Different words describe a sudden shift in public confidence – away from the federal government, toward foreboding, a fear that we are – to borrow from the late Robert Bork, “slouching toward Gomorrah.” Simply put, we are losing our way, and we know it.
Look around and you see the tide of cynicism rising, a proliferation of smallminded leaders, many unable to explain why they hold a view, preoccupied with power, self-admiring, focused on their station.
Weak on history, science, math, medicine, even jurisprudence, they can no sooner define the Norman Conquest or Magna Carta than say what the Federalist Papers or Treaty of Paris mean. Those in power barely know the Constitution, let alone its amendments – and why should they if truth does not matter?
But even this is not the point. What we are missing is a sense of things bigger than ourselves, the reason humility is due, knowledge that rights come from God not government, sovereignty is the People’s.
Missing is basic honor, and the recall of basic warnings from our Founders. If we drift from our moral pilings, this Republic will as soon as any government, crash on the rocks of despotism. Put differently, if we do not keep our leaders accountable, we will lose our individual rights – and the Republic.
Who said that? Why are such warnings relevant? They are relevant because we all know, we can feel in our bones, government is getting unaccountable, debt too high, regulations too many, arrogance too common, governance no longer consensual or bipartisan, let alone a matter of honor.
We see national “leaders” practicing soft autocracy, a desire to do as they please because they can, because they have power. They boast of using “a phone and pen” to remake America, do what they wish, and then – most recently – imagine those with whom they disagree are evil, “enemies.” That it not right.
Powerholders – justifying disdain for “the other” – seem inclined, if not content, to forget our sacred past and solemn future, living high on the hog, their first, second, and third defense – lies.
Now comes a national poll affirming what we know. Whether from arrogance, ideology, or moral relativism, trust in our leaders is plummeting. Power corrupts – and that power is growing.
Says the Pew poll: Only a third of the country has faith in the President or Congress, half think government can no longer solve problems, and three-quarters doubt the wisdom of their fellow citizens, a precursor of violence and despotism.
So, who warned us about this? Who told us what to look for, when and where we would find it, how unchecked power, willful ignorance, and lack of moral compass defeats a Republic? Who carefully set out the roadmap, identified habits to avoid, told us how to keep our compass, avoid corrupting despotism?
Who told us why humble and accountable leaders matter more quick victories, money, or glory?
Here are a few who warned us to stop, think, and avoid stepping off the trail, sliding into tyranny. George Washington, man of few words, wrote in his Farwell Address: “It is important…that…those entrusted … confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department any encroachment upon another” Why? “The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all in one, and thus create…despotism.”
In other words, watch out for those who wish to grow and consolidate federal power, disrespect separation of powers, constitutional balance, and limited government. Know your history – how despotism begins to grow, and how to stop it.
Nor was Washington alone. Ben Franklin, told us to beware of the time “when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”
Our second president, John Adams, was more blunt: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people…It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Taking these warnings to heart, what ails us? Why are we uneasy, distrusting? Could it be we have allowed – for low political ends – federal government to “encroach, even on itself?
Are we getting “so corrupted as to need despotic government…incapable of any other?” Have we forgotten a house needs the foundation, and our “Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people?” Forgotten that without that foundation, we collapse?
Take others, who warned us – plainly. Wrote James Madison, we should fear the day when “Congress can employ money indefinitely.” Others echoed him. Then hear Abraham Lincoln.
Wrote Lincoln: “There is even now something of ill omen amongst us. I mean that increasing disregard for law which pervades the country – the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passion in lieu of the sober judgment of courts, and the worse than savage mobs for the executive ministers of justice. The disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours…it would be a violation of truth to deny it.”
And so, once again, we find ourselves here. Some seem happy to be cognitively dissonant, willfully ignorant of what they should know, quick to undermine the legitimacy of our Constitution and institutions, Supreme Court, law enforcement, military, and laws vital for the Republic’s survival.
Yes, we do need to trust our leaders and limited government again, but that will only happen when we get leaders worthy of trust, not before. In the meantime, credit to the late Robert Bork’s timeless turn of phrase – no fan of Mr. Biden – we are “slouching toward Gomorrah.” If we want to save the Republic, we have to believe it is worth saving, and get leaders who do.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Robert, I have not known you for long and have not read all of your articles; however, I have to say this article was one of the most prolific and important ones yet! Your historical descriptions and quotes are spot on. The spirits of our founders are screaming, loudly, through the heavens, as we speak, supporting every written word in your piece today. Unfortunately, it is a very time sensitive communique. Our country is in need of great leaders that we can trust to save our country now, not tomorrow! Thank you for taking the time to make a difference.
