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US Women’s Soccer Team – Graceless

Posted on Monday, August 7, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The US Women’s National Soccer Team – let us stipulate, at the top – is an exceptional collection of exceptional athletes with innate talent refined by hard work. Posting an exceptional record, even if they just lost to Sweden in the early elimination rounds at the World Cup. They are also exceptionally well paid, well treated, well sponsored – and, at times, utterly graceless.

Graceless? Yes, the irony is extraordinary – in a dozen ways. The majority of the Women’s US Team (8 of 11 players), including their freedom-loving, purple-haired team captain, worth seven million dollars – refused to sing the American National Anthem or put a hand on their heart in their World Cup opening match against Vietnam – whose players belted out their own anthem. 

Think about that for a moment. America is the only country in the world where a female soccer player can pull riches like that, so free she can speak her mind, choose to hate without debate, wear hair any color, pick her favorite gender, invest, protest, and her nation will still defend her.

America is a nation so free and fair that men and women gave hard-earned money – including men like the son of George W. Bush’s Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson – to make women’s soccer exist, create opportunities where there were none, bring this sport to the fore, and give these kids a chance to excel, make dreams come true, reinforce their longing to be all they could.

America is not Iran, where those who do not salute and sing, goosestep and chant are killed, where a woman without a burka gets executed, and where protesters on her behalf are mowed down by the State’s own machineguns – by the hundreds.

Nor are we China, where people are “disappeared” for lack of patriotism, or for being a minority, or for prayers said, books read, or a social media account. America is not the Mideast, Africa, or Far East, where women do not share the rights of men, and cannot wear, say, or be what they want.

America is not one of the dozens of countries that forbid women to work, live, travel, and participate in society as they wish, where – for example – they cannot even attend games, let alone play them, and heaven forbid earn money having fun on a soccer field, playing these games.

America is not one of those countries, like Communist China, where everything about life is dictated and surveilled – from work and travel to relationships and associations, where free speech, religion, armed self-protection, security in one’s home, due process, equal protection, and fair trials – do not exist. For now, while we must assert them, we still have them.

The irony of this women’s team dishonoring America on the global stage – while living the high life made possible by America’s freedom, prosperity, free will and markets – gets more profound.  

The flag and anthem so arrogantly disrespected by these cocksure, privileged young athletes embodies the people who fought and died for them, even knowing some would never understand, not recognize their gift, not appreciate the freedom that their ultimate sacrifice makes possible.

The level of ignorance, failure to grasp history, failure to care or see their proper place in the progression of those who have done far more than play soccer – is profound, stunning, actually.

To some degree, we can blame ourselves – a culture and educational system that has failed, one that allows a girl with fancy footwork to proceed through secondary education, skip college, never knowing how all these marvelous miracles came to be, just crediting herself with wins.

We can sit back and marvel that young people gobble up the unrivaled benefits of freedom and are witless about what made that possible, content to congratulate themselves for all they have, who have likely never “wasted” time walking Arlington, pausing at the Tomb of the Unknown.

But in a larger sense, being silent is wrong. To watch this ingratitude and shrug – makes us complicit in their failure to appreciate. We owe the past, too – the defense of freedoms that define us.

Here is the message for these women – and for all Americans who benefit from what is made possible through past sacrifice: Stop thinking about yourself, stop congratulating yourself, and stop thinking you are the center of the universe. Put your humble hand on your free heart, learn our anthem’s words, and then boldly sing them – because were it not for those who died under that flag, you would have nothing.  

Put differently, to err in understanding one’s place in the universe, accidentally overvalue what you contribute, imagine you have the right to disrespect those who made your wonderful life possible – is human. It becomes unforgivable, only if not corrected. At best, this team is…graceless.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

This is an excellent article. Showcasing the narcissism, lack of gratitude and complete self-absorption of these spoiled, entitled female athletes.

1 year ago

Frankly, I am glad those privileged spoiled twits lost. Guess they aren’t as invincible as the thought. Wha wha wha!

