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Biden’s All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme

Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2024
by Outside Contributor

To bet on the upcoming presidential election, don’t just rely on polls. Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Joe Biden is pouring into “community organizations” in “disadvantaged communities” to tip the election scales.

The community organizer who became president, Barack Obama, was a master at machine politics, using federal tax dollars to turn community organizations — left-wing not-for-profits — into a fifth estate. Their staffs, paid using taxpayer money but not tied to government rules, could hit the streets at election time and build turnout. Biden has scaled up Obama’s playbook, using billions of dollars instead of mere millions.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) made headlines last week with the discovery that in Dec. 2023 the Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $50 million “environmental justice” grant to the Climate Justice Alliance. Capito is distressed to learn that the Climate Justice Alliance vows “the path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.”

In fact, Climate Justice Alliance serves up a full agenda of radical activities, including fighting “political oppression” and “placing race, gender, and class at the center” of its climate solutions.

But $50 million for the Climate Justice Alliance is a drop in the bucket.

Had members of Congress read the Inflation Reduction Act before passing it — a novel idea — they would know the law provides $2.8 billion to the EPA for environmental and climate justice block grants,” (Section 60201). That’s a license to hand out walking-around money to many political activists, not just the Climate Justice Alliance.

Another recipient: the New York Immigration Coalition, which describes itself as a “coalition of immigrant and refugee organizations” pushing for more government services and political clout.

Same is true of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, another recipient. The words “climate” and “environment” don’t appear anywhere on these groups’ websites or literature.

Lawmakers may have assumed the money was for climate improvement, but the IRA’s fine print allows the moolah to be used for “facilitating engagement of marginalized communities in Local, State and Federal public processes, such as advisory groups, workshops, rulemakings.”

Translation: elections.

How easy is it to get the dough? Piece of cake. The EPA says it wants to “alleviate much of the burden that the federal grants process places on small, resource-constrained community-based organizations supporting underserved communities and marginalized populations.” In short, no jumping through hoops.

The money can only go to a disadvantaged community or a southern border town. There are 27,521 disadvantaged communities on the census map, according to Biden’s “Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool,” which targets non-English speakers, people with diabetes, and other factors that mostly correspond to heavily minority populations. These communities customarily vote Democratic.

Adding eligibility for border towns is an interesting twist. As waves of migrants overwhelm resources in these towns, Democrats are growing divided over Biden’s open border policies. Money may shore up support.

During his first week as president, Biden announced the Justice40 initiative by executive order, requiring that 40% of many types of federal spending — not just EPA grants — must go to these “disadvantaged communities.”

The Department of Energy is spreading money to these “disadvantaged communities,” using what it calls “community benefit plans” and promising that application requirements will be “intentionally flexible.”

The playbook started with the Affordable Care Act. The ACA, or “Obamacare,” authorized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to hand out “community transformation grants.” Community Health Councils, a typical recipient, pledged that its mission was to advance “social justice.” It distributed 65% of the money to partner community groups that promoted “voter engagement,” conducted “one-on-one education in the streets” or led tenants’ rights, anti-fracking and anti-drilling efforts. And you thought the ACA was about covering the uninsured.

A decade after Obama, Biden is tasking every agency and department of the federal government to promote voter engagement.

Biden’s community grants pale in size compared to the student debt cancellation vote-buying that now totals $620 billion. But the community grant money lands directly in the hands of political activists who know what to do with it.

Tell your congressional rep to read the bills before voting on them and strip out these provisions for community giveaways that make a mockery of democracy.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

I sure wish that DOJ would step in for JUSTICE. I sure wish that the Congress would step in for IMPEACHMENT. Just a wish since these entities belong to the same party that is currently in power. Hopefully, the population will vote in credible representatives so DOJ can be dismantled, and guilty parties prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Until then, the nation will have to continue to suffer INJUSTICE.

8 months ago

We need to put an end to the Socialist Lying Democrats! They have Destroyed and continue to destroy our country! They make me sick with their lies about Trump! They can all go to Hell!

8 months ago

Ole Joe always needs more money. He opened the border he can close it. No he first needs money and we, responsible citizens, are saying no. Just close it, get a backbone Joe. The inflation act gave him money to buy votes. Build back better. The same. We have not seen any improvements to our infra structure, like bridges, overpasses. You know those pesky racists overpasses Buttigieg kept talking about. No more fossil fuels we are going to build millions of loading stations for our e cars we were ordered to buy. 8 have been build so far. I will get my critic upset by saying this. But my extension cord does not reach the one loading station, with one pole mind you, in my town. Try driving in Wyoming with an electric car where services between towns over 200 miles is. When you get stuck maybe you can bed down with the jackolopes. There are many of them all over Wyoming. Only no loading stations. Ole Joe has used all that money to buy votes and make our country dependent on govt. That way he owns us if we don’t want to starve from hunger. That is the plan. Inflation and high gas prices is making us all poor. Raising health insurance premiums and him spending money for paying student loans for those kids whose parents make more than 320,000 a year. Those making under 100K you are pure out of luck. You don’t qualify. Supporting the rich for their monetary support is to get ole Joe re-elected.

Bruce A
Bruce A
8 months ago

Telling my congressman anything is a waste of effort. He has trouble finding the men’s room much less let alone read anything. We continue to send useless parasites to congress, yet we wonder why the country is a mess. It’s all about handouts. Hard to understand how the 35% that give the village idiot approval ratings can’t see the reality of senility and incompetence. My point is that the money referenced it this article is in reality buying votes. Very similar to the student debt transfer to the taxpayers for students to buy votes. Again, all very transparent if intelligence and being properly informed is utilized. A lost art at best as we continue to roll towards freedom oblivion as a country.
Sad and Pathetic!!

