In Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises, one man asks another how he went bankrupt. “Two ways,” the first man replies. “Gradually and then suddenly.”
Hemingway’s famous quote gave rise to what would become known as the “Hemingway Law of Motion,” or the notion that changes, whether in the economy, business, or politics, happen slowly, and then all at once. Changes may be gradual, even imperceptible at first, but the avalanche ensues once a tipping point is reached.
This phenomenon may befall the Democratic Party now in the “blue wall” states of the Upper Midwest—the so-called “Rust Belt.” Once a stronghold of Democratic electoral power, Trump’s 2024 victory in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin—and his unexpectedly strong showing in Minnesota—may have been the first sign of a landslide realignment toward the GOP in this region of the country.
The numbers in the Rust Belt since the turn of the century paint a concerning picture for Democrats. From 2000 to 2012, Democrats averaged 52 percent of the vote in Pennsylvania, 53.5 percent in Michigan, 51.6 percent in Wisconsin, and 51.5 percent in Minnesota. Since 2012, those numbers are 48.7 percent in Pennsylvania, 48.7 percent in Michigan, 48.3 percent in Wisconsin, and 50 percent in Minnesota.
For Republicans, it’s the exact opposite story. Between 2000 and 2012, GOP presidential candidates averaged 46.4 percent of the vote in Pennsylvania, 44.9 percent in Michigan, 46.3 percent in Wisconsin, and 45.5 percent in Minnesota. Since 2012, those figures are 49.1 percent in Pennsylvania, 48.3 percent in Michigan, 48.6 percent in Wisconsin, and 45.7 percent in Minnesota.
In any given cycle, these changes have been small. But the trend is undeniable – on average since 2000, Democrats have lost ground to Republicans in all of the four blue wall states. Meanwhile, neighboring Iowa and Ohio, once considered swing states (Obama won both in 2008 and 2012) are now ruby red.
These small changes may have now led to a tipping point moment in the Rust Belt and perhaps the country at large. 2016 was the first major warning sign for Democrats, but the liberal establishment and media class were quick to write it off as a one-off, particularly since Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin with a plurality of the vote rather than an outright majority. But after a brief regression to the mean in 2020, Trump’s performance in the Rust Belt in 2024 provided more evidence that the region could be breaking hard for the GOP.
Without the blue wall states, Democrats’ number of plausible paths to victory nationwide becomes far smaller. It is true that Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona, once considered more or less safe Republican states, have trended toward becoming swing states in recent cycles. But this development has been more than offset by Ohio and Florida becoming safe Republican states.
Take, for instance, this sample electoral map, which shows the results from 2024 without the other four swing states outside the Rust Belt (North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada). For at least the next few cycles, barring any major upsets in safe red or blue states, the Republican nominee would be on the doorstep of the presidency by holding Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The Democrat nominee, conversely, would need a sweep of all four remaining states to win the Electoral College vote.

Of course, this consequential shift in the Rust Belt did not occur in a vacuum; it is a direct result of Trump’s ascendancy to the top of the Republican Party.
Trump’s personal charisma and down-to-earth mentality undoubtedly helped him activate new voters and peel off old-school Democrats fed up with the party’s growing elitism and far-left direction on social issues. But what truly made Trump a potent political force is that he finally gave voice to the frustrations among the working class in these states that had been brewing for decades.
The Rust Belt is ground zero for the economic destruction wrought by the globalist policies of the 1990s and early 2000s. For years, blue-collar union workers in Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Milwaukee had been a core Democrat constituency. However as the political establishment in both parties allowed manufacturing jobs to be shipped overseas and failed to protect American industry, these workers became economically destitute and politically homeless.
Trump broke with Republican Party orthodoxy on trade and manufacturing, appealing directly to blue-collar workers with promises to bring back manufacturing jobs – a pledge he began to fulfill during his first term. At the same time, Trump has made inroads with black and minority voters similarly disillusioned with Democrats’ repeated failures and endless pandering.
Trump may have been uniquely suited to deliver a potentially fatal blow to the Democrats’ blue wall, but other Republican candidates can follow his blueprint for success. If Trump has indeed won the Rust Belt for the GOP, it is thanks to his America First agenda as much as his personal political ability – something other Republican candidates would do well to embrace.
Democrats may yet regain the momentum and rebuild the blue wall. But if a tipping point has indeed been reached, liberals may find their efforts too little, too late.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.
