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Critical Race Theory – Seven Hard Truths

Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

raceCritical Race Theory (CRT) is all the rage – and causing outrage. This anti-individual, anti-American, fear-focused rebranding of Marxism is now in schools. School boards, afraid of being called racist, are buckling. But parents, grandparents, and students are fighting back. See, e.g., Critical Race Theory: These states are already cracking down on the controversial concept | Fox News. And a recent AMAC poll – tens of thousands responding – shows CRT tops the list of nine national concerns. Finally, America is standing up. See,

What was once just annoying – pushers of class warfare based on race – is getting personal. As weapons of Marxism show up – name-calling, accusation, intimidation, doxing, firings, suspensions, threats, and violence – reality hits home. America is under fire.

The core idea behind CRT is not “equal opportunity” to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

CRT guts Martin Luther King’s dream that Americans “not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.” CRT despises individualism, such dreams.

The goal of CRT is to de-legitimize America, flip the tables on institutions protecting individual liberty, equal opportunity, upward mobility, free-flowing labor and capital, and freedom itself.

In place of these constitutional values, CRT aims to reduce us to black and white, incite race warfare, concentrate power, redistribute wealth, and fundamentally remake America.

You say, “whoa – is it that bad?” The answer is – as around the world – yes. But Americans are different. They are standing up to CRT. They are giving voice to seven hard truths:

First, America is about individual equality, not group equity. The idea behind CRT is that America is just groups, defined by skin color. They do not see America as individuals with separate souls, goals, dreams, schemes, skills, hopes, and God-given attributes.

Of course, the CRT premise is false. We are born, think, live, dream, and awake each day as individuals, not groups. The nation might be divided a million ways – by age, gender, height, weight, hair, eyes, accent, attitude, education, income, geography, health, and, yes, race. But we are individuals.

As a self-governing people, we have a constitution that recognizes our individuality, gives us each the same rights under law. Our differences give us separate paths to success, defined by free will. The government’s job is to get out of the way, not bulldoze us level.

With foresight, our constitution also is self-correcting by amendment. While the first ten amendments came with the articles, others – such as the 13th ending slavery, 14th applying equal protection (of individuals) to states, and 19th giving women the vote – came later.

So, that is CRT’s first lie. Black, white, brown, tan, amber, olive, sallow, bronze, pink, chiffon, baize, or none of the above, we have individual rights – no “group equity” in our constitution.

Second, equal opportunity is not an equal outcome. The constitution, as amended, gives all Americans an equal shot. If we fail perfection, the goal is to keep trying – an equal shot at education, employment, property ownership, returns, and resilience. The goal is equal protection, the right to rise or fall, succeed, fail and try again – equal under the law.

This is the opposite of CRT’s guaranteed outcome, materially leveling by group. The idea behind CRT is concentrating power to equalize outcomes, regardless of who earned what. Returns on hard work and trust in the individual – are gone.

Third, CRT is itself racist. CRT not only assigns all life grievances by one race to another. It suggests black and white citizens with equal education, employment, ideas, industry, and effort cannot attain similar outcomes. Why?

Because the principle of merit-based achievement is rejected in favor of reverse racism. Easier to hate and blame than love and support.

That approach is anti-American, ironically rife with racial putdown. Rather than faith in the possible and the individual, CRT defines the possible as impossible – and blames that on race.

For the CRT crowd, race is all that matters, pitting one against another, teaching the assumption that we are not equal in God’s eyes or eyes of the law, and never can be in each other’s eyes. Have you ever heard of anything more pathetic than teaching children resentment, blame, and hopelessness? In CRT’s world, an elite equalizes outcomes by race, kills the American Dream.

Fourth, CRT denies upward mobility. CRT denies the idea that hard work and equal protection succeed. Upward mobility is the gaping hole in Marx’s bucket, draining it of power. Put differently, to believe in CRT; you must believe your skin color defines your ability to succeed. If you believe that, you buy into the lie. Ask someone like Colin Powell, who became a four-star general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Secretary of State lived the American Dream.

Fifth, CRT immorally pushes intergenerational guilt.

CRT is a fraud because the only way to justify putting one race down for another, openly teach resentment is to pin the past on the present. The premise is wrong. Intentional infliction of intergenerational guilt, making successors responsible for ancestors, is fundamentally immoral.

