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McConnell, Threatened by America First Candidates, Puts His feelings Ahead of Party During Midterm Elections

Posted on Friday, October 28, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Midterm Elections

After such a difficult several years it’s thrilling to be receiving such great news for conservatives and, ergo, the country about the prospects for the midterm elections. All polls indicate a red wave is coming, and it proves that Americans have rejected the malign efforts by the left to convince us that living in a crime and economic hellscape is perfectly normal and acceptable. It is not.

Just a few weeks ago it became quite clear that voters did not like the direction of the country as poll after poll indicated the economy and crime are the deciding factors for whom Americans would vote. We can be confident this election will send a clear statement to the malevolent bullies running this country that we reject their policies and have the backbone to reject them as well.

Americans continue to get punched in the face by an establishment that eerily seems to manage to gut our financial future every generation, so it makes sense that we would like to give some fresh faces with new ideas a try. Instead, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s machine has transformed into the political version of Tonya Harding—being involved in attempts to kneecap up-and-coming stars who are on the verge of winning their races.

It is Donald Trump’s doing, in part, that we have candidates running who actually want to help the American people as opposed to using them as an ATM machine for the federal bureaucracy and its managers. So it’s very possible that Kentucky Republican McConnell may be the hardest hit by the indications that the America First candidates—those who support the Ultra Maga Supercalifragilistic Trump policies that made us energy independent and created the best economy the world had ever known (literally)– are doing especially well. 

In August, McConnell took a swipe at GOP candidates whom he sneered lacked “quality,” a petty insult understood to be aimed at America First candidates. “I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said. So Trump-supported GOPers who take over the House are rubes, he implied, but the Senate—those untouchables can’t get in here!

That kind of a statement not only is meant to cast doubt on the candidates themselves, but to diminish overall enthusiasm for a GOP senate takeover. Why would he do that? Because it’s all a game for people like him, and our lives are like a shadow on the wall. He hates Trump, and a good midterm election for America First candidates adds to the likelihood that Trump runs again for president. These are also candidates who would vote against him being Senate Leader. McConnell, like the rest of the establishment, seems perfectly fine to have the country in this miserable position, the economy a mess, war unfolding and teetering toward new ones, as crime obliterates the quality of life for Americans across this country. We pay the price with our peace of mind and futures so these envious swamp inhabitants can stick it to Trump, enjoy their cocktail parties, special protections, power, and of course, our money.

Case in point: Dan Bolduc, the Trump-supported Republican candidate in New Hampshire is running against incumbent Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan. A McConnell-backed super PAC called the Senate Leadership Fund has pulled millions of advertising dollars from the state for Bolduc despite the fact that he is on the verge of flipping that seat. McConnell did the same to GOP senate candidate Blake Masters of Arizona.

Weird. It’s almost as though he’d prefer to keep the senate in Democrat hands than to allow Trump and the American people a victory which would save our future and the fate of this country.

And then there’s Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. She voted to impeach Trump, voted against the Kavanaugh nomination, and she voted against the repeal of ObamaCare, so McConnell, of course, has her back. After abandoning Masters and Bolduc, he poured $9 million into Alaska to support Murkowski by funding negative ads targeting Trump-endorsed Republican Kelly Tshibaka. The Alaska GOP, which has also endorsed Tshibaka, condemned McConnell for his meddling in the race.

Donald Trump’s success has exposed the depth of the malignant narcissism amongst GOP officials. We have what appears to be McConnell attempting to mitigate Republican victories. We have Liz Cheney endorsing a Michigan Democrat. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat, endorsed Murkowski in February, and is now financially supporting her campaign. She in turn has endorsed Sarah Palin’s Democrat opponent for Alaska’s at-large House seat.

Every day it we see indications the Republican/Democrat divide in Washington is a charade. The charade covers for a Federal Uniparty focusing on maintaining the status quo in Washington, DC where they help and support each other after dumping average Americans at the side of the road, leaving us to waste away.

It’s never been more obvious that we can only take this country back by voting for candidates who support the country by lifting up the forgotten man and woman. And the only way we are able to do that is because Trump encouraged people to run who love this country first and understand the reformation that must take place.

Every time we see a Republican attempt to thwart the red wave, just remember, it’s their confession that they haven’t worked for us for a long time and now realize they are about to be shown the door. We all deserve better and we are voting accordingly on November 8.

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1 year ago

Wow, the things that go on behind our back. Ty for the information.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Candidate quality? Lifetime career politicians are the problem. Tenure breeds corruption and it’s these entrenched politicians who cry experience is what makes them viable. The country’s condition proves otherwise.

1 year ago

Thanks for all your balanced reporting!!!!

