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The Left Is Weaponizing Nonprofits to Keep Democrats in Power

Posted on Wednesday, February 7, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan


As conservatives ramp up their efforts to chip away at liberal centers of power, they should not neglect one key—yet often overlooked—component of the left’s political and cultural largess: nonprofits.

For decades, one of the Democrat Party’s most powerful tools in steering the country leftward has been the weaponization of tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations against conservatives. According to the Internal Revenue Code, these organizations are “absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.” Nonetheless, these organizations have, under the guise of charity and nonprofit work, played a significant role in promoting Democrat politicians and political causes.

As a December 2023 Real Clear Investigations report revealed, the left-wing nonprofit apparatus has “taken on an outsized part of the Democratic Party’s election strategy” by way of meticulously working “around legal restrictions on nonprofits that accept tax-deductible donations by selectively engaging in nonpartisan efforts including boosting voter education and participation.” (“Voter education and participation,” it should be noted, is often used as cover for left-wing nonprofits to promote certain political candidates.)

In a 2022 talk at the National Conservatism Conference, Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, broke down this phenomenon in detail.

“Since 2005 at least, the nonprofit tail has wagged the Democratic Party dog,” he said. “It is much more important who is the president of the Ford Foundation or the Open Society Foundation or Arabella Advisers than it is who happens to be chairing the DNC this afternoon—that’s not very important.”

Walter observed that there are “three rivers that empty into the gulf of elections”: traditional political donations (or what he calls “hard dollars”), dark money (or “soft dollars”), and funds from the 501(c)(3) charitable sector.

During the 2018 midterm election cycle, Walter said, political money from the charitable sector accounted for $20 billion—or four times the size of the other two sectors combined ($5 billion was spent in traditional donations and only $130 was spent million in so-called “soft dollars”). Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of these funds went to Democrat-adjacent causes—including 78 percent of 501(c)(3) dollars, whereas only 22 percent went to conservatives.

The jarring extent to which the progressive nonprofit machine has wielded control over our election process can be traced in part to campaign finance legislation. Although previous campaign finance policy—most notably the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002—has generally made it tougher for candidates to raise money through traditional means, it has had virtually no effect on the power of 501(c)(3) organizations to funnel their money to semi-political causes and stealthily influence election outcomes.

Meanwhile, campaign finance reform continues to rank near the bottom of voter priorities, suggesting that 501(c)(3)s and other advocacy organizations—not the American voter—have been the driving force behind such “reform” policies.

Thanks to legislative initiatives like McCain-Feingold, Walter noted, donations to tax-exempt charity organizations are anywhere from two to five times more effective in creating political change than donations made directly to political campaigns. As he pointed out, Arabella Advisors’ nonprofit entities raised a total revenue of $1.2 billion in the 2018 election cycle and then $2.4 billion in 2020 or more than double the revenue of the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee combined.

Among the most notorious examples of left-wing nonprofits is Arabella Advisors, an organization originally founded by a former Clinton administration staffer with the purported mission of “environmental preservation and protection.” In the years since its founding, however, Walter observes that the group has morphed into a “backbone of the left” that has “concocted a new and darker legal structure” with the apparent goal of electing Democrats and undermining Republicans.

In 2020, Arabella spent more than $1.7 billion on its various political efforts, eliciting funds from donors ostensibly to fend off so-called “political fearmongering,” “attacks on voter registration,” “viral misinformation,” and “post–Election Day violence.”

Of course, the left’s influence in the nonprofit realm extends far beyond just Arabella. As the Real Clear Investigations report notes, groups like the Tides Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the New Venture Fund (an arm of Arabella) are also aggressively invested in pouring money into left-wing get-out-the-vote campaigns and funding partisan left-wing causes like abortion, gun control, election reform, and the left’s “equity” agenda. (The Capital Research Center’s Influence Watch has compiled a wide-ranging database of left-wing nonprofits with summaries of their political activity.)

“Courting, creating, and funding nonprofits by progressives is now a core Democratic Party strategy, one that has proven successful as Democrats have prevailed or outperformed historical expectations in national elections,” the RCI report states.

To date, the GOP establishment has hardly attempted to match the left’s gargantuan 501(c)(3) apparatus—and has failed to even acknowledge that such a systemic disadvantage exists in the first place. But the reality that dozens of powerful nonprofits operate almost like Democrat Party get-out-the-vote machines should be alarming not only to every conservative, but also to every American who claims to value democracy, transparency in our elections, and a free and fair voting process.