Morality centers on individual accountability, not accountability for distant progenitors. Must a newborn Japanese baby pay for Tojo’s horrors? Newly born German baby account for Hitler? Is moral accounting due for cross-enslavement by 3000 African tribes? Is modern Turkey responsible for the Ottoman enslavement of Eastern Europeans? The point is we have individual sovereignty under natural, constitutional, and statute law; every life is sacred, belongs to itself.

Consider Ezekiel 18:20: “The child shall not share the guilt of the parent.” How much more great, great, great grandparent? And intergenerational debts, called “peonage” or “debt slavery,” are illegal. To resuscitate such concepts in the service of CRT and resentment is immoral.

Sixth, CRT empowers elites to persecute. Every Marxist country in the world, every country that has ever picked a racial, ethnic, religious, or economic group to blame for society’s ills, has done so by empowering an elite to push mass persecution. That is not America, but where CRT leads.

Seventh, CRT ignores data. Perhaps the biggest lie in CRT is that America is racist. No country in the world attracts more minorities than America. We are the magnet, largest immigrant population in the world, 40 million Americans born elsewhere – most minorities, many African.

By wealth, Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans account for 25 percent of America’s millionaires – proving the American Dream, upward mobility, and capitalism. And Pew Research reports most Americans see racial diversity as good. So much for CRT.

In the end, CRT is Marxism, pushing resentment, blame, guilt, fear, silence, and compliance. Do not buy it. Americans cleave by values, not skin. Critical Race Theory is junk – a disgrace.

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Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Why is this bullshirt (remove the r in shirt) called Critical Race Theory. Now if it was called Critical Racist Theory- I could believe that!!

Cynthia cunningham
Cynthia cunningham
3 years ago

Well written, thank you.
I am fighting CRT locally at the schools my grandsons attend here in Bullhead City. I will not allow them to teach my loving grandkids to hate anyone. Our state is passing SB 1532 and the superintendent is opposing it. She has a right to her opinion but when she sent it on school district letterhead it is time for parents and grandparents to get involved.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

MLK would certainly shake his head over CRT.
I object to having to atone for the crimes of those who preceded me.
I object to having to accept a new lexicon with nonsense words like “woke”.
I object to being told that there are no “eternal verities ” that have been our guide posts for generations, that moral behavior is “flexible”.
What we see, sadly, in today’s classroom is little short of child perversion. “Get ’em while they are young and you control the future.”
I keep a well worn copy of the U.S. Constitution next to my bed to remind me of “the eternal verities.”

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Great Article. ‘Systemic Racism’ is a hypocritical ruse. It aims to confuse and divide a Great Nation. At a time when our nation is most vulnerable; the disease of ‘Marxism’ invades. Everyone and everything is placed in a ‘rectangle’ of precise definitions. Notice that ‘Republicans’ are stereotyped. The ‘Marxist Propaganda’ wants to demonize opposing political parties. ‘Republicans’ all walk the same way, think the same way, dress the same way, have the same medical care, work in the same professions, have the same religious beliefs, and chew gum; always in the right side of their mouth. Its difficult to encounter such idiocy. There is NO way to reason with prejudice against ‘Republicans’ and Conservatism. ‘Systemic Racism’ is the ultimate stereotypical lie. Again, it is about stereotyping all of America. America is greater than that! America has a great heritage; and people who think on a myriad of levels. America will never allow the stripping of its heart and soul!

the rebel
the rebel
3 years ago

I am a commoner—————————-never owned slaves and never picked cotton———————just like everyone else that is alive in the USA today !!!!!

3 years ago

It’s time for our ‘educational establishments’ to start teaching the ‘3Rs’ again and as far as racism goes teach all students to respect each other and reign in the bullying. And for those who may not know what ‘3Rs’ stands for that would be reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic!

3 years ago

CRT is simply repackaged Marxism substituting race for the old class warfare model. No doubt both Presidents Xi and Putin are smiling and celebrating at how utterly successful the American socialist movement has been in systematically indoctrinating America, over the last five decades, to accept the tenets that are the foundation of Marxism. Now with all facets of “the swamp” or “deep state”, whatever you want to call it, and the mainstream media firmly controlled by the left or their allies in this country, there is no longer a need to hide their agenda anymore. The left now tells everyone every day exactly what they plan to do and how they intend to go about doing it. So anyone who hasn’t gotten the message by now is sadly too mentally challenged to do much of anything.

