
Elections , Newsline

AMAC Magazine Exclusive: 5 Things the GOP Needs to Do to Win in 2024

Posted on Saturday, June 1, 2024
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

Guest Columnist – Mollie Ziegler-Hemingway

The nature of elections has changed radically in recent years. Instead of an Election Day where people arrive to vote and where results are announced the same evening, we now have an “election season.” The period can last weeks and even months before and after Election Day. Tens of millions of unsupervised ballots are mailed to addresses and trafficked by armies of left-wing activists who are fielded by well-funded outside groups. Then, lawyers fight over the rules determining the eligibility of those ballots.

Until Republicans can successfully improve election laws in their states, they must stay competitive with Democrats, who will be aggressively banking votes months before Election Day. Republicans will need to compete with Democrat infrastructures including unions and other special interest groups that are paid to traffic mail-in ballots. And they’ll have to perform oversight of the entire months-long election season, not just Election Day.

If they want to win elections in competitive districts, Republican leaders should…..

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9 months ago

This is bulls***! Give me easy to read paper magazine any day over this digital poppycock!

9 months ago

Mollie is absolutely correct. The “Democrat” Cheat Machine that they countered with after Trump’s “surprise” 2016 victory is formidable and unbeatable, if not countered or comprehensively surveiled and recorded in a vast number of locations. Like Hillary, their pathology screams that they are “entitled” to victory, regardless of how badly they violate the “Democratic” process or how badly they perform in governance. These are millions of biological adults with the mindsets of small children… and they will never improve without extensive psychotherapy.

9 months ago

Tee shirts adjourned with:

If you want to vote for Trump and don’t

know how ask me.

May help.

9 months ago

What “GOP”? KKK-klanmobile-riding Joe Biden’s (obvious) deceptions are a cruel act against Americans which has numerous players on both sides of the aisle.

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