
Newsline , Society

The Man Who Runs the World?

Posted on Wednesday, February 5, 2025
by Herald Boas

It is instructive that the most powerful person in the world today is not the new tsar of Russia, the new emperor of China, nor the supreme ayatollah of Iran — each of them totalitarian rulers of large, aggressive, and historically autocratic states.

Nor is it the elected leader of the world’s most populous nation, India, a new democracy that not long ago was a socialist state dominated by one political party.

Today’s most powerful political figure is the new President of the United States, the oldest surviving free-market republic.

Donald Trump’s power, to be sure, will be relatively brief — in less than four years he will no longer hold his office. Nor is he a saintly, universally beloved figure like the Dalai Lama, Pope John Paul II, the Buddha, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or Mahatma Gandhi.

He is, like almost everyone, a flawed person who has known bitter defeat.

Trump does not draw his power from using military intimidation — although his nation’s armed forces are, despite some recent decline, the most powerful on earth.

He draws his power from economic capacity and its use in the United States’ relationships with friends and foes, as well as his nation’s unique role as a global humanitarian resource and protector of democracy. The latter role arose after catastrophic world wars and other major violent conflicts that resulted in immense losses of human life, loss of emerging freedom, and threats to potential worldwide prosperity that might have, for the first time, abolished global hunger, disease, and poverty.

Trump draws his power from America’s unique position in the world, as would any U.S. president, but he employs this power as few, if any, others have before him. Any U.S. president has global power ex-officio, but this president goes far beyond that.

Trump’s influence was felt even before he took office, as friends and foes took immediate steps in anticipation of what he had promised to do.

In the bloody Russo-Ukrainian war, leaders on both sides quickly stepped back from uncompromising positions. The forces in the chronic conflicts in the Middle East also agreed to a temporary ceasefire when one previously had appeared impossible. Long-held hostages began to be released.

Conflicts between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, and China suddenly have come to a head, and prospects for a diplomatic, albeit economically driven, resolution have suddenly appeared.

The invasion of undocumented or illegal immigrants has been abruptly halted, and those who came here through the “open border” over the past four years, especially those with criminal or terrorist backgrounds, have begun to be deported.

Already, Colombia and Venezuela, which initially refused to receive their deported citizens, have backed down after facing the threat of economic penalties. Panama, after a visit from Trump’s envoy, has agreed not to renew its contract with China to operate the Panama Canal. Mexico and other Central and South American nations have also shown a willingness to compromise and work with the new Trump administration.

A U.S. role in Greenland, a policy advocated by previous presidents, has been given much impetus and urgency by Trump. Initially ridiculed in the always hostile establishment media, the idea that the United States could buy this important territory is not without popular support among Greenlanders, and the island’s common sense strategic value for global security is increasingly recognized.

The U.S. president might be for now the most powerful world figure, but he is not alone in leading global change.

In Argentina since last year, President Javier Milei has been almost single-handedly leading a libertarian democratic revolution that is rescuing the second-largest nation in South America from almost a century of erratic extremist Peronism, which has drained this once prosperous country of its many resources. Using libertarian and conservative economic policies, the historically unstable and wildly inflationary Argentine economy is rapidly correcting itself.

Like Simon Bolivar two centuries before, Milei’s leadership could impact the whole continent, which has rarely escaped being in the thrall of oligarchic figures who have exploited resources and often curtailed political freedom.

Before the recent hostilities broke out in the Middle East in October 2023, then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had helped Israel to transform itself from a tiny socialist economy into a free market technological powerhouse that invented and produced high-tech products and services sold and sought worldwide.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has been in office since 2022 and was the first woman to lead her country. Politico ranked her as the most powerful leader in Europe in 2025. A conservative populist, she has brought a rare stability to historically fragile Italian politics. She has identified with the contemporary global trend of conservative and nationalist governments.

Waiting in the wings in Canada, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre is heavily favored to become his nation’s future prime minister now that former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned. A Canadian nationalist, Mr. Poilievre could be the next significant new conservative populist figure to appear on the global stage.

