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As Midterms Loom, Could the Second Amendment Be a Sleeper Issue for Republicans?

Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


With the 2022 midterm elections inching closer, Democrats are growing increasingly desperate to find a viable slate of issues that will resonate with American voters. After shuffling throughout the last several months between abortion, gender ideology, January 6, and other divisive topics as their banner campaign themes, the left now appears to be settling on gun control and attacking Second Amendment rights as their issue du jour. But as energized as the progressive base may be, when it comes to gun control, it may not be the political golden goose many Democratic insiders think it is.

In typically cynical fashion, Daniel Wessel, deputy communications director of the Democratic National Committee, accused Republicans recently of “once again choosing the gun lobby over our kids,” going on to say that “this is the contrast we’ll be showing voters every day from now until Election Day.” Robert Reich, a Democratic political commentator and former Clinton administration official, similarly suggested that guns could “awaken a slumbering giant for Democrats,” mobilize voters, and even “propel Democrats to larger majorities this November.”

But in reality, this strategy might have the opposite effect and serve as a rallying cry for Republicans, who are already poised to win back both chambers of Congress this fall.

Just weeks after a series of tragic mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas, Democrats have repeatedly revealed that their true intentions are not “common sense reforms,” but rather sweeping restrictions on the right of law-abiding American citizens to purchase and own firearms.

Far from working with Republicans to address serious mental health issues and harden schools, Democrats are shamelessly using these mass shootings to advance their radical anti-gun agenda. President Joe Biden, for instance, claimed that Second Amendment rights are “not absolute.” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) similarly compared support for the Second Amendment to “an idolatry of violence” that “must end.” Cortez continued: “There is no such thing as being ‘pro-life’ while supporting laws that let children be shot in their schools, elders in grocery stores, worshippers in their houses of faith, survivors by abusers, or anyone in a crowded place.” Likewise, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) called for “abolish[ing] the filibuster and pass[ing] gun [control] legislation now,” and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)—rather than expressing sorrow for the victims of the shootings and their families—tweeted that he is “‘tired’ of conservative extremists” who refuse to greenlight Democrats’ gun policies. Most concerningly, a recent CNN op-ed called for a complete repeal of the Second Amendment: “Let’s just get rid of it,” the column stated.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats (along with some Republicans) are pushing a set of policies that could infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights while doing nothing of major consequence to prevent mass shootings going forward. So-called red flag laws, for instance—one of a handful of the left’s go-to policies on gun control, which would allow authorities to temporarily confiscate guns from individuals perceived as dangerous—could potentially deprive Americans of due process rights. As Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation has noted, even through there are, theoretically, “constitutional ways of temporarily restricting gun ownership for individuals who are clearly a danger to themselves or others,” most red flag laws being proposed in Congress and at the state level fail to meet a reasonable standard for due process.

Rather, Swearer continues, “Congress has other options it can pursue to help states deal with violence in schools, such as encouraging best practices on school security and ensuring cooperation between federal, state, and local agencies on behavioral threat assessment and related training. None of these options suffer from the same serious constitutional concerns as a federal red flag law.”

But as the left doubles down on this strategy, it is, in the end, only likely to bolster Election Day turnout among gunowners and conservative voters. As recent history demonstrates, when Democrats overstep in the realm of gun rights, they suffer massively at the ballot box. The infamous federal “assault weapons” ban, for example, signed into law in 1994, helped Republicans win control of the House, Senate, 12 governorships, and majority control in state legislatures. Furthermore, the last time Democrats pushed for stricter gun control in 2013, they lost a whopping nine seats in the Senate in the 2014 midterms.

Even some Democrats are starting to worry about the possibility that their anti-gun legislation could electorally backfire. “It’s a slippery slope that Democrats don’t want to be on the wrong side of, particularly for front-line Democrats,” one Democratic strategist recently told The Hill. “If you are a Democrat in a purple or Republican-leaning area, there is very little political incentive for you to go out on the ledge on guns.”

But for most Democrats, it seems, the message has not yet sunk in. Should the left continue to exploit horrific tragedies to go after the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, history shows that they will pay the price in the voting booth. Just when Democrats can least afford it, another lurch to the left on the Second Amendment may imperil their chances of retaining power even further.

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Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Isn’t it amazing that the Las Vegas shooting just disappeared from the radar? Why did “the shooter” rent TWO rooms and order TWO meals from room service? How about his Muslim girl friend; who were her pals?