Very good article, Robert — you identified some things going on these days that need to be fixed, things much in need of repair. And you made great suggestions how to make necessary improvements. Abraham Lincoln made a speech on June 20, 1848 in the U. S. House of Representatives — on the topic of Internal Improvements. In it he said — ” There are few things wholly evil or wholly good, almost everything, especially of government policy is an inseparable compound of the two, so that our best judgement of the preponderance between them is continually demanded .” This is an interesting speech ,it helps to put some matters in perspective for that period, and I do believe has some relevance today. The Country is in need of large amounts of Wisdom, respect for Truth, respect for Faith , and knowledge of history . An appreciation of the value of history — it will help to bring about some renewal of the kind of spirit that helped the Nation overcome previous difficulties. Regarding ways of determining the preponderance of evil or good in various situations where that needs to be done, it would make sense to apply the principles of Honor, Honesty , Integrity, Courage and Loyalty. Keeping in mind the will of God , keeping in mind the sense of purpose involved in what the United States of America stands for.
If something isn’t done to stop the democrats power grab and the theft of our federal and state tax money for there own good there will be no United States of America! We will be owned by the Chinese who lined the Biden family and many other democrats pockets! It’s time to go back to a constitutional government that is run by the letter of the law. Stop the giveaway programs and put people back to work where they belong! You don’t work you don’t eat!
EU was created to diminish the individual nations and to create the central power We are going the same way
Seeds laid in 2015+
The trend in our Government that has concerned me for the past 40 years is that we do not attract our best people of merit to organize and run our country. It began in the Legislature and crept into the Executive, Judicial and now the Military. I don’t have an answer but Mr Charles has defined the issue eloquently in my opinion.
I, personally, lost all faith and confidence in our federal government years ago!! I see the power and money grab that Democrats have been performing for decades!!! I see the open borders that happen every time that Democrats are in power!! I see so many countries getting money from us and, yet, we can’t take care of our own citizen’s needs!! I see selfish, arrogant, hateful, wealthy, nasty people getting elected who only care about Americans when it’s campaign season! They will lie through their teeth to get your vote and when they are elected, they will forget every promise they made and go about their merry way squeezing money out of lobbyist and wealthy constituents!!! This political game has become something that it was never supposed to be!!
We need smaller government!! We need politicians who are NOT career politicians but politicians who have a job, a company, something that actually ties them to their communities!! We don’t need a government who spends every waking moment deciding how best to screw all of us!! We don’t need a government who spends every waking moment thinking about new rules, laws, policies, regulations to place on us to make things more difficult!!! We need a government who is following the constitution and the laws of the land!! And when Nancy say, “No one is above the law.” – that should mean “NO ONE” including Speakers, Majority Leader of the Senate, Senators, Congressmen, candidates, and, yes, even Presidents and their families!!!!!
I don’t understand why it took the average American so long to wake up. Our government has been corrupt and against us a very long time.
Good article. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people…It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams. Truer words were never spoken.
I total agree with the masterfully written articles above. Thank you.
Spot on, Robert!
Our Founding Fathers were very astute when they formed three separate branches of government as they feared what would happen if one person controls all three. We must keep the three separate branches EXECUTIVE , LEGISLATIVE , & JUDICIAL in order to represent all Americans & not just a chosen few.
I have totally lost faith in all aspects of the government. The democrats have so corrupted the governemnt there is little hope of fixing it.
the only option is to immediately cancel all affirmative action, diversity, and equity programs everywhere in american. make them illegal.
next fire 60% of all governemnt employees, managers, and directors.
next pass a law that it is a felony for any governemnt employee to lie to a usa citizen. 10 years in prison and all assets are turned over to the citizens you lied to.
make every employee sign a contract that states they will not participate, fund, donor, or belong to any political party.
Make all government jobs pay 5% less then industry average and benefits have to be equal to the average of nurses, warehouse workers, and construction workers.
Require performance reviews of every governemnt employee every year where the manager is required to have a bell curve distribution. all salary increases, cola’s and promotions are based on the the result of performance reviews.
any favoritism by any manager or director based on sex, personal relationships, or race result in immediate firing.
eliminate 80% of all non-military armed governemnt funding and certification.
cut funding 75% of all black projects. If they want funding they will have to show what they are doing and explain the value. If they can’t they the next step would be to make is a non-black project with monthly public access days.
Make it illegal for judges and election officials to support any party.
I am a Republican. I do NOT donate to the National GOP. Too many RINO’S. I donated directly to Republican’s running for house and senate positions in the DC Swamp that would have made a difference in voting on bills in Congress. But the majority took the easy road and voted incumbent so it’s status quo.
No,most people that are really paying attention don’t trust the government,but what’s much worse with this great division in AMERICA,very few people trust anyone.I feel that that is exactly what the liberal,socialist democRATS want