The dems with their lying and brainwashing and trans and migrants support over the citizens is what made the Rust belt vote for Trump. Trump does what he says. The left is astounded that he follows through with his plans he outlined in the campaign. The dems told their voters he is going to arrest you lock you up in camps if he was elected. They never asked Biden how he was going to treat MAGA voters. Because he made them enemy of the state. Called them fascists, domestic terrorists, Nazis and don’t forget garbage. Biden was not president of all America hell he wasn’t even president of those that voted for him. All he cared about was other countries. Made buddy buddy with China, Russia and even Iran. The man can’t talk. I never understand a word he says. Finally the people all over America saw what the dems stand for. The billionaires millionaire elites. Almost a billion and a half money was donated to Harris campaign and still she lost. Because all that money was funneled to the same millionaires. Biden lost these voters with his lies and the destruction of America. We have a common sense, strong president in the white house again. With policies for the common man. Does what he promises. And will admit when mistakes are made. The rust belt voter finally saw the dems for what they are a party for the elites. They abandoned the citizens.
Never count an opponent out as this case with the Democrats. Their agenda has once again has had a hiccup, but they will go back to their planning board to find a new way to circumvent the system. Their biggest ally will be the people who go back into their stupors now thinking everything will be corrected under Pres. Trump and company. It will not be an easy ride as Pres. Trump will have to contend with his enemies (Left, Demos and RINOs) to get his policies of correction in place for the nation. The upcoming administration will the support of the nation and for that support not to become complacent.
Do not forget that China made the declaration years ago that they would take over America from within. That they would not wage war with an affront, they would slowly infiltrate and take over our way of life, make us part of their communist state. Since then there HAS been a slow deterioration of our liberties, and the government has been growing and dictating what our freedoms should be, and NOT be. The Democrat party along with mainstream media has sold out to this effort. The “Elites” believe they will be in power with such a conversion of America. China has been buying up both physical and intellectual property in the U.S. and getting their fingers into all we hold dear. Do not be deceived, they will not stop this effort, but merely change tactics.
Speaking as a retired blue collar worker, I assume they too were tired of Biden’s incessant unconstitutional effort to pay off wealthy, white, elitist college loans. If you’re going to buy half the rooms votes, Democrats, don’t piss off the other half!
This country will never be safe as long the Democrat Party is in existence. They represent the epitome of evil. Every decision they make is incorrect and everything they do is intended to tear this nation down. They will burn this nation to the ground just to rule over the ashes if they are not totally eliminated. They cannot just be defeated at The Ballot Box, they need to be totally eliminated. Just like Hamas they’re a boil on the ass of humanity
They received a blow, but not fatal. Once they are back on their feet they will be determined to get back on the horse. They might even try to reinvent themselves and shed the old relics that are not helping with constantly in your face spewing same old. Clintons and co and Obama,same recycled ad nauseum garbage.The battle is not over it had barely started,we better not fall asleep.
Even one blue state is too many for me. Liberals fight hard to get whatever they want,so we must never take for granted that we will win, unless we also learn how to fight hard. God answered prayers this time, but if the number of people in our country continue turning against God we could lose what we have gained. Those of us who know that God has the final answer, had better keep praying .
Let’s dispense with any idea that the Democrats are done for. They are simply limping, and they will return with an angry resolve unless conservatives put a foot on their collective demonic throats. The window is short, and unfortunately I fear that there are too many turncoats and RINOS standing ready to block our efforts to MAGA.
The “Blue Wall” will, reliably, reappear wherever the possibility of ballot fraud or ANY other form of “Democrat” cheating is possible. This highlights the vital difference between the two parties… which is the “Democrats” pure dishonesty… from their most obscure, right on up to their Presidents. They are overtly and scandalously dishonest… even when there is no reason to be.
Trump created a wake-up call for the Demoncrats. They are now fully awake and pushing back. The GOP needs to stay focused and adopt/drliver every campaign promise that Trump made. We only have the majority for these 1st two years. The GOP must act quickly while they remain in control of the House and Senate.
I sincerely hope the GOP will stay in control for the whole 4 years and beyond.
I love it for now and am hopeful for the future.
Thanks and Peace!
Don’t give an inch. Keep up the pressure on the democrats. Don’t lose focus.
I don’t believe that it is the Republican party that these voters want. It’s more ‘we’re putting the proverbial foot down’ on the insane direction that the Left has taken. Speaking for myself, I voted for Trump because I wanted a shakeup in the government for many years. I’ve now learned there are quite of few of us. The 2-party system has gotten smugly comfortable in ‘trading’ the power back and forth without serving the tax-paying legal citizens of this country. Precious little was done year after year while a great deal of our money was spent on foolishness. Republicans/Democrats are why we are in the mess we are in. Both parties caused the problems and the results were disgruntled (and many struggling) people who felt they had no choices. Trump, et al, (not really adhering to either party) have provided that choice. I’m ready to stir things up and light fires under representatives who have gotten complacent, greedy and fat while in DC. I want to be a thorn in their sides. They deserve it.
