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2024 Hopefuls: Which Republicans Are Leading the Pack? 

Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

We are less than 120 days away from the 2022 midterm elections, nevertheless, the media, political analysts, and pundits are interestingly talking about the 2024 presidential contest. In a normal election year, the incumbent president would exhaust their use of the bully pulpit, even in the face of an average 24-seat loss historically. But President Biden is nowhere to be found, giving Republicans an even greater opportunity to flip control of Congress with momentum headed into 2024. That makes calls for President Biden to step aside all the more plausible. However, all eyes are rightfully on the 2024 Republican Party primary given the strong bench of conservative contenders. So of the 2024 hopefuls, which Republicans are leading the pack? Let’s take a look.

History would lend that the vice president of the party that lost reelection would be the automatic frontrunner. Vice President Mike Pence is looking more and more likely to announce a campaign for Commander in Chief. Since leaving the Oval Office, Pence has visited Iowa, the first in the nation caucus, three times, twice in 2021 and this past April as he endorsed a slew of candidates throughout the Hawkeye State. However, his approval rating remains in unfavorable territory as Real Clear Politics average of recent polls taken in June finds Pence with a 38% favorable to 49% unfavorable rating among registered voters and his apparent rift with President Trump could hurt him if not carefully repaired.

In addition to Pence, other former Trump administration officials are also eyeing the White House. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is often mentioned given his success overseas with the elimination of ISIS from Iraq and Syria, and the Abraham Accords that brought Muslim nations to the table with Israel and the U.S. and reached peace agreements, something that has evaded presidents of both parties for over thirty years. Nikki Haley is another cabinet official making headlines and has been friendly to her former boss Trump.

A number of members of Congress including Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) the latter who battled deep into the primary in 2016 are likely to throw their hats in the ring. Cruz has clearly shown he has the conservative bonafides to be a contender and is polling mid-pack.

President Trump clearly currently leads the Republican field, having won poll after poll when matched up with other Republicans. His share of the vote is more than twice any other likely candidate. A crowded field likely favors Trump, with no other candidate able to consolidate enough support to upend him. However, when Trump is not on the ballot, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is emerging as the party’s preferred alternative to Trump. Could there be some opportunity for the two to combine powers? Relations remain good between the two powerhouses as President Trump recently complimented DeSantis’s leadership in Florida.

A June 2022 Harris/Harvard University poll found that Governor DeSantis is the most popular Republican in America, with a +6 favorability rating among Republican registered voters. The same poll found that Trump leads the pack among GOP voters, garnering 56% support with DeSantis far behind with 16%. However, when Trump is not on the ballot, the same poll shows that Governor DeSantis is the “clear runner up” receiving 36% support followed by Vice President Pence with 17%.

The media will try again to portray the Republican primaries as a cannibalistic implosion of the party, rest assured. Hopefully Republicans will likely be wise enough to avoid giving Democrats ammunition for the general election as they battle it out in the primary. Meanwhile, Democrats, who should be lined up and ready to use their bully pulpit to their advantage, are now wondering if Sleepy Joe will even step up to the plate, and they are seemingly jockeying to be the viable replacement to Biden should he choose not to seek re-election in 2024. All the Republican hopefuls should be speaking to this fact publicly, while the party continues to line up a strong bench of presidential contenders offering a number of solid conservative choices for American voters.

Who is your preferred choice for 2024? Let us know in the comments below.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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2 years ago

All the more reason for us to stay in the game . I think if all Republicans , Independents and Democrats (who love Trump) vote for him again , he’ll win with such huge numbers that DEMCRAT cheating will be exposed when 140 per cent of the votes cast come in . There isn’t even an ounce of doubt in my mind that the 2020 election was stolen . And, today we live in a junta .

2 years ago

Trump responded fast and correctly to the menace that was leached upon our land . He’s not a doctor nor a scientist . He made the right decision at the time . What would you have done ? Ignore the pandemic ? Trump rose to the challenge . I suppose you think that Andrew Cuomo responded to the pandemic correctly . Right ?

2 years ago

You weenie! Fight back!

Harry Disbrow
Harry Disbrow
2 years ago

Although I voted for President Trump (both times) I believe he should step aside and let the others move up. Should that happen it is to early to make an informed choice for who would be our likely candidate. Personally I like them all but think that DeSantis and Pence would make a fantastic team.

Brian M Morrow
Brian M Morrow
2 years ago

Trump and DeSantis, in any order!

Charmaine Markovitz
Charmaine Markovitz
2 years ago

I prefer Maryland Governor Larry Hogan for the republican nominee. He has shown himself a wise leader and excellent statesmen.

