Critical Race Theory – Seven Hard Truths

Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
student at school

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is all the rage – and causing outrage. This anti-individual, anti-American, fear-focused rebranding of Marxism is now in schools. School boards, afraid of being called racist, are buckling. But parents, grandparents, and students are fighting back. See, e.g., Critical Race Theory: These states are already cracking down on the controversial concept | Fox News. And a recent AMAC poll – tens of thousands responding – shows CRT tops the list of nine national concerns. Finally, America is standing up. See,

What was once just annoying – pushers of class warfare based on race – is getting personal. As weapons of Marxism show up – name-calling, accusation, intimidation, doxing, firings, suspensions, threats, and violence – reality hits home. America is under fire.

The core idea behind CRT is not “equal opportunity” to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

CRT guts Martin Luther King’s dream that Americans “not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.” CRT despises individualism, such dreams.

The goal of CRT is to de-legitimize America, flip the tables on institutions protecting individual liberty, equal opportunity, upward mobility, free-flowing labor and capital, and freedom itself.

In place of these constitutional values, CRT aims to reduce us to black and white, incite race warfare, concentrate power, redistribute wealth, and fundamentally remake America.

You say, “whoa – is it that bad?” The answer is – as around the world – yes. But Americans are different. They are standing up to CRT. They are giving voice to seven hard truths:

First, America is about individual equality, not group equity. The idea behind CRT is that America is just groups, defined by skin color. They do not see America as individuals with separate souls, goals, dreams, schemes, skills, hopes, and God-given attributes.

Of course, the CRT premise is false. We are born, think, live, dream, and awake each day as individuals, not groups. The nation might be divided a million ways – by age, gender, height, weight, hair, eyes, accent, attitude, education, income, geography, health, and, yes, race. But we are individuals.

As a self-governing people, we have a constitution that recognizes our individuality, gives us each the same rights under law. Our differences give us separate paths to success, defined by free will. The government’s job is to get out of the way, not bulldoze us level.

With foresight, our constitution also is self-correcting by amendment. While the first ten amendments came with the articles, others – such as the 13th ending slavery, 14th applying equal protection (of individuals) to states, and 19th giving women the vote – came later.

So, that is CRT’s first lie. Black, white, brown, tan, amber, olive, sallow, bronze, pink, chiffon, baize, or none of the above, we have individual rights – no “group equity” in our constitution.

Second, equal opportunity is not an equal outcome. The constitution, as amended, gives all Americans an equal shot. If we fail perfection, the goal is to keep trying – an equal shot at education, employment, property ownership, returns, and resilience. The goal is equal protection, the right to rise or fall, succeed, fail and try again – equal under the law.

This is the opposite of CRT’s guaranteed outcome, materially leveling by group. The idea behind CRT is concentrating power to equalize outcomes, regardless of who earned what. Returns on hard work and trust in the individual – are gone.

Third, CRT is itself racist. CRT not only assigns all life grievances by one race to another. It suggests black and white citizens with equal education, employment, ideas, industry, and effort cannot attain similar outcomes. Why?

Because the principle of merit-based achievement is rejected in favor of reverse racism. Easier to hate and blame than love and support.

That approach is anti-American, ironically rife with racial putdown. Rather than faith in the possible and the individual, CRT defines the possible as impossible – and blames that on race.

For the CRT crowd, race is all that matters, pitting one against another, teaching the assumption that we are not equal in God’s eyes or eyes of the law, and never can be in each other’s eyes. Have you ever heard of anything more pathetic than teaching children resentment, blame, and hopelessness? In CRT’s world, an elite equalizes outcomes by race, kills the American Dream.

Fourth, CRT denies upward mobility. CRT denies the idea that hard work and equal protection succeed. Upward mobility is the gaping hole in Marx’s bucket, draining it of power. Put differently, to believe in CRT; you must believe your skin color defines your ability to succeed. If you believe that, you buy into the lie. Ask someone like Colin Powell, who became a four-star general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Secretary of State lived the American Dream.

Fifth, CRT immorally pushes intergenerational guilt.

CRT is a fraud because the only way to justify putting one race down for another, openly teach resentment is to pin the past on the present. The premise is wrong. Intentional infliction of intergenerational guilt, making successors responsible for ancestors, is fundamentally immoral.

Morality centers on individual accountability, not accountability for distant progenitors. Must a newborn Japanese baby pay for Tojo’s horrors? Newly born German baby account for Hitler? Is moral accounting due for cross-enslavement by 3000 African tribes? Is modern Turkey responsible for the Ottoman enslavement of Eastern Europeans? The point is we have individual sovereignty under natural, constitutional, and statute law; every life is sacred, belongs to itself.

Consider Ezekiel 18:20: “The child shall not share the guilt of the parent.” How much more great, great, great grandparent? And intergenerational debts, called “peonage” or “debt slavery,” are illegal. To resuscitate such concepts in the service of CRT and resentment is immoral.

Sixth, CRT empowers elites to persecute. Every Marxist country in the world, every country that has ever picked a racial, ethnic, religious, or economic group to blame for society’s ills, has done so by empowering an elite to push mass persecution. That is not America, but where CRT leads.

Seventh, CRT ignores data. Perhaps the biggest lie in CRT is that America is racist. No country in the world attracts more minorities than America. We are the magnet, largest immigrant population in the world, 40 million Americans born elsewhere – most minorities, many African.

By wealth, Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans account for 25 percent of America’s millionaires – proving the American Dream, upward mobility, and capitalism. And Pew Research reports most Americans see racial diversity as good. So much for CRT.

In the end, CRT is Marxism, pushing resentment, blame, guilt, fear, silence, and compliance. Do not buy it. Americans cleave by values, not skin. Critical Race Theory is junk – a disgrace.