Could the American people still stop all this tomorrow, if they really wanted to? Sure they could, but they won’t. Sadly the vast majority of the American people aren’t willing to do what is necessary to put an end to the socialist take-over of their country. I conclude that by the complete lack of real proactive action to date since the election. It’s just been just one action after another to return the United States to the socialist course we were on prior to President Trump and the American public has just collectively shrugged its shoulders and rolled over. Sure there are some individuals out there willing to stand up and speak out against this threat, but not enough to force a change in direction. The vast majority of the country seems apathetic at best.

It is unfortunate to say, but it seems the so-called “silent majority” is unwilling to stand up to protect their rights and freedoms from those that are actively implementing policies and programs designed to effectively take them all away in short order. About the best most on our side seem able to do is wring their hands and say “Someone needs to save us from ourselves.” or some variant of that pathetic refrain. That’s not the kind of action that is effective against stopping Marxism in its tracks.

Anyway, nice article RBC. You take the time to research the subject and put some substance into it.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
3 years ago

Great column. I just shared it. We must insist that content of character be valued over skin color. What happened to “justice is blind”? Those who are trying to divide Americans based on skin color are using that tactic to take our natural born right to individual freedom. We MUST beware of what is being taught in schools across our nation. The future of freedom lies in the next generations, and those who crave power understand that…

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

This is the worst curriculum to ever be placed in our schools. It is wrong and should be removed from ALL schools IMMEDIATELY!

Christine Remler
Christine Remler
3 years ago

Great article! I completely agree! I hardly recognize our great country anymore…… While my boys are grown and were not taught CRT in their private school, I can not say the same for my three nieces in NC. I hardly recognize what they are teaching the children today in public schools. It is downright scary! While we fall behind in the world in subject areas such as Math and Science, we allow the Teacher’s Union to dictate whether our children are in the classroom, and then instead of teaching Math and Science, they are teaching CRT. And trying to take away advanced Math……. We must take a stand!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

CRT ignores those of Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, Martian, Andromeddan, etc bloodlines among US.

3 years ago

Great Read, I agree whole Heartedly

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

It is shocking that woke Americans are so ready to give up freedom to be with the crowd. I doubt that they really are thinking this. They have not experienced slavery. They are just talking about it.

3 years ago

Wonderful article.
So glad this wasn’t going on when our children and grandchildren were in school.
Glad that our granddaughter chose to teach our great granddaughter at home.
So sad for those parents that don’t have that option.
Thank you for keeping us all of to date on what the new administration in our capital is trying to shove down America’s throat!
Keeping everyone in our prayers.

3 years ago

The Left is so intellectually dishonest and stupid.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

The left needs to just get out of the way and stay out!! They are NOT welcomed.

Bobby Terrell Hood
Bobby Terrell Hood
3 years ago

Best article I’ve read so far defining what CRT is about.

3 years ago

Thank you! Very good article making CRT understandable and explaining why it is so dangerous.

3 years ago

Long time no see, revolutionary theology. If you want to see where this garbage brings you, look to Kampuchea and South Africa.

3 years ago

AMEN! Great article!

3 years ago

The only racist is Obumma. The rest of us believe in the American dream as established by the God fearing forefathers. They believed in the word of God. Our priorities are God, family, country. God created individuals – individuals create family – and – families create government. Such a fact declares obumma petty, small, and stupid.

Robert D. Zold
Robert D. Zold
3 years ago

To Everyone!, Please check out the book, “The Dream King” by two Christian men, Will Ford & Matt Lockett, a black man & a white man who God supernaturally brought together. Their story is simply too incredible! Using your search engine of choice, type in their names & view one of the numerous interviews that are available. The 700 Club interview is brief but gives the basic story. Eric Metaxas interviewed them last June, & that interview gives a bit more detail. Also, I believe they were on Mike Huckabee’s program a few years ago.

Here’s a hint: In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “I have a dream…that one day the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

Note: If your faith in God is weak or nonexistent, etc., their story may give you reason to stop, pause & reconsider your position.

