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Trump Administration Proposes Policies to Provide Seniors with More Choices and Lower Costs for Surgeries

Posted on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

trumpAs directed by President Trump’s Executive Order on Protecting and Improving Medicare for Our Nation’s Seniors, today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing several policies that would give Medicare beneficiaries more choices in where they seek care and lower their out-of-pocket costs for surgeries. The proposed rule takes steps that would allow hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to operate with better flexibility and patients to have what they need to make informed decisions on where they receive care.

“President Trump’s mandate is to put patients and doctors back in charge of healthcare,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “Following through on that mandate entails loosening the stranglehold of government control that has accumulated over decades. Surgeries can be expensive. Patients should have as many options as possible for lowering their costs while getting quality care. These proposed changes, if finalized, would do exactly that, help put patients and doctors back in the driver’s seat and in a position to make decisions about their own care.”

You can read more from CMS here.

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4 years ago

The founding fathers of this great American Republic designed the Constitution so that We the People
and NOT Big Government would have more day to day say in how We were to live our everyday lives! … Since the end of WWII, that “Socialist” President Roosevelt had expanded the Federal Government to interfere more in our daily lives by “taxing” us with Social Security policies that gave the Government control of our “Retirement” monies rather than us having personal responsibility to do so. By doing so since then, EVERY succeeding President expanded the power of the Federal Government to control more and more of our personal lives! … Now look where it’s brought us … the Democratic Party that supposedly represented Middle Class Americans has NOW EVOLVED INTO A PROGRESSIVELY COMMUNIST PARTY that wants complete control and dominance of our daily existence! And look how stupid people actually are for they actually think Socialism/Communism would be better for us! … How Ridiculous yet very possible if We the People don’t stop them this Presidential Election! …
Get involved and make sure President Trump gets re-elected or you and your loved ones will end up in servitude to greedy power hungry politicians!

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
4 years ago

Doctors costs are way too much. I realize their schooling is high cost also but most get that paid back soon. An anestheologist who got his schooling in the service and worked at his trade 6 mos. in the service and the other 6 mos in private practice made $600,000 that year! What would his pay be for a whole year not in service?! While his profession is very dependent on a persons life in surgery this seems an exorbitant pay to ask.
Drugs are also way overpriced and if a person is sick they are at the mercy of those charges.
This also is a trend that people have been led. Nutrition is not practiced anymore as Big Pharma is in control of medical school training and in practice as medical school students get much schooling in the use of drugs and very little in nutrition. This should change and will if people refuse to take drugs and school themselves from the internet. Any physical problem can be found on the internet and if asked a natural cure can be found. Leaving insurance not needed.

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