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Texas to Stand Up Against Biden’s ‘Radical’ Policies, AG Paxton Says

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2021
by Outside Contributor

texasTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton has vowed to use all available legal means to rein in President Joe Biden’s policy plans and ensure that his administration adheres to the rule of law.

The Lone Star State’s top law enforcement official wrote in an op-ed that it’s the responsibility of individual states to provide the necessary checks and balances against the executive branch, given that both chambers of Congress are currently controlled by Democrats with their slim majority.

“I am proud to lead the way for Texas in providing the necessary counterweight to the far-left Democrats forcing dangerously radical policies upon us,” Paxton wrote in the op-ed published on Fox News on March 13.

Paxton, who has served as the state’s attorney general since 2015, has been at the forefront in defending constitutional rightselection integrity, and has stood as a bulwark against leftist progressive policies that he says harm his state.

One such policy area that Paxton has paid close attention to is immigration.

Shortly after Biden took office, Paxton took the new administration to court over one of President Joe Biden’s executive orders that halted the deportation of certain immigrants for 100 days. After filing the lawsuit, a federal judge in Texas temporarily blocked the executive order. The judge’s suspension of the executive order has now been extended indefinitely as the case continues to play out in court.

Paxton’s office had argued that the Biden administration had “ignored basic constitutional principles and violated its written pledge to work cooperatively with the State of Texas” when it issued the order on halting deportations.

“This was a major win for the rule of law, national security, and the safety of Texas citizens. And we won’t stop there,” Paxton wrote in his op-ed.

He also underscored that several of Biden’s actions have led to detrimental results for Texans, such as the elimination of thousands of U.S. jobs following the revocation of the Keystone XL Pipeline permit.

If Biden’s other plans come to fruition, it could further violate other individual liberties and constitutional rights, such as second amendment rights, he said.

“If those threats become a reality, Texas will once again step to the forefront to defend the individual liberties of its citizens against the massive power grab by the Biden-led federal government,” Paxton said.

Paxton’s op-ed signals that Biden is likely to face more challenges from the Lone Star State and possibly other Republican-led states. During former President Donald Trump’s presidency, Democrat-led states filed 126 lawsuits against his administration, according to a litigation tracker maintained by Dr. Paul Nolette, associate professor of political science at Marquette University.

So far, the Biden administration is facing four lawsuits filed by states. However, three of those lawsuits are filed against Trump-era regulations.

Paxton argued that while the Democrats’ state lawsuits against Trump sought to “prevent the Trump administration from enforcing the rule of law,” his lawsuits intend to “force the Biden administration to adhere to the rule of law and will seek to block any executive action or legislation that does not do so.”

“It is now up to the states to save this country from President Biden’s liberal and illegal wish list and the Office of the Attorney General of Texas stands ready to lead in that mission,” he said.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Hooray, Go Texas, awesome Bravo

Mark A Sadovsky
Mark A Sadovsky
4 years ago

Three cheers for Ken Paxton. Throw as many roadblocks in front of Biden and Democrats as possible.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

It seems there are only a very few States willing to step up against the constant assault on our Liberty and safety. I hope the morons that actually did vote for this fool in the WH, experience first-hand some pain and suffering because of that! If wishing that makes me a bad person, too effing bad, I’ve had enuf of this clown-show already.

4 years ago

I wish for Texas to lead the way in coordinating with EVERY other Red State to collectively stop Jackass Joe’s administration in trying to force Progressively Communist Democratic Policies on Freedom loving American citizens. … Charge on and Remember the Alamo!!!

Melvin D. Hoskins.
Melvin D. Hoskins.
4 years ago

I wonder when the present “Democrat” party will come out of the closet, and start giving everything
socialist titles, such as the Socialist State of Massachusetts, etc. They believe in government of the minority in charge.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
4 years ago

There may be a lawsuit, but it doesn’t help when we suddenly have a bunch of children being dumped into Midland city limits and our governor and the Midland mayor knows absolutely NOTHING about it but gets word at 9:30 on a Saturday night that, oh, hello, we are sending 20,000 immigrant children to your town. Be ready. No, Governor Abbott isn’t aware, don’t worry about it. The mayor? Well, yes, you should alert him. This was our news media, alerting them. So not funny, on Saturday night in Texas. NO ONE is happy. Not the Republicans, Not the Democrats, not the Independents, not the doctors, nurses, or social workers, or child protective services. Where do you report the President of the United States???

