
National Security , Newsline

Biden Ignores Rising Threats in Pacific

Posted on Monday, May 1, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis


Recent technological breakthroughs from the Chinese military, aggressive posturing from Russia in the Indo-Pacific region, and a fresh round of missile tests from North Korea have top American military brass and other world leaders concerned. But amid these alarming developments, Biden and his national security team have failed to invest in the technology and strategies to counter the threat.

At a House Armed Services Committee hearing late last month, Admiral John Aquilino, Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, briefed members that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had ordered the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to prepare to go to war with the United States and its allies in the Pacific by 2027. “This decade presents a period of increased risk,” the admiral warned, emphasizing that deterrence required immediate and sustained investment in both military assets and resilient supply chains that do not rely on China.

Admiral Aquilino also revealed, “In 2022 alone, the PLA added to its operational inventory 17 major warships.” That list includes four guided missile cruisers, three destroyers, five frigates, two attack submarines, and a large amphibious assault ship.

Last year, China also launched at least 160 satellites, tested a hypersonic glide vehicle for attacks from space, and built hundreds of nuclear missile silos.

China’s navy projects to have 440 battle-ready ships by 2030, Admiral Aquilino continued, dramatically expanding their current fleet of 350 ships. That figure would rival the American naval fleet of 485 ships – a fleet that is at any given moment dispersed around the entire globe, whereas China’s fleet is heavily concentrated in the Pacific.

These developments have also alarmed American allies in the Pacific, including Australia. Canberra recently decided to boost its military spending even further, with Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong warning of a binary competition between the U.S. and China.

“We cannot just leave it to the U.S.,” she said late last month, going on to emphasize that any conflict would be “disastrous” for every country in the region.

Wong’s remarks came following China’s impromptu military drills in the Taiwan Strait that sent Japan scrambling jets in response to the PLA’s invasion of Japanese airspace.

Japanese leaders have also voiced concerns about increased cooperation between the Chinese and Russian militaries, including joint drills that encroached on Japanese territory. On the final day of one recent drill, Tokyo said that a Russian intelligence-gathering aircraft flew over the Sea of Japan before turning to the coast of the Oki Islands.

On Eastern Orthodox Christian Easter Sunday, Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu also hosted China’s Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu in Moscow, where the two reaffirmed their commitment to working together in the Pacific.

Two days before the Kremlin meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un ordered the launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-18, which was unveiled during a military parade in February. The test prompted the Japanese government to urge northern island residents to take shelter, indicating the military could not determine the exact flight path.

But no country is at greater risk than Taiwan, which is now subject to almost constant violations of its airspace by the PLA. Dr. Ma Chen-Kun, Director of the Graduate Institute of China Military Affairs, recently noted that last year the People’s Liberation Army set the “new normal” by almost daily crossings of the median line of the Taiwan Strait by Chinese military aircraft and warships. He said such drills might not disrupt shipping traffic in the Taiwan Strait, pacifying potential negative comments from the Western allies, but they can one day be used unexpectedly to launch an actual attack.

A potential Chinese occupation of Taiwan would have disastrous consequences for the rest of the region as well as the U.S. Retired Japanese Lt-Gen. Kunio Orita recently warned that Chinese army deployment in Taiwan would turn Tokyo into Beijing’s vassal after China takes control of sea lanes that Japan utilizes to export 90 percent of its energy exports and 60 percent of its food exports.

But while American allies clearly recognize the magnitude of the threat, the White House National Defense Strategy, published last October, shows that President Biden does not. While purporting to take a hardline stance toward China and Russia, Biden unexpectedly canceled the Trump-led SLCM-N missile program, which military experts have said is a vital tool for countering China’s hypersonic missile technology. Biden offered no alternative to the weapon, which would have been deployed on stealthy nuclear submarines in the seas around China.

Biden has also repeatedly attempted to lower the ratio of procurement-to-R&D funding for the military, meaning that less resources will be allocated toward developing new weapons to keep pace with China and Russia – the exact opposite strategy as that which leaders like Admiral Aquilino advise.

Biden’s military budgets have also evinced an obsession with “woke” policies like creating “diversity” offices throughout the military bureaucracy, fighting “climate change,” and setting arbitrary “equity” standards for every branch. With such a glaring lack of focus on the military’s core mission of defending the homeland, it hardly comes as any surprise that U.S. adversaries feel emboldened.

