
Newsline , Society

Four Scary Facts – Where We Are

Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

republicThe US Constitution protects Americans against government suppression of free speech, especially “matters of public concern.” In a self-governing republic, election integrity, processes, outcomes, and public corruption must be discussed – trust depends on it.  Four scary facts define where America is right now.  Here they are.

First, the 2020 presidential election sits uneasily with Americans. Those who voted Biden-Harris do not feel the outcome is honored; those who voted Trump-Pence question 2020 novelties and anomalies, including overdependence on mail-in ballots.  If done, they worry about the future.

Easy to see where hard feelings come from. Ideological stakes were – and are – high.  One side pushes more centralized control over states, small businesses, and individual liberties (e.g., limits on speech, worship, assembly, travel, self-defense, and privacy), rolled back border security, police, and military, high spending on COVID, redistribution of wealth (e.g., higher taxes), race relations, fossil fuels, abortion (including late term), and reconnection with Iran and China.

The other side is a mirror image – less government, more deference to states, small businesses, individual liberties, border protection, police funding, military readiness, concern over federal debt, spending, and higher taxes, reopening the economy, getting kids back to school, turning off riots, opposing abortion, and holding international bad actors accountable via sanctions.

Clear is the ideological rift.  In 2020, it created a hyper-partisan contest, “all or nothing.”  Rather than a national conversation, America fractured along ideological lines.  The depth of this fissure, a chasm on ideas, is dangerous.  Free speech – if allowed – helps us get beyond it.

Second, preoccupation with personality.  Danger two is how one personality – Donald Trump – dominated the cycle.  From Washington and Lincoln to FDR and Reagan, Americans view politics through their leader; we hear a message but see a candidate.  Donald Trump is an outsized personality, whether you like or hate him.  That, by itself, is fine.

The problem is that this cycle – going back four years – was all about him.  Those who thrill to less government, reduced regulation and taxes, strong borders, police, military, moral compass, and patriotism saw in Trump a moral leader.  His style was different, voice authentic. Those who oppose such things made him the moral villain.  Therein lies the problem.  When we demonize – or lionize – we start to slip.  Our Republic rests on laws, objectivity, reason, history, rights, and national security – not emotions, devotion to personalities, or preoccupation with venality.

What happened was demonization of an American leader, producing an equal and opposite, predictable defense of that leader.  The mistake goes on today, as wild-eyed Democrats now push unconstitutional use of a removal penalty – impeachment – against a leader they detest.  When politics gets this crazy, we are putting our judgment – and our nation – at risk.

Third, foreign adversaries are limbering up.  China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Islamic terrorists see these divisions, self-doubt, and impeachment as weakness. They are leaning forward, historically hostile, dangerous, and opportunistic.  They are not stupid.  They lean for a reason.  China sees America distracted, eyes Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Russia eyes Eastern Europe.  Iran wants nuclear weapons, no more sanctions.  North Korea aims to push us.

The fourth threat is biggest, comes from within – social media.  Leading social media platforms – fed by government contracts, protected from civil liability, operational monopolists, unabashedly Democrat-affiliated, are claiming a right to blunt free speech.

Forget 2020.  Look ahead.  Using Saul Alinsky-like “corporate jujitsu,” they assert a right to shut down conservative voices based on “corporate” free speech.  It is brilliant, bamboozling, and dangerous to any self-governing republic. Why?  If government can suppress speech under corporate cover, something Orwell did not think of, they end corrective, rights-defending opposition, and our two-party government. It happens all over the world, just not in America.

Finally, those who doubt this is happening should examine January 2021 social media policies.  They are shocking.  Lofted as “civic integrity,” public forums block talk of “elections” – that ultimate “matter of public concern” for a free-thinking, trust-centered republic.

They pledge to block talk of “elections” and “civic processes” if content “may mislead people,” present “false information,” mention voter “identification or citizenship requirements,” “cause confusion about … laws, regulations, procedures, and methods of a civic process, or … actions of officials,” relate to “votes not being counted,” “claims about police or law enforcement,” “long lines, equipment problems, or other disruptions,” offer comments that “undermine public confidence,” mention “faith in the process,” “election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or certification of election results… outcome of a civic process.”  So, going forward, discussing election integrity, processes, outcomes, public corruption is now blacked out.

Two cappers from Marxist Repression 101 – users are invited to inform on neighbors, and repression is justified on “ethical” grounds, saying “any attempts to undermine the integrity of our service is antithetical to …freedom of expression.”  In other words, government-protected social media can suppress speech – to protect it.  Sound scary?  That is where we are at.

