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House Democrats Are the Real Embarassment

Posted on Monday, January 9, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

After 15 rounds of voting, California Republican Kevin McCarthy finally secured the votes to become Speaker of the House late Friday night, ending nearly a week of proceedings that elected Democrats and the mainstream media gleefully called an “embarrassment” for Republicans. But if the last four years have made anything clear, it is that the House Democratic Caucus, not their colleagues on the right, are the real embarrassment to the country.

No Republican representative ever ended a prayer on the House floor by saying “amen and a-woman,” as Congressman Emanuel Cleaver did while presiding from the Speaker’s chair.

A House Republican has also never been under investigation by the FBI for marrying her brother in order to skirt U.S. immigration laws. That distinction belongs to Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

No House Republican ever said men can get pregnant – as multiple House Democrats have.

House Republicans were not the ones who shamelessly donned Kente cloth and took a knee in Congress in a performative act of identity politics following the death of George Floyd, a staged photo op that many on the left even criticized.

No Republican ever “camped out” on the steps of the Capitol and shed crocodile tears for news cameras in a naked political stunt, as “Squad” member Cori Bush did in August of 2021.

Republican lawmakers did not call for defunding the police and restricting Second Amendment freedoms, even as they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on their own private armed security – that was Cori Bush and the “Squad” again.

It was House Democrats, not Republicans, who introduced a bill to abolish federal prisons and release violent criminals back onto the streets.

House Republicans were not the ones who, immediately after taking power, passed a slate of radical bills to federalize elections, pack the Supreme Court, add Washington, D.C. as the 51st state, and impose radical gender ideology on every American.

No House Republican ever claimed to be a devout Catholic, but then turned around and called any abortion restrictions “sinful,” as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi did – an act for which the Catholic archbishop of San Francisco prohibited her from receiving communion.

It was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, not a Republican, who showed up to the Met Gala in a designer dress that read “tax the rich” – apparently unaware of the irony in wearing the garb to an event that costs $30,000 a ticket. At that same event, attendees walked around maskless while the hired help were forced to wear masks.

Speaking of COVID-19, no Republican ever called for locking down the country and then got their hair done at an indoor salon in violation of COVID restrictions, as Pelosi did at the height of the pandemic.

That was hardly the first embarrassing incident from Pelosi, as she repeatedly struggled to make it through short press conferences, stammering and appearing to seem lost and confused.

It was also Pelosi, not House Republicans, who ripped up President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address on national television – one of the most childish and cynical acts in American political history. Footage later revealed that Pelosi had spent much of Trump’s speech trying to surreptitiously “pre-rip” the pages, making clear that her theatrical fit of frustration was calculated and staged.

One year before that incident, it was House Democrats, not Republicans, who refused to stand and applaud when President Trump announced record low unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics, as well as new initiatives to care for veterans.

House Republicans weren’t the ones who arbitrarily limited attendance at the 2022 State of the Union to 50 members, only to lift the requirement a few days later in a blatant (and failed) attempt to manufacture a COVID “victory” to boost Joe Biden’s sagging poll numbers.

During that State of the Union Address, it was Democrat Nancy Pelosi, not a Republican, who was caught on tape bizarrely rubbing her knuckles together and making strange faces at Joe Biden.

No House Republican ever got caught sleeping with a Chinese spy – that was Democrat Eric Swalwell, whom Pelosi declined to remove from the House Intelligence Committee even after the humiliating affair was exposed.

Republicans did not turn the January 6 Committee into a kangaroo court aimed at demonizing every one of the 75 million Americans who voted for former President Trump. Republicans also were not the ones responsible for stringing out that investigation for more than two years in order to squeeze as much political juice out of the incident as possible.

House Republicans weren’t the ones caught lying about their experience during the Capitol Riot in order to garner media attention, as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was.

It is House Democrats, not House Republicans, who are ignoring the pleas of border communities and denying that the country is facing an illegal immigration crisis.