Carole Wenger
Carole Wenger
2 years ago

Trump for 4 yrs, DeSantis for 8, Noem for 8 then Trump kids in any order for 8 yrs each

Mary LaPlant
Mary LaPlant
2 years ago

President Trump. He is the only one strong enough to stand against the DC mob!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Go Desantis, Cruz, Trump

Carol Robinson
Carol Robinson
2 years ago

Would be happy with any but my favorite 3 are DeSantis, Rand Paul and Trump.

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

Love Trump. However, there is too much opposition against him. He should back DeSantis.

Forget Pence. He was a traitor to Trump.

Bob Al
Bob Al
2 years ago

I agree. Trump’s policies should be the GOP policies as well. The country got a taste of the democratic ideas; now they have to decide if this is what they want. We must ask ourselves what have we learned over these last 18 months. We don’t need to demonize the democrats. There are good democrats, but have been overlooked b/c they have been blanketed by the progressive/socialist. We have to watch for all Americans.

barbara rogan
barbara rogan
2 years ago


2 years ago

I love De Santis. More than ten years ago, even before he was in Congress, I met him and was so impressed with him that I told him he would be president one day.

If Trump decides to run, I hope he wins and I hope the liberals’ heads explode. Trump must have first dibs on 2024.

Trump accomplished more, and in the face of the most terrible treasonous behavior and lying from the left, than any preisdent since Reagan. Unfinished business. Trump 2024

2 years ago

Ron Desantis is my pick. I love Trump and think he is the best president we’ve had in my lifetime, but the media and the Dems hate him so much that they will pull any dirty trick they can think of to keep him from getting elected and it would be four years of endless skulduggery against him if he is…this country REALLY needs him but half the country is too stupid to realize it. They’ve been fully indoctrinated into the “Liberal World Order” and believe in a global government and to heck with our country sovernty…Desantis is Trump without the baggage…

2 years ago

Pence is an idiot if he thinks he can get a campaign off the ground.

Linda Turri
Linda Turri
2 years ago

My pick is a a Trump/DeSantis ticket! They would be a perfect team to lead our country!

2 years ago

DeSantis. I think Trump was great, but the opposition if he ran would destroy this country.
2 years ago

Trump should be returned his 1st term the insane Rat Party stole from all of us. I believe there is a Law on the books that when improper impeachments stealing time occur, that time is to be returned.
Too bad if the media hates Trump. The media died in the 70s, for those who failed to notice.
We need Trump for his full term.
Then DeSantis for a full term.
Then Don Trump Jr.
Hopefully after that we will have more great people to choose from.
The Communists have been ruining America for over a century. We will need a good portion of that if we are ever to return America to it’s greatness.

2 years ago

Here’s a weird but interesting match-up….what about DeSantis for president and Tulsi Gabbard as VP? A strong conservative running with a common sense, reasonable liberal? Both are intelligent, patriotic, America-first politicians….I would love to see what the media and the public would say to that

2 years ago

Ron DeSantis is my choice! Trump cannot run again because of all the negative press that starts up when his name is mentioned. We need a new candidate with the same vision and valuesas Trump that the Demoncrats cannot beat! We also need to make sure that checks and balances are put into place so we don’t have the same mess as the 2020 election!

Ron Berscak jr
Ron Berscak jr
2 years ago

Trump is too divisive, it will be the same BS in the left. DeSantis / Haley ( woman) or Pompeo running on Trumps policies, America First, reduce regulations, shrink the size of government, energy independence, etc

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Personally, any Republican that’s not a RINO like a Romney would be better than any Democrat they have, that includes their fake moderate Joe Manchin, I would vote for a Yellow Dog before I voted for a Democrat, (I like yellow Dog’s). Your Life, Property, and your Liberties, and Constitution are at risk when the Democrats have power, if you vote for a Democrat, you have a mental issue that needs to be addressed. If I sound harsh, I intended to, I am tired of losing my Constitutional freedoms, and American Sovereignty.

2 years ago

I believe people would love to see President Trump in the White House. I know I would. There is so much unwarranted hatred towards him by the Dems that I’m not sure it would be in his best interest to run. I love that he is going around our country and endorsing candidates in all different states and they in most part are winning. If he does run he has my vote. If he partners with Ron DeSantis it would be a dream team for me.

2 years ago

Definitely Trump again! Dems would work to destroy DeSantis too, but I love them both!
DeSantis for VP with Trump, then DeSantis as President for 8 years— if this country survives that long! Pence is a gigantic phony, who worked against Trump, along with Paul Ryan & Rod Rosenstein!! They secretly worked to get Trump out, in order to replace him as President & VP! Paul Ryan as House Speaker Trump’s 1st 2 years wouldn’t work with him on anything, & now sabotages him as a member of FoxNews’ Board!