2 years ago

And they will cause us to lose seats come November if they actually get on board with the commiecrats on any parcel of gun control! Supporting these RINOS is not possible for those of us who see complete adherence to the 2nd Amendment as a ‘one trick pony’ requirement. If either of my Senators votes for a ‘go along to get along’ gun control package, They will lose my support for their reelection in November, come what may!

2 years ago

Apply the laws that are already on the books, problems solved.

Bill C
Bill C
2 years ago

So true! It was bad 40 years ago when I was an armed guard in SoCal. Our typical carry was .357 magnum which is adequate for deterring drive by shootings, as the rounds will still do damage through car doors!

2 years ago

True! Especially since law enforcement is finding gun in pieces, the reassemble them to be used against us. No, I will keep my weapons and stay the course. Letting illegals come here and bring weapons and whatever over the border to endanger us and our country. Communists.

2 years ago

To date, it seems the vast majority of Republicans in congressional races are running on the expectation that there is no need to do anything but cruise to victory in November. Just sit back, collect campaign contributions and then practice one’s victory speech. They all seem to think that Democrat dissatisfaction with Dementia Joe means all these Democrats are going to run to vote for Republicans. An interesting, but flawed perspective as to date most Republicans running for Congress haven’t outlined any compelling reason why most Democrats, who shares little to no common values with most Republicans, would automatically run to vote for a Republican when there is a Democrat on the ballot promising all the usual “free stuff”, social justice nonsense and usual litany of Democrat bromides that most Democrat voters can recite in their sleep.

The so-called New Contract with America that Gingrich has been supposedly working with McCarthy on since March, with an expected June unveiling, has now been delayed to “something this fall” according to a recent Gingrich interview. So I guess we’re now shooting for late September or early October before most Republican candidates will get their new messaging. Seems GOP leadership is working overtime to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again, if they are not careful.

As to the question posed by the article, well once again 10 Republican Senators, none of which are up for re-election this year, decided to “walk across the aisle” (the march of the RINO soldiers) under the direction of good old Mitch McConnell and support the Democrats’ desire for more gun control legislation in the knee-jerk response to the recent Texas shooting. Rather than focus on what allowed this incident to take place by laying out all the ways in which the shooter fell through the system regarding mental issues at the local level or look into why a school door was unlocked and propped open and no school security was inside the building, the Democrats instead do what they always do and blame guns because it fits the narrative they want to focus on.

So it seems to me that by RINOs once again marching across the aisle to support Democrats, they have effectively surrendered the 2nd Amendment as a midterm election issue. Since these 10 Senators will give the Democrats the ability to pass, with 60 votes in the Senate, “bi-partisan gun control legislation” which Democrats will campaign on as soon as the bill passes Congress. As I said, the RINO contigent of the GOP in Congress seems to be working overtime to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

2 years ago

The republicans have gone gut blind – they don’t have guts to stand up for what they know their constituents want. It’s like watching a mass set of dominoes go down. From McConnell to McCarthy, Graham, Cheney, Romney, etc. – they all make me so sick I can’t even look at them anymore.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Before any congressmen vote on any gun laws they should ask themselves would this law have stopped any of the shootings if no they shouldn’t vote for it.

2 years ago

If you missed this report, please watch it now. If it passes it’ll destroy not only the 2nd amendment, but our law of due process. This is a Must Watch ,Video.” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”>Tucker | They’re lying about red flag laws… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

2 years ago

And isn’t it “curious” the uptick in shootings since Uvalde…curious indeed. You might remember the shooting that took place a few years back at a Texas school…the killer drove 600 miles to get there…?!
The still lack of information on the Las Vegas shooting some years ago…a very significant lack of facts. The demorats are very careful to not say a word about the deliberate weakening of the laughable ‘criminal justice’ system. Very careful about “overlooking” that these murders are committed by messed up criminals some with records going back years because of this non-existent “justice system’, and NOT law abiding Americans. The demorats have been moving towards the destruction and elimination of our Second Amendment RIGHT for decades. As in the case of virtually all nations under dictatorships…the guns must be eliminated. “Tyrants since the dawn of time have been sensitive to arms in the hands of the people.”
It is not and never has been about “protecting citizens”. It’s about complete control and dominance; followed by a dictatorship. Period. Add to that the non-existent borders…more “voters”. P.S. New Yawk City is allowing illegals to “vote” in local elections. You vote for me I give you freebies paid for by Americans who won’t vote for them. P.S. Linda Baker you are dead on. These aren’t “random”.

Kenneth Heavrin Jr.
Kenneth Heavrin Jr.
2 years ago

“Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The PARTY must control the gun so the gun does not control the Party” – Mao Zedong. Chinese Communist Dictator.