House Republicans weren’t the ones who pursued two politically motivated impeachment trials against the President of the United States, both of which ultimately failed and were a massive waste of time and money.

House Republican women were also not the ones who took to Instagram Live and YouTube to complain about “the patriarchy” and how oppressed they are while demonstrating their skincare routines and applying designer makeup.

While both parties have expressed their support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, only Pelosi read a cringe-worthy poem from U2 frontman Bono on the House floor as though it was a profound contribution to the discussion.

It was House Democrats, not Republicans, who opposed a measure expanding security protections for Supreme Court Justices and their families following violent threats in the wake of the Dobbs ruling last year.

And finally, it was new Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries, not Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who used his first floor speech to deliver a rambling partisan rant filled with left-wing buzzwords and no substance. (But of course, the most embarrassing part of that spectacle was the media establishment and other elected Democrats clapping along like seals and pretending the speech was impressive, just as they did for four years of similar embarrassments under Nancy Pelosi.)

The turbulent speaker selection process was undoubtedly not the best look for House Republicans to kick off the 118th Congress. But as far as “embarrassments” go, a few days of intra-party negotiations to choose a leader hardly stack up to Democrats’ record of cringe-worthy misfires, slipups, and outright failures that the country thankfully rejected last November.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Patrick Sefton
Patrick Sefton
2 years ago

Great article.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Another excellent article.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Have been since Trump had office to date alone

Marc Fuerch
Marc Fuerch
2 years ago

It was saddenning that there were only twenty representatives that were willing to speak out and not just rubber stamp the UniParty pre-selected choice. Only twenty.

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
2 years ago

The Sage Continues!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
2 years ago

This was an excellent article and showed to the world the outrageous policies of the democrats. No wonder, the Republicans took back the House in 2022.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

What we have there is a mirror image of ourselves We are the ones who put and keep them there

Debbie Gozdor
Debbie Gozdor
2 years ago

I as an American born citizen, applaud the 20 Congressmen and Congresswomen who were the hold outs in the speaker election process. Where were the other 200 + so called Republican members attempts to make changes? They seemed satisfied with the way Washington DC is so corrupt!
My eyes were opened as to who really wants too make positive changes and those 20 people were raked over the coals by ALL the media, to include MANY on Fox News! I give my respect to those 20 that forced McCarthy too reinstate those laws in congress that Pelosi threw out. Why would that anger so many so called republicans?
Americans are demanding changes in the way the House and Senate has become so corrupted. Our so called leaders are more worried about lining their own pockets for personal gain, instead of working for their employer; “THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!”

2 years ago

Bravo to the writer! Hitting on the most narcissistic display of arrogance by any member of Congress I have ever witnessed, that being Nancy Pelosis’ display of the sheer arrogance of assuming she was speaking for every citizen in this great country as did Hillary Clinton did when she testified in Congress regarding the slaughter at Benghazi stating as “our” Secretary of State, “What difference does it make?” Both had the audacity to publicly assume they spoke for the entire county of American citizens half of whom would never pay taxes to support either one of them.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

After 11 failed votes , you would think somebody dont want you. KLyle L.

Phil esteen
Phil esteen
2 years ago

While these points appear to be accurate, it is arrogant, self righteous Whataboutism at its finest. The Rs are in charge now. K-Mac is a despicable weasel, now being led around by the bxxxs by the ( indefensible) likes of Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz, MTG et al.

… you might wan to start a GoFundMe page to look for K-Mac’s ‘man card.’

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

I will always have a mind boggle as to how anyone in their right (or left) mind can vote for such anti American, anti constitutional crap! How can any be so blind?

John R
John R
2 years ago

Wow! Awesome article. I printed out copies for friends that aren’t as news savvy as us Amac readers.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

The Marxist Democrats are a bunch of corrupt, dysfunctional, anti-American clowns who would be imploding into nothingness if the mainstream media were actually a free press, as our founding fathers intended. From the very beginning of our Constitutional Republic, we, the people, were to be protected from an unethical government by the policing of a press that worked for the people, not for the government. This foundational pillar of a free and just society has been toppled, and hopefully, the Republicans can start rebuilding at least some of our legal and economic institutions.