Jason Davis
Jason Davis
2 years ago

Governor DeSantis. He is a quick thinker, and has handled the mainstream media better than anyone else I have ever seen. He is obviously an excellent executive, and would bring needed skills to the Oval Office. Trump is too divisive, even within the GOP, and needs to stay out of the race. As for a running mate for DeSantis, I would like Governor Noem. That would bring geographical balance to the ticket, and would attract female voters.

2 years ago

I am a DeSantis fan. But would find interesting race Nikki Haley vs Hillary Clinton ???? Pence nice man BUT politician..Trump accomplished a lot because he was so disliked too chaotic

2 years ago

If we can have the Pres Trump from the first 3 years i would like him. If we get the “father of the vaccine”, the guy that locked us in our homes & closed small business, the Pres that put top pharmacy company people in charge of a gov health care program – no no no.

Rick Husted
Rick Husted
2 years ago

Voted for Trump 2x and he did a good job in spite of all the media and political BS
but, right or wrong, he will never win over the millions that despise him! Time to give
someone else a chance and right now Ron looks like the guy, time will tell it’s early!!

Brian Smith
Brian Smith
2 years ago

I like Trump but, fair or not and as undeserving as that may be, he’s damaged goods. Politics is not fair and the never ending crusade against Trump is totally disgusting. I’m going to have to go with DeSantis. I think he’ll have a better chance overall in winning more the vote.

Jeff Byers
Jeff Byers
2 years ago

I’m sticking with Trump. If he doesn’t run, then I’m all in for Desantis. There are lots of people that think the democrats and the Media hate Trump so much, it will give us what we had his 1st 4 years. I believe that the Democrats and the Media will treat any Conservative Republican that way. We need to realize, that the new Democratic party is just going to be more of what we’ve seen the last 6 years. They show it every day in Congress and in the Media. The only Republican that would not get that treatment is a RINO, that sides with the Democrats anyway.

If the Conservatives want to save the America, we all know and Love, then we need to have control of the Whitehouse, and congress, and legislate conservatively to show everyone that it works.

2 years ago

Ron DeSantis for President but in the meantime, flip the House and make Trump the Speaker without having to go through an election. The Speaker does NOT have to be a member of Congress, always has been, yes, but the house can elect whoever it wants. This would insure that the much needed MAGA turn around of this country would begin in January, 2023 rather than January, 2025 and probably at a much better pace since the responsible, conservative bills would be introduced and passed quickly and efficiently. Trump would be in the most powerful position in the country for the last two years of Biden’s presidency. It would be better than his being president because he would be totally in the driver’s seat as far as what actually gets done.

Donald Wallace
Donald Wallace
2 years ago

Trump / Descants — Trump would win and Desantis would then be in good line to run for 2 terms as president at the end of Trumps term which should give the GOP time to undo all the damage of the Biden administration has done! My second choose would be Desantis / Nikki Haley — that’s if Trump doesn’t run. But to be honest I’d hate to lose our Governor, DeSantis has done wonders here in Florida.

Mike B.
Mike B.
2 years ago

It doesn’t matter . . . Right now Curly Howard would be a better President.

2 years ago

Should President Trump choose not to run in 2024, there really is only one viable choice and that is Ron DeSantis. He is the only one to date that has shown he is actually willing to implement the MAGA agenda in the face of any serious opposition from the American Socialist Party. He is also the only one I can see successfully facing off against either Presidents Xi, Putin, Iran or North Korea across the table.

Forget the likes of Pence, Cruz and Rand Paul. They would just campaign on MAGA and then quickly switch over to being your standard “go along to get along” type Republican. You’re NOT going to recreate the best economic conditions in the last 40 years in this country with a “go along to get along” type in the White House. That should be the focus of the American people, NOT whether the person is “a nice guy” or “he looks and sounds like what we’re used to in a presidential candidate”. Neither of those attributes ensures a successful presidency beyond useless photo ops. Aside from Reagan and Trump, the performance of the past Republican Presidents of the last 40 years has been pretty weak when it comes to ensuring America comes first and delivering for the American people. It’s successful results that count, NOT promises that aren’t delivered upon. Again, focus on who can deliver SUCCESSFUL RESULTS.

Pence reminds me of G.H.W. Bush. He was placed in the ticket by the establishment wing of the Republican Party to try and “rein in” Ronald Reagan, because Reagan was despised by Party for NOT being willing to tow the “go along to get along” line the establishment wing believed in. The American people were behind Reagan, but the “go along” types in the Party leadership wanted to try and marginalize Reagan. The Party hated that the American people wanted Reagan over Bush. In the end, it was Reagan that marginalized Bush and a lot of the establishsment wing of the Republican Party to accomplish things the Party never thought possible. Then when Reagan’s term in office ended and the American people thought they would get a third term of Reagan by electing Bush, what they quickly discovered is what they elected was a “go along to get along” type, who quickly backed away from many of the positions that made Reagan so successful. Pence woud likely be essentially be the same mistake.