The privately owned firearm is the last ditch method to preserve freedom. The founders studied history and found this to be true time and again. THAT is why the Second Amendment exists

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

In the 1970s, the NRA worked with the city of Richmond, VA., on “Project Exile.” If someone committed ANY crime while carrying a gun, he was given a set number of years added on to the crime. If criminals were afraid of carrying the guns, they couldn’t shoot anyone!
And, of course, Barry O pardoned and commuted many criminals who were in prison for gun crimes! And the Soros prosecutors are dropping lots of gun charges against their favorite people!

2 years ago

To all the liberals and leftists:Not all TV and movie stars are wingers but they DO participate in making shows and movies that desensitize some viewers to violence, crime, and death. Now mix throughly with violent video games. You come up with a lethal product. Why isn’t anyone trying to put controls on these. It’s shameful that our kids and grandkids have had to grow up with this. Maybe more accountability should be with Hollywood and game programmers and less to Smith

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

There might end up being 300,000,000 or so newly created criminals who will simply continue to be considered criminals for their own protection.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

No since crime still climbing High to date + 6 mos to Nov

2 years ago

It is estimated there are over 400,000,000 guns in America. Untold billions of rounds of ammunition. I would guess that 99% of it is legal and within the guidelines of the 2nd Amendment. Who in the democrats minds is going to volunteer to go door to door and collect these weapons and ammunition??? Truly a serious question. My opinion, they would do well to leave well enough alone.

2 years ago

All law-abiding gun owners need to say goodbye to ALL of their firearms if the planned legislation is passed. I can just see Soros funding “Red Flag Parties” where commies are paid to report their gun owning neighbors because they (the commies) feel “unsafe.” CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES TO VOTE AGAINST THE LEGISLATION NOW before it’s too late. The government won’t have to outlaw firearms; the Red Flag laws will effectively do away with legal gun ownership Let’s go Brandon!

2 years ago

Is it just me, or does it seem like the closer we get to elections the more mass shootings we hear about? A planed global famine is forming, and our southern boarders are wide open.

Fred Rose
Fred Rose
2 years ago

I’m not trusting either party at this point. Democrats are all traitors and an ever growing number of republicans are joining their ranks!

2 years ago

More people are shot and killed in Democratic run cities such as Chicago and Baltimore in a week than in all the mass shootings in the past year. Why is that? Well, criminals steal or buy guns on the street to commit crimes and these liberal cities refuse to lock them up. Yes, school shootings are horrific but passing new gun laws while not enforcing existing laws makes no sense. Want to make our schools safer? Armed resource officers at the one entry point at each school, CCTV monitoring the outside of schools and working AC in each school so teachers do not have to prop doors open to provide adequate ventilation. Guns are not the problem. Poor planning, defunding our police and lax enforcement of existing laws are the problems.

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

On every subject they harm themselves more. They blame an inanimate object instead of addressing the social ills that have produced young men who see using a gun as a solution to their problems.

2 years ago

Thay will pay a price no only guns the economy gas prices as well as crime .

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

The U.S. Constitution is full of “sleeper Issues.” Enforcing legitimate existing laws are “sleeper issues.” In the West, water vs. high speed trains is a “sleeper issue.” And how abourt that EPA move to declare all standing water as potentialy navigable rivers? And, how about the possibility of impeaching that Prince of Political Parasites and all the fellow travelers who attached themselves to his administration?

Mike B
Mike B
2 years ago

I know several Democrats who are recreational shooters and law abiding citizens, as I am. The lefts push for control will only lessen the amount of Democrat votes this November.As it stands now the Senate has come up with some common sense regulations which look like they will pass in the Senate. However the House is another story. High inflation, gas prices off the charts, shortages and international decline. The Dems just keep digging their grave deeper and deeper.

2 years ago

This country has become very evil and you better get your life right with Jesus and start looking up he is coming soon.

