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Lame Duck Congress Has Big Implications for Trump’s Second Term

Posted on Tuesday, December 3, 2024
by Shane Harris

Republicans have secured a governing trifecta behind President-elect Donald Trump for the second time, with the GOP retaking the Senate and holding the House to win unified control of Washington. But there remain some important matters for the current Congress to decide between now and when Republicans officially take power that could have significant implications for the start of Trump’s second term.

As Congress returns to Washington this week, it faces three major legislative hurdles that must be resolved before the end of the year: defense spending, disaster relief, and government funding.

The first two matters should be relatively easy lifts. Floor votes are expected on the annual National Defense Authorization Act as early as next week with little drama expected, as leaders in both parties are looking for swift passage of the bill.

Disaster relief could be a bit more difficult, but there is urgency from both parties to get a deal done to help communities impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton throughout the Southeast. The Biden administration has requested a topline figure of $99 billion. Republicans and Democrats are still haggling over the total cost, but a bipartisan group of senators is pushing for a vote on a standalone disaster relief bill before Christmas.

By far the trickiest issue, particularly for Republicans, is government funding. In September, Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government through December 20. Without any action by then, the government will go into a shutdown just before Christmas – something leadership in both parties wants to avoid.

While CRs are supposed to be a temporary legislative measure that maintains federal government funding at existing levels to prevent a shutdown while Congress negotiates a new budget, in practice they have become a way for Congress to continually avoid the difficult job of passing a new budget, resulting in ever-increasing government spending.

Nonetheless, in some cases CRs can be politically beneficial – as President-elect Trump and his allies hope one can be now. House Speaker Mike Johnson is pushing for a CR that would punt the funding deadline to next February or March, meaning that Trump would then be able to work with a Republican House and Senate to write and pass a new budget that contains his priorities.

The alternative to this would be the traditional budgetary process, which involves Congress writing and passing 12 entirely new funding bills (usually packaged together as an omnibus bill) in just a few weeks. Even if this were logistically possible, it would mean Republicans would agree to a package negotiated with Democrats that would run through the end of the fiscal year next September, rather than being able to write their own funding bills early next year.

Johnson’s strategy carries with it some significant risks, however – the most notable of which is House Republicans’ slim majority, which could be even smaller than their 222-213 seat edge after the 2022 midterms.

House Republicans have had a difficult time remaining unified throughout the current Congress, hampering their effectiveness at advancing conservative priorities, particularly in divided government. The September CR battle was notably filled with intra-party squabbling among Republicans, as Senate Democrats blocked an initial bill that had attached to it the SAVE Act, a set of election integrity provisions that included mandatory voter ID nationwide. Eventually House Republican leadership agreed to a “clean” CR, which maintained funding at current levels without any additional policy riders like the SAVE Act.

The final vote on the September clean CR in the House was 335-91, with 209 Democrats and 126 Republicans voting in favor. Among the 91 opposing votes, the vast majority were Republicans (89), joined by just two Democrats.

Republicans were also forced to deal with intra-party turmoil over the budget back in 2017, even when they controlled both chambers of Congress and had a significantly larger majority in the House. That struggle ultimately led to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history in 2018.

Forcing a budget battle in early 2025 also complicates President-elect Trump’s other legislative priorities, including his promises to extend his 2017 tax cuts, reduce government spending, and begin deportations of illegal aliens. By passing a CR, the current Congress would be effectively setting a deadline for Trump and the incoming Congress to reach an agreement on several highly contentious funding issues in just a few weeks.

Nonetheless, passing a clean CR appears to be the best option congressional Republicans have available to them, and Democrats currently don’t appear to have the political will to fight for a full funding bill that would run through the remainder of the fiscal year.

The current Republican House and Senate caucuses are thus making a big bet that their incoming majorities can get the job done next year, even with an extremely slim margin in the House.

If that bet pays off, the GOP will be well on its way to helping Trump deliver on his campaign promises. If it does not, Trump’s second term agenda could face a major financial roadblock.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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3 months ago

Despite the Republican win, there stills needs to be cooperation of all members of the Congress. Of course, as usual, everything comes down to “PARTY” support instead of a government for the people. It is a fantasy to think that once elected, members would drop their “PARTY” affiliations and actually represent their constituents with a rightful and truthful governmental representation. Unfortunately, this won’t happen with the fight between GOOD and EVIL. Just a thought.

3 months ago

Trump is going to have more problems that a One-arm Paper hanger, we have people who are Half-Wits not only that they don’t give a Fat Rats behind what your problem is, just try to contact your Congress Person. We have a dysfunctional Government, unless they want their name in the news, that they can do.
Defund Government, maybe that will get their attention!
Feed Up!

3 months ago

Dear President Trump! Please take 12 regular members of the legal public at random to every attempt to make America Great Again so they can see the truth in what happens and share in the sphere of their influence! We the American people want to hold our politicians accountable for their actions! Thank You!

3 months ago

Ya know a mortality wounded snake doesn’t know it’s dying, and so with the snakes of the uniparty! First of all, they’re illegitimate because of the stolen 2020 elections and most of Congress will soon be arrested on charges of treason!!!

3 months ago

Will the reps be United? In their voting? Will they vote for what is good for the country? We know the dems won’t. They vote for their party. All you RINOs buck up and vote for what is good for the country. What is good for the people. We the people should call our reps and senators and tell them what we think how they should vote on this.