As for Cruz and Rand Paul, both have already tried for the Presidency and failed. They both showed their limitations in past campaigns. Yes, they have their supporters and may be good in one or two areas under normal, calm and peaceful periods, but the world is constantly envolving place requiring a lot more skillsets than just being able to deliver a few gotcha sound bites in a carefully choreographed Senate hearing.

Everything in this article centers around the MAGA agenda, yet none of the authors ever discusses why, if it was so obviously an intelligent agenda to pursue, none of the other presidential candidates in 2016 or the Republican Party leadership itself, ever bothered to run and govern on it. Get beyond your status quo thinking and consider what attributes and policies are needed for the very hard world in which we live in. That requires a strong, multi-faceted leader able to meet all the challenges.

2 years ago

Regardless of what you think of Trump, your foolish and nieve to think that any republican you choose in place of Trump will be treated any differently by the democrats. The democrats will go after your alternative with as much hate and anger as they did Trump. The only difference is will your choice fight back? I would rather have someone who will fight back like Trump as opposed to say someone like Bush who cowered in the corner and accepted being shot at by the left,and did nothing to defend himself. Trumps a fighter and has shown he’s willing and capable of fighting back no matter how hard the left comes after him. Don’t be fooled, whoever the republicans put up, the democrats will put their full fury to oppose, the only question is will your candidate fight back once they get the full fury of the left coming after them?

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
2 years ago

DeSantis is best pick with no FED baggage to haul around and great performance as governor.

Liz B
Liz B
2 years ago

I do not think Trump should run, He can be an advisor. His name causes so much division. Where is Mike Pompeo’s name here ?….He is our choice for President.

Krista T
Krista T
2 years ago

Desantis would be excellent but would he actually consider running? In a recent interview with Jim Daly he talked about how being away from his family while he was a House Rep took so much time that away from his family but now he’s able to spend so much time with them. Now he has 3 very young children and a wife who’s recovering (well) from cancer. As a devoted family man would the extreme demands of POTUS cause him to stay out of the race for now?

2 years ago

That would be a “no” on Nikki Haley and Mike Pence.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I’m in for DeSantis. Trump needs to step aside and support him. I liked Trump’s performance as a President but hated his tweets and childish behavior.

Steven Doyle
Steven Doyle
2 years ago

“Only the doers make mistakes” President Trump is a “doer” as is Gov. DeSantis. Either candidate would be excellent but I believe that DJT has the track record nationally and internationally.

2 years ago

Trump did a lot of good.

But His ego is why I will never support him as president. He thinks he is 100% right 100% of the time. His way or the highway. Agree with him or you are fired. that is the mentality of a dictator.

Why do you think so many his appointees quit or were fired?

I believe, When Trump said he would not concede until after the vote was counted, he encouraged the riot that occur Jan 6.

2 years ago

DeSantis and then Trump. Trump was/is great but the opposition will not stop harassing him (in or out of office). He is in their heads and they will NEVER get him out.

2 years ago

Pence and Haley are definitely negatives. How Pence can even consider running is beyond my comprehension. Unless he proves me wrong, he is a traitor like so many others.

2 years ago

I prefer DeSantis over Trump.
Trump was a good president. The best we’ve had in years but he is way too arrogant and should have just stayed home on January 6th.
I am glad he’s endorsing all of these Christian Conservative candidates.
As for the Republican party, Christian Conservative voters should separate themselves from them.

2 years ago

Nikki Haley is my choice for multiple reasons. 1) She has international experience and success in the United Nations, being a true supporter of Israel and champion for human rights in an organization that is neither. 2) She is experienced at running a governmental organization. 3) She has shown that she is quite electable from her Gubernatorial campaigns in SC. 4) Like DeSantis, she comes from a State and region of the country that are critical to winning the election. 5) Her demographics are just right for a campaign against Joe or anyone else from the Dem. party hoping to take his place . . . she is a woman, she is a legal immigrant, she is “racially diverse”, she has shown herself to be very smart, articulate and an excellent speaker capable of any debate or even delivering a “stem winder” of a speech when she is passionate about the topic.

Barbara Ryan
Barbara Ryan
2 years ago

I agree 100% with Linda. See below

Pat Wallace
Pat Wallace
2 years ago

I ALSO prefer DeSantis over Trump. Loved Trump’s Decisions & Policies BUT don’t want another 4 years of wasted time with the Dem’s BS and ignoring the US problems. And yes, some times a Bull in a China shop while doing such good, a little softer approach needed

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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