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3 years ago

Very nice article laying out four of the many areas where there are significant differences between the two diametrically opposite factions that live in this country.

On one side, you have the faction that now controls all three branches of government, through either a carefully crafted subversion of the electoral process to control the Executive and Legislative branches and the Judicial branch through raw intimidation of the Supreme Court. They desire a centralized governmental approach of total control of all aspects of society to achieve the so-called “social and economic justice” that they envision will result in a socialist Utopia. If it can not be achieved though submission of the populace to their views, then they have no problem imposing their will on the entire populace through regulation or force. Historically these have been the two options exercised in all cases where socialism has gained an upper hand for well over a 100 years.

On the other side, you have the faction that seeks the personal freedoms and rights that were so well articulated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They seek a limited scale and scope of federal government that allows for the individual to exercise personal choice and his or her own rights without undo interference from the federal government. In short, the self-governing republic you reference in your article. That happens to be the polar opposite of what the faction that desires the socialist form of governance wants for this country.

The question really isn’t about suppressed speech. Although that is a natural by-product of the what socialism in any form ultimately delivers. It’s about two factions in this country that desire completely opposite things and whether or not they can co-exist. There are very few to no real shared values from which to form your desired compromise. So the basis for a productive dialog is extremely limited as the common ground is nearly non-existent. Historically in such instances, it has always come down to one or the other side simply defeating the other or a perpetual state of civil conflict.

We allowed this situation to be created through decades of willful apathy by a majority of the general public. “Let someone else be worried about this, that or the other thing” as problems festered and grew. No representative republic can last when its citizens are either ill-informed or indifferent of the issues and how their government is operating. Yes, it does sound very scary indeed.

3 years ago

AmeriKa is in it’s death stage…

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Social Media is a For Profit Corporation running OUR speech day 1
Dump stock
Sell stock
Devalue stock
Or take over Board of directors
Or nothing changes & then add more Fines.,
Like 20M per fine.
Bust up Big Tech
Agree with piece overall

Michael Stertz
Michael Stertz
3 years ago

Good and important piece.

3 years ago

Goebbels said it this way “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Does any of that sound familiar?

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

The leftists are subversive minions of the Marxist administration of O’Biden. They are supported by the lame stream media. This is a very dangerous area, and those who support suppression of thought by shutting down social media posts are worst kind of leftists. They only want to own everything that was good in this country, and bring those things to a halt. There is no “unity” in anything that O’Biden has done yet in his first three weeks in office, and it does not appear that there is anything close to that in the future. Step up to your promises, O’Biden, or crash and burn in your first 100 days in office.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

When the people fear government–you have tyranny– When the government fears the people–you have FREEDOM!!

Denise Skjerven
Denise Skjerven
3 years ago

Our Constitution is BEING IGNORED! How can that be??#! The ‘impeachment trial’ to proceed is just ONE example; the election integrity is another (although some of the courts are MAYBE starting to wake up to the lawlessness of many states’ handling of the election process). If we don’t have a Constitution that is ADHERED TO by our Legal system, and we no longer have a Legal system that abides by it, it might just as well be a piece of paper. Unbelievable where we have gotten to. We definitely need ACTIONS and no longer talk talk talk if we are going to save our great country.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Does the left not see how Biden didn’t win except by fraud? Or are they of with it. Like telling your child it’s ok if you cheat as long as you win. So they don’t feel Joe’s win is honored? They should have a realistic moment and see why it should not be.

Terry West
Terry West
3 years ago

We are no longer a constitutional republic. To think otherwise is just denying reality. It is time to take Texit seriously. As an Alaskan, I’d sure like my state to seriously join that effort. If we can gather all the red states in between, we can certianly build “a more perfect union”. We would still have shipping ports, could continue with responsible resource development, the Keystone Pipeline would be well within our own corridor, and we could more fully meet the ideals and needs of the people of those states. Let the Blue Coast dictatorships tax, regulate, and social-score themselves into oblivion.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Free speech and equality no longer exist in America !!!!
I wish AMAC had a blog site were we could express our views on any subject that is not the chosen subject of the day—I am ticked that 6 very poor senators voted with the demonrats and the un-America impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, I am here to put the Republicans on notice that if this sham is successful I will leave the Republican party and encourage others to do the same, QUESTION- was you Republican senator one of the six, if so run some Republican in the next primary and vote them out .
My others item that torque’s me is that slime-ball un-American Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team and his anti-American stance to not play the National Anthem prior to the game, here is what everyone needs to do, do not watch or go to the games and tell the television advertisers that you are not watching the games, mainly car and beer companies and when sales start to fall they will stop advertising. We need to break this people, unless they start standing for the Flag and Kneeling for the Cross.
The only restrictions on a blog site would restrict profanity and threats of violence or slander.