Other contemporary conservative national leaders have emerged in Hungary, The Netherlands, Austria, France, Australia, Great Britain, and in many other countries. Each of these individuals has been especially controversial in the media, which is chronically hostile to any conservatives.

But no one commands the global stage as does the former and now new President of the United States. Donald Trump will only have this power for a limited time, but while he does, it will likely be quite a show.

Herald Boas is a contributor for AMAC Newsline.

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1 day ago

Thank God for President Trump. I don’t know of anyone else in this world who could do what he has done for America.

Colen Hardin
Colen Hardin
1 day ago

I have noticed the absence of one very important leader who many look up too and some go as far as to worship him. That person is the Catholic Pope who I personally believe has single handedly done great harm to Christanity by stating that one religion is as good as another, if so why is he claiming to be a Christian but the leader of such a large worldwide Christian following. I think he needs to step down a let a real Christian take the role as Pope, Chriastanity is NOT like any other on the face of the earth. This man is a heretic !

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 day ago

This is a very encouraging article Mr. Boas You have provided a nice around the globe summary of important developments , political and economic, and it should be appreciated. Well done , Herald .

1 day ago

The whole lot of the left can keep up with President Trump, their feet are on fire from stooping brush fire, they don’t know how to attack him, he is making them look stupid (but of course that’s not a difficult task) if he only gets half of his stuff accomplished, he will shine!
Trump is making America Smile Again!

1 day ago

Now if the dems would show as much respect for Trump and his policies. But they are screaming and dancing in the streets. Calling him a thug. Because he is cleaning up the swamp and their cushy income they were getting via USAID, and other depts Musk will uncover, they are about to lose. They don’t care that millions or billions of dollars go to the pockets of the politicians in this country and the countries where aid was sent for the most awful reasons. To Vietnam to tell them stop burning your trash. I could have done that for nothing. Which of course that happened now too but someone needed some money and so they made up a story to draw up the bill for the treasury to pay it. The democrats don’t care about America or it citizens. Because they are screaming, not the people. They agree with Trump. They just want Musk to go and DOGE to be stopped. These dems like Schumer, Watters, Omar, Pocohantis et al should be ashamed of themselves. The same with these pro illegals in this country. They want them to stay but burn the flag of the country they want them to stay in and wave the Mexican flag of the country they don’t want to go to. What is wrong with that picture. We knew Trump was going to clean up the swamp and everyday we see more and more what the Biden administration and Obama’s 8 year in office have done to this country. After 4 years of having have had no leadership, no president but a Junta running the country. They have no right to scream foul. Trump is doing what the people want done. Not for the billionaires like the dems did the past 4 years. We Trump supporters kept quiet and let the vote speak for us. The dems still don’t understand they lost. They want the power. That is why they are screaming in the street because they are losing the largesse from the Treasury dept. The people have spoken, and everyone in a dem leadership position should be arrested and charged with theft and destroying the country. But most of all destroying the citizens. They are showing their true colors and where their allegiance lie.

Connie Dogood
Connie Dogood
1 day ago

Nice article. Thank you. One quibble – the USA is a constitutional republic, not a free market republic.

Pat R
Pat R
1 day ago

Trump’s previous business expertise is showing. He’s working “the art of the deal” with other nations who balk at receiving back the criminals they turned loose to come to the US illegally.
Though the Dems said they had ‘plans’ in place to hamper and stop Pres Trump; but he is rushing to put in place so many of his plans it obviously caught the Dems totally off-guard. And they’re not dealing well with the comeuppance.

1 day ago

I’m fortunate to know this man personally, having worked with him in the mid-1970’s in New York. The people of the United States have elected a great man and down-to-earth human being.