If the GOP is serious about delivering victories for conservatives in 2024 and beyond, it has no choice but to reckon with—and perhaps first simply acknowledge—this deep-rooted problem before it is too late.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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7 months ago

The fact that the left in the federal government has been funding dozens upon dozens of NGOs in this country and abroad for decades to help facilitate objectives the government can’t be seen as doing directly without risk of exposure, like supplying food, transportation, clothing and other aid to the millions of illegals that are streaming into this country isn’t anything new. It’s been a growing problem for decades and now has become a major component of facilitating massive amounts of illegals to enter this country daily.

What AMAC should do is provide a comprehensive list on this site, and keep it updated, of the various NGOs assisting the federal government, for money that the federal government is granting them annually, so the American people know who is helping to destroy this country. Stop with the vague generalities and name the organizations by name. Have some guts to really stand up and out those organizations that are being financed by our own government to destroy us.

Ronald St. Martin
Ronald St. Martin
7 months ago

The corruption in this country is so deeply in bedded, that we will never get out of it! Both political parties are in on it. Some have been bought off, others blackmailed. Until we have term limits for everyone, completely open and honest campaign laws, and a non political justice system this will never happen

A Voter
A Voter
7 months ago

There is nothing the left will not corrupt and utilize against conservative values. Nothing.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
7 months ago

The film 2,000 mules exposed this in Maricopa County Arizona in 2020. There were ten non-profits that were paying for blank ballots. Paying people to illegally harvest ballots. Paying people to stuff unsecured ballot drop boxes.
Yet, not a single investigation by our RINO A.G.!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

NON PROFITS aid Illegals into Nation A-Z & Hamas
ID major NGOs name names

7 months ago

All these articles about Democrats weaponizing different areas that the GOP don’t seem to be doing the same is because Republicans aren’t trying to take over the country like our dictator Democrats are! Most Republicans are playing by the rules and living their lives in an America that holds the Constitution in esteem. Democrats don’t care about rules, they only care about themselves and their ability to amass power! IMO, trying to be like Democrats to defeat Democrats isn’t going to work cuz we aren’t dictators or want to be!

7 months ago

I have emailed both senators from NC to put a stop to this and money to NGO’s. The groups are facilitating and promoting this illegal immigration to the USA!I would hope that many would do this!

7 months ago

It’s the money stupid. It is always about the money. The dems know no other way than to throw money at any problem. Getting out of Afghanistan cost us taxpayers 90 billion dollars in American weapons and equipment left behind. The border can’t be closed unless they get millions of dollars for the migrants and every lawyer and judge who handles their case. Do you really think that these migrants are going to get a lawyer or go before a judge? They know sloppy will make them citizens soon. But the lawyers will get rich. And we taxpayers are becoming poorer. They keep talking the inflation is coming down. It is? Not when I go buy groceries for the week. 100 dollar a week and I am alone. And none of these high prices are coming down, instead they still rise every week. Does ole Joe care? He does not. He wants to get rid of the white middle class. You know the ones that made America great and still are. He has to make room for the migrants that come here illegally. That is why they accept money from anyone anywhere, including Russia and China and the American taxpayer.

7 months ago

Yes, to the request for a list of the NGO’s.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

No profit? It is a gold mine for those who are involved in running it

7 months ago

All of these political activist 501 (C) (3)’s need to be fined, their leaders arrested for corruption, and completely shut down for interfering in our elections and legal processes.

7 months ago

The left have nearly taken down our Republic through dark money funding- lawfare, election theft, media propoganda

7 months ago

End lobbiests and begin term limits. Perhaps less harm can be done in a 2 yr period

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
7 months ago

I understand that planned parenthood is a non profit organization.

judy setran
judy setran
7 months ago

Remove their non prophet status for breaking the law..

7 months ago

Head down to the southern border and see all of the Catholic, Lutheran and 7th Day NGO’s waving illegals in and taking government money by the truckload from democrats and the uniparty that support the illegal immigration. Makes me smile, sadly. While the FBI is watching Catholic churches OBiden is sending billions to their operations at the border. Seems to me parishioners may want to start asking some questions in all of these church-supported NGO’s. And vote for conservatives to stop this sickening process. And, save some babies from dying.

zoe frost
zoe frost
7 months ago

As soon as there was a formal government “public/private partnerships” announcement, I said, well, here’s ANOTHER way for our filthy politician traitors to get their hands on taxpayer dollars…to be be sucked up/manipulated/laundered/squandered…used for their purposes and AGAINST us.

