Many years ago, as a young man from Maine, life took me into the Reagan White House. Nothing done by...
In one sense, it’s sad commentary that it required a federal appellate court to confirm that the Bill of Rights...
Apparently not satisfied with pardoning his son in one of the most blatantly corrupt moves ever from a sitting president,...
The biggest challenge President Trump faces is restoring trust in government. Americans feel beaten about the head and ears, abused,...
Hard to believe it was just four years ago that Joe Biden was elected with a promise to unite the...
Give freedom a chance and America takes wing. Leftists in corporate America – especially high tech, alternate energy, media, social...
Without knowing him, many pine for Norman Rockwell’s spirit, that epic creator of American self-portraits, reminding us who we are....
Where do you find hope, and how to understand why the hope you feel is real? Start with tactics, and...
Today, we give thanks to the 19 million brave men and women whose sacrifices helped to defend our great nation...
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr Is it sinking in? Americans have just reclaimed their government. Hard to believe, and...
In a time when many platforms restrict free expression, GiveSendGo, the only faith-based crowdfunding platform committed to uniting financial and...
My parakeet, named Grant years ago by a daughter who liked Carey Grant, has learned that my dog, D’ Artagnan,...
My dog, D’ Artagnon – humble, freedom-loving rescue pup from Sochi Russia, proud of his guttural bark, ability to point,...
A shocking partisan switch is underway in the stratosphere of the tech titans: The industry known for its wokeness is...
What would Ronald Reagan make of the mess we are in? He would not be happy with us, with our...
By: Michael Teninty, AMAC Action's Chief Policy Analyst There are three seminal things to consider in a discussion that concerns...
Thomas Jefferson loved books, philosophy, history, law, fine arts, invention, architecture, math, agriculture, religion, biography – non-fiction. An exception was...
WASHINGTON – Ahead of today’s vote on the House Floor, Majority Whip Tom Emmer announced key stakeholder support for H.R. 8281, the...
D’Artagnan is the perfect candidate for president. He is my dog. He understands America, as only a naturalized dog could....
Though Bidenomics will likely increase the price of your cookout, July Fourth is still a celebration of everything that made...
This Independence Day, let’s remember that freedom isn’t free. Those that signed the Declaration of Independence knew it, and centuries...
Sometimes God works in self-evident ways, other times mysterious – His Plan is not ours, and mercy and signs are...
Detroit, MI – “Never seen anything like it in my life!,” sung by Richard Attenborough in “Dr. Doolittle” (1967), when...
She slipped away, to place small American flags before row upon row of white crosses, honoring the fallen of D-Day...
A revolutionary mindset does not mean violence, it means principled resistance to what is patently wrong, what does not fit...
Honor them. America has 233 million citizens, of whom 7.8 percent are veterans. Our nation owes its survival to 2.34...
Last summer, video of an interview with 100-year-old Marine veteran Carl Dekle went viral. The Silver Star recipient, who survived...
How soon we forget days … that meant everything to those who came before. Our parents and especially our grandparents knew what May 8 was, why it mattered, and how...
T.E. Lawrence From history’s beginning, humans have longed for self-rule, freedoms we call individual rights. As often, this longing is...
AMAC EXCLUSIVE The upcoming presidential election will feature crucial policy debates on issues of importance to Americans, most notably the...
Why is Trump winning? The media and leading Democrats are stumped, as they would be – given all they have...
Argentine President Javier Milei’s Wednesday speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Western world is in danger,...
When the last of “Generation Y” (born 1980-1994) turned 13, before the last of “Generation Z” was born (1995-2009), and...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel Eleanor Roosevelt holding poster of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (in English),...
December 7, 1941. Only a few of military age that day remain with us, but some still do. Not long...
A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while clamping down on...
“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it...
Florida has once again been ranked No. 1 among the states on The Heritage Foundation’s Education Freedom Report Card, which was...
Inspiration flows naturally from some people - in the present, from the past, for the future. It does from Buzz...
If we don’t teach students about the truths of liberty and freedom, then the Marxists will teach them their version. That’s why...
By - Michael Teninty, Chief Policy Analyst of AMAC Action The Second Amendment of our United States Constitution is unique...
A great confusion is afoot – and it goes like this: Americans are polarized. This is bad. We must be...
On 9-11, the whole nation stops. The nation used to stop for Pearl Harbor, remembering December 7, 1941 – another...
You think I am kidding, but I am not. It takes no sleuth to understand that John Adams – like...
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would surely be telling stories, helping us recall our roots, identity, aspirations, and...
The US Women’s National Soccer Team – let us stipulate, at the top – is an exceptional collection of exceptional...