Ron McGinnis
Ron McGinnis
1 day ago

For over 8 years the swamp and its despicable bottom feeding creatures have been trying behind the scenes to destroy America. Even during President Trumps first term they, and the corrupt mass liberal socialist media, were undermining ALL the good that the President was attempting. A lot of good was done BUT a lot of illegal and unethical evil was done to the President and the American people. The evil had slithered into our security departments and with crooked hillary and bin obama created a fake dossier with russian help to try to convince the country Trump had been colluding with russia. They even lied to the Congress and with schiff the scum tried to impeach an innocent Partiot. Mean while crooked hillary smashed the drive of he personal computer and has hers and all he staffs phones destroyed and then bleached. With blinky and all the biden election staff the published an horrible lie and manufactured mistruth about the span hunters laptop. NONE of them were ever charged for anything, while The President Trump faced impeachments, a farse committee, states ag’s and da’s trying along with the crooked joe biden justice department drag Trump to courts over made-up chargers. The U.S. president might be for now the most powerful world figure, but he is not alone in leading global change. God Bless Him and protect him from ALL this evil.

1 day ago

The world is in desperate need of a reset.

1 day ago

God Bless President Trump.

Rich Garrison
Rich Garrison
1 day ago

I am much relieved that Good won over evil Nov 5 2024. Now there’s a chance to make it permanent. Y

1 day ago

The funny thing is that most of this is just common sense. Joke Biden could have done most of this, he also didn’t have to open the border, unless it was part of a more devious plan to destroy America. But that makes me a conspiracy theorist….. Again. One major problem has been that a lot of these “programs” and monies sent for insane purposes, such as a trans magazine in a hostile nation, is done to either further the leftist doctrine, or to line the pockets of American politicians with kickback money. When you look at the list of DOGE cutbacks and freezes, it’s obvious that sending millions of dollars worth of condoms to someplace in Africa or the Middle East is not only ridiculous, but a great ploy to get some, or most, of that money kicked back to certain people in the US without anyone being able to track it. This is how a person making $179K a year becomes a millionaire within a few years of becoming a politician in America.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 day ago

I don’t think many of this author’s figures are/were universally-loved! AS for Trump, we didn’t vote for a pastor or a savior; we voted for a COMPETENT, America First leader who uses the brain which God gave him!

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 day ago

The subject does not “run the world.” He does exert a strong influence.

1 day ago

I have tears of joy in my eyes reading this article and the comments. The future for people on this planet is much brighter that just a short while ago:-)

1 day ago

finally a well written and informative article from AMAC. I was beginning to worry about your Association being taken over . Remember you are supposed to conservative, honest media source.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 day ago

The people believing Trump is going to build a resort in Gaza, give me a buzz. I’ve got a time share located in Kandahar I’m looking to rent out…

No Name
No Name
1 day ago

President Trump has done a lot and is slated to do a great many more things. It is concerning to set him up as a demigod. So yes give credit where it is due but do not forget the Almighty is the one who runs the world ultimately. When President Trump tried to divide Israel in his first term, it was within a very short time that God showed His disapproval and it was all down hill for President Trump after that. So we need to pray that President Trump does the will of God for this nation and her people.

David Nelson
David Nelson
1 day ago

I trust President Trump and the Republicans will –> Make America Great, again ????

1 day ago

I love President Trump. He might have a huge ego, but you know what, he has earned it. He has made a fortune for himself and his family. But in spite of that ego, he does something that Queen Elizabeth was noted for and had made her a world leader. She was one of the greatest women of our age because she took her job more seriously than she took herself, and she was the Queen of England for over 50 years. President Trump follows her example in that he takes his job more seriously than he does himself. Plus, you never have to wonder what he’s thinking because he’s going to tell you up front. And last but not least, in spite of what you hear from the main stream media and his political opponents, he doesn’t lie to the American people. Compare that to shumer, hillary, pelosi, schiff warren, or any of the so-called leaders in the democrat party.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 day ago

Trump is a doer not a blathering ideologue, an anomaly in today’s world of blathering ,resolutions issuing ,unanimous conclusions reaching ,notes issuing ,proclamations and policies agreeing on, useless bureaucrats groping around in the dark. Scary. Unlike Mahatma who only wanted Brits out as long as the cast system stayed untouched all was good. What is wrong with this picture, not that saintly I guess .Dalai Lama dispensing his infinite wisdom from his Manhattan apt. overlooking Central park signing books, not bad. Trump Definitely is not in that category. Not saintly enough, scary realistic.

Donald King
Donald King
1 day ago

Good article.

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