1 year ago

Always and I mean always judge a person by their actions instead of just relying on their words. McConnell may occassionally talk in constitutionally conservative terms, especially when he is up for re-election in his home state, but for the most part he is the definition of establishment RINO by his actions. Sure once in a while he does something that aids the constitutionally conservative cause, simply because there is so much overwhelming support from the Republican voting base all across the country that he can’t avoid it. However, he usually stands with the establishment RINO base whenever he can by either “walking across the aisle”, with his cadre of fellow RINOs in the Senate to support ruinous Democrat policies or yanking critical funding from true conservatives that represent a potential threat to his hold on the leadership seat of the Republicans in the Senate. If Republicans do manage to re-take control of the Senate after the midterms, it is absolutely vital that Mitch McConnell be removed from his leadership role. Otherwise, he will continue to undermine or outright obstruct the constitutionally conservative policies that the vast majority of the Republican voters in this country want and need to bring back some level of sanity to the federal government.

Never forget the degree of obstruction that both McConnell and Ryan used to stonewall President Trump for the first 2 years of his presidency. That directly laid the ground work that allowed Pelosi and the Democrats to re-take the House in 2018. McConnell is no constitutional conservative by his own actions. That should be readily apparent to most people by now. That’s my two cents for what its worth.

Jim Cornwell
Jim Cornwell
1 year ago

I like this being discussed and no longer the “elephant in the room”.

1 year ago

I live in Kentucky and I don’t care for mcconnel. He votes his pocket which cost Kentuckians. I would much more like RAND Paul for speaker although there are a few more really qualified for the position we just need a real constitionalist as speaker for the people not one for his pocket. If things don’t change this midterm election I believe our country as we know it is over. They will hunt us down like the predators that they are because we stand for the freedoms that they use against us such as freedom of speech. I don’t put much faith in a man that supports evil such as murdering babies in or out of the womb, stealing, theft,murder period, cheating or……… you get the picture. I also don’t believe we can do this alone as far as turning this country around. Corruption is all around us and hidden in the shadows these men use their positions to help themselves financially.
All we have to do is look at the people in power and follow the money. How do they get so rich? The temptation is so great. What we need is help to conquer our enemies The help we need is from God. We need to pray. My people which are called by my name will humble themselves seek my face and turn from their wicked ways and pray then I will hear from Heaven and heal their land.. and when you have done all you can do. Stand. May God bless America. You do your part and I will stand with you. Thank you Amac for this forum to help us stand.

Kevin kevoran
Kevin kevoran
1 year ago

_itch McConnell has overstayed his welcome.
A mediocre first term Republican, in love with his service to America, would see more clearly than _itch. He is The Left’s best friend, as well as China.

1 year ago

McConnell has shown his true Pelosi colors too many times. He needs to be removed.

1 year ago

That old goat needs to move aside. We need new leadership.

1 year ago

This is one reason why I joined AMAC to start with! Thank you all.

1 year ago

Mitch McConnell needs to go

James Weaver
James Weaver
1 year ago

I am a 68 yo male and with the situation this country is presently in, what I am stating in this memo has never been more important.For the last 4-5 decades, there has been two consistent campaign slogans in every national election, that candidates run strong in favor of, but the second the election is over you never hear another word about until the next election cycle.They are as follows:• The passage of legislation to establish limited terms in office for U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.• More so in the 80s and 90s, Tort Reform.I listen to and watch our conservative talk show hosts,( ex. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Steven Crowder, Dave Rubin and Mark Levin.These are all highly intelligent personalities, who do a wonderful job keeping us informed concerning the decline of our country to the point it is almost unrecognizable anymore.As we approach the Midterm Elections, I am glad to hear more discussion about the Red Tsunami coming. I hope that this comes to pass but more importantly, holding these newly elected “ servants of the people” accountable.This accountability, brings us back to the absolute necessity of “Term Limits”. Steven Crowder went on a much needed rant a few weeks back, on his show, “Louder With Crowder”, where stated that he would neither support or vote for any candidate, Republican or Democrat, who would not make Term Limits their top priority when elected. I hear many people asking what must we do to get our country back and drain the swamp of Washington politics. The answer is and has always been right there in front of us. In my estimation, this one single task would immediately solve 90% of the problems we face as a country, as it would make these positions of service to We The People. It will not be easy, but without this, in my estimation, nothing will change and our country will continue to decline until nothing is left.I wish there was a movement out there to focus on just this agenda item. Maybe something like Term Limit Tea Party.If all conservatives don’t get onboard and force this issue, nothing else we do will matter.Just in closing, to show the importance of staying on top of and demanding accountability for accomplishing term limits. If you can remember back to 2015, 2 of the top 3 items that Trump ran on were Term Limits and Repeal Obamacare, the other was Build the Boarder Wall. After the election the only mention of term limits I heard was 2 weeks post election, when Mitch McConnell was asked about Term Limits, he stated there is no need for term limits, “if they want is out they can vote us out”. McConnell with the help of Speaker of the House Ryan, proceeded to not repeal Obamacare but amend it. Now we are stuck with that too.