Mary Langer
Mary Langer
3 years ago

About 250 years ago our forefathers fought, and won, a war against ‘big government’ making all the rules for everyone. And they created an amazing document to protect the same thing from happening to the new nation. Now, history is no longer taught and the left is pushing for, and mostly getting, their way in eliminating the Bill of Rights from being part of our heritage. Shame on us for letting this happen!

3 years ago

Good discussion and a very good article, not much left to say except that it’s the people’s fault for leaving those decisions to someone else. First they came for the schools and we let them divide and conquer and then control, then came the politicians that all turned and gave up, no more patriots, then came the media that forgot their job and went to work for Communism. Khruschev was right you can destroy America but you must do it from within. Can we save our Republic? We can not do it with the Mitt Romneys of the world.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

I see the Leftists and their allies have, in fact, declared WAR on us. They’re using Trump as a poster-child/ symbol of how they feel about US! They hate us, and want to destroy us, and if you don’t see this, then you’re ignorant or blind. This won’t go away on it’s own, it WILL get worse, and seeing their rush to hurry to implement their evil doctrines I believe waiting ’til 2022 or 2024 will be too late. Oh, what to do?

Darlene M.
Darlene M.
3 years ago

This is an excellent essay–worth the price of AMAC annual membership all by itself! This clearly and succinctly describes where we are and how we got here! I nominate the author for the Nobel Prize in “Common Sense.”

W MItchell
W MItchell
3 years ago

We must vote out all of the RINO’s. We need Statesmen NOT career politicians!

John Wesley
John Wesley
3 years ago

I love your description of the “halfwits pretend to be adults”. I have watched as America paid them to breed, and bring about the destruction of our great Nation. No media can reach those so ignorant they will not listen to a truth.

3 years ago

“The US Constitution protects Americans against government suppression of free speech…”

I understand the statement. But it is fundamentally flawed. Because in reality, our US Constitution protects us from nothing at all. This, my friends, is the crux and reality of the point AMAC is attempting to present here.

Our Constitution is merely a document. Ink on paper. It sets forth the ideas and ideals upon which our great nation was built. And it further outlines how these are to be implemented. But this document has no power at all. As designed, the power originates from the people and is then vested by our vote, to those sworn to uphold and abide by it. When leadership decides to abandon the law of the land. Our Constitutional protections evaporate.

The ballot box is our ultimate protection against the abuse of power and departure from the Constitution that we now see occurring. But the left has finally solved this last hurdle to complete and unfettered power with their ability to steal any election.

With this new found ‘Freedom’ from the voter. Our ‘Elected’ leaders no longer need to fear removal, regardless of how many Constitutional laws or Americans they damage with their agenda.

3 years ago

The executive branch has taken on the role to draft legislation the role and responsibility of Congress. The abuse of executive orders to create law versus carrying out and enforcing current law as the President is charged to do. The legislative branch is now making judicial decisions such as their vote to decide if the current impeachment is constitutional, the responsibility of the court not the Senate. The left will continue to bypass the judicial branch as they see the highest court to be a threat to their agenda.
Mainstream and social media giants have replaced the judicial process by judging users access based on their ideology not freedom of speech.

3 years ago

Get back to the God of the Holy Scriptures, people, and He’ll show you the way out!…. personally and corporately! Repent!!

Preston Phillips
Preston Phillips
3 years ago

Great article, but severely diluted for the “hyper-critical and highly educated left leaning readers” by the last word “at.”
They might say “how can we believe this stupidity when such a glaring grammatical error is made.”
Should have been simply, “That is where we are.”
(I do agree, whole-heartedly, with the article by the way and that IS where we are AT.)

