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Biden Should Stop Trump Re-Impeachment

Posted on Monday, January 11, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

BidenLet us be painfully clear – and fast in clarity. If Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer re-impeach Donald Trump – twisting an established legal standard for “incitement” to match their disdain for Trump – bad things follow. Here is how that works – and why Biden should call them off.

Democrats will move to impeach this week, giddy over controlling both chambers.  They will ditch due process, and any semblance of established constitutional procedure. They will have to, as time is short for ousting a president due to leave office anyway in eleven days.

The idea of a measured, multi-month parliamentary inquiry, traditionally premised on dutiful committee work, sound procedure, articulation of historical bases for “high crimes or misdemeanors,” legal representation, fidelity to tradition and honor – will have to be tossed.

The mad dash to impeach – claiming Trump’s injudicious, improvident, reckless remarks amount to “insurrection,” since an unruly mob overran the Capitol – is already well along.

Truth be told, the fast track, slap-dash impeachment may succeed, since that spectacle of violence at the Capitol, resulting in five deaths, was horrifying. Visuals left emotional imprints.

If the case is made that President Trump intended these events, the House and Senate could move like lightening, making the attempted impeachments of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and even the earlier Trump impeachment mockery – look like child’s play.

But here is the arresting reality, which ought to stop Democrats cold.  If this sober constitutional remedy for “high crimes and misdemeanors” is – in some slipshod, venal way – reconceived, legally twisted, procedurally accelerated, and suddenly redefined, no president will escape it.

Let me specific.  Who does not think, in all honesty, if a power-drunk, fast-tracking Democrat mob in House and Senate exact political vengeance with instant impeachment, a similar move would not emerge in two years, going directly after Biden or Harris, if House and Senate flip?

Is this what Democrats and Republicans want?  What any American leader or citizen should want – a suddenly common, debilitating default to presidential impeachments? We are already at the border of that constitutional nightmare – one our Founders would firmly foreswear.

When Democrats unilaterally changed Senate rules for confirming judges, giving their party a sudden leg up on appointments under a Democrat president, they imagined the more historically hesitant, procedurally attentive, often demur, traditional Republicans would not follow suit.

How did that work out?  Ask any Democrat how they feel about President Trump’s 220 new federal judges and three new Justices.  Point is simple:  If you cheapen the process for partisan gain, you forget an iron rule of Washington DC and of politics: What goes around comes around.

Democrats should not expect a more conservative, traditional, history-minded Republican majority – with a 50-50 chance of flipping both House and Senate in 2022 – will forget.  No, reality is a swift, pointless, legally unsound impeachment of President Trump – conducted like a Communist kangaroo court in just eleven days – is a shout destined to echo a hundred years.

And the first echo, if history is our guide, could be as early as 2023, two years from now.  If discretion is the better part of valor, wisdom the distillate of reason, mercy a balance for justice, decency and respect touchstone of good leaders, this senseless impeachment should be tabled, in favor of holding onto whatever dignity Congress has left.

While this may mean nothing in our shrill political times, rife with vengeance – most living Americans and a majority of those who came before, would say stop this useless impeachment.  That said, unless Biden weighs in – claiming magnanimity – the impeachment gambit will go forward.  That would be a blow to the Republic as great as recent violence, arguably far worse.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

First, just because the House could and may impeach this week, there is no constitutional timetable for a trial in the Senate. If the House votes to impeach, they could hold the article of impeachment indefinitely before sending it to the Senate. The trial could take place after January 20th with the punishment being a ban from a future run for President.

Now, should Biden ask the House to stand down and if they don’t, ask the Senate to forgo the trial ? Yes and yes.

If that doesn’t work, he could ultimately decide to give Trump a pardon assuming that Trump would accept a pardon from Biden.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Joe claims he wants ” unity”, IF he does this shows He cares or NOT
Only have 9 days left for President
Rerun same for Biden, make Biden a 1 Term President too
NO exceptions.
& apply 25th Amend to Biden for prior acts as VP & now hes President.
Give to Dems what the Gave US for 4 years.
& then riots in May.

If cant end Impeachment ,Biden has NO Guts

Thomas HashemJr
Thomas HashemJr
4 years ago

Pelosi straight out of Wizard of Oz, and we don’t mean Dorothy. Keep an eye out for Kansas bungalows dropping out of the west.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

This Impeachment for Pure Revenge only, They HATE Pres Trump day 1

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

Insanity–The ‘only’ solution…revolution !