Sharon K Trampe
Sharon K Trampe
2 years ago

Excellent Article. Sad that it is all true and they are the people in charge of America.

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
2 years ago


Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

And yet, far and away too many nitwit American citizens will continue to vote for the clown show on the left because they want their free stuff. It’s a disgrace.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

The concessions that Kevin had to make to get the votes was a good thing! I didn’t see it as an embarrassment at all! It needed to be done to change some things. Everyone is tired of the same ol’ same ol’. Now get to work and change some things!!!!! LET’S GO BRANDON

Terrence Gallagher
Terrence Gallagher
2 years ago

I have been Conservative my entire adult life after accepting Jesus Christ at the age of 23. [A liberal hippie prior to that, oh well.] Anyway, after the Republican party could accomplish the next near to NOTHING even with a majority during the first two years of the Trump Presidency, the pitiful showing since then in establishing a cogent “game plan” & the subsequent failure to create the “Red Wave” we so desperately needed, I do believe it is not uncalled for to say the GOP is indeed an embarrassment. I will still vote that way, but it seems like it is useless to do so. …. Just sayin’

2 years ago

There is NOTHING that Democrats have done, are doing or want to do that is good for America or any Americans, save a few that make a killing for free money. They have been an anti constitutional party from their founding in the 1820’s. Nothing has ever changed. Virtually ALL electrical cheating nationally and locally has been conducted by Demoncrats. All assassinations and attempted assassinations have been done by left wingers, without exception. Yep, the most evil, vile, corrupt amoral party to ever exist. Yes, I know what China, ussr, Germany, etc have done, but they didn’t try to hide it and make themselves look like angels.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

The only people worse than the Democrats in Congress are the half-wits that vote for them, sorry people who won’t Big Government handout and the Abortion, freaks that Sell un-born baby body parts to give a kick-back to the Democrats at election time.

2 years ago

Good job AMAC!!!

Keep adding the paragraphs it will only get longer over the next two years.

This will be good stuff in Autumn of 2024 to remind the sheeple…

Socratic Inquirer
Socratic Inquirer
2 years ago

This editorial is spot-on. However, as long as the Left controls most of the media, then Dems will simply obey The Goebbels Rule; “Tell the Big Lie often enough and loud enough until everyone believes it.”

2 years ago

The dem’s are against the constitution? How many house republicans voted to overturn a free and fair election? Trump knew he lost and the republicans support of his big lie did tremendous damage to our nation. A majority of them still support that conman. Hopefully, when trump ends up in prison our country can move on from the maga madness.

2 years ago

No House Democrat ever supported an attack on the Capitol. No House Democrat ever stole classified documents from the government. No House Democrat ever cried voter fraud with no evidence. No House Democrat ever hosted a Neo-Nazi for dinner.

2 years ago

Anti-White liberals and respectable conservatives that support massive third-world immigration and FORCED assimilation for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries say that they are anti-racist, but their policies will lead to a world with no White people i.e White Genocide.
Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

Yes, the Democrats are bad. But they are still winning. The public refused to repudiate then last November. As long as they are winning, they will keep on doing what they are doing.

2 years ago

Very well said. The new Republican house members stuck to issues they were elected to do. Instead of like Democrats who go ahead with anything there party says. Debate is a good thing. It’s how things get done. What’s wrong with all of this is the press who decides to pick sides, instead of doing their jobs and report the real news.

2 years ago

Three comments: I hope I can commit to memory your articulate recount of Dem disfunction, deceit and outright lies! We’ll done Shane!
Second: Paddleguy, you are so misinformed that you are embarrassing yourself.
Lastly, Republicans are actually debating and discussing openly and transparently. If the left considers that an embarrassment, then I welcome more of it.