2 years ago

The real aggravation for me is that most states have laws on the books that address most all of the “stated” problems the dems champion in an effort to wipe the second amendment off the slate. Fundamentally, the purchase of a gun can be controlled through waiting periods, and background checks if pursued. Mental states of mind are harder to asses, but can be examined. All in all, it is not the legal ownership of guns in any form that is the cause for the mayhem. Criminals will ignore any law that offends their goal…..and get a gun regardless. Young people who have become unstable for a variety of reasons (including the use of high potency marijuana, that causes psychosis) lack self discipline and most of the time family members already know of the problem, but refuse to acknowledge it. Schools are the next place such matters show up….and young people will act out if not curbed. Democrats have no desire to stop or hinder the mayhem….in truth they want such things to happen so they can work the system to their end. Beyond that the conservatives who mouth all the rhetoric but never seem to take actions that matter are no better, they too look to their own political agendas. At the community level, individuals and agencies nearest to the problem still seem unable or unwilling to take steps…especially when it comes to protection of schools….which is not as hard to do as we are led to believe…..while it takes money to do such things, I still wonder just where all those billions went during the pandemic that were supposed to help schools …….while that help may not have included security, why not use those funds to take care of kids at risk…..both students and those who would attack them. I don’t have a lot of answers, but I know the dems have no answers at all…..and haven’t for a good 40 years……one look at the cities they run, and the states they lead tells it all.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Just remember, when seconds count the police are only minutes away! Author: everyone with common sense 

If President Biden disagrees, I request he be a true leader and disarm his Secret Service detail. 

“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” The most likely source of this quotation appears to be a series of debates on socialism published in 1914, in which John Basil Barnhill 

Let me make a short, opening, blanket comment. There are no good guns. There are no bad guns. Any gun in the hands of a bad man is a bad thing. Any gun in the hands of a decent person is not threat to anybody – except bad people. Charlton Heston

You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time…it’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience. President Ronald Regan

You think the right to carry firearms be illegal? What other kind of stupid ideas do you have? John Wayne

2 years ago

If the Republicans don’t get off their behinds and come up with a real policy platform real soon, they will be in a rude surprise at the mid-terms. Don’t blame the voter for Republican laxity.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

OR……they’re already set to rig our next election and is why they’re doubling down on attacking our Second Amendment Rights. Because it’s already in the bag.
Republicans and some Independants are the only one’s who need to make sure our elections are fair and legal!! Hopefully those protections are in place. Oregon is one of those Commie states where there is next to no Republican support for ensuring we have election integrity. As long as ‘Mail-in’ voting and other questionable allowances during election season are tolerated, the Commiecrats will have their way….and with no consequences!! Our state legislators are the stupidest people on the planet. They’re now trying to set policies targeting ranchers, farmers and hunters all in the name of protecting animals. Common sense citizens in Oregon are really fed up with their loonacy!!

2 years ago

It was my hope that the GOP in Congress would take a harder stand and force the Left to discuss hardening schools & other targets, the violence in Dem-run cities, and who is actually doing the shooting the majority of the time, all while forcing the Left to admit that Defund the Police and other nonsensical measures they supported, have sacrificed the security of all Americans. BUT, leave it to the GOP to give the Left a victory by ‘compromising’ on ‘reforms’, just as they have done (I.e. Cornyn, Graham and McConnell, et al). NEVER underestimate the GOP in Congress and their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

2 years ago

If the GOP is smart, they’ll go with the horrible inflation, high gas and food prices and the demoncrats trying to take our guns and run with it. They need to keep it in front of us just how rotten the dems are without even saying it. The demoncrats are showing it everyday.

Mike B.
Mike B.
2 years ago

So they / the left have 1 topic they’re going to harp on until we all go to the voting booth. There’s a lot of gun owners that believe the 2nd amendment should not be ~~~~~~ with. The right has dozens of topics starting with the pipeline . Energy is why we’re in this predicament. Safety at schools has to be a priority. Evil will not follow policy & change .

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Let’s get rid of the 23nd. admnd. Then we can rid ourselves of the 1st. Why do we need the rest. ??? In about 40 years this would look like Mad Max terratory. Kyle L.

Teresa Lowe
Teresa Lowe
2 years ago

I started shooting guns when I wasn’t much taller than my dad’s Winchester .22 I was learning with. We hunted for food, used it for protection and we used them for dad and daughter time. We were taught gun safety and the when, what and where of shooting. The gun was a tool, not a toy and not to be used against another person except in extreme cases of self-defense. When we were in High School it was Normal to see boys in their trucks with a gun rack in the back with guns in them. We were brought up on the Bible and Country-boy-Common-sense. Racism and, LGBQ we didn’t understand other than God was against them. We were paddled, grounded and punished and we would never have dreamed of pointing a weapon at anyone and pulling the trigger. Our daughter is an expert shot with a handgun, shotgun, rifle or bow. She would never dream of using it to harm another person either. This is our family tradition not indoctrination.Shooting has been one of our pass time choices for generations for no other reasons but to feed, protect and share with our family members.