4 years ago

if they continue the same procedures for voting,the democrats will never lose power.they are going to open the border and allow illegals to vote,they already do.after they change the rules a conservative republican(if they still exist) won’t stand a chance.

Bernice Blasingame
Bernice Blasingame
4 years ago

Biden has no thoughts of his own. He is a mere puppet of Obama and does what he is told. His hatred for President Trump overshadows anything he might remotely do to stop the impeachment train.

Glenna Hastings
Glenna Hastings
4 years ago

Yes what’s the point

Russel Goebert
Russel Goebert
4 years ago

I can see it now! Every time the House flips, another impeachment proceeding begins. The primary function of the Congress will be to impeach the president, followed by the vice president, and whoever assumes power in succession. This country is becoming a total joke to our allies and enemies alike. And our enemies will take advantage of any opportunity to destroy us.

Dave Willis
Dave Willis
4 years ago

While the caution against future retribution is somewhat valid, there are two aspects of our situation that the author is overlooking. First, Biden has no real authority in the democrat party. He is just puppet who marches to the sound of the DNC drum, orchestrated by harris. The second is that in 2 years, the democrats will have the voting mechanism so contaminated that it will be virtually impossible for a Republican to win any significant office. On top of that, they will have the Supreme Court so packed with liberal judges that any challenge to their methods will automatically be defeated. Now that the democrats have taken full control, that is our future. Not pretty.

Kaye Walker
Kaye Walker
4 years ago

It doesn’t matter. We will never have another congress with a majority republican. Now that they know they can steal elections with impunity, they will continue to do so and ultimately (and even now) the constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on anymore. We are no longer a country of law abiding citizens when the likes of Obama, both Clintons, Comey and gang, and a myriad of other bad actors are still free to spew their lies. Our country is fully gone and we will never recover.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

Pelosi should be the poster child for term limits. Have never seen such a hateful, despicable and disgusting person who was just reelected by her clones.

4 years ago

I think President Trump has a plan not to leave office by using legal actions still available to him. Also, I think the Democrats are attempting to keep a distraction going as they fear that President Trump may release details of how they interfered and their Communist actions as well as the name of others getting China money like Joe Biden.

Mark B
Mark B
4 years ago

Its not like Joe has anything to say about what goes down anyway. He is just a placeholder waiting for them to replace him with a real socialist.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

My goodness…..the Marxist Democrats have their hair on fire! They just have to press forward for the impeachment at all costs. They don’t care, nor have they ever cared, about the division of the country. Biden is a puppet, and he couldn’t carry a complete thought without a teleprompter. So here we are at the threshold of a new administration with vengeance as the primary theme. There are 82,000,000 Americans who will remember. Resistance will deepen, unity will be a lost phrase, and distrust will rule the day. That is what we have in this country….the majority party afraid of everything. But wait……there are committed people who will press forward at very high costs to prove the Marxist Democrats wrong. Wise up Biden…..move beyond the current poisonous movement and take your out-of-control Congress with you.

4 years ago

Thoroughly disgusted

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
4 years ago

Biden won’t stop anything. He will “lead from behind”, just as the Obama-Biden Administration did. This will be the Obama third term. Who said, I must catch up with my men, for I am their leader?

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
4 years ago

The Democrats need to be “very” careful what they wish for! There is always two sides to almost everything. Should the conservatives take the house back in 2022, the country will come to a full stop. When there’s nothing to do, it takes very little to get people riled up to do some house cleaning. We could always use a new President, and VP as well. And since the conservatives have the House, who do you think the next President would be? The Speaker of the House naturally. These next few years could be very dangerous, as well as fun to watch. Stock up on popcorn, because for the next two years, hell will be breaking loose.

4 years ago

Hopefully we’re going to see a replay of when Dems had both houses and Obama. They are so across the board, extremists to moderates that nothing gets done. Nancy and Chucles were just as usless then. I suspect this will remain the case even after Nancy uses the 25th amendment to replace Biden with Harris.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Sleepy Joe should make a deal. If Nancy and her posse stop this idiocy, HE will reveal his plan to get the vaccine distributed immediately. You know the one he has spoken about all along that is way better than any current plan of action. That way he can really look presidential. LOL.
Nancy’s BS is Impeachment on Demand. A waste and disgrace of immense proportions. This battle is not over. There is no victory until the one who allegedly is defeated says so. MAGA

4 years ago

Thank you for this very well-written commentary! I totally agree with everything you say. Democracy itself is being challenged in every segment of our government. Nothing is held sacred. Life is no longer considered a gift from God. Wake up America and wear your proud banner, “I am a child of God!”

