’s money” into the Ukraine War, “for as long as it takes” Takes for what? When will it be done? Where is all the money going? Has there been any accounting of where the billions are going? Who is getting it? How much more would be needed? Honestly, how is the war really going? Is Russia/Putin/ Zelinsky having any thoughts at all of ending it? The death and destruction is senseless and horrible, there can be no winner. How much is Joe and Hunter getting from this war? America is thousands of miles away, Europe is next door to this, how much is Europe contributing to this war? We need to consider America and our border first, not another nations thousands of miles away! And we need to follow our Constitutional Laws that made America great and that includes our immigration laws. We have them and our ancestors followed them, why isn’t Bidum? People watch thousands of illegals invade America every day. Do they realize this is more than 7 or 8 million with all the “got aways” so far and growing every day. That is the population size of 3 or 4 large cities. Bidum and others intend to feed, house and educate them with money we don’t even have. Meanwhile “city leaders” are kicking veterans out of hotels where they lived to house illegals instead! This is wrong.

9 months ago

I think a big chunk of it is ending up in our crooked politician’s pockets! Joe’s, Chuckie’s, Mitch’s and I think that’s why Nancy made her trips to Ukraine and Taiwan before she left the speakership- to ensure she gets her cut!

9 months ago

ANY corruption is too much. We all know that tens of millions of Ukrainian funding is coming back to Biden, the Biden crime family and corrupt members of congress.

David Campbell
David Campbell
9 months ago

The donkey in the room is being ignored.
Remember the crypto currency scandal? Probably not, because the media doesn’t report on it. Tax dollars went to Ukraine. Everybody took their cut (and presumably some of it actually went to the war effort) and then Ukrain bought crypto currency and then millions of dollars of that ended up going to the Democrat party. In other words it’s one giant money laundering operation that benifits the Democrat party.That’s why the Democrats (and maybe some Republicans as well?) want a blank chek for Ukraine.

9 months ago

I have always been against giving anything, whatsoever, to Ukraine, let alone because of the corrupt and dictatorial leader, Zelensky. We should not be funding any country. All money and resources stay here, Not one dollar of tax money to any country, period!!

9 months ago

It is very easy (and satisfying to the corrupt) to give other’s money away! Many government giveaways include NO verification it is being spent as “intended”. This includes all grants – I have been involved with these and the follow-up is laughable!

9 months ago

Ukraine is enjoying every benefit that would go out to a NATO country. Once again, the administration redefines and inches up to going to far. This will be like student loan write-offs.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
9 months ago

Hey, whats a little corruption? I mean, we have a Nazi infused government to support here!! And think of all the good our billions have already gone toward. Imprisoning priests, stealing ancient church icons, shuttering opposition newspapers, “disappearing” opposition journalists….or just imprisoning them. Banning opposition political parties, banning elections that might remove the US Government installed penis piano playing President of Ukraine. And the lead general is a possible replacement for the little man in green? Ever take a look at General Zalushnys office? A bust and two framed photos of Stepan Bandera, a man whose evil shocked even the German Waffen SS are proudly displayed.
The US sure can choose some awesome proxys with which to get our asses kicked by Russia through. We sure showed those evil Russians!!
Uh…..what has Russia ever actually done to the US?? SHUT UP!!!

Allen A
Allen A
9 months ago

As long as Biden and the Democrats hold power in this country, billions of our tax dollars will go to prop up his blackmailers in Ukraine and Communist China. It doesn’t matter how many people bring out evidence or what that evidence is, his plundering of the US on behalf of his international “associates” will continue until he is out of office and in a jail cell. One thing that I believe would hasten that happy day is if every patriot makes sure that there are recall petitions circulating against every Democrat and RINO holding public office, everywhere in the nation. Every recalled Democrat, even from the least of offices, will take another brick from the foundation of the Democrat Party.

9 months ago

I’m sick of the US supporting every idiot in the world that wants $$$$$ from us. Biden just keeps doling it out like it’s water. We need someone in the white house that has a backbone, knows what they are doing and knows how to say NO to all the moochers in the world. Also someone that will being our country back to ‘ONE NATION UNDER GOD’.