3 years ago

America is now and has been for many decades an oligarchy. We have not experienced true freedom in ages. When “conspiracy” theorists began talking about the US having only a puppet government they were right. With corporate donations are made to candidates and parties the biggest organizations give to both parties. This way corporations have bought access to our politicians to leverage control over legislation. Forget about the lobbyists they are small potatoes. But none of this rises to the oligarchy being created by the likes of George Soros. I won’t go on but if you care to know what is really happening in and to America search “George Soros funding”. Beware, when doing this, there is a lot of outlets out there that will minimize his influence and the damage he is doing. Due diligence is needed here.

Mary Skelton
Mary Skelton
3 years ago

I really appreciate this clear delineation of the danger we are in as a nation at this time.

PaulE gives a concise view of how we got here. “We allowed this situation to be created through decades of willful apathy by a majority of the general public. “Let someone else be worried about this, that or the other thing” as problems festered and grew. No representative republic can last when its citizens are either ill-informed or indifferent of the issues and how their government is operating. Yes, it does sound very scary indeed.”

My question is what do we do about it?
I personally concede that Stephen Russell has a possible, partial solution. But, I think we need to look deeper, broader and higher. We as individual citizens need to look within our own hearts and courageously take personal responsibility and action; to look around to see whom we can personally help, instruct, encourage or support; and to look above to get a more accurate perspective from our Creator and true Savior.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

When you listen to the news, you cannot help but be scared. Some did not like Donald Trump because they thought his manner was abrasive, but there is a softer side to him also and most important he got the job done and kept us safe. I cannot understand the vitriolic hate that the democrats have for him. As for his impeachment, you cannot impeach a private citizen, which he is at this time and from what office could he be removed. We need to have a housecleaning in Washinton and replace all the liberals and those who have been in office for over 10 years. We also need another J. Edgar Hoover to be in charge of the FBI. Those from the FBI which participated in the Russia scam would not have been able to do so with someone like him at the head.

3 years ago

Will, your words are spot on – and that is why, while we all breathe, we must do as you are doing, stay fully engaged. AMAC is dedicated to this effort – and the Constitution – at every turn. With knowledge comes power, with power comes the chance to defeat those who do not wish limited government, but control over the individual’s life. We can beat this! … Of course, if any one beats an egg in the next few days, I likely incited that, I guess.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

“WE THE PEOPLE” are STILL the government despite what the msm and socal(ist) media says, they withhold the truth from us because THEY KNOW THEY ARE LIARS and traitors and criminals, just look at what has happened across the country for several months, B(urning)L(ooting)M(urdering) and ALL committed by socialist/dems and not one word from the leftists to stop the hate, they ABANDONED LAW ENFORCEMENT AND OPENLY ATTACKED THEM, THEY BAILED OUT THESE TERRORISTS SO THEY COULD CONTINUE WITH THIER DESTRUCTION, THEY CONTROL THE AIRWAVES AND ALL THAT “WE THE PEOPLE” HEAR FROM FAKE NEWS IS PROPAGANDA, WE DO IN FACT GREATLY OUTNUMBER THE HATERS, AND THEY FEAR THE DAY WE WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT “WE THE PEOPLE” are still the real government and we need to exercise our RIGHTS AND POWER to take our country back, we can recall these liars individually for not protecting our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS, RECALL, INVESTIGATE AND PUNISH AND REPLACE THEM WITH NON LAWYERS, THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THIS NATION EVER MADE WAS ALLOWING LAWYERS TO BECOME LAWMAKERS( talk about conflict of interests) lawyers have buried us in rules, laws and regulations designed to enhance THIER OWN POWER AND WEALTH, TAKE BACK OUR NATION!!!

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

USA Unstable Separatists of Anarchy
USA Unified Servants of Antagonism
USA Uninformed Sino-philistines of America
USA Un-United Swamp-dwellers of Antipathy
USA Useless Scalawags 0f Antidisestablishmentarianism
USA Unpardonable Scumbags of Avarice
USA Universal Simulacrums of Abomination
and finally…
USA Uncomforting Stasis of Apathy

3 years ago

Repeat after me: “BIDEN IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!” He never will be. That includes Kamala Harris as well.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The only ‘adjustment’ that will ever be made is the total financial collapse of this nation. And I assume that it is coming soon. There is no way in hell that this loon govt. can re-pay the TRILLIONS owed.

One statistic is that if the “feds” seized all our EARNED income for the next 5 yrs. it would STILL be in the ‘red.’ Stupidity like the Nat’l Endow. of the Arts, PBS,FHA,and hundreds ( maybe THOUSANDS ) more are sucking our tax dollars into their SEWER ( not swamp ).