Despite spending record sums on the military, Biden’s policies have led to a more dangerous world where the power and influence of the United States seems to be slipping more and more every day. If he does not reverse course soon, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 year ago

Another repetitive article on a subject that has been discussed to death. The simple fact is the Democrat Party, not just Biden, views the military budget as something to be raided and redirected to be spent on their various “social justice” issues of little real value to the United States or the rest of the world. As such, don’t expect any real acknowledgement of the growing threat we face around the world as long as ANY Democrat sits in the White House. Both our allies and our enemies fully understand this, which is why our few remaining allies are moving on without us and our enemies are ramping up their military capabilities as fast as they can. With a feckless, senile puppet in the White House, it is a perfect time for our enemies to take advantage of the situation. Which is exactly what China, Russia, Iran and North Korea have been doing for more than the last 2 years and will continue to do until conditions drastically change in Washington, D.C..

We are falling behind technologically in our military capabilities relative to what our enemies can field today. Weapons systems that should be developed to match or exceed that of our adversaries are being tabled in favor of weapons systems that are functionally obsolete on the battlefield. So while we may still be spending money on our military, it is NOT being spent wisely. Our military is being intentionally undermined from within by “woke” directives from political Generals and Admirals more concerned about getting their next star and being invited to the right Washington cocktail parties, than being able to win the next military engagement.

I would love to see an article here written by either an active duty or retired military strategist that just had the courage to tell the truth about where the United States military stands today relative to our enemies and what they are fielding today. That would be far more useful than simply yet another repetitive article written from the purely political perspective. Maybe that would shock the American people enough to get them focused for a while.

1 year ago

Yet another comment censored. Best of luck to you AMAC.

1 year ago

I would expect no less than this from Sleepy Joe. When you support the Chinese because they own you and your family, you will always go against America. Secondly, this simply goes along with the Globalist agenda to bring about a one-world government. Biden and the Demo/socialists are a part of Schwab’s WEF agenda. To bring that about America must first be destroyed and re-built socialist. Thirdly, Biden doesn’t know what day it is. He is just told to do this or that. Read this or that and please don’t answer any questions.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

that is because joe bidens and the democrats weakness in thinking ans skills has caused the problem.

1 year ago

Why do you keep saying Biden is ignoring? He’s not in charge of anything. He’s gotten so bad mentally that his handlers won’t let him speak publicly without crib notes, and he still screws things up. There is a shadow government running the show.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Biden does not care about anything except ice cream. Look at how he ignores his seventh grandchild. He completely ignores that he has her. He and Jill just ignore the fact that Hunter fathered her. They would have preferred she had been aborted.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

POrepare for war and stay out of Wal Mart. Kyle L. P S Biden is not gonna defend us.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden’s handlers do not care what goes on in the Pacific, because they are extremely focused on pushing equity and transgender policies. Their concerns are so Marxist and against traditional American values that their puny little minds can’t even be bothered with serious international matters. Biden’s goons are mentally and emotionally so obsessed with fundamentally changing the United States of America that there is no willingness to appreciate our standing in the world. The woke fanatics act like our country lives in a vacuum, and the rest of the world is of no concern. It’s very strange that we now live in a country where Biden and his handlers are basically isolationists, when it comes to protecting our military from foreign aggression. Biden seems to be much more concerned with protecting Ukraine and its borders than with protecting the US, its borders, and spheres of influence. Biden is so dysfunctional that he spends too much time and money on the military for the Ukraine and spends too little time and money for the military that is protecting us from a greedy and hostile People’s Republic of China. All Americans should be outraged.

1 year ago

Let’s face it, we have leaders in both parties that have been bought and paid for by the PRC. Biden and his family are at.the top of the list. Don’t expect him to do anything good for the USA.

God Bless America
God Bless America
1 year ago

the People who voted for half breed muslum hussein twice then pedo joe You are the Traitors Live With it. and the way it is going it Ha Ha Ha Good F-ing Luck

have a nice day Commie Demonrat Libtards

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
1 year ago

More than ignoring the threats, he is clearly showing that he is incapable of dealing with them as a true Head of State

1 year ago

Ignoring China is going to cost us our country. The Chinese are upfront about taking over the
world. We ignore them at our own peril!!!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

I recently spoke with a high-ranking Naval officer. He says we could hold off China for a few weeks if they attack Taiwan but then we would be toast!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Good old Joe and his son are in with China so he will do nothing to stop them anywhere and impeach him and that so called VP of his.

1 year ago

We’ve already lost. Lets make a deal now with the Chi-coms and the Ruskies that if they will just stay out of the US we will let them have the rest of the world and Mars.

1 year ago

Bidumb should wave the white flag NOW.

1 year ago

Traitor Biden isn’t cognizant to recognize any threat or anything around him aside from an empty ice cream dish and maybe a full diaper. China makes the Bidens rich. They own the Bidens.

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