1 year ago

I agree with Joe Ripari. How despicable that these privileged women would disrespect this country. All the soldiers that lost their lives and soldiers that lost their limbs to keep us free. So many soldiers are committing suicide daily and the PTSD that they are suffering through – this is who these women NEED to have a conversation with to know what was done for their freedoms. They hate this country but they love the money they get from capitalism that they claim is destroying this country

Regald Smith
Regald Smith
1 year ago

I salute the three ladies who honored the country that sponsors them. However, I have no place in my heart for the eight who chose to rebel against the nation who not only sponsored them, but helped them become very wealthy. I will not support these spoiled brats, and I hope they don’t get millions of dollars from our major sports equipment providers. They don’t deserve another penny of our American currency. I do, however, hope the three patriotic team members names are put out there for proper recognition and fair and honest contracts. They are the only ones who deserve credit.

Penny W
Penny W
1 year ago

I agree with CB. Not to sing their national anthem is also a sign that “In God we trust” means nothing to them.

1 year ago

Excellent and thought- provoking article. What was stated in this article can be applied to all professional sports, many members of which arrogantly draw their millions and are completely disrespectful toward America and totally lack the virtues of humility and thankfulness.

1 year ago

I think that everyone who disrespects our control and those fighting for it should not live here and go elsewhere. So many good and faithful soldiers etc. died for keeping us free and putting your hand over your heart and standing for our country is very important.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Glad we Lost Hooray Thanks Rappone & allies

1 year ago

They need to make a mandated tour of Walter Reed and local VA hospitals to see how their freedoms came to be.

Charles Williams
Charles Williams
1 year ago

And here’s to many, many more losses in their future. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people. FJB!

Richard Helzer
Richard Helzer
1 year ago

A very informative article. It’s sad and infuriating at the same time. Talk about self absorption with a big helping of ignorance and over flowing ingratitude.
The loss to Sweden was well deserved!

Louretta Denton
Louretta Denton
1 year ago

well said. They should not be allowed to play for America after this disgraceful act. Who do they think they are. My dad survived the bombing of Hawaii by the Japanese and was a Marine who was proud of this nation. He raised us to do the same. If you are not willing to stand for our flag and respect our anthem, leave and go try to disrespect Russia or China or any other country who does not care about its citizens.
What a disgrace you are, and you do not deserve the position you are in. But that is also why people have fought and died in this country so people like you can stand and be disrespectful. Such a same, someone had to die to give you the choice to disrespect our country. Please leave America asap.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Spoilt brats do not realize that they live in the dream land That the real world is S America and Africa India and China Russia and all the moslem countries I do do nor think they’d like to switch the places

Chuck A.
Chuck A.
1 year ago

They (with the exception of about 3 or 4) are a DISGRACE to The REPUBLIC !!!

1 year ago

Amen & Amen

1 year ago

Direct result of selfish behaviors. Choices have consequences.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Just another sad day in the history of the USA. I’m glad they lost, maybe now they’ll realize their not as special as they thought they were…oh wait a minute, I forgot who were talking about.
If you can’t be bothered to stand up, put your hand over your heart and show the slightest bit of respect for the country that has given you so much, then you deserve to fail.
God save the USA.

1 year ago

Pinkie and the rest are maybe the most ungrateful prima Donnas in America. It makes me sick to even think they represent our country. Obviously they think a lot of themselves. The coaching staff should be fired for allowing these pompous, arrogant, wenches to embarrass America with their woke BS

1 year ago

I meant country not control!!! So sorry

1 year ago

I am glad we lost! I wonder if they disrespect their parents this way. Spoiled brats who are probably living in Mom and Dad’s basement free.

1 year ago

Unfortunately this attitude seems to prevail with those who obtain fame and fortune.

1 year ago

This crap has been going on with the soccer team for years . And somebody keeps financing them to continue on with their anti-patriotic bull crap.. this is funny as the basketball bimbo who got caught with dope.. but what does anybody expect when they are living in a banana republic north of the Rio Grande river in a liter has to have his depend diapers changed at least three times a day

1 year ago

I wouldn’t spend a dime or cross the street to watch these arrogant has beens. Robert Charles said it well. To disrespect our flag and or the national anthem is all anyone needs to know about these useless unAmericans.

William S. Klocek
William S. Klocek
1 year ago

Not just died for Freedom, but lost parts and abilities, yet still carry on.
A 100% disabled former U.S. Marine.

