We live in a country full of very generous people—especially conservatives. They give to many causes, not least among them education. But it’s time for all donors to start thinking critically about whether the institutions they support are worth it and find other ones if they aren’t.
The last few months have been clarifying for Americans about the state of higher education. The supposed crème de la crème of universities in the Ivy League showed themselves to be curdled milk in a Poison Ivy League. While these institutions have become tyrannical about “misgendering” and “microaggressions” among faculty and students over the last few years, the proliferation of vile antisemitic words and behavior on their campuses has led mostly to shrugs and denials and weasel words about what calls for “intifada” and “jihad” mean. The embarrassing responses of presidents Liz Magill of Penn, Claudine Gay of Harvard, and Sally Kornbluth of MIT to Rep. Elise Stefanik’s questioning in Congress earlier this month led to Magill’s resignation. Attempts to force Gay, a mediocre scholar whose published work has been shown to have violated Harvard’s own plagiarism policy, to resign or be fired have been unsuccessful. Like Kornbluth, she will continue to make big money and little moral sense.
But it would be a mistake to think this is just about a few east coast universities with multibillion dollar endowments. Intellectual serenity, it has been said, consists in not giving a damn what they’re doing at Harvard. But there is precious little intellectual serenity in this country. Almost all higher education in this country follows the lead of the Ivies when it comes to the crazy. Administrators everywhere think, imagine, or aspire to being a “peer institution” to the loony bins in Cambridge and Philadelphia. Take a look at any set of stories on sites that report on the crazy in higher ed such as The College Fix, Campus Reform, or the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. Though the Ivies are well represented, so too are all sorts of institutions, including church-related schools and state universities in red states. The poison of relativistic claptrap and tyrannical DEI moralism with its anti-conservative, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-white propaganda has weakened every institution that has not had sufficient personnel with the will to fight back against it.
The academic leftists love to talk about “systemic” problems. What we saw in Congress weren’t just examples of elite moral and intellectual corruption. They were representatives of a system that has been sickened and is sickening.
And that’s where donors of all levels come in. Among your Christmas cards from family and friends, we are all being besieged with cards from our own dear alma maters and those of our children and grandchildren. Scenes of students walking across snowy campuses are laid on top of appeals to give back and help the next generation and all sorts of italicized and non-italicized plucks on the heartstrings. Undergraduates are calling you to thank you for making it possible for me to go to college! It can be very hard for people who remember stirring lectures on King Lear, endless late-night conversations, and romantic walks with a future spouse to resist these appeals.
And yet resist they often must. For too often these days Shakespeare has been banished, conversations are muted due to speech codes, and marriage and family are treated as evils due to their propensities to bring new children and carbon emissions into the world. (Well, unless they are “gay marriages.”)
So before you pick up your checkbook or scan the QR code to give the old college try one more time, it would be wise to do a little research. The first step is to look at the college or university’s website. If the first thing that greets you is a statement about the institution’s unending commitment to the unholy trinity of Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion, you can have no doubt that while your money is welcome, Shakespeare, free speech, and the centrality of the mother-father family in society aren’t. Your money will probably go to funding a BLM or pro-Palestine march, or perhaps paying the five-figure honorarium for a pornographic actress during Sex Week.
Of course, not all institutions are quite so forthright on their websites about their commitments or what’s going on at their campus. A quick glimpse at their job offerings will often tell a lot more. If they want scholars equipped in Critical Race Theory or are not-so-subtly suggesting they will only hire “people of color” or “sexual minorities” for positions, this place is Harvard without the money or prestige. But if the hiring notices don’t seem too weird, you ought to to take one more step.
Before donating any money to a college or university, ask for access to their internal website—what faculty, staff, and students can see. If they don’t want you to be able to see that, that’s likely because they don’t think you’ll be very happy to find out that males who identify as female might be rooming with your daughter or granddaughter. Or perhaps that students are being offered “Accountability Training” or “Privilege Workshops” due to their original sins of whiteness or maleness. Or perhaps that they are pressuring all students to be left-wing activists about some issue of domestic or international politics.
This writer has been in and around higher education for two decades. I can tell you that, chances are, your dear alma mater—“soul mother”—is likely more wicked stepmother to souls these days. And if that is the case, the responsible thing to do is to tell the undergraduate on the phone why you aren’t donating and figure out a place where your money can do good.
There are lots of small colleges and universities where intellectual serenity—in the ignorance-of-Harvard definition—is the rule. Hillsdale is the best-known, but there are others out there. Alternatively, there are a great many options for groups that are providing educational opportunities for students outside of the university proper. Anselm House, which provides Christian spiritual and intellectual formation at the University of Minnesota, and the Aggie Catholic program at Texas A & M are two great examples of religious programs doing great work. ISI and the Claremont Institute are two examples of conservative organizations offering fellowships and educational opportunities for college and graduate students.
It’s easy to keep donating to the same old places. Nostalgia for a time in which our minds were formed and our souls expanded is a powerful pull. But if we want the next generation to have any such nostalgic memories and feelings, we need to support the institutions that will create them.
David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.
I thank God that I went to Hillsdale College over 50 years ago. At the time, it was just a great college with solid teachings and good liberal arts offering. I’m so pleased to see Hillsdale leading the charge on conservatism lately and now more proud than ever of Hillsdale.
Universities are mined with leftist “professors “ that brainwash the students to their Marxist ideology, STOP ANY AND ALL DONATIONS UNTIL YHESE INDIVIDUALS ARE FIRED
The Ivy League superiority myth is shattered….Local junior colleges do a better job at lower division courses.