When all these programs are ended then there will be blood. Major cities will be the first. There you will have your 2nd civil war and the dollar ? bye-bye. It is WORTHLESS NOW.

To you ALL – be prepared to DEFEND YOUR PERIMETER.

3 years ago

This has nothing to do with President Trump. It never did. The left has worked toward the destruction of America for decades-Trump simply spoke for The People. They hate him because they hate us. 80 million people, and growing, are well aware of that fact. Also; there WAS election fraud, and we all know that, too. The Supreme Court failed those who employ them with hoards of RINOS who are on our payroll as well.TIME TO START SAYING WHAT IT REALLY IS.

3 years ago

I for one are done with social media & mainstream news! Don’t even watch our local news.
This new administration is like watching a bad movie.

Big Kahuna
Big Kahuna
3 years ago

We are in the process of entering a new dark age for conservative, freedom loving, and God fearing citizens of America. In the past four years, the Democratic Party, the Main Stream Media (MSM) and big tech has demonized our way of thinking and in doing so have taken control of America. There are a number of dangerous and alarming realities that are now strongly in place. ONE: There are two separate forms of Justice, that which follows the law and the other which makes up its own rules. The latter has demonstrated time and time again that they can do what ever they like and suffer zero consequences (examples: Hilary Clinton, Government officials using their political office to enrich themselves and family members with foreign governments with no investigation, Soliciting false political smear dossers from Hostile Governments, abuse of government surveillance protocals and secret unauthorized campaign investigation, unconstitutional impeachments,National security breeches, and so on). Violation of election securities and illegal mail in vote harvesting, allowing Planned Parenthood to illegally sell body parts, abandonment of current immigration laws, suppression of free speech by social media outlets. This list is not complete but provides some significant abuses which are not checked and which violation of laws are simply overlooked. The sad thing is when we think that there are still avenues and advocates for justice such as the Durham Investigation, the report is never published and the guilty parties escape prosecution. When will the true American people have someone to rely upon to put an end to this travesty.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

A long time ago, when I was about 10 y/o, my old man told me that when it comes to the POTUS elections ? “They put whoever THEY want to put in there.” And he and his brother ( Uncle George ) HATED that dog FDR. Imagine, seizing all privately held gold so he could square up the debt. What a crock. THEN he KNEW that they were gonna’ hit Pearl. Kept it quit – collateral damage so they can get us into WWll. Study info in the Nat’l Archives and the Library of Congress. The TRUTH is there. This “empire’ is all done. And wait till MS-13 / anti-fuh kick your doors in. Thank you to all those independent voters who did not like Trump swagger. JERKS ! ! ! !

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The main REASON they went all out after Trump ? He was going to have Hit-lery, Obama, and those Comey clowns in jail. Maybe even Soros. And as far as the globalists are concerned ? THAT would NEVER do.

3 years ago

My wife and I have stopped watching the TV news–ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Even PBS is biased. We’re tired of incomplete and biased emotional reporting. I also stay away from Facebook, Twitter, etc., though my wife occasionally goes to Facebook to follow close relatives.

Power must be transferred from the federal government back to the States. The federal government should only be concerned with control of the border and illegal entry, and a strong military to protect our country and keep order in the world without pushing constant wars.

Education should be relegated to the States and to the Parents. The federal government is destroying our education system and trying to rewrite history by lying to our kids about our heritage. Our nation will suffer the consequences.

I think President Trump will be seen historically as one of our most important presidents–despite the vicious lies of the Left and the damage already caused by the Chinese Communist Party surreptitiously in our country.

3 years ago

Your analysis is quite correct. God help us all !!!

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
3 years ago

America is almost over. It scares me to say that, but it’s true. Look around, lawless cities, open borders, stimulus payments instead of work, zoomed out and spaced out students, people depressed and afraid to socialize, God absent from every part of government and beyond. Heck, they don’t even want to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before a meeting in Congress. I could go on and on but nothing will change until we go back to basics and flush out the progressives and socialists .
China owns us because it owns Biden’s administration. Trump was our only hope, hope is gone now. Now we must pray.

Thomas Harper
Thomas Harper
3 years ago

The last sentence in the article should end with “are”. The “at” used to be improper English, but I guess that is where we are.

