
National Security , Newsline

Could China Win a War with the U.S. Over Taiwan?

Posted on Friday, May 7, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by Daniel Roman

ChinaWhile the new Biden team at the Pentagon is preoccupied with bringing the “woke” revolution to the U.S. Military, China is taking full advantage of the distraction of America’s frivolous political class. If senior Biden appointees at the Pentagon were properly focused on preventing an actual war rather than on waging a left-wing culture war, they might take a moment to register the appropriate sense of alarm about the situation with Taiwan. Here is the briefing the Biden team needs to be receiving on what I have termed “the most dangerous place on Earth.”

The bottom line: the U.S. may be stumbling into war in the Taiwan Strait–and despite our overwhelmingly military advantage in terms of the capability of our Armed Forces, in such a conflict, a disaster for America could be more likely than most Americans would believe.

As I argued in the first installment of this series, for the Chinese Communist Party, the question of retaking Taiwan is not a matter of if–it’s a question of how and when.  Taiwan’s centrality to the semiconductor trade makes it a linchpin of global supply chains. But more importantly, the continued existence of a rival “Chinese” regime in Taipei not only calls into question the legitimacy of the CCP government in Beijing to speak for all of China; it also raises doubts about just how impressive the record of the CCP has been in turning China into a great power.

In the CCP’s determination to retake Taiwan, War has been an option contemplated since 1949, and Beijing has threatened to resort to just such methods at least three times. Once in 1955, again in 1958, and most recently in 1996. To China, however, war comes in many forms. There is, of course, the military element, and here China’s buildup is posing a threat that almost all American officials recognize.

Military strength can be assessed in two ways. First, in an absolute sense. Who has the greater destructive potential–, the more formidable aircraft, the more advanced weapon systems? The second is to consider which side is better equipped to accomplish a specific task.

There is no doubt that the United States maintains a vast technological superiority over the People’s Liberation Army forces. While the gap has closed in recent years–and quantity, as the saying goes, often has a quality of its own–when it comes to destructive potential on a global level, the United States is unequaled. This is especially true when it comes to the ability of each side to inflict damage on the other’s homeland. The United States possesses the ability to not just hit targets anywhere in China, thereby paralyzing China’s transportation and communications infrastructure, but naval and air superiority on a global level which could cripple the Chinese economy.

While China might be able to compete with the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea, there is little the Chinese could do to challenge American dominance in the Middle East or the Americas in the event of a conflict. As such, Beijing could expect the U.S. to be able to close the Panama Canal, the Suez, and the Straits of Hormuz and Malacca to Chinese shipping. As for the ability to strike each other’s homelands, while China can hit American targets with nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons generally do not factor into conflicts with conventional geopolitical objectives.

While all of these advantages would spell doom for China in a prospective World War III against the United States, the important thing to understand is that China’s leaders have no intention of fighting a World War III against America. At least not for the foreseeable future, and preferably not ever if it can be avoided. China has a limited objective, namely asserting its sovereignty over Taiwan, and the playing field for that conflict is very different. While the United States, in theory, could use all of the means at its disposal to destroy China in order to stop China from taking Taiwan, this is highly unlikely in practice, in the same way, that the United States would never have resorted to World War III to stop a Soviet Invasion of Poland in 1981 to crush Solidarity, or during the Cold War to remove Tito from Yugoslavia.

For one thing, virtually all of the vital strategic chokepoints mentioned above exist on the sovereign territory of countries other than either China or the United States. The Suez Canal belongs, as we have so recently been reminded, to Egypt. The Straits of Hormuz separate the Gulf states from Iran. The Straits of Malacca, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. For the United States to blockade any of these sea routes without the consent of the countries involved would be an act of war, and doubly so if it involved seizing neutral shipping.

This is where the limited nature of Chinese objectives and the Chinese propaganda campaign (which I wrote about here) will come into play.  While nations such as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are U.S. allies, and might if it was a choice between Chinese world domination and a continuation of the status quo, decide to align with America, they certainly have no reason to destroy their economies, their relations with one of their greatest investors, and risk becoming warzones to involve themselves in what is at most a Sino-American affair, and at worst an internal Chinese one–the status of Taiwan. All of these nations recognize the PRC as the sovereign government over all of China, including Taiwan, and many have dubious democratic records of their own.