God Bless ALL OF US!!

Robert D. Zold
Robert D. Zold
3 years ago

My apologies: “…the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners…”

George Larner
George Larner
3 years ago

Elon Musk is looking for volunteers to Mars. Any liberals interested in going? You can go screw up your own world.

3 years ago

Ha! What a farce this whole last year has been..2020 brought the CCP virus and BLM/Antifa 2021 brings a whole new crop of Socialist/Marxist/Communist rhetoric…do PEOPLE have anything better to do than suck off the government, start race wars, terrorize good decent God fearing Americans…NOPE, they don’t..this is the new occupation of the future..being a general pain in the ASS!
#MAGA. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT and not stolen from him either the next time!!!

3 years ago

The return of Hitler and the Nazi regime, different era different time different people but the same ideology. DON’T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

Ken Eikenberry
Ken Eikenberry
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory is “out to lunch”. It’s Marxist based, and anti-American.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

Sir a well written counter to CRT! I do think the usage of General Powell is weak, yes he has achieved great success, but still wets his finger for the political winds! The best example IMHO, is Booker T Washington, or any one of the people of today that view themselves a Americans that happen to have been black at birth. But a spot on teaching of what CRT is doing to, and where CRT is taking our Nation.

Robert Mark McLeester
Robert Mark McLeester
3 years ago

Total nonsense, just another left leaning democrat socialist idea that won’t fly!

3 years ago

CRT is a tool to make Americans hate each other. One of the goals of Communism is to spread this hate throughout a country. Teach History & not dwell over what happened in the past.

3 years ago

Thanks for excellent article on CRT. Who was powerful enough to push this in education. Wake up America, our schools have taught the Three R’s for 200-years & how can anyone argue this has not been good for all of America.

3 years ago

Wonder what school Judge in California went to: thinks a Swiss Army Knife can be used to counter someone who has an AR-15 assault rifle. What about common sense theory?

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
3 years ago

One more thing to mention is that all the finger pointing by todays marxist democrats about America beeing racist is omiting the fact that THE DEMOCRATS were ALLWAYS the ones who were racist and wanted to keep the blacks as slaves and not give them ANY rights or freedoms. Any freedoms or rights that blacks ever got was because of the Republicans efforts NOT THE DEMOCRATS. So any accusations about who is racist should be directed at the ones who actually did it, not all of America or all whites.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Very good. I applaud the author.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

We don’t have a Critical Race Theory problem(CRT) in this country, what we have is a Critical Democrat Stupidity problem (CDS) and it contagious only morons and idiots get it and only way to get rid of it is through free and fair elections. God Help Us if we don’t .

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

This pucked up since you DELETE the earliest comments !!!

3 years ago

How wonderful….another “theory” that when pushed takes on a life of it’s own…..and succeeds in undermining our children, our military, our whole education system, and our culture………… is a rerun of evolution.

3 years ago

We have the Greatest Country in the world, it is just being run by hypocrites and idiots! If our country wasn’t so great, why is everyone trying to get into it? I can’t help but think, as horrific as the shootings were in Boulder, CO, it is so tragic that anyone got killed but weren’t all the victims White People that got killed? Wouldn’t this make this terrible situation a HATE CRIME against White People? I find anything as terrible as this like a Hate Crime against all of us Americans! I never heard the news mention this, maybe there were other races that were also killed. All in all these innocent victims were all Americans. Yet the Afro and Asian Americans have really jumped at the bit now, haven’t they without any regard as to our White population being killed. This government has done nothing to unite us-I guess they just want to let convicted felons out of prison and allow to roam our streets while defunding our police-what hypocrites we have at our highest level of government. I guess as well as the governmental officials are all protected at tax payer expense, the rest of us must fend for selves. Some of us can! I am frankly tired of hearing all this racial BS. America is a melting pot of many races-didn’t we learn this in school-that is what makes us Americans. That is what makes America GREAT. It just hurts so deeply to see our great country being dismantled despite all the sacrifices our soldiers of all races did to keep our freedom,

3 years ago


Honest Doug
Honest Doug
3 years ago

If you want to see equal outcomes, look at a cattle barn.