3 years ago

Moni, I tend to agree with you. I think BECAUSE Pres. Trump is outspoken he sparked a fire in the liberal mentality that had just been smoldering in the leaves up to then. They punched back when Pres. Trump was vocal about what they do and are doing! So we need to keep gathering the people who are still open-minded, calmly but decisively, especially young people. We need to oust the RINOs and get more Josh Hawley, Madison Cawthorn, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Nicole Malliotakis, Candace Owens, Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Kim Klacik-type people ELECTED/RE-ELECTED! I see so MANY on-target comments on here! We need to somehow organize!

3 years ago

Right, Will. I have agreed with Robert Charles’ viewpoint in almost all his editorials this last year. He is a great writer!

3 years ago

Too late. Time to allow the states that believe in the constitution to go their own way. SECESSION NOW ! I checked the spelling of secession twice as I did not want to get in trouble with Mr. Harper. Retired English teacher?

3 years ago

Democrats usually can not attack content. Therefore they attack composition. The article was informative. An Orwellian future may be ahead. Always remember what the “lefties” have done the last four years. I am hoping all the unsolicited balloting will become illegal and that ID is required. For Petes-sake, I have to present my drivers license and pass to use the YMCA pool.

3 years ago

The facts will get scarier everyday!

3 years ago

Our Country really is in a bad place right now but I refuse to give up on it. Our Fathers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers fought to keep this land free and many lost their lives doing it. I can’t let them down and I won’t. I will do whatever I can to keep our Country free. Peacefully protest, whatever it takes. We need to fight for our freedom too and there is currently a movement forming to keep our freedom of speech intact. We must do whatever we can. I hope that President Trump will be back in some form to help save our Country. I pray each day for our president and for our country. May God help us all.

3 years ago

Someone told me something today and all I can say “BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH” but like I told him ” we shall see”,

3 years ago

First, I believe, from what I’ve seen in the news, that this 2020 election was stolen from President Trump by actions of the “SWAMP” and actions of the democratic election managers. I believe the democrats were willing to do anything, legal or illegal, to see that Trump was defeated. Thus, on election night, when votes were being tallied, episodes of Trump leading with tremendous leads, suddenly changed and Biden would be leading. I believe that one of the primary causes of the election results was the acceptance (illegal) of mail in ballots that were not accurately verified. Second, I believe that the 1/6 debacle i the capitol was NOT the result of Trump’s instigation, since it is fact that explosives and other weapons were present the day before the march. Also, plans for the “take-over” were already formed prior to the date of 1/6, which means Trump could not be the instigator. Third, I believe that if Trump is found guilty, then every member of the house needs to be impeached as well for the same reason, and charged with treason. that is being given for Trump’s impeachment., starting with Pelosi, Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Mad Maxine Waters, etc.

3 years ago

This country is on a collision course, and there is no stopping the crash.

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

I am a Christian. As such, I have read the Bible, and have often wondered 1. When does the “Rapture” come? and 2. Why is the USA “Apparently” not mentioned during the End Times, when Israel, Russia and even China, as well as the Middle East, are? As for # 1, Scripture tells US that “No man knows the hour or the Day, when Christ shall return, only the Father! Pretty straight forward, as even Jesus doesn’t know the Father’s Timetable! BUT(!), we DO know certain events set in motion when the End Times are here, and Armageddon draws close! Almost every “Sign” has occurred, the last most obvious being when President Trump moved the US Embassy to Israel from Televiv, where the rest of the world have their embassies, to Jerusalem, where it should have been since Israel recaptured that city! Add to this the fact that President Trump actually achieved “Peace” in the Middle East! That leaves the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem as the only other significant event yet to occur! Number 2 is a little more difficult, because most people want to argue, but, I think the “Whore of Babylon”, mentioned in Revelation, is the USA! After this last election, I’m sure, at least about the “Whore” part…

3 years ago

I am a loyal American Citizen that is totally opposed to what the corrupt and treasonous Democrats are doing/have done to our Republic! I never thought that I would ever be in a position to say, that my government is corrupt and treasonous but, now it is! Now, every single American needs to make a choice, take a stand for our Republic or, just sacrifice the lives and futures of our children and grandchildren under Communist Rule! If you don’t think that our Republic is worth fighting for, get the hell out of the way and let real Americans do what they have to do!

Brown eggs in an egg box
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 31: U.S. President Donald Trump talks to reporters after signing an executive order, "Unleashing prosperity through deregulation," in the Oval Office on January 31, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke to reporters about tariffs against China, Canada and Mexico and how the newly confirmed Interior Secretary Doug Burghum will coordinate with the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Trump signing executive orders at Capital One Arena on January 20, 2025

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