Sometimes lessons in freedom get taught at your elbow, on your doorstep. I have two dogs, one a Belgian sheepdog...
Is Pierre Trudeau – by the terms of established international criminal law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights –...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel Do you know what time it is? The phrase, coined by the political...
AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris The surprise summer blockbuster Sound of Freedom exposes the dark reality of liberal open...
A hot war with China is unlikely – but possible. Clear signals, credible deterrence, allied unity, military readiness, and affirming...
The removal of statues is occurring across the United States on a fairly regular basis. Most recently, this past Saturday,...
Exactly 41 years ago today, June 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan spoke to the British parliament. He was confident, compelling, and...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel Three historic anniversaries having to do with the struggle for freedom provide an...
As we celebrate Memorial Day, what does it mean to be “worthy of sacrifice,” to be equal to the task...
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream....
It is a unique and special time now because Christians, Jews and Muslims all are engaged in major holidays of...
AMAC Exclusive - By Aaron Flanigan After years of little state-level action on the school choice front, six states have...
I remember, a long time ago now, when in my twenties, I had a conversation with my parents after dinner....
AMAC Exclusive - By David Lewis Schaefer This is the second installment of a two-part series. To read the first...
The Republican Party's newest presidential candidate, former South Carolina Gov. and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, introduced...
The Republican-controlled House has voted to boot Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., off the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I salute Republicans...
When everything seems lost… is when things turn. True in physics, and in human relations. Not all lost causes are...
Forty years ago, in 1983, personal curiosity, academic study, and love for people who risk all for freedom – led...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was laid to rest Thursday in the crypt beneath St....
Last week, Pope Benedict XVI died at the age of 95, nearly a decade after stepping down as head of...
Official's in Washington are gushing over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his appeal last week to a joint session of...
President Ronald Reagan famously noted, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to...
AMAC Exclusive - By Shane Harris With the 2022 midterm elections now behind us, it’s not too early to start...
Conservatives tend to be conservative by “nature,” as well as by politics. They value friends, family, faith, tradition, service, and...
By Paul S. Gardiner The 159th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 iconic Gettysburg Address occurs on November 19, 2022....
No mission, issue, policy, or debate – short of national security – matters more than education. In truth, our education...
The Supreme Court just heard arguments in the case Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions...
As Veterans’ Day approaches, many shrug. They should not. A single combat veteran knows more about what freedom is, what it costs,...
Churchill warned us about the Soviets. If alive today, he would warn about China. China is telling us all we...
Why do we have a military? Train military personnel? Prioritize readiness? To deter and win wars. Why do we promote...
Republicans are gearing up for elections in November by drawing a clear line in the sand between their party and...
In August of 1790, President George Washington visited Rhode Island, which a few months earlier had ratified the U.S. Constitution....
Florida ranks highest among the states in education freedom, while the District of Columbia trails behind all of them, according...
Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) Helmut Schmidt, Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic...
We are all blessed in ways we do not see, have opportunities we do not realize, and sometimes stand at...
Thirty-six years ago, Ronald Reagan gave a speech in July – this time of year. It was empowering, eminently hopeful. His...
AMAC Exclusive By David P. Deavel The shocking assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this weekend is cause...
Let’s face it – we are challenged, politically, economically, and culturally; while watching ridiculous appeals to communism, socialism, racism, street...
Independence Day – the 4th of July – is celebrated with fireworks. Kids often think the whole day is about...
Per a new report from Gallup, the percentage of Americans now saying they believe in God is the lowest since...
As the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the United States Capitol starts public hearings, we...
While liberal mayors were stripping Americans of their rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Ron DeSantis’ popularity skyrocketed when he...
AMAC Exclusive - By Shane Harris As education battles continue to take center stage in the Culture Wars, it’s worth...
“United we stand, divided we fall” is a phrase that is likely familiar to most people, and it is widely...
Vital assumptions were made by America’s Founders. Three relate to the First Amendment, which guarantees “free speech” – to help...
WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 16 – Ukraine had an advantage over their Russian invaders; they knew the Russians were coming. But...
The distorted rhetoric -- should I say lies? -- labeling Florida's legislation about parental rights in public schools as, "Don't...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked the largest divestiture from a major world...
In 1982 and 1983, the currents of life took me to Oxford University, from where friends tied to the Polish...
Canadian truckers are mad about government overreach. The Canadian Government – supported by Biden – hit them “like a ton...
In 1835, a Frenchman named Alexis De Tocqueville, having traveled the breadth of America, published a two-volume set entitled “Democracy...
By: Robert B. Charles The Second Amendment is under attack, as liberals seek to minimize the fundamental nature of this...
When GoFundMe shut down funding Friday for the truckers' Freedom Convoy, it didn't just clobber Canadian rig drivers; it dealt...