3 months ago

No one ever said,changing the Biden/Harris Climate of Government would be Easy!
We need to keep Fighting for what is Right!
I’m not giving up hope that Trumps Cabinet will get things done.
We’ve had 4 years of Communistic Rule. Biden just Pardoned his Son.
Biden and his Son Hunter can still be held accountable. There escapdes need to be put on the back burner,for now. Let President Elect solve the Problems caused by Biden/Harris Administration. Don’t let Biden escalate a Nucular war with Russia. Put out these Bruss-fires first.
We have plenty of time to Resolve these other issues.
I Trust President Trump impliciantly.
I guarantee he’s on top of these issues.
He needs to place a gag order on Former President Biden.
God Bless America!
God Bless all the American People.
God Bless Preident Elect DonaldJ.Trump & VP J.D. Vance.
God Bless Trumps Cabinet Picks.
This is one Monumental Task!

3 months ago

A CR without all the added pork hat Congress tends to love would be for the best, based on the reasoning in the article, but it would be nice to see a full, honest budget, with many cuts, come from a deliberative agreement on both sides ( I know, I’m a dreamer!).

3 months ago

There are too many RINO slime balls in the mix for Trump to bring fiscal stability to America and We The People. I pray I’m wrong.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

The trifecta is a good start,but I don’t think that the liberal,socialist democrats really have grasped the message that more than half of the country is totally”pissed off”at what the leftist cult have done”TO”our country,instead of”FOR”our country.AMERICA is AMERICA,leave her alone and put the attitudes back to when a handshake was a contract,when doors could be left unlocked,when you felt safe almost anywhere,when criminals were treated like criminals and way too many more other things.Lets just hope that PRESIDENT TRUMP can kick”ass”and bring the country back from the”idiots”.

3 months ago

A Continiuing Resolution is certainly in order, to ensure that more adults are in the room for responsible budget discussions and legislation. Biden and his “democrat” enablers have proven to be far too dishonest and irresponsible to make important budget decisions on behalf of our electorate.
“President” Biden, his criminal son, and his “flexible pardon” can, finally, ride off into sunset, while having earned full honors as being among the filthiest and most disgusting memories that have ever stained our republic. Each of those two have made Bill and Hillary proud.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Lame what? Isn’t the “F” working on anyone’s keyboard?

3 months ago

The key to this is for “We the People” to stay on top of those we elected and hold them accountable. As much as people want to sit back and enjoy the trifecta of Republicans we can not. If you don’t like what your elected officials are saying and doing, collect the neighborhood and en mass let them know.

3 months ago

Democrats have a self-generated mandate to subvert the will of to subvert the will of the and Destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. They hate him so bad they will do anything to ruin him. News flash Democrats we hate you worse you will never get elected again. And we will never ever forget what you attempted to do to this country

3 months ago

I am amazed that the Republican Party both House and Senate will squander this opportunity away. We have already seen the poor leadership decision the Senate has made. The American people have voted for the Trump agenda and Republicans cannot abide by the people’s decision. Most of our Republican party needs to be replaced. They need to unite and stand behind President Trump or leave the Republican party.

Doug Weise
Doug Weise
3 months ago

Replace RINOs with true conservatives who will support President Trump in his effort to

3 months ago

This happens every time Repubs get the Exec. Branch! Dems thwart their every move! While when Dems have it, Repubs hardly wince at ANYTHING! and just pass them! How about THIS: just pass the CR now with the stipulation that all expenses from Dec.1 to Jan.30 (the lame-duck period) have to be approved by the …?… (some office of accountability) before they can spend them (so Blue Dept. Heads can’t LOAD UP on ‘paid expenses’ just because the $$ is THERE in the Budget (becuz the $$$ is really NOT there, since we are Bankrupt!) AND SINCE EVERYONE KNOWS there are SEVERE CUTS coming down the pike, so no NEED to ‘re-stock’ or ‘re-up’ staff that won’t be needed later!
And, how about if even WHEN A NEW (or Old) BUDGET is approved, there is a Stipulation that ‘just because the Budget has a $amount, doesn’t mean all that $$$ is AVAILABLE for Spending, without prior Authorization from the ‘Budget Office’ for that expenditure.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

I think that very few, probably could be counted on the fingers run for the position to serve. Country and constituents. Majority run for personal gain,there is no honor and no interest to do what is best for the country and it’s citizens. What can possibly be expected from someone who has no character or shame. The only way this could be fixed is a term limit, I can hear the screaming about how hard and tirelessly they work for their constituents Country would be better off without them and the damage and confusion they create. If only they could see past their worthless selves

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Can sabotage from now to 1-20

3 months ago

Republicans appears to have an affinity to unionize. They must vote as their constituents require as the vote they cast has already been cast during the election.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

Spend, spend, spend and then whine like a wuss about other more rational nations attempts to flee our dying currency. Our “leaders” need to grow the F**k up and start figuring out how to keep this dying empire afloat for a little longer.
But they won’t.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

I’d like to see President Trump immediately begin to reduce the size of all government agencies by a minimum of 20%. That would give him room to see how well agencies can work with a reduced cost without being so much that anyone could say he destroyed the agencies. Heads of agencies need to be in charge of who is dismissed so that the agencies can continue to be effective. Agencies that are not effective should look for better leadership. Just eliminating special interest requirements currently being considered would make up for 20% of wasted time. All employees in any government job need to be chosen based on their merits for doing the job they are involved in. No other considerations should be made. Any considerations for jobs other than merit should be deemed to be racist if employee is chosen due to their ethnicity, sexist if the employee is chosen based on their sex, ageist for age discrimination etc.

3 months ago

Any RINOs had best get on board when it’s time to go to work. No more of this Trump hating backstabbery.

Teddy Walmart
Teddy Walmart
3 months ago

Why isn’t the government doing more to lower grocery bills?

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