4 years ago

Hidden Biden , is so brain dead , he does not know come here from siccum, he is being told what to do by the morons on the left. The only goal they have is to destroy America, Biden is pro-destruction, if he wasn’t he would continue with President Trumps policies. Anyone that thinks different is as stupid as Brain Dead Biden.

4 years ago

Once agin China Joe shows he has NO integrity at all by not saying this phony impeachment needs to stop. Just like if there was fraud in this election he would joined in and wanted an investigation to prove there was no fraud. For me he will only be the occupyer of the white House.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
4 years ago

Good point.
Use impeachment indiscriminately then it will be used for any frivolous reason, including how a Chief Executive parts his hair.
Two impeachments in a year? Outrageous.
You know and I know this is a vengeance trip for those who hate Mr. Trump.
It will serve only to divide the country further.
Forget impeachment.
Forget invoking the 25th amendment.
There is too much important business to address, besides a carnival side show.

syble chritensen
syble chritensen
4 years ago

They still should Get the votes Recounted any one With A brain knows Biden did not legally win any Election this was Planned long before Election and Obama And Tech companies were Involved from the start

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

All of Congress should be under impeachment!!

Robert Sterling
Robert Sterling
4 years ago

Just more Democrat Kabuki Theatre. Unfortunately all too imprudent.and real.
“Censorship is a form of homicide.” -Ster Ling

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
4 years ago

Pelosi is senile…..even more so than Biden. I hate to tell them, but impeachment is impossible after the reins have been grabbed by Biden. They can’t impeach a private citizen, and that’s what Trump will be in less than two weeks.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 years ago

“Let me specific. Who does not think, in all honesty, if a power-drunk, fast-tracking Democrat mob in House and Senate exact political vengeance with instant impeachment, a similar move would not emerge in two years, going directly after Biden or Harris, if House and Senate flip?”

This is a joke, right? What do you people not seem to understand? This country is done. We are now a one-party dictatorship. There will never again be a free, fair, and legitimate election in this nation. The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – have gotten away with the most massive election fraud ever attempted in history, and they will now rig the system so they will NEVER AGAIN LOSE AN ELECTION. What part of that does anyone not understand by this time?

Gail Wright
Gail Wright
4 years ago

It they go through with it then just how many democrats invited violence against Republicans. They should also be impeached. Turn the tables on them!

4 years ago

Well said, accurate, and let’s hope becomes the course of action!

4 years ago

The idiots are wasting time and money trying to impeach President Trump. I know there are more important matters that need their attention. Good Lord, our country is a hot mess!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

Biden should but he probably won’t.

Way Lee
Way Lee
4 years ago

Nancy Peloci’s impeachment is purely a political revenge and everyone can see it coming. It is a waste of taxpayers’ money and time. There are more important things to do in Congress but what can you expect from the Deep State and it will be Deeper now. With Biden as the president, the middle income people actually will be hurt and Democrats are not for the little people they are for the rich. Let’s be clear about that.

Patty L
Patty L
4 years ago


4 years ago

time for a new wore republicans against democrats load your guns.

4 years ago

I hope Biden is not the only person who can stop this vengeance because he won’t bother.
I have been shocked by the threats to “shoot or hang etc.” This is beyond anything other threats since the civil war.
Has the Democrat party decided to follow the strategy of communism, lacking the brains to make their own party attractive?????
With all the threats I am so thankful to be a member of AMAC where I can send a message and not fear some tech wizzard will track me down.
(Of course, if you don’t hear from me at some future date, all my protectiveness may be for naught.)
In the meantime, I can still ask and I may call AMAC, which personal computer browser is safe from tracking, censorship and eventually eliminating me????????????????????????????????

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

The unchecked leftists will be coming for us full-speed after the 20th. They want our collective hides to hang on their mansion walls. So it’s time to kneel down with hands in the air, pleading for forgiveness, asking the all-powerful Dem(on)s to have mercy? Either comply, acquiesce, ShutTFup, publicly repent, or we will be “somehow” destroyed? The 4th Reich?