The most important thing to take away from this is that we cannot rest on our laurels; not now, not ever. We have over 50 years of plotting and planning by the communists to undo so we can take back our Country. Two critical things we must do is purge both parties, Democrat and Republican, of the vile, evil garbage of the communists, socialists, marxists, maoists and all other “ists.” They must be exposed and kicked out of our government. They must be made obsolete, irrelevant, and absolutely illegal in our Country. These ideologies are counter to the American way of life and should not be tolerated on any level. They are a destructive force against our freedom and sovereignty. As POTUS Trump begins to do his job, keep your eyes open for the RINOs and the demoncraps bucking the wishes of the Citizens. These people are the “sleepers.” They need to be exposed or kicked out of office. They all need to be investigated and if they’ve broken the law, they MUST be prosecuted, fully! Enough playing with these punks. It’s over, the people have spoken and they want freedom. They want autonomy. They don’t like big government watching their every move, trying to dictate their lives. Keep the momentum going forward folks. It’s not going to be over for quite some time. Give them an inch and they will again cheat their way back into the White House and other areas of our government.
Democrats are despicable and evil, never EVER, discount the ability of evil to rise again.
I have been praying for this day for more than 3 decades. The lying finally caught up with them. They got away with it for so long it created the colossal hubris that each and every one of the “leaders” actually believed they were going to rule for ever. Barry the has-been, Nazi Pelosi, Adam Schiff for Brains, Chucky Scummer, Jamie Ratskin Dank Goldman and the rest of the criminals finally over-played their hands as did their Propaganda Arm, regime media. It’s a great day for America!
To answer the question: NO! DIMMs will always find ways to CHEAT and their minions in the media will LIE endlessly to prop them up. We [noncrazy citizens] must ALWAYS be alert and take nothing for granted!
And I sincerely hope that Democrats don’t get it and will continue to be stuck on stupid.
Hope so OR damaged take time to “recover”
It is naive to think that Democrats are gone for a long time or that Republicans are guaranteed to be in power for a long time. History shows that party in power tends to become corrupted over time and lose their way. It is highly likely that Republican party will lose it’s way again. I tend to vote Republican and Conservative but I will NEVER be a blind loyalist to one person or group. Humans have a tendency towards corruption and power corrupts.
Praise the Lord. It has started. Again sanity and reason is in our Government and is what drives our new (and True American) President. But the trend is undeniable – on average since 2000, Democrats have lost ground to Republicans in all of the four blue wall states. Meanwhile, neighboring Iowa and Ohio, once considered swing states. Now I wish it could come to socialist, oppressed, now in debt (thanks polis), colorado??
I can sum up my feelings regarding this article in two words – ‘Cautiously Optimistic’. We cannot for a minute let our gaurd down against these people, they will continue their quest to take this country down, and they are ramping up their effort to do so. Yes, it is good to see the swing toward the GOP in many of these states. But if we let our guard down and become complacent again, that trend could once again reverse. Keep in mind that with all the hype over this alleged landslide win, Harris still received over 73 million votes which is entirely too much support for these far left radicals. Yes we took the Senate, how ever small the majority. We still have the House, but we actually LOST a seat. We flipped 8 house seats, they flipped 9; a net loss of 1. Where is the victory there? It’s time to take off the party hats and seriously focus on the 2026 midterms. Not only can we not lose, we must increase the majority in both chambers, and continue the momentum. Yes, a great win for sure. But we can’t under any circumstances give them any chance to win anything. And please don’t underestimate the importance of local elections. DA’s, (i.e Alvin Bragg), Mayors, school board members, judges, etc. They matter now more than ever!
The American people are like an abused wife, we could only take so much. I find it odd that the dumbocrats didn’t see the writing on the wall and eventually backed off to save their majority. But they were power-hungry and didn’t pay attention. Conversely, President Trump and the conservatives took note and campaigned appropriately. It is somewhat helpful that President Trump has already been in office so when he said, “I’ll stop illegal immigration” for example, we knew he meant it.
Democrats are history if the best candidates are Biden & Harris type candidates for office are the best they have to offer.
I live in Illinois and don’t look at our state being democrat,it’s only chitcago and a few other locations.The rural part of Illinois is conservative and totally disagree with emperor pritzgers far left agenda.
Major huge news hot off the press
nancy mace is gay
I hope all the optimism I see at Amac is justified.In my opinion,Trump was elected because Biden was so bad.I don’t expect Trump will save the Titanic and the next President will likely be a Democrat.