Butch Stevens
Butch Stevens
1 year ago

McConnell thinks he is untouchable. Maybe the one Republicans in the Senate should get themselves another leader.

1 year ago

McConnell has proven to the American people that he does not support our future. His tactics show that he is power hungry. McConnell must be removed from the Senate.

1 year ago

Lord willing what happened during the 2020 election won’t be repeated this November.

Frank Bort
Frank Bort
1 year ago

Yes let us continue to fight the good fight; to choose Encouragement not discouragement. Yes let us make America great again: let us continue to shine the light !!!!

1 year ago

Mitch Ferret Face McConnell needs to go! He lied about his primary opponent in the last Ky election. He will lie about whoever dares to run against him next time too. RINO Nazi

1 year ago

Get McConnell (

1 year ago

McConnell is poison and needs to go!
Why no focus on Mitch’s Chinese in-laws?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

He along with the rest of the relics is a fraud that should have been tossed onto a heap ages ago

1 year ago

We made classic , this trader should have voted office 10 years ago and we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now, while the voter’s backs are turned , he votes with democrats every time.

1 year ago

Time for Mitch to go!!!

Cal Tininenko
Cal Tininenko
1 year ago

McConnell’s a RINOosaur that should join the platoons of crooked Republicans and DemoRats in a 30-yr party in Gitmo.

Bernice Cannon
Bernice Cannon
1 year ago

McConnell has chosen his destiny when he married into China as he is easily persuaded by his wife but very American and has been. He’s got to go

1 year ago

Time to seriously look at TERM LIMITS! Not just for Mitch but all that have been in government for multiple decades.

1 year ago

It is not about McConnells feelings, it is about his leadership job. None of new MAG Senators will vote for him as a leader, that’s what it’s all about. This corrupt worthless RINO doesn’t give a damn about the country, his power and financial fortunes come first. Thus is why he is funneling money against Trump endorsed candidates. He has been censured by Republican committees in his own State and now in Alaska for financing Murkowski. What a scum.

M Harrison
M Harrison
1 year ago

Great article Tammy! We need the Republicans in the Senate to step up and toss McConnell. In fact, they should call for a meeting with him right now.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

McConnel is married to a Chinese national. ‘Nuff said.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
1 year ago

That is exactly what I was going to point out Barrett! Great minds think alike. He and his wife are heavily invested in the CCP

1 year ago

Moscow Mitch, being backed by his wife’s family in China, has no intention of “Serving America”. He has been re-elected in Kentucky for years and I don’t know why!!! Anyone would be better for Kentucky and the Nation, than Mr.McConnell!!He blatantly refuses to promote Term Limits and we all know why. The man and his wife are thieves, using their parasitic careers, to promote the interests of China and themselves!! I am sick of the abuse of power these people use and take advantage of. He is in deeper than Pelosi and he now realizes the tide is turning so he’s preparing his escape throwing America to the wolves.He HAS to be replaced, and hopefully by a candidate that does want Term Limits!

Terri Ramociotti
Terri Ramociotti
1 year ago

No matter what the outcome of this election, we need a Convention of States so that the people can institute term limits!

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

CORRECTION: Mitch puts his own self-interest ahead of Party or America, for that matter, it had nothing to do with feelings. Mitch is out to stuff as much money in his pockets before the majority of the people figure out just how much of a weasel he really is.
For the life of me I can’t figure out why the rest of the Republicans keep putting him in as the leader in the Senate. he is a two-faced liar who is backing the stupid RINO Bi**h Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, the money would have been better sent on one of the close races where a real Republican is close to winning Against one of the Democrat socialist, in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia.
Its money wasted in Murkowski, who will only vote against the Republicans best interest!

1 year ago

McConnell is a disappointment. Now I wonder if he helped Pelosi with entrapment of peaceful protesters. It’s so strange Trumps request for security was dismissed. Shame on MConnell

1 year ago

Well, presidential term limits saved us from a third term for Obama, so maybe it’s time. Some folks think this is a magic talisman that will purify D.C. It won’t but it might make it more difficult to get rich while in office by selling out the country.

Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jean
1 year ago

Mitch McConnell, like many other Rinos, is clearly not using GOP money to back America First candidates. He should be replaced and retired as he is trying to keep the rest of us under Democratic Socialist control. That should spark fear in all of us and get out and vote for Conservative America First Republicans. If we want the USA to survive…. we have to turnout in such force that our voices cannot be squelched.

1 year ago

McConnell is just one of many that need to be ousted.

1 year ago

THIS MASSIVE POS rhino IS ON THE