In the event of conflict over the Taiwan strait, therefore, America’s overwhelming superiority on a global level would quickly be neutralized by the rapid and firm declarations of neutrality that would emanate from virtually every government on the entire globe. If the U.S. were to nevertheless try to turn the situation into a global conflict (where America has the advantage), it would likely trigger a global economic crisis and create enormous pressure from more or less the entire world to settle the conflict. “Settling” would almost certainly be Beijing’s terms.

Fundamentally, therefore, any military conflict over Taiwan will have to be won or lost in the Taiwan strait. The Communist government in Beijing grasps this, and its strategy is heavily focused not on winning a global war but on winning a war along the coast. Here, again, the People’s Liberation Army would face a logistical challenge invading Taiwan, which, after all, is an island. Amphibious landings are notoriously risky, and the straits are not known for the calmness of their waters. Again, however, Beijing does not actually need to invade Taiwan to “defeat” the United States. It merely needs to destroy the American forces between Taiwan and the mainland.

In practice, that would mean defeating the U.S. 7th Fleet, based in Yokosuka, Japan, a formidable force including five aircraft carriers. This would be no easy task on the high seas, where even the rapidly expanded Chinese Navy would stand little chance. That is why the battle would not be fought on the high seas but rather near the coast of the Chinese province of Fujian. As a consequence, American naval forces would be faced with confronting Chinese land-based forces.

This would not be a fair fight. U.S. weapon systems are vastly more advanced, but military history teaches us that periods pass in which either defense or offense are more advantageous given the technology available. In World War I, the onset of the machine gun and artillery provided the defense with an overwhelming advantage which was only overturned with the development of airpower and motorized transport in the Second World War. In the modern era, the rise of precision-guided missiles ensures that naval combat (and air combat for that matter) is almost entirely carried out at long-range by missile exchanges. This lesson was demonstrated during the Falklands war, where a mere four French Exocet missiles in the hands of the Argentine Navy inflicted virtually all of the losses the Royal Navy suffered. They were enough to knock a carrier out of action. Argentina had a mere 7 in total. Had Buenos Aires possessed 70, much less 700, it is hard to see how much would have been left of the Royal Navy.

China has invested heavily in anti-ship missiles. While the U.S. Navy’s anti-missile countermeasures are generations more advanced than the almost non-existent British defenses in 1982, there is a fundamental problem, as the National Interest points out. It is much cheaper and easier to build land-based anti-ship missiles than it is to build ships, and it is far easier to resupply land-based launchers in one’s own territory than it is to resupply anti-missile systems onboard ships at sea. The Defense Department estimated in 2019 that the PRC had as many as 1,500 super-sonic mid-range anti-ship missiles, noting that “China’s broad range of ASCMs and launch platforms as well as submarine-launched torpedoes and naval mines allow the [Chinese Navy] to create an increasingly lethal, multiaccess threat against an adversary approaching Chinese waters and operating areas.” There is a real possibility that with current trends, China will, to put it bluntly, be able to shoot the U.S. Navy out of anti-missile ammunition, at which point our fleet would be sitting ducks.

There are, of course, ways of countering these advantages. The easiest would be for the U.S. military to destroy Chinese launchers on the ground. But here, politics will rear its ugly head. While militarily sensible if not vital, launching strikes on Chinese weapon systems on the soil of the Chinese mainland before they open fire would be politically impossible. It would be an act of war and aggression. As such, American military countermeasures will be limited by the need to allow the PRC to strike first.

Furthermore, while the Chinese will be able to operate from both land and sea, American forces will likely find their options limited. South Korea is unlikely to wish for its territory to be used for attacks on Chinese targets, not least out of fear of retaliation either directly or politically after any conflict. Even the attitude of Japan will be uncertain. While a U.S. ally, Japan’s economic lifelines run through the sea lanes along China’s coast. Becoming a combatant would make Japanese shipping vessels fair game, and unlike U.S. warships, Japanese merchantmen lack any missile defense systems. It would not be a shock if a Japanese government suddenly discovered “constitutional” obstacles to allowing American forces based in Japan to operate in defense of Taiwan, obstacles that would be unable to be resolved without a meeting of the Diet, which would be conveniently indisposed for unclear reasons. The United States Navy might find itself effectively evicted from its major regional bases (outside of Guam) on day one of any conflict, if not before.

The only territory which would likely not have objections to American forces operating against China would be Taiwan itself, but here the diplomatic and political circumstances make basing American forces on the island prior to the outbreak of fighting difficult if not impossible.

