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Why Was President Trump Shot? 

Posted on Monday, July 15, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Moments after the shots rang out in Pennsylvania, a colleague and good friend texted me one word: “Unbelievable.” He was wrong. What the world witnessed yesterday was in fact, inevitable.

Let me walk you through how it all happened.

What do we know so far?

A twenty year old man tried to kill President Trump but failed.

Apparently he’s a registered Republican, but the only party he has ever donated to is the Democrat Party, and he did so on the day of Joe Biden’s Inauguration.

The murderer failed to kill President Trump, but by less than an inch.

Instead he murdered an innocent bystander and critically wounded two more of the former President’s supporters.

How did it happen, who’s to blame and what will happen next?

At the operational level, the Secret Service appears to have failed in all sorts of concrete ways. The most egregious of which was failing to secure the building used by the wannabe assassin which is less than 200 yards from where the President was standing.

On top of that, if we are to believe the eyewitnesses who have already gone on camera, multiple attendees saw the shooter scale the building during President Trump’s rally, alerted the authorities as he did so, yet no decisive action was taken.

Lastly, unlike earlier instances, most notably, when Ronald Reagan was shot, the agents responsible for the life of the President failed to immediately move their charge out of the “kill box” and rush him to a hospital, waiting instead to be given a putative ‘all clear,’ despite the fact that they did not know the extent of President Trump’s injuries, or whether or not the first assailant had an accomplice in the crowd ready to take another shot or detonate an explosive device whilst he remained in sight.

But what about matters above the tactical and operational? Who bears culpability at the national and strategic level?

It is quite remarkable that even some well-known Conservatives have joined in the “let’s come together,” bromide, calling for unity and for their MAGA compatriots to avoid “divisive rhetoric.”

President Trump was shot yesterday, and apparently it’s Conservatives who have to “behave.”

Well I reject that wholeheartedly because there is only one party that has normalized political violence in America, and it’s not the Republicans.

No matter how hard you try, there is no Conservative politician, let alone President Trump, who did any of the following:

No, if there is one political party in America that has inflamed passions and dehumanized those they politically disagree with, especially President Donald Trump, it is the Democrat Party. Their candidate, whoever he – or she – may be, cannot be allowed to beat President Trump on November 5th.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 hours ago

Overall, a very concise and accurate summary of what both led up to the actual event, who and which political party has been constantly fanning the flames for a violent response from their useful idiot voter base, as well as how both the Secret Service and some members of local law enforcement failed to both adequately secure the area beforehand and were in some cases very slow to react to warnings from some rally attendees that could have prevented this attempted assassination from occurring at all. The BBC interview with a local resident of the area, who was desperately trying to alert both the Secret Service, as well local and state police nearby for at least a few minutes before the incident just typified what was wrong with security that day.

Am I surprised there was an attempt on President Trump’s life? No of course not. Based on the vitriol being spewed non-stop from the left in this country, you would have to have been living in a cave for the last 9 years to not see that numerous Democrat politicians, as well as the entirety of the MSM, has been stoking their voter base for years now. This isn’t unique to the Democrat Party here by the way. Every socialist or Marxist party around the world has used the same strategy and tactics in a bid to remove their political opposition by any means necessary for decades. When you know and really understand world history, you can spot similar patterns when they are being played out again. So don’t think for a minute that any number of high-level Democrats haven’t been hoping for what almost happened on Saturday. Why do you think the Dems wanted to scale back President Trump’s Secret Service protection and why no Secret Service protection was ever authorized by the WH for RFK Jr.?

Remember the 2020 “summer of love” that resulted in over 20 U.S. cities being host to riots, arson and lootings? The BLM riots that were ginned up over falsehoods spread by the Democrats and the MSM? The four completely ludicrous lawfare cases against Trump being directed from the White House and the DOJ, as well as the recent pro-Palestinian protests with associated takeovers of college facilities were all orchestrated to build up to something like what happened Saturday. Hopefully, the Secret Service detail has been significantly increased around not only President Trump, but his family and residences as well. Oh, and by the way, the White House should stop playing politics and approve a Secret Service detail for RFK Jr. as well. If the Biden White House really wants unity, like Old Joe babbled again last night, it’s time to actually prove it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 hours ago

