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Thanksgiving Freedom

Posted on Saturday, November 26, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

President Ronald Reagan famously noted, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Prescient words to reflect upon considering what the Democrats and their leftist comrades are doing to this country.

Some still believe the left “means well” and loves the nation. Having been on the left, I would caution against that sentiment. The various rants by leftists and media even during this Thanksgiving week should clear up any confusion about their intentions. After all, it takes a lot of work to make sure that every single thing you do harms the country and ruins peoples lives. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. To be wrong & destructive 100% of the time takes real focus.

The Thanksgiving season especially triggers the woke bullies. They know it’s a quintessentially American holiday focused on gratefulness for what we have and how we got here. And the left can’t have that! Headlines leading up to the holiday revealed the left’s wish-fantasy of cancelling not just Thanksgiving as a holiday but also what it stands for. Bloomberg’s coverage reflected the trend suggesting, “Take a Moment to Remember a Forgotten Holiday” as though the ‘forgetting’ has been accomplished. Yeah, no. We know the media lives in a bubble on the coasts, and it’s not surprising that some in California and New York may have “forgotten” the holiday requiring gratefulness. But despite the Democrats effort to make our lives a hellscape, Thanksgiving and its influence is alive and well everywhere else in this country.

For leftists constantly in need of misery reinforcement, you have to hand it to MSNBC’s Joy Reid. She always says the quiet thing out loud, exposing an attitude of malevolence that the Democrats deny has infected their ranks. Her commentary about Thanksgiving revealed an unmitigated hatred for and resentment of this country by “unpacking the myth” of Thanksgiving: “It is a holiday riddled with historical inaccuracies, built on this myth that the indigenous welcomed their colonizers with open arms and ears of corn. A simplistic fairytale interpretation of a 1621 encounter between indigenous tribes and English settlers that erases the genocide that followed. It is the truth that Republicans want banned from our textbooks because here is the secret they want so desperately to keep: We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent.”

Moreover, she managed to bring in slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, and insisted we always choose violence over freedom.

Imagine being so miserable you decide this is your Thanksgiving message to the people who are watching you on TV. And they wonder why Americans, including liberals, have stopped watching the leftist networks.

We know her attitude is not based in reality, and every day we see more evidence that the people attempting to cancel the country itself are projecting their own personal agony onto the nation.

What these attitudes reveal is the fact that their efforts to change this country by defunding the police, making the military woke (and ineffective), instructing children to embrace racism and to hate themselves and others based on the color of their skin, seeking to out Americans against each other by condemning the nation as irretrievably bigoted, are not ideas and measures implemented by people who love the nation, this is an agenda meant to crush what they hate.

It’s like a batterer who, while beating up the woman he terrorizes, keeps telling her he does it because he loves her. We know that’s a lie, and yet the effort is to convince her that she deserves what he’s doing to her. Remember this if you ever find yourself slipping into believing the slander the Democrats spread about conservatives and those who reject the leftist agenda.

No country is perfect and certainly no human being is. But the United States has a particularly remarkable history in that while we were born with significant issues we have proven that we are determined to act on becoming a better country and a better people. The Civil War, of course, is a shocking and dramatic example of what Americans were willing to sacrifice to reject the scourge of racism and the slavery it excused.

The founding of the nation itself of course has become the singular beacon for freedom and happiness for people the world over. To this day, for good reason, we are the country that those who seek a better life strive to reach. It is a tremendous statement and it’s an act that is undertaken because we are the antithesis of the countries they are fleeing. Yet, there are plenty of people here who work to turn the United States into a clone of the totalitarian hellholes around the world from which millions of people continue to flee.

Thanksgiving and the holiday season that we are launching into reminds us of the importance of love, family, and the importance of the choices we make for the future. For conservatives, Thanksgiving is a year-round state of mind yet there are many things we take for granted because they seem unassailable. While heartbreaking, what’s happening to the country now must serve as an inspiration for Americans to step up, say enough is enough, and act on ending and reversing the vandalism Democrats have inflicted on us. Every generation of Americans have had to defend freedom and they have succeeded. So will we.

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1 year ago

TDS much, there, comrade?

1 year ago

What a load of codswallop.

1 year ago

Wow!! Excellent article!!