4 years ago

Yes, this impeachment charade should stop. This just proves that Biden and Democrats really do NOT want unity; EVERYTHING they say and do just illustrates their continuing distain and hatred of Trump and Conservatives

Rev. Don Poole
Rev. Don Poole
4 years ago

It seems the whole political machine is broken. No one, it appears has read, understood and consciously acknowledges the Constitution of the United States! My disappointment and disdain over any and all of our supposed “representatives”, be they the House or Senate is total. No person in Congress is bent on doing the right thing, the legal process or the proper application of their vows of office, as far as I can tell. My trust in, and expectation of any of these elected official is at the lowest ranking I could express. It matters not what the people of this nation desire. Political bias, political gamesmenship and political maneuvering is all that seems to be working…..and for the worst of motives….power, money and hatred to any who disagree, even on the smallest matter….that is where our government stands. The world is laughing at us. Our enemies are rejoicing.
Even the people of this nation are lost to their responsibility as citizens, selfish….self-centered….self-absorbed. The treasured freedoms of speech, religion, bearing of arms, et al…..have and are being ravaged as right before our eyes. Who do we look to for remedies and recourse?
God Help Us!!!!!

4 years ago

The Trump administration has filed complaints of voting fraud that is yet to be heard, so why isn’t the voter fraud being assessed? If in fact the claims presented are truthful & found to be accountable then Our President should be allowed another 4 years OR we could have another National Presidential election per the courts ruling of the voter fraud? However to do another election we would most certainly have to replace the voting machines or do everything by hand. Whether we leave well enough alone or continue Lawfully, there will be chaos! If we don’t find a solution, even the countries we’ve taught Democracy is the way for all, will fail too! Then what? How will we liberate them if we’re not Liberated ourselves?

Mel Barkley
Mel Barkley
4 years ago

Democrats have become hateful to anyone who has an opinion different from theirs. I don’t understand why so many republicans have turned on President Trump. They know the election was rigged, they know the damage was not caused by Trump supporters, and yet many are ready to hang him. I wonder how much they have been paid?

4 years ago

“…this senseless impeachment should be tabled, in favor of holding onto whatever dignity Congress has left.”
Sorry, it’s too late for Congress to attempt to hold on to that which they no longer possess. I have lost ALL faith in our Congress and I guess that means our government. I see our government as nothing more than a group of people who consider themselves above the commoner’s of the land. They consider themselves as deserving of bowed down supplication from the masses. They fund their petty projects and give away our taxes for their own aggrandizement. As far as being there to serve the interest of the country, all of that disappears once they are sworn in.
If you will go back and read the history of this country, you will find we fought a revolution to take the yoke of slavery off our neck with the Mother Country Great Britain. We are being forced into that corner again.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

Yesterday in church our pastor spoke about the founding fathers of our country.When they signed the Declaration of Independence, they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to this country. They did loose much during the Revolutionary War. Some lost their lives and their fortunes. However, they did retain their sacred honor. This country was founded on the principles of the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Those men would be heart broken if they could see what their sacrifice has brought us to. How many men and women have died serving our country and to keep our freedoms? Many thousands. Please, America, fall to your knees and pray that they did not sacrifice in vain. Pray for a great awakening and revival to sweep our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” America, you’re too young to die !!

4 years ago

I never in my lifetime though that I would see the Traitor Trifecta either Benedict Arnold, Arron Burr and Michael Judas Pence.

Barry Lowell Fate
Barry Lowell Fate
4 years ago

AMEN – RJ!!! Both Pelosi and Schumer are way past their time. The most important aspect of this whole situation is that conservatives keep their faith and don’t back down or be intimidated by the liberal mob. The time worn adage of “What goes around – comes around” may be just what them dems should keep in the back of their minds.

4 years ago

This impeachment is ridiculous. What is known about the demoncrats that have them afraid?
Biden won’t do anything unless told. He is a puppet.
As far as impeachment every time the house or senate flips, demoncrats don’t think that far down the road.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

This is such a horrible time in our country. We have Marxism as the ruling tenant in our government with China Joe and his cohorts. We have no voice in social media or msm. So, what is the alternative, I dread to think about it. May God Bless us all.

4 years ago

I can’t imagine the horror of living with so much hate that one can’t even think logically or intelligently. May God preserve our Union from such as they.

Doc Wallace
Doc Wallace
4 years ago

Your postulation is all wrong, the Democrats have no fear of Republican reprisals because they know the Republicans are spineless.

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
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