Can anyone imagine what would be happening right now if it were Biden? burning looting violence would be going at full speed with the blessings of the media The rot is deeper then deep Shooter is dead will not talk Which is good for dems because he could use their rhetoric for violence as a defense Maxine Waters and Biden himself urging to put Trump into cross hairs Media is doing its best to shift the blame and Reps are timid I am sure the FBI will be doing its best to get to the “bottom” of it just as it did in JFK murder

5 hours ago

Yes Dr. Gorka truer words were never spoken. Of course the problem will continue to be the re-election of these same people you mentioned in your article. The American public should elect good people that have the best interests of making America first and to speak out against these people and make them accountable for their responsibilities in inciting people to violence. But the big question is “will they”.

49 minutes ago

We know the attack was inspired by the basely claims by Democrat Leaders and the Media making Trump be following in the foot steps and with the ideas of the bad guys of pre-WWII and after WWII. Simply put a threat to Democracy. the Attack was accomplished because of cowardice by a local police officer who should have shot the perp when his gun was pointed at the officer and by the incompetence of the Roof top snipers of the Secret Service who did not take notice until after he fired.

1 hour ago

All the tactics of the progressive left are straight out of a rag called RULES FOR RADICALS. It is the Marxists manifesto. It has been done many times throughout history. Except this time this mind virus must be delta with, it is the biggest phy op in history. Stop believing EVERYTHING you are told!! Get alternate news sources! POLITICIANS DONT CARE ABOUT YOU.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
4 hours ago

Very important article Sebastian, I have been a Reagan Conservative since 1980 . How you identified the sources of trouble in connection with this situation — that makes intelligent communication difficult — is helpful. The matter of being able to communicate is something that is at the foundation of managing things properly. Whether it is political , or business or personal management good decisions are the result of having information presented in a clear, understandable manner. Planning , organization , coordination of what is planned and organized , so that scheduling can be done. All are connected by clear , intelligent communication. So, in the spirit of defending what is right, defending freedom , keeping in mind the principles that hold this Constitutional Republic, this United States of America together being thankful that President Trump survived this attack in Butler, Pennsylvania let us proceed to do what is in the spirit of God bless America, land of free , home of the brave.

22 minutes ago

Apparetly a parent bought the gun. Est Cost $1,000 plus do da upgrades. Who was paying for all of this and they claim to know nothing, Right!
Be Prepare for a constant attack which has been happing for 8 years. The swamp creatures will fight back.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 minute ago

Mr. Trump poses the greatest threat to the globalist takeover of the world in the last 40 years. If he is elected again come November, and all indications are that he will win in a landslide (unless the Democrats get to massage all the vote tabulation computers yet again), he may very well foil the plans of the globalists forever. So he must be removed – with extreme prejudice.
Ever since The French Revolution, which was the beginning of the political “Left,” they have used violence and murder as a key part of their strategy.
Very rarely able to attain power through legitimate means since they very rarely have majority support, the Left engages in violence and the murder of their opponents.
They stage riots, foment coups, start revolutions.
In this nation, despite endless claims to the contrary, the Left has not had majority popular or voter support since the 1960s.
So, you ask, how do they win so many elections?
Very simple: they cheat – and they have been doing so for a very long time.
But this time around, they are so deep in the hole (ignore the rigged polls they keep telling us about – Trump is up by at least 30 points) they have become desperate.
While the Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – will attempt to use all the same fraud and cheating methods they used to steal the 2020 election, they are not so likely to get away with it again.
So they are getting desperate and set up this assassination plan.
And they found themselves a convenient patsy.
The next four months are going to be very dangerous for the future of this nation.
Are we going to be able to save what’s left of our republic, or are we going to turn into the Leftist dictatorship that the globalists want?

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
5 minutes ago

I am sharing that I am disgusted ! It is a VERY SAD TIME IN OUR NATION

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
20 minutes ago

An article on another website says that the Secret Service was told to divert itself from Trump to Jill Biden.

2 hours ago

Oh no they shot hitler in the ear lol

4 hours ago

gorki I didn’t know you felt this strongly about finding out liberals that are also republicans have guns lol

4 hours ago

why is sebastian gorka not in jail?

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