Personally, I wouldn’t give Hahvud the time of day. The entity is an apostate indoctrination center for evil.
This is a very important article Mr. Deavel, your approach to the matter of what I do believe could be called ” mass Dishonesty” by the education system at the college/university level is appreciated. This sort of dishonesty uses a strategy that is as twisted as a corkscrew in many ways. For example, the way certain changes to procedures are termed – that are not really changes at all, just a matter of rearranging some things ,putting a new name on it , but continuing with the procedures basic way of doing things . I am reminded of 1950’s Honeymooners episode ( the Honeymooners were Jackie Gleason, Audrey Meadows,Art Carney, and Joyce Randolph – Ralph, Alice,Norton and Trixie ) So, in one episode Ralph and Norton were moving a large, heavy chest of drawers and they both agreed it was too heavy to lift and it would be better to remove the drawers , then pick up the chest with the drawers removed.So ,they took each of the drawers out of the chest and placed them on the top of the chest – then as they lifted the chest they both agreed it was much lighter , much easier to pick up with the drawers removed ! That was a really humorous , very funny scene. With the education system saying that certain policies are going to be changed – but actually are not changed – just applying a new term to the same policy it is like the chest of drawers scene just described – but without the humor , without the funny. Corruption involving matters that should involve a high standard of applying principles is not acceptable. Setting a good example is an honorable thing to do – it is a large part of what education is supposed to be all about. Well done with this article David, this is an important issue.
If you want to donate to a conservative college that teaches the values you wish to instill in your children, then Hillsdale College, in Michigan, is the way to go. They actually have their students students study the Constitution and other aspects of what has made this country great. They have satellite schools and leadership centers in various locations outside of the main college campus. They publish a truly wonderful publication, “Imprimis”, every month, that gives you a transcripts of speeches/talks/lectures from well known conservatives on controversial topics–all well worth reading–and free to all donors. They also offer great free online courses, on various topics, for their donors. One of the best things about them is–they take absolutely NO money from the federal government. Therefore, they do not have to kowtow to the wishes of the leftist administration now in power or all other “woke” advocates that have “curdled” the “Poison Ivy League” institutions of higher indoctrination. I’ve been donating to Hillsdale College every month for many, many years and I know that my donation is being used to further the goals and traditions of all that has made the United States such a great country.
I would never give a dime to these Communist indoctrination centers!
This is an even bigger story than the above article. Leftists were corrupting the Universities and the rest of public education since before the 1960. The tragedy of it is that it was happening right in front of us conservatives and we did not succeed in stopping it then. I pray it is possible to reverse it now.
Go Hillsdale College!!!
What is really needed is for everyone to push Universities that make their money off of idiots that major in the Arts, completely out of mind. Forget about them…..ask the counterman at McDonalds what he thinks of his Gender Equities major now. See it he might believe he is on the fast track to upper management at Micky D’s or if, with the quality of his educational achievement he has reached the epoch of his career serving Family Meals.
If you want to donate, send your funds to tech colleges. The country has an incredible need for skilled workers. Young people today can’t be talked into going into the office to essentially push paper back and forth, the narrative tells them that something like becoming an Electrician is beneath them. This without considering that in todays world there are a LOT of Electricians making more than medical doctors, often quite a bit more.
There are various such careers that tech colleges can prepare someone for. Providing skills the nation needs especially now with the population aging with the resultant lowering of the skilled labor pool
And when was the last time you saw a gaggle of plumbing school students in masses screaming at buildings while blocking traffic?
I am so disappointed in the Teacher’s union and rank and file making up their group. They have betrayed the American people who trusted that they were helping to raise our young with American values and pride. Instead they were undermining the American way of life to push a completely opposite theory called Progressive Socio Fascist where they have all the power but produce inferior products…..like they have done with our youth…..disgusting.
Harvard and co should be shut down they are poisoning not enhancing and expanding the minds
And are ripe recruits ready to carry out the mission to destroy our nation. They are well indoctrinated little Marxists. As much as I loathe their beliefs, I genuinely feel sorry for them. They are void of the ability to think for themselves. What a tremendous loss of possibilities. God gave them a brain and they gave it away to their professors.
We quit giving to our alma mater several years ago when they started the whole DEI thing. We now give to Hillsdale College, where it so happens my mother worked during WWII. She told us years ago it was a great institution and we have learned how right she was.
Let us all donate bigly to Hillsdale and show where our country needs to be headed.
harvard is no longer an university. it is simply an indoctrination center.
they do not need donations they need truly intelligent leaders that are at least 60% conservative.
I am by no means anywhere near a big donor. Last time Penn State sent a donation card, about a year and a half ago I sent it back with a note asking to be left off the list until they became unwoke. There are 100,000s just like me. Added up we can and do make a difference. Join me in this simple boycott, put your donations into a fund for the grandchildren or give to your local SPCA and receive pure love and thanks from the fur babies.
I knew about Hillsdale, one question I have: is there a list or data base one can go to to check how any specific school ranks.
Which bowl would you prefer to go to? Please vote by replying.
A) Federal Express Orange Bowl
B) USF&G Sugar Bowl
C) Mobil Cotton Bowl
D) Tostitos Fiesta Bowl
They have the same golden parachutes Lois Lerner got… anyone remember her?
Who we kidding? Cut off funding and donations and these bastions of higher “earning” will simply charge more for tuition because the gubbermit will pay!
They could operate for 300 years without your help lol
Here we go again. More denigrating comments without intellectual comment. We get it. You hate everyone and everything. Do you ever find a bright side?