Jim D.
Jim D.
2 years ago

Go right ahead Democrats!!!
Kill the filibuster!
Then get your tiny little rocks off by banning all those SCARY LOOKING guns and effectively destroying the 2nd amendment!
We Republicans will absolutely love controlling all three branches for the foreseeable future!
Maybe then we will be able to get this country back to some sanity!
By all means, go right ahead!
Someone really needs to explain to these buffoons that the bill of rights is actually an enumerated list of inalienable rights, spelling out for GOVERNMENT what’s actually OFF LIMITS to tampering. It is not there to provide us anything! We already have our rights (inalienable), provided by God!!!

Steven Ruzek
Steven Ruzek
2 years ago

A surprising number of guns are owned and purchased in Democrat controlled zip codes. The demoncrat party may be making a major miscalculation.

Jim D.
Jim D.
2 years ago

Gotta love these fools!
Anyone that doesn’t agree with them is labeled an “EXTREMIST”.
It doesn’t seem to matter that our entire history has been involved in the gun culture one way or another, all without mass shootings and pervasive violence throughout our society.
It’s more like the Democrat policies of being weak on crime, non-adjudication of the mentally ill, wide open borders and the total lack of moral values permeating our culture, all because of them!
All thanks to these sick nut-jobs that call themselves Democrats, leftists & progressives.
I say ban all of them and leave our god given rights alone, we’re not the problem, YOU ARE!!!

Steven M.
Steven M.
2 years ago

If the nazi demokrauts cheat and get away with it like in 2020 then only thing we will have is the supreme court and that is iffy at best.

Rodney Cummings
Rodney Cummings
2 years ago

nra is the sleeping giant

2 years ago

The American marxists Dems are so out of touch, they have no issue to run on. Americans support the 2nd Amendment, want DAs that will enforce the law, less spending, hate woke ideology, want parents in control of their kids education and value religious freedom.

2 years ago

I tired of the lies in Uvalde, Texas is falling on the police who took an hour to enter the school. Why, they were worried about their safety NOT the children or teachers. Also WHO lefted the door open? Why wasn’t it shut and locked? The Republicans are scared to stand up and FIGHT BACK!!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

If everything this completely corrupt and dangerous administration did already isn’t enough, now there contemplating modifying our constitution and our right to bear arms, this simply would be the final straw. What are these Marxist and treasonous traders thinking right now. I know exactly what it is. And it’s a huge mistake.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

It is an absolute GUARANTEE that the Second Amendment will be a MAJOR Election Issue. The Constitution does NOT belong to the Democrats to manipulate, it was written for ALL Americans and it is THE LAW of our country. What must be done, is the filing of Criminal Charges against any and ALL Officials who violate the Constitution AS WRITTEN and AS INTENDED. Violation of one’s Oath of Office is a CRIME, and MUST hold SERIOUS consequences, which the Law DOES allow for and clearly state! How about we ENFORCE IT?!

2 years ago

This is the absolute WORST TIME for our 2nd amendment rights to be infringed upon. We have Jackass Joe and all of his puppeteers opening the border to anyone from nations all over the world, to Soros and his zombies refusing to prosecute criminals or even respond to 911 calls, to allowing looting and rioting in the streets. Violent crimes are at all time high, child trafficking and many other horrible crimes allowed to continue.We are allowing extremely violent video games, books, music and movies to flood society and brainwash our people.Abortion murders HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of innocent lives every year. Criminals and mentally ill people are being deliberately pushed out into society at an alarming rate, Alcohol kills tens of thousands of people each year, and on and on, yet they want to take away guns.Guns don’t kill, people do.If the REAL problems aren’t addressed, people will continue to kill people with or without guns.Our founding fathers recognized our GOD GIVEN right to bear arms for just such a time as this. If we lose our 2nd amendment rights, we lose ALL of our rights after that. Look at all other nations that lost thier rights, it started with taking away gun rights so they couldn’t defend themselves. These nations are warning us not to let it happen here.Stand up and protect our rights.

2 years ago

Wake up.Guns don’t kill, people do and they can do it many other ways too and they will unless the REAL problems are addressed

2 years ago

C’mon Reps, you can’t forget this one. You have a lot to talk about. 2nd Amendment very important. Keep everything going. Mike Lindell advertises a thousand times a day for his product.
Why don’t you do the same. (Personally, I would like Mike to go away)

2 years ago

The Republicans should collectively “grow a pair” and go on the offensive to protect our second amendment rights as well the other amendments in the Bill of Rights the DNC has targeted.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

This gun control crap may awaken these stupid Democrats, finally understanding that they wont have self-protection either! No police, no guns!! Wake up dummies!

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