Many years ago, as a young man from Maine, life took me into the Reagan White House. Nothing done by...
Winning the election, witnessing the inauguration, celebrating an America determined to return to core values, be done with woke nonsense...
Suddenly, we have a “ceasefire in the Middle East.” Amazing how history repeats itself, isn’t it? In 1980, President Carter...
Many remember the formula Ronald Reagan made famous in the 1980s, “Peace Through Strength.” Like Reagan, Trump believed it and...
In Ronald Reagan’s stirring 1964 “A Time for Choosing” speech, he said: “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. So...
With the calendar almost set to turn to 2025, Americans are beginning to look forward to a new year and...
Inertia – resistance to change, the tendency of a body to stay at rest – is strong. President Trump will...
Average Americans, like me, tend to know little about the White House – or that was me, before Reagan and...
Having worked in Ronald Reagan’s White House and sat with him after Washington, the notion that anyone could recapture his...
Just something to think about. Arguably, too much is being made of the Trump-Harris debate. Here is why. Polls and...
What if I told you a mystery factor will decide the presidential race – nowhere in the news? “What?” you...
What would Ronald Reagan make of the mess we are in? He would not be happy with us, with our...
What you see when you look around is knowledge; what you see when you close your eyes is wisdom. Situational...
Living through Jimmy Carter’s malaise was formidable. Today, however, may be worse. The national mood is dark and ugly. People...
For the first time in almost 50 years, there is talk of an open convention, replacing the beleaguered Joe Biden...
Sometimes God works in self-evident ways, other times mysterious – His Plan is not ours, and mercy and signs are...
She slipped away, to place small American flags before row upon row of white crosses, honoring the fallen of D-Day...
Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address, like a fine wine, continues to improve with time. Washington’s Farewell Address, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural,...
Ronald Reagan used to tell stories. Some were about lowering taxes, others pride in our rights, a few about campaigning...
The battle was joined. Ronald Reagan was not afraid to use the word “evil” for Soviet Communism – so there...
AMAC EXCLUSIVE Few presidents in modern American history have come close to commanding the widespread admiration, intergenerational influence, and lasting...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel He’s still the man. February 6 would have marked the 113th birthday of...
As a very young person, ages 21, 22, and 23, life swept me along, always a matter of wonder where...
Prepare for Iran. What do I mean? I mean Iran is already deep in an undeclared war with the United...
Working in the White House of George H. W. Bush, my office lay across the hall from Room 208, the...
Time passes fast, yet good things happen with intent, focus, and hope. Twenty years ago, the USS Ronald Reagan was...
If you are a person of faith, one who thinks the soul lives on, beyond the demise of carbon and...
Richard Carlson, doctor and author, wrote a book in 1997 entitled “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and It's All Small Stuff.”...
Ronald Reagan speaks for presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in Los Angeles in 1964. This time next year will be the...
Without humor, where would we be? Life is a grand tragedy, or survivable comedy, or a touch of both, as...
AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott On Wednesday, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library will host the second Republican Presidential Primary...
Source: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Many years ago, Ronald Reagan – then two years older than Donald Trump...
Time and again, history repeats, as human nature does not change. Humans forget or unlearn what they knew, allowing errors...
Fifty years ago, a futurist named Alvin Toffler wrote a book called “Future Shock,” which can be (rather unjustly) reduced...
Exactly 41 years ago today, June 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan spoke to the British parliament. He was confident, compelling, and...
On June 6, 1984, Ronald Reagan stood on those steep, bleak cliffs of Normandy, speaking slowly of what happened 40 years...
For many Americans, the current political downdraft seems disheartening, steals our energy, makes us alternately frustrated, discouraged, and on some...
After two years of the Biden administration, our nation and the world are “unsettled” as Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned...
The question “what is justice?” has probably consumed mankind as much as any question ever asked, producing thousands of books,...
Global news, policy gurus, think tanks, and social media are buzzing with Communist China’s unremitting pressure on Taiwan, threats, jets,...
Russia is gaming Biden - again. Putin has detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, claiming he is a spy....
Recent conversations with counter drug experts reveal America will likely record more than 120,000 young Americans overdosed last year. That...