Michaeel Sims
Michaeel Sims
1 year ago

It’s still true today. We are seeing the affects of it

American Lover
American Lover
1 year ago

Great article! Keep smiling and defending America as a wonderful, loving, prosperous nation! Daily remember HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

1 year ago

It’s obvious she doesn’t know true history. The ku klux Klan was founded and run by democrats. So in other words she was cutting her own throat with her own words. But the saddest part is there are many uneducated people who believe her false crap.

1 year ago

God bless Steve Joseph Scalise the left failed to murder this great senator from Louisiana merry Christmas to the Scalise family. Reagan would of been proud to been above ground to see president Trump honor Israel with an American embassy while in office.

1 year ago

Thank you for boosting my spirits!

1 year ago

He always had the BEST voice in

1 year ago

Well thought out article. Thank you.

1 year ago

Thank you for writing such an excellent article.

1 year ago

Applaud your writers because they so deserve it! We are so happy we switched to AMAC from AARP when you first appeared years ago. It is a different America our grand children will have unless WE ALL STAND UP FOR GOD AND COUNTRY NOW????

1 year ago

Democrats not Republicans or am i missing something here. “It is the truth that Republicans want banned from our textbooks because here is the secret they want so desperately to keep: We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent.”

1 year ago

You gotta love TRUTH;powerful article ❗

Patriate Henry
Patriate Henry
1 year ago

Thank you. USA………

1 year ago

Such a well written and thoughtful piece. Thank you for stating what we all should remember-that bowing to those who would destroy us is never acceptable. We can and should stand up for ourselves and our country. We may not be perfect, but we’re still the best choice.

James H
James H
1 year ago

There are two kingdoms at war in America. The Left adheres to “deceiving spirits and doctrines of deamons”; the kingdom of Satan. God’s Kingdom is truth! His spirit leads us into truth. Truth sets people free!!

Janet Labrum
Janet Labrum
1 year ago

I’m new to this and have probably missed discussions on my question here but what can concerned citizens do to help STOP what the left is doing to our country? It’s pretty obvious that “voting” for more responsible representation no longer works because the left has figured out how to control those outcomes, as well! Please direct me to ideas I can share with others I know who are like minded.

Pastor Ron
Pastor Ron
1 year ago

Ronald Reagan was not only a good President, but a great orator of American patriotism. Our family military history goes back to the Revolutionary War and my 3 son’s are decorated combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. These are my family who have believed in this country. But the time has come that my belief in this government is sadly lacking, but my belief in God is getting only stronger.

1 year ago

Well said !!

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
1 year ago

Hopefully there’s enough good people left to turn it around and make it right get rid of the left or at least silence them

Paulletta Lovett
Paulletta Lovett
1 year ago

We need to remind others that Thanksgiving is a time to thank our God and Savior for all the blessings He has given us. And the list would go on and on. First of all salvation that He offers and then for our family and the freedom we still have here in our country.

1 year ago

Such a great article!

1 year ago

No you won’t.

J Salazar
J Salazar
1 year ago

For those who fought for it, for those who sacrificed for it, freedom has a sweetness, the protected can never know. Freedom is not free! The progressive left democrats have made inroads into our basic freedoms and moral values. America is not the country it was, six decades ago. There was a time when the Pledge of Allegiance was recited every morning, in school,and prayer was allowed in a moment of silence, to show gratitude for being able to live in the land of the free. Not so anymore! Yes, the 40th President of the Republic was surely right. Freedom, is not an inheritance and there are those who would take it away from us, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, they dwell among us this very moment!

Dave W.
Dave W.
1 year ago

Lots of great posts! Put Christ first in your life! He will deliver you from evil and give you strength and wisdom! I had the privilege and honor to serve under President Reagan as a US Marine. His leadership is much missed. I recommend A Time For Choosing. What Reagan warned us of is unfolding now!

1 year ago

I pray that the Republicans come up with another POTUS like Ronald Reagan, who is the best POTUS in my lifetime.

1 year ago

There are ignorant people that believe that America was born out of violence.Defending life,liberty,,equal justice for all,with rights of property is not violence based.To fight for protection of the above or the implementation of the same constitutes righting a wrong.Americans are like a two sided razor sharp sword under glass with appropriate plack which says”Break glass use as needed return same” I see that a patriot is in the room and my ears wait for the sound of breaking glass. Wonderful article!!!

1 year ago

Beautiful. Thank you for putting in words why we love America.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

What liberal-democrats do not realize is that, merely being an offense to conservatives’s values, they are an offense to God.

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