7 months ago

AMAC – You need to add a link to TRUTH SOCIAL to share articles.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Remember the O’Jays song? “For the love of money, money, money, mon-ey…. mahn-ney!” Its always about it.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
7 months ago

There is no dirty trick that the democrats won’t stoop to.

John Shipway
John Shipway
7 months ago

These leftist NGO’s are forever holding “speaking engagements” in all areas of the country. Big cities, small cities, small towns……they are constantly there propagandizing the people they deem “sheep”.
Attend these meetings. Hang around afterward until the speaker leaves and then take your time and follow him or her home to obtain their address. Once obtained SPREAD IT ALL OVER THE INTERNET along with the facts concerning who they represent and what those they represent stand for.
St Peter only knows what could happen next.

7 months ago

If politics and those who seek to use it for some myopic, clandestine, and selfish reason are the problem, then let’s change politics. We need to end the non-representation of citizens, no party, run on a contract with Americans (individual statements, that if lied about or not done, out the individual. (Why would they be in Congress forever – simple power and money – not you or me? “Bloating” is a terrible outcome, and DC is full of running with it. Term limits are needed, desperately. Citizens who have the power to terminate a lying against what they said politician, and put America back in the hands of the people. Obviously, these clandestine groups are immature and cannot handle responsibility, so take it away! We are not served well, and we pay the bills they spend so freely on. Why do we need them? WE DO NOT!
Either America gets back on track or when a country like China takes over, say goodbye to most Americans, they do not need you, their people are in charge, you take up space, no shortage of humans to do the menial work, etc. Your phony and selfish quests are dumb according to what I read, AND when your value is up, then what?

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
7 months ago

Thanks for putting the spotlight on yet another way that leftists circumvent the election process! And still they say the MAGA republican is the greatest threat to democracy! If we could get effective legislators it should be a priority to stop the abuses of the leftist NGO’s. They are clearly in violation of what they should be doing. Put some of them out of business! Jail time is probably warranted for some. Send a message to these unrestrained groups! There may be some good NGO’s, but there are far too many loopholes for anti democratic influence.

7 months ago

And during the Obama administration many Christian and conservative non profit groups were denied 503s because they were presumed to be “political”.

7 months ago

Like Yogi said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Well, you can’t argue with that.

7 months ago

The tyrant marxist left is WEAPONIZING everything they get their fricken hands on.

7 months ago

Non profits including the catholic church, must be investigated for enabling the border crises,

7 months ago

We know that it’s the DNC that chooses who the Democratic nominees are going to be. Their voters do not. For the 2016 election Democrat voters wanted Bernie. The DNC chose Hillary. For 2020 again Democrat voters wanted Bernie. The DNC chose Biden.

7 months ago

I am not surprised at all. The left is weaponizing everything that they can in order to stay in power. The left is on track to creating a one party rule despotic government. The left has wanted America to be a Socialist state for at least several decades.

7 months ago

No mention of religious charities such as Catholic charities. I think they may actually profit from the processing of legal immigrants and those profits are used to support Democrat policies.

7 months ago

So many ‘ trained pastors, ‘ particularly in smaller denominations who do not have a church to pastor are bring lured into these charity groups to assist illegal aliens who are breaking into our nation. Generous pay packages and the pastors see it as a chance to missionize. My husbands nephew was not asked to stay on at his little church, sold his house, moved out of state to do what I just outlined. We are not supportive- disgusted. He sees nothing wrong in what he is doing.

Mike McLachlan
Mike McLachlan
7 months ago

I hope millions join AMAC so you can continue your good work!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

What some people do not think of is where does all this money come from that is just a big Dem giveaway so they can stay in power what they are not saying that taxes will go up. Taxes will go up by a lot to cover all this money that is used for all the different programs including taking care of illegals which is several million living here and non are citizens. Very sad but many will see what happens when all that money for Ukraine and other places will backfire on the American people not to mention the national debt which we will never pay back.

7 months ago

This is NOT a democracy. Please stop referring to this land as a democracy! The founders of our constitution were very clear : this is a republic!

7 months ago

Another place that the federal government could cut expenses but they won’t!!!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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