Today would be Ronald Reagan’s 112th birthday. Reagan died at 93 in 2004. What we need – fittingly on his...
Conservatives tend to be conservative by “nature,” as well as by politics. They value friends, family, faith, tradition, service, and...
AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis As most Americans were intently watching election results trickle in this past Wednesday, the...
“Grab the canoe!” Russell Kirk – an epic conservative – knew in the 1950s, when he wrote “The Conservative Mind,”...
As November elections approach, the glaring and deeply troubling headline I see is Americans becoming increasingly alienated from their own...
Mikhail Gorbachev, last General Secretary of the Soviet Union, died on August 30 – 31 years after he resigned, ending...
She is quiet, thoughtful, and imperturbably patriotic, qualities uncommon and undervalued these days. This lovely evening, at a wedding reception...
Thirty-six years ago, Ronald Reagan gave a speech in July – this time of year. It was empowering, eminently hopeful. His...
President Ronald Reagan at the White House's bicentennial celebration Art can reflect – sometimes foreshadow – life. It has before, it...
It was a new year. A new president was being sworn in against a backdrop of a fledgling economy on...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel 2022 has only seen three months but has felt like a long, strange...
Regardless of what any American feels about what steps we should take in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggressive...
The militant Left is attacking the principled public service of Justice Clarence Thomas again, this time by targeting his wife...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis At a time when the totalitarian regimes of Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China are...
Sometimes history calls to us – and should listen. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy went to West Berlin, entrapped...
AMAC Exclusive by Andrew Abbott This Christmas Eve, President Joe Biden will presumably honor one of America’s simplest and most...
Whether we are turning back socialist tendencies, rebuffing bad ideas, lifting good ones, limiting government, advancing growth, solvency, integrity in...
Imagine, after years of amnesia, a hypothetical American awakes. He would be as mystified as a time traveler, unclear why...
Why is there no imagination and humor today – in modern America? Where is our inner Mark Twain? Why do...
Presidential polls can be trivial – here and gone. Or they can mean something, matching past patterns, offering a window...
The job of the U.S. President is considered difficult. Not only are there long working hours with very little privacy,...
Remember when the nation had unflagging respect for our men and women in uniform when we took pride in observing...
Ronald Reagan spoke plainly, intuitively reflecting the sentiments and sensibilities of his fellow Americans. I worked in his first-term White...
AMAC Exclusive By: Daniel Roman Many AMAC readers are able to remember the moment Ronald Reagan clinched the 1980 election....
She sat quietly on a couch, unassuming, unpretentious, listening, then explaining what had brought her to Washington DC. Too many...
George H.W. Bush would be 97 this month. His June birthday invites reflection. As a President, he was not Ronald...
What we call “news” is so warped. Hard to say why, but you know it is true. Here is a...
The Biden Administration, in a rush to abandon Afghanistan, is leaving the Pacific exposed – with no US carrier battlegroup. ...
AMAC Exclusive On Sunday, America will mark the 77th anniversary of D-Day, when thousands of young men from cities and...
What does the Egypt-brokered ceasefire between Hamas and Israel mean? What is the historic backdrop? What are stakes? What does...
AMAC Exclusive by Herald Boas Joe Biden's Address to Congress last week provoked a strong backlash among Republicans who cried...
Iran is now reporting – after first revealing, John Kerry disgorged vital information endangering U.S. policy and allies – that...
AMAC Exclusive In his Address to Congress last week, Biden announced two new spending packages with multi-trillion-dollar price tags. The...
When a society loses its sense of humor – and it can – things go dark. We are at that...
“This is the winter of our discontent,” drawn from Shakespeare’s Richard III, was used 60 years ago by Steinbeck to...
Americans alive in August 1981 likely remember what is arguably the most stunning and at the same time daring displays...
“Big Brother is watching you,” comes the warning from George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. In other words, you have no...
When freedom is left undefended – not understood, fully appreciated, earnestly taught, and fought for – it perishes. Ronald Reagan...
Just a thought. Ronald Reagan said, “facts are stubborn things.” They still are. In Reagan’s time, our choices were not...
Something strange and extraordinary is happening to the US economy – behind the scenes. Professionals in government, media and academia...
Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour U.S. President Donald Trump recently delivered a rallying cry against socialism, in an...