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
4 years ago

“If those threats become a reality, Texas will once again step to the forefront to defend the individual liberties of its citizens against the massive power grab by the Biden-led federal government,” Well, Ken Paxton has not exactly been a true blue defender of the Second Amendment in the past! He’s also been more of a RINO, on a LOT of issues. He talks a good game, but, is a little weak on the follow thru and, he is definitely NOT a “Conservative”, for sure…

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Dictatorial DIMMwits hate the truth, hate the US Constitution, and most of all hate GOD. Yet the stupid “Evangelicals for Biden” are “surprised” that Biden is issuing radical left pro-abortion edicts!! What is the IQ of anyone who thinks/thought that Biden, Pelosi, Schumer are anything other than HATERS?

4 years ago

“Texas to Stand Up Against Biden’s ‘Radical’ Policies,” Thank God, let this be the beginning of the push back against Joe Bidens socialist/communist agenda.  

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
4 years ago

It is going to be a tough fight, especially with the Supreme Court abdicating their duty. That John Roberts has turned against America and joined the communists.

4 years ago

Way to stand up against totalitarianism!

R. Felix
R. Felix
4 years ago

Go Texas, bidrn is president not king.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

Thank God for Texas’ Attorney General. All Republic Governor led states should join him in his suits against Joe Biden’s administration and the radical policies they are enacting. Unfortunately, I am currently in a state led by a democrat, but hopefully not for long. We have elections this November and he cannot run for a second term. Hopefully, we will get a good Republican Conservative to replace him because he has pretty much ruined the Commonwealth of Virginia.

4 years ago

OMG are the Dems going to destroy our country just to get more votes to stay in power?
They really don’t care about the America people. Things are becoming dangerous for the average person. Biden is not playing with a full deck. He’s a hot mess!!!!!!!!!!

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
4 years ago

The 8 years NObama was in office the republicans let him do whatever the hell he wanted being that he was the first black (and white) president! NOW, they’re willing to fight against his former VP who is leading the way to complete destruction of the USA from the NObama era.

4 years ago

The CRISIS at the border is sick and the result of anti American socialist policies
being enacted the hateful anti American dem-o-rats. MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL!

Lindsey C Goff
Lindsey C Goff
4 years ago

YaaaaY! You go, Texas!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
4 years ago

Paxton is just one man from one state. We need tons of people from all states. Let’s face it. Complete Rebelion is the answer. If not that we will live in a communest or social country. We need it now. Forget the ballot box. That dont work anymore.

David Hart
David Hart
4 years ago

All states should join together to oppose unconstitutional laws from the Biden administration. Texas should still build the wall, even seeking donations from people of other states. The XL pipeline should also be built with state mandates and laws.
There is precedent for states to bond together to oppose federal overreach. It is called interposition. Don’t forget liberal states have legalized marijuana against federal law, for an instance.

Rex Croson
Rex Croson
4 years ago

This may be the only saving grace that our country has to stand up against O’Bieden and his very foolish and dangerous policies. My hope is other A.G’s take this stand to stop the democrats from destroying American way of life.

4 years ago

We (Texas) need state laws like Oklahoma and the 2nd Amendment!!!!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Let’s hope other states join Texas to oppose the libtard agenda. Use of the Federal Courts is probably the only way WE THE PEOPLE have left at this time to stem the tide of destruction of our nation, at least until the 2022 elections when we hopefully can flip both the Senate and the House back to Republican majorities and restore some sanity into the governance of our nation.

4 years ago

Biden, Camel=A, Peelaosi,.AOC, Omar and all the rest of the commi demos are blaming Trump for leaving the Biden administration a big mess because he didn’t do anything to fix the pandemic,and the southern boarder. MSM can’t give Biden enough praise for his working to fix everything that Trump should have done. Mark Levin, on his program on Fox last night, high lighted how the book titled “Propaganda”, by Edward Bernays, was read and used by Woodrow Wilson, Adolph Hitler and other dictators as a handbook for giving the minority, an edge over the majority to gain power, a very informative show, Fox News usually reruns the previous Sunday, “Life, Liberty and Levin” show on the Saturday after the first airing, worth watching.