“Rendezvous with Destiny” – a collection of speeches by Ronald Reagan – includes his first big speech. Called “A Time...
A new warning to woke CEOs: Americans don’t want corporations meddling in divisive political issues, and they perceive such activism...
Imagine, after years of amnesia, a hypothetical American awakes. He would be as mystified as a time traveler, unclear why...
Communism – defined as centralized suppression of individual liberty, Marxist justification, class warfare, public ownership of property, compliance with a...
With several days to reflect on the splash and fin at America’s elbow, it would appear there is a monster...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis Cubans are planning to take to the streets on November 15th and renew their...
Ronald Reagan spoke plainly, intuitively reflecting the sentiments and sensibilities of his fellow Americans. I worked in his first-term White...
Some years ago, I traveled to Taiwan (Republic of China) – and was shocked. The spirit of the place was...
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eliana Aponte/AP/Shutterstock (12205288f) Anti-government protesters gather at the Maximo Gomez monument in Havana, Cuba, . Hundreds...
No monument adorns the National Mall for John Adams, our second president (1797-1801). Yet Adams' contributions, habits, and foresight are...
AMAC Exclusive By Daniel Roman Former Assistant Secretary of State Robert Charles has rightfully warned of the impending danger posed...
AMAC Exclusive This past weekend, thousands of Cubans gathered in towns and cities throughout the country in a show...
Freedom is not just about the written word, saying and doing as you like in a free republic, being an...
This Independence Day, let's remember that freedom isn't free. Those that signed the Declaration of Independence knew it, and centuries...
Fidel Castro is dead. Sadly, his ideology is not. Since 1959, Cuba was under the cruel rule of Fidel Castro,...
WASHINGTON, DC, June 23 -- We have to admit that it's pretty gutsy of the progressive socialists in Congress to...
They call it “85 days of Hell,” June 7, 1944, to the end of August 1944, the stretch immediately after D-Day’s June...
Always the one reading the plaques at museums and frustrating my companions who are on a mission to complete the...
Conservative candidates campaigning for political office, especially high political office, will substantially increase their chances of winning by prioritizing meeting...
Americans are losing the art of talking with each other, simple, respectful conversation – in its place a nasty imposter,...
As we reflect on one of the most historic presidencies of all time, there is no area of our democracy...
AMAC Exclusive By Daniel Roman For decades, conservatives globally have struggled to win elections in big cities--yet today, when voters...
WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 2 -- The House of Representatives passed the so-called Equality Act in February, and it is now...
[caption id="attachment_348216" align="alignleft" width="375"] SBS CPAC Convention- AMAC Action Senior Vice President, Andy Mangione and AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber[/caption] It...
“This is the winter of our discontent,” drawn from Shakespeare’s Richard III, was used 60 years ago by Steinbeck to...
Sometimes I look backward, to see forward. It was March 1983, 39 years after the event, and now 38 years...
President Obama wrote a book about the dreams from his father. Those dreams differ greatly from the dreams from my...
Political elites worldwide have criticized big tech companies for banning President Donald Trump from their social media platforms. At present,...
WASHINGTON—Empty streets and a subdued atmosphere characterized Washington on Jan. 7 as Trump supporters processed the events of the previous...
First country to call President Trump was Taiwan. That was unprecedented. First likely to call Biden, if finally elected, is...
Seventy-six years ago, this week, an exhausted, embattled Free World fell into a near-fatal tailspin. History calls that moment, which...
When freedom is left undefended – not understood, fully appreciated, earnestly taught, and fought for – it perishes. Ronald Reagan...
Do you believe in miracles? Yes, here too. What about political miracles? Yes, how could we not – after 2016. ...
History is a wise teacher, especially taught by George Washington, Adam Smith, John Adams, and the like. Lessons are never...
What a festive July 4th we just saw – and most of us enjoyed, worries notwithstanding! From Maine to South...
National Day of Prayer As the country recognizes National Day of Prayer, all Americans should know that the President will...
As students of history, we know what we are seeing. Through the fog, we search for beacons. Once again, we...
Have you ever watched that inspiring speech at the 1984 Republican National Convention by Jeanne Kirkpatrick, the great conservative scholar and ambassador to...
A study in contrasts – is the way veterans are treated in China and the United States, and the way...
Chick-fil-A may cater, but not to the demands San Antonio liberals care about. Now, three weeks into the City Council’s...
President Trump’s gift – is authenticity. He showed it again last week in an unabashed Executive Order (EO) reaffirming America’s...
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill died 54 years ago, last month. He saw and did more in one life than...
Think of a country where leading politicians question whether members of a long-established religious minority are fit for public office....