It is worth noting that these circumstances combine to create a “no-lose” situation for China. If China were to engage in this sort of conflict, the sole goal would be to defeat or destroy the U.S. 7th Fleet. If China were to fail, the political and economic interests of both regional powers and major states in Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America would ensure that the United States would come under enormous pressure to accept a cease-fire rather than taking the war to the Chinese mainland. This would leave China free to try again at a future date while using economic and political leverage to mitigate any diplomatic fallout. The U.S. would have no plan for any sort of follow-up other than merely surviving.

By contrast, if China were to eliminate the 7th Fleet, the incentives that would lead Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and other regional states to seek neutrality in the initial conflict would shift to causing them to seek accommodation with Beijing. They would step in to mediate so as to avert a “total” collapse of the American position in the region, most likely by offering a settlement whereby Taiwan would accept Chinese sovereignty and Beijing would “allow” an autonomous government to continue. Beijing would have every reason to offer such a settlement in the circumstances. Having destroyed the U.S. 7th Fleet in the Taiwan Strait, Beijing would have demonstrated to the Taiwanese that the PRC could invade whenever it chose. Therefore there would no longer be a need to actually do so in order to achieve the desired collaboration. Beijing would, of course, demand Taiwan’s total disarmament and an agreement that Taipei would conduct future foreign relations solely through Beijing. Through such “generosity”, the CCP could ensure that Taiwan could be gobbled up at any convenient moment in the future while also reassuring “former” American allies in the region and allowing a defeated Washington to save face. It is hard to see how an American administration could resist pressure to accept such terms.

It is this “win-win” or at least a “win-not lose” situation for China that makes the position of Taiwan so dangerous. While the United States could easily defeat China in World War III, the dynamics of any conflict over Taiwan will be very different. In fact, they risk conspiring to ensure that the United States would be forced to fight any such conflict with one, if not both, hands tied behind its back.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Yes with Biden in charge unless China does other prior actual war.
Battle stations for our ships in Asian waters.
Lock & Load time

3 years ago

The CCP knows that they can push Biden around, and that he doesn’t have the intelligence or fortitude to challenge the decision of China to invade Taiwan, as stated in the beginning of this article, “it’s not a matter of if – it’s the question of how and when” China no longer respects or fear the United States, and they know that as long as Biden and the woke are in charge, the greater their chances for success, I predict they take Taiwan without firing a shot, just because of this administration lack of conviction to any good principals, and ability to lead.

3 years ago

The CCP can’t retake taiwan; they never had it — yet!

3 years ago

Hell, biteme will sell to them for a good price.

3 years ago

Should we wait until China has enough power to take over the world as they now demonstrate this is their objective? I do not want to see future generations subjected to this. Our youth have been brainwashed for 50 or so years telling them America is not great. No true history of the USA, no civics, no morals ,no geography. Our children do not know the names of the states nor their location when shown a map of their country. Religious practices have been ignored in pursuit of wealth. I think confrontation NOW is more dangerous than waiting for more military buildup in China and the fact they are bribing/buying all over the world. Biden is a joke to China’s leaders. They can & will run right over him & his ilk attempting to run this country. While we still have a military ready, willing and able let the Chinese government know we are tired of their machinations and are ready to act accordingly.

3 years ago

With the purge of our military, the “woke troops” that remain will seriously degrade
the U.S. military ability to respond to a Chinese threat. The current Sec. of Defense
is preparing the military to be used on the American civilian population when they resist
in turning over their firearms. As soon as the military is ready Biden will issue a demand
for all rifles and high capacity mags be turned over to the federal gov. The military and agents
from homeland security will be used to enforce his demands. Don’t believe me? The writing
is on the wall,,,slow down and read it !! When it happens remember you were warned.

3 years ago

“Could China Win a War with the U.S. Over Taiwan” ? They have already won, They have Joe Biden in the White House

3 years ago

“Could China Win a War with the U.S. Over Taiwan”? The answer is yes for some of the following reasons:

1) Biden is already “recalibrating” the U.S. foreign policy towards supplying defensive weapons to Taiwan. He is leaning more towards the “verbal support” of the Obama era as opposed to supplying actual military weaponry that President Trump did.

2) In order to win a war, one needs leadership that is firmly committed to the objective. President Xi certainly would be, however I see no one in the Biden administration that would even want to engage at any level above issuing empty speeches. So in many aspects, the CCP has already won any conflict before they have taken any serious action against Taiwan.