DJ Wright
DJ Wright
2 years ago

Great summary of Dem footers and extreme leftist drivvle.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Don’t forget Chuckie (the putz) Schumer who called for VIOLENCE against SCOTUS justices and his DIMM hordes who attacked BOTH the White House and the Supreme Court building!

Sparky Jack
Sparky Jack
2 years ago

With all due respect, with members like Taylore-Greene, Gaetz, Boebert, Gohmenrt, Santos, et al the GOP is the Clown college

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
2 years ago

But did the woke people notice any of this?

2 years ago

Hopefully, now we are on the other side of that disaster

2 years ago

Amen. Demencrats have short memories.

Wolfgang E. Hofman
Wolfgang E. Hofman
2 years ago

Please. It seems to me that the columnist is nothing more than an aggrieved right wing evangelical.

James H
James H
2 years ago

You can’t forget about the Left’s mindless paganism. They just follow what they are told so they can remain as place holders and enrich themselves. They could care less about America. It’s all about them and them only!!

2 years ago

The last time I looked, democrats didn’t try and overthrow our free and fair elections based on lies and conspiracies, steal thousands of pages of classified documents from America to sell to the highest bidder, kill thousands of innocent Americans with lies and incompetence over covid, give America over $24 trillion dollars in debt from wars in the middle east started by lies of WMD’s, tax breaks for billionaires, a housing crisis, not one, but two double digit unemployment rates, have millions of people lose their jobs on their watch and do nothing to fix immigration, education, healthcare or infrastructure. These are just a few of highlights of what the republican terrorist cult has given us with their last two winners.

2 years ago

All these horrors – but it was Republicans who supported an anarchist and his campaign to disregard the will of the people by supporting a violent coup, then ran like chickens into hiding while their beloved police were being speared and battered trying to protect them. Disgusting.

2 years ago

Did everyone forget Hillary and the server in the closet. Smashing cell phones destroying emails

Wendy Perez
Wendy Perez
2 years ago

An InCel with a laptop.

2 years ago

Great article! What goes far beyond embarrassment is the Demonrat’s promotion of and mandates for an experimental “vaccine” which has the highest level of adverse reactions in the youngest and most healthy individuals, while not stopping the spread or even preventing reinfection. Has anyone noticed the escalation of “public service” ads about detecting early signs of heart failure since the clot shot became widely available? Not a day goes by that I don’t see another story about young, healthy athletes, young men and teens dropping dead “unexpectedly”. We know that the CDC and FDA like to manipulate statistics and outright lie to us. Safe and effective? Absolutely not! Thanks to unprecedented censorship and manipulation of narratives, we may never know if the shot turned out to be just as deadly as the virus itself. Call me a conspiracy theorist if it pleases you, but as a parting shot, food for thought, consider this: If you were setting out to design a bioweapon to weaken populations and social order, would it be beneficial to take out as many fight age men as possible first?

2 years ago

Since AMAC is always 2-3 days behind we need to know that our media will not tell us that
Joey was found possessing classified documents while vice-president. Jim Jordan now has
more to investigate

2 years ago

Last weeks debates were incredibly successful and has reformed some ( not all) of the
abusive restraints that Nancy imposed on the House. Based on what I heard last week,
many members felt helpless and unable to present their positions. That’s because Nancy
allowed no opinions. Only votes. Why would anyone want to be a congressperson under
those rules ? Sounds like a crap job to me.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Where’s the FBI Raid on DICTATOR Beijing biden HIDING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS and WHY isn’t his Social Security number published?

2 years ago

Shane Harris is the real embarrassment for posting a garbage article.

2 years ago

Good article 

2 years ago

Amac must be hitting to close to the truth – lots of new bots on this site.

2 years ago

There are so many more moronic demonstrations showing how far the left leaning DNC has gone to bring shame to every American. These liars should sit down, shut up and start working for all Americans instead of carring on like a group of spoiled minded political hacks that are only interested in self. They act like 14 year olds in puberty!

2 years ago


Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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