Grady Adams
Grady Adams
3 years ago

Our problem in this country is that we’ve forgotten our Creator!! The True and Living GOD, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the same GOD that led the children of Israel out of Egypt and for all of eternity has existed and loved us so much HE became a living SACRIFICE, pure and acceptable and took our sins, our wrath that we as sinners deserved on Calvary’s tree and rose again on the third day, has been forgotten in this country!! Our forefathers even though not all believed, all feared HIS judgement and set up our Constitution based on HIS Holy Scriptures. They feared and trusted HIM enough to know that mankind is sinful and we needed HIS guidance to create the greatest nation. Were our forefathers perfect? No, sinners are just that, sinful, but they knew a HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, JUST and LOVING GOD would direct and see us through if we would only trust and obey HIM! Our laws were based on HIS LAWS and as Israel learned, when you turn to false gods, HE’ll eventually turn you over to your sinful desires (Romans 1). HE created us as one race, different ethnicities, and male and female and in HIS image (Genesis 2) and HE made us spiritual beings and we’ll either worship HIM and give HIM the glory or self destruct. Until the leaders of both parties and the people of our land fall on their faces before HIM and repent of our wicked ways and seek HIS forgiveness, grace and mercy, we’ll continue to fall under HIS judgement. HE is KING of kings and LORD of lords and HE rules (Psalm 2). We’ll either bow here and worship and adore HIM or we’ll do it on judgement day (Philippians 2:9-11). That’s what we need to do.

Anne Simonetti
Anne Simonetti
3 years ago

Study the Constitution. Arm yourselves with the truth and fight back.

Anne Simonetti
Anne Simonetti
3 years ago

Read “The Making of America” The substance and meaning of the Constitution which is issued by the National Center for Constitutional Studies. Excellent!

Carol Murphy
Carol Murphy
3 years ago

I never would have believed in my life time or ever I would see my country USA in the throes of Marxism. Or socialism. I breaks my heart for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please keep fighting for ours and our future children’s freedom. Your magazine is a hope that I have passed around. Thank you. Carol Murphy

Pamela Kennedy
Pamela Kennedy
3 years ago

Thank you AMAC for unifying like minded Americans who stand for our Constitution and God’s standards that has led and preserved this Great Nation Under God from her beginning. We are very grateful to you and President Donald Trump for all you have done and are doing to protect what True Americans are standing for and have died for! We stand together with you !

3 years ago

This country needs Donald Trump back in the White House real soon.

Patty deBingo
Patty deBingo
3 years ago

Thank you for this information. I’ve posted it and sent to friends who may want info. on CRT and its disasterous intent.

Sally Larson
Sally Larson
3 years ago

The fear of the White Right seems to come from some perceived guilt. I don’t understand why they can’t see this has nothing to do with them unless they realize that maybe they have some long-forgotten assumptions that affect the way they interact with another race. That alone is worth bringing to the forefront of our awareness.
I’ve mentioned before an example of this from the NFL. They were using ““race-norming” — which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive function. The practice made it harder for Black retirees to show a deficit and qualify for an award. The standards were created in the 1990s in hopes of offering more appropriate treatment to dementia patients, but critics faulted the way they were used to determine payouts in the NFL concussion case.” June 2, 2021, 5:10 PM EDT By The Associated Press
A misconception and assumption that affected the lives of these black players. This is worth eradicating from our White conciseness.
Another example comes from an interview a musician Dayle Davis was giving to a KKK member. He asked why KKK members hated black people. His response was, “Well we all know that all black people have within them a gene that makes them violent.” August 20, 20175:59 PM ET Heard on NPR All Things Considered
Again, this is a belief based on “nothing” and has inappropriately affected the way some white people have viewed black people and have therefore treated them with hate.
Studying CRT helps students understand how misinformation can affect how different races are seen and treated in our society. It’s about time, what’s so scary about that?

3 years ago

Outstanding summary of CRT and ammunition to discuss/debate with advocates of this “theory.” It seems like some cannot distinguish between theory and proven axiom.

3 years ago

I have been reading many articles about CRT as my school district is battling it and trying to save our souls. This is probably the best I have read because it speaks to the average person rather than the scholars in our midst. Great work! I will share with the folks around me who are in this fight against CRT.

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