9 months ago

I would like to offer him my own special “kickback”………..right upside that old crook’s head…!!!!!!

9 months ago

Are the Rebublicans allowing this to happen? Why are they negotiatimg with this money to close the border ? They should just cut off all spending to this corupt black hole of an administration. Just stop all the bleading of OUR MONEY.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
9 months ago

I hate to break it to you but the GOP has handed our beloved country over to the democrats for destruction. The RINO’S hate Trump and the 75 million voters who supported him. They will always side with the democrat communist party. The end is near! Make way for the “fundamental transformation”.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
9 months ago

Seems prudent to require mandatory IG and GAO audits along with aid money. Since this is taxpayer funded the audits should be statutory and results posted for taxpayers to read. Politicians continue to act as though tax funds are theirs to dispense and to curry favors as a result. We need to get out of this business.

9 months ago

The US government has stated on the record multiple times, that over 90% of all funds allocated to Ukraine never left the United States. How is this you ask, it’s very simple. Over 90% of the funds are paid directly to US companies to purchase weapons, munitions, tanks, Bradleys, and so forth. If the item needs to be manufactured, then they are shipped upon completion. If the items are already in inventory, then they are transferred to US military for transport to Ukraine.
So US companies get the contracts, US employees do the work, and the US economy benefits from the commerce, the employees paying taxes, and the list goes on…

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
9 months ago

We should have someone in country that the Ukrainians would be required to report expenditures too.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

$5B a month so Joe Biden can relive his “Corn Pop Moment” vicariously through Putin.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

We lived in Canada for some time and this sordid business is reminiscent of the dept of Indian affairs which distributed bil of dollars every year into chiefs hands and no one dared even once to ask where the money went after No audit was done ever and to even suggest that books be opened met with the screams about racism and oppression Who would dare to face that

9 months ago

SO WHERE is USA unlimited money well?.war is a big racket

9 months ago

U.S. corruption….. how much is too much…..
in my opinion we have already exceeded the limits on Corruption in our gooberment.

9 months ago

Any corruption is too much!!! We are experiencing corruption world-wide especially amongst the upper echelon, the elite bastards who think they are better and deserve more but do they?? NO!! What happens to DEI here??? DEI is only applicable where they want it to be!! There is no equality, no equity, no inclusion, no diversity – only the rich getting richer while the rich politicians reel on and on about how the rich aren’t paying their fair share – what?? That makes a lot of sense, a lot of nonsense!!!!!

Mark O Surprise, AZ
Mark O Surprise, AZ
9 months ago

No more foreign aid until our budget is balanced and our borders are secure!

9 months ago

This isn’t new news or rocket science. This has been going on for years, and our politicians are all lining their pockets with our money.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

Why is the US giving so much how much have other countries contributed to there cause, but Biden and other Dems will give what ever they want because to Biden money is free as long as tax payers give them money we need to protect the people here and also to secure the southern border and build the wall. Spend the money here for a change.

9 months ago

I was told it was hush money. as I asked why so much?? I thought it was 100 million dollars until I heard someone say I want to know where the money is going. I also was told it was for his government and retirement

Darrell G Walton
Darrell G Walton
9 months ago

There is means in the U.S. Constitution to stop it. The problem is both sides of the aisle are bought and paid for by George Soros. Constitutionally Biden can’t give the money away on his own period.The question is; Once again, Why is Congress letting the Socialist Marxist Communist Democrat Globalist Biden milk the country dry when the power of says there is the Articles of Treason to prosecute him for what he is blatantly doing?

Cliff Thomson
Cliff Thomson
9 months ago

The government gave us the same crap for Korea and Vietnam. 9/11 was perpetrated by Saudis. So what does the US do, attack Iraq and Afganistan leaving $87 billion of weapons that are returning to the US in the wrong hands.

9 months ago

I believe what you are saying ft wurth. That is the truth!, whether anyone else believes it or not. Including the government contractors, ie. cost of hammers purchases, supplies, etc., milking our government and military for all it’s worth. Not to mention the “DEI”, wokeness.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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