Terry West
Terry West
4 years ago

How can other states join Texit? (Alaska)

4 years ago

Wish Kentucky would have enough sense to follow Texas. Hooray for Texas!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Biden is trying to turn the USA into a communist run country where he IS the dictator! If that is what he wants, then he should find another country! How about China?! Biden is HARMING the USA in so many ways!!!

4 years ago

Hooray Texas … Remember the Alamo!!!

4 years ago

I hope Arizona joins Texas. And other States as well. The Dems are creating a disaster which many of us knew they would. They are commies and socialists, so what can we expect.

4 years ago

Hopefully other states will join Texas in looking out for our country’s welfare!

4 years ago

As a current resident of Iowa, should it become necessary,, I’d be proud to be a citizen, a part of, the United States Of Texas!

4 years ago

God Bless Texas and all the good people there. I stand firm with you. You are all in my prayers.

John Gilpin
John Gilpin
4 years ago

These actions by my attorney general are totally warranted. This administration we are now under has lost there collective minds.
Opening borders just for the sake of doing so is something that has never been done and the only reason he did it was to get more votes. If you think for one second they care about this go to the border and watch what happens it will discuss you.

4 years ago

Contact your state AG & urge them to join the lawsuit. We need to support any effort to thwart what is happening in DC because we are losing our country at an alarming rate. And watch Tucker Carlson & Mark Levin on Fox, both tell it like it is.

4 years ago

Go Texas!! Are you the only state with the cajones to stand up to Nancy Joe Chuck. BRAVO

william strong
william strong
4 years ago

don’t mess with texas!! Rally to the flag,men!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Actually, since Dominion voting machines elected this “jack in office” I’m going to shop around for homes in Europe. This nation has turned the govt. into a communist clown alley. America is taking on water FAST.

Edith Ortega
Edith Ortega
4 years ago

Yes! The state don’t have to follow if the propose bills are unconditional and against the will of the people.

Edith Ortega
Edith Ortega
4 years ago

I mean if unconstitutional! not unconditional????

4 years ago

Just like the attempt to reimpeach President Trump, the left seems to now call the crisis at the border a ‘humanitarian crisis’. In each of those cases neither should have gone anywhere. The impeachment was unconstitutional and should have been dropped immediately and the border humanitarian crisis should never nor would have happened if ‘everyone in the world’ had not been invited by ‘Sundown Joe’ to come on over. How could anyone ever vote for a democrat or whatever they call themselves now.

4 years ago

Just sent an email to the Attorney General asking he sign onto the Texas lawsuit.

4 years ago

I hope my comment doesn’t have to wait 3-4 days for approval like it did last time. By the time it was approved, it was too late for anyone to read it.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

God Bless Texas

Kathy Jo and E. DeanJones
Kathy Jo and E. DeanJones
4 years ago

My husband and I are very glad to hear this!
Our hope is that our state and many others will follow your course of action. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Ruth A Lance
Ruth A Lance
4 years ago

OK Texas!

4 years ago

We should not comply with unconstitutional orders from an anti American communist . The same way that any citizen that is in the military is not to obey unlawful orders. It’s time the American people take a stand . DO NOT COMPLY !!!!!!

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
4 years ago

And NOW, it is time for the PEOPLE to demand that their Governors do the same, and if they won’t , start Impeaching THEM!

4 years ago

I disagree a little. It’s not the “Biden-led government.” There is no leadership- he just signs anything his far-left loony supporters put in front of him! The tail is wagging the dog and the rest of us are suffering because of their Trump Derangement Syndrome! All they know is to reverse everything Trump did, and Dementia Joe is just along for the ride.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

“WE THE PEOPLE” have the right and power to recall and replace representatives that FAIL to honor thier oath of office and DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION, we have too many socialists in office that DID NOT legitimately WIN!! TWO IN GEORGIA FOR EXAMPLE!!!
We can take them down individually within the states and keep outside influence OUT of STATES BUSINESS!! Recall, investigate, replace and PUNISH if necessary, lets remind these arrogant clowns that “WE THE PEOPLE” ARE STILL THE GOVERNMENT, NOT THEM!!!!!

4 years ago

More states need to step forward and stand foot against Biden’s policies.

Margaret Johnson
Margaret Johnson
4 years ago

We need more conservatives to step forward and stand up to the betrayal of our country
that Biden and the democrats advocate.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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