1 year ago

I am never one to go against any American sports teams even though there aren’t very many sports that I really enjoy!! But the arrogance and anti-American behavior of Rapinoe and how she poisoned the minds of her teammates is deserving of a defeat like this most embarrassing moment for Rapinoe’s career!! I’m glad they lost!! The behavior of the team is NOT American and we do not condone it!!

Linda S Bufton
Linda S Bufton
1 year ago

AMEN. Could not agree more. I don’t watch women’s soccer, any soccer actually, but do know enough about the team to know that they deserve to be exiled to China or Russia or Cuba to learn a lesson or two about the cost of freedom.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I am tire of my tax dollars going to spoiled arrogant entitled taterheads. If they disrespect America, I say leave them over there. Better yet, take them to Afghanistan and dump them…Not all of the team is antiAmerican, so let them play,sit the losers down and keep the news media away from them. Their venom is spreading to impressionable young ladies an boys. Cut off all sports ,even Olympics, until they grow up and get a clue..or just let the ones who want to stand up and deserve respect participate…The entitled ones will do what it take to get on the team… make them sign an agreement to act like Americans of the old days and show respect. They are not only disrespecting our .MY.. flag, but me personally as well.

Andrew Vitale
Andrew Vitale
1 year ago

Couldn’t be more well written and absolutely true!!!

1 year ago


Richard FURMAN
Richard FURMAN
1 year ago

Great article RDF

1 year ago

So well said.

1 year ago

graceless and tasteless. they are free to go to a jungle bc their type is not wanted here in this great country. a country that has allowed them the freedom to play the game. i am glad they lost, all haters always get their just due

1 year ago

In fact, kick all the anti-American ‘kneelers’ off the team. I’m sure there are others that would be grateful to be on the team.

1 year ago

I think the purple haired Anti-American should be kicked off the team. Why let her represent America when she evidently hates it here. Let her move to a country where she can act like a citizen instead of a stupid ignorant anti-American POS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

If you hate America and don’t want to stand of the National Anthem, don’t join the UNITED STATES NATIONAL TEAM. And I’m supposed to chant USA! USA! USA! and root for them to win? Pftt. Oh and I notice their “protest” didn’t include NOT PLAYING did it?

1 year ago

The article said it so wall. I hoped that America’s woman’s soccer would lose. You said my reason so much better than I ever could. THANK YOU, CHRIS AMAC, Please don’t censor my reply.

Patricia Cetrone
Patricia Cetrone
1 year ago

Love this article. How do we get it to all the entitled spoiled brats who have no regard for anything or anyone but themselves, especially the US soccer team. On a spiritual, biblical note: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18. No one who puts too much stock in himself can enter the Kingdom of God.

Susan Bennett
Susan Bennett
1 year ago

This is a great article–we can only hope that the ungrateful members of the team will bother to read it.

1 year ago

It’s the problem with way to many athletes, actors and musicians who make it big by the grace and opportunity afforded them in Our Great Country, and yet have no respect or appreciation for the sacrifices of others who gave them it.
I have ZERO respect for them,will not support them or their further ability to make millions!

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

No worries, they can just recruit a bunch of transgendered men…err I mean Fauxwomen for next season a secure the win for sure.

1 year ago


1 year ago

As one who no longer watches professional sports and refuses to purchase products endorsed by these disloyal brats (NBA, WBA, US Soccer, US Olympians, NFL, MLB etc), I urge all patriotic US citizens to boycott the games and their sponsors. As we have seen with the ‘Woke’ Bud Light boycott, the majority in this nation are using their wallets to make their voices heard.

1 year ago


1 year ago

F*** em.

1 year ago

anyone who has the privileges of freedom that is offered in this country should show respect to the flag and the national anthem. Respect is a sign of maturity whether its the country or your elders or those in authority. Disrespect has become rampant here and is an indicator of our countrys moral decline. Shame on these ladies for setting a bad example for the younger generations.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

They still play soccer in the US? How French….

1 year ago

Ok I’m just going to say this aloud , no one with any sort of brain function would ever care anything about this (we can do what we want and you can’t say anything attitude) team , they alone have made women’s soccer not worth watching ✌????

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 year ago

Great assessment. In reality, women’s soccer at its best is perhaps equivalent to the schoolboy level game. I say this as a player & a coach and father of some very talented female as well as male players.
Humility could have gone a long way to improve their game.

Louis Thornton
Louis Thornton
1 year ago

Happy they lost!

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