3) We are in the active process of scaling back our military readiness across the board to instead re-focus on the “leading from behind” strategy that was so popular with Democrats during the Obama era. The military is actively purging senior military officers and enlisted personnel that show too much fidelity to the Constitution rather than the “woke” agenda being put in place. That was the purpose of the global 60 day stand down order the Biden ordered in January. So fighting any significant military engagement in the future might prove highly problematic when political correctness supersedes combat readiness. Maybe we intend to fight future wars by dropping pallets of cash on them. Hey, that was the strategy with Iran under Obama.

4) The overall view of the CCP by the Biden administration is that they pose no threat, either economically or militarily, to the United States or really anyone else. That “peace through appeasement” is a winning strategy on both counts. Obviously this view is related to the desire by Biden and so many in his administration to not upset the status quo, when it comes to existing financial relationships with the CCP.

So just given those points, I seriously doubt we would engage on any level above issuing empty speeches, if and when China moves to forcibly re-take Taiwan. Even though that would give China nearly a monopoly control of the world’s chip supplies and cripple us technologically. However, long-term strategic planning, on preserving American competitiveness on any level, doesn’t seem high on the Democrat agenda. Just the opposite actually. Think of the muted whispers heard coming from Washington when Hong Kong was forcibly crushed and absorbed once and for all last month. Just a few articles buried in the back pages of a few newspapers marking the event.

Col. Robert F. Ravelo
Col. Robert F. Ravelo
3 years ago

As this article describe a very bleak outcome for the United States, only the threat, with a credible certainty of execution, of an ICBM attack toward the mainland China appears to be the only solution to thwart a Chinese incursion toward Taiwan.

Gary Swanzy
Gary Swanzy
3 years ago

The will to win is the most important aspect of any conflict. It has been said that the wolf doesn’t care how many sheep there are. Under Trump, we were the wolf. Under Biden, we are the sheep and will do little to stop any aggression anywhere. And Biden will hamstring our military like LBJ did during Viet Nam. And we will lose any conflict with China because we will NOT fight to win.

Peter Koteas
Peter Koteas
3 years ago

An article that clearly spells out the disadvantages of the now politically “weak” U.S. in a conflict with China over Taiwan. With Trump, the fear of him engaging China “on their soil” is no longer a threat with a weak and incompetent Biden administration. Taiwan is in big trouble with little negotiating room for resolution beyond a soft & quiet surrender. Of course, it will “sound” warm and fuzzy, but in reality, will be the surrendering of any autonomy. We are living in dangerous times and as long as China remains aggressive, Biden is in deep do-do. Can you even imagine Harris dealing with China?

3 years ago

We should never turn our backs on a sleeping China. China already owns much of the U.S. and is getting stronger every year economically and militarily. To think that we could win a fight very easily would be a tactical mistake.

3 years ago

If the time comes to go to war with China we will also be going to war with the communist liberals here in the U.S. Biden, his administration, Hollywood, Sports, big tech. msm, the wealthy, Universities, blm,antifa our military because of the secretary of defense and the list goes on. The only way our way of life continues is to fight. Fight for voter Id ,fight for freedom of speech and if necessary take up arms against the enemies within and abroad.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
3 years ago

The Biden Regime will do nothing to deter China because his regime is working with China to become the world’s most powerful entity. In other words, own the world. The “Progressives” have been pushing a global economy for years and then O’Bama really pushed for it. I have no hope for our country at this point. We no longer have a fair justice system and the DC Communists are trashing our Constitution and Bill of Rights and no one even comes close to stopping them!! Anyone who knows anything about the beginning of Communism knows this is true.

3 years ago

It is hard to start a comment on this issue as I am a retired military officer. The US military is woefully unprepared for a local conflict in the South China Seas. The Chinese have the advantage of knowing when they can initiate a conflict in this region and get away with it. This administration would fall on its face trying to react properly and decisively. I will not hold my breath. Besides, most of computer chips in boards that are in military hardware come from CHINA and have been found to have anomalies in them. Think of the outcome if this electronic devices fail.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

It always saddens me to read articles like this. I am an 89 year old, two-time veteran, including the Korean war, widowed now for 10 months, have lived through I guess 15 presidents, am watching the greatest nation on earth go through some unbelievable threats to our freedom right now. The only good news is when I see state legislatures enact laws opposing the unconstitutional laws being passed by Democrats, and actions by the governors of some states banning some things or suing Biden over some of the things he has done. It is disheartening to read that there is little hope for Taiwan’s continued independence, and that it is unlikely that America, or our allies, will do anything to defend them.

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