8 months ago

I’m voting straight red! Democrats and all the leftist are a bunch of satanic pedophiles.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

He’s going to need a lot of our tax money to buy enough votes to counter the ones he’s losing through incompetence or misconduct.

8 months ago

The only way the Totalitarian Communist DemocRAT Party can win is by buying votes.
Our only hope and focus should be to get all the immigrants that the democRAT party has paid to vote for them.
Those illegal immigrants and other groups that are selling there vote’s is that if they vote for the DemocRAT party members.
Than America will become just like all those countries they fled from.
Basically they will be jumping from the pot to the frying pan.

8 months ago

If I were in congress I would completely read and understand any bill before voting yes on it. It is far better to vote no on a good bill you haven’t had the opportunity to read and understand than to vote yes on a bad bill.

8 months ago

We already know what slime thee people are. This needs to be stopped immediately. It is a fraud and definitely election cheating.Will Congress stip in and stop the monies allocated to these pseudo-organizations who are political, not climate-oriented? What can WE do to stop this? Just another reason that Biden needs to be heartily defeated and Obama needs to be put in his place — that is OUT of the government center ring. Immediate impeachment would help but I’m not holding my breath.

Fed Up
Fed Up
8 months ago

After reading this I just sat and cried. My heart literally felt it was breaking. It was breaking for every soldier who sacrificed their lives for this once incredible country. Presidents like Washington, Jefferson & Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Truman and Reagan were some of the greatest leaders America ever had. Now we have politicians who are unpunished criminals, pedophiles and traitors. Traitors who seek to destroy our Constitution, put left wing minority rights over the rights of the majority. We even have presidents who flunked Health Class and biologgy and decided he needed to redefine women! If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck it must be a duck does NOT work in redefining a woman. When do we redefine man?!
I always took pride in being an American and having the right to vote. Now, that right is severely threatened by a traitor who feels all ILLEGAL TRESPASSERS should share in previously fair elections. The crooks and criminals have been welcomed in to further drag our country down in the toilet. The numbers of women and children have fallen way off only to be replaced by murderers, drug dealers and gang members. Most country’s now have a decent life. Why are we still propping open our borders unchecked?!
It is time for our National Guard to make our boundries safe by aiding at the border and rounding up illegals to get them out!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Illegal abuse of power & wont rerun 2020 scam
& add Lawfare too which was not around in 2020

8 months ago

This article seriously opens my eyes in regards to the 2024 election results.. THE Democrats are scheming to WIN BIG in their favor. This is much WORSE than what they did ie escalating COVID epidemic losing mail in bites and falsifying votes in many states!!! And much more interference in 2020 election! OMg

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
8 months ago

I hate this dirt bag communist bastard more than Obama and he should have been eliminated 6 months before he was elected.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
8 months ago

I watched Joe Biden and side-kick Jill Biden speak today in Philly! Both of them are Gloats, just like Michael Cohen. They all are liars. Everything they say, accusing Trump of is exactly what they are all about. Biden and the Dems are such cheaters….having to weaponize the justice system and pull off a sham of a legal case against Trump in hopes of winning an election! Wake up America!!! DO NOT VOTE for Joe Biden in November 2024! Why isn’t someone in Washington stopping him! Joe Biden and his followers are sick people!

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
8 months ago

Telling our reps to read before voting is mostly a fool’s errand. Self enrichment is priority one. The political war is not winnable by appeal to conflicted politicians.

8 months ago

After reading/scanning through most of the comments, I agree with most. What I don’t see is innovative ideas to counter these Dems plan to “steal” the election. If the money is there for their groups, why are our people not getting in there to find a way to get a piece of those millions? Use their own tactics against them. Come people!!! This country wasn’t founded by those afraid to get in the fight and fight with all they had!

8 months ago

Pray! And put your faith in God! The democrats are effectively done after November 2024.

8 months ago

My Congressperson Bowman loves these programs because it “appears” as if he’s “helping” his district by getting these funds. Too often these funds are not spent helping improve those in need better their circumstances or if they are getting any of the funds at all because those who get these funds are still standing with their hands out asking for more. And the real constituents who really need help get nothing. Unless viewed as member of the progressive version of needy, you get nothing. He’s been told that he needs to take care of his constituents right to his face, to no avail.

8 months ago

The Biden -;Harris campaign is slimy. Aka the worst example of intentional election tampering ever in USA history.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

I would like to see an investigation into how much common sense the voting public has,I see comments,watch the news and in no way can I understand with the very deep”poop”that our country is in,and this is totally on the democ rats and their leftist controllers how they think that joey mummbles is good for AMERICA.

Jeffrey Dunaway
Jeffrey Dunaway
8 months ago

How can we expect to turn this around when the Republican part won’t fight together against it. Hopeless .. but I will vote anyway!????????

Follow the truth and evidence
Follow the truth and evidence
8 months ago

Some one said. “Get the names and file huge class action suit (they list numerous reasons why!”

8 months ago

Get a rope !

8 months ago

KKKJoe Biden has no spark, an empty black hole. Hey KKKJoe—be not a dunce.

8 months ago

Here comes the Bribe!

Paul Manning
Paul Manning
8 months ago

When Liberals can’t get their way through legislation, they employ faceless bureaucracies to impose regulations that carry the same weight as laws. Laws that legislators at the federal level would have to explain to their constituents back home. How convenient is it to have powerful agencies impose expensive regulations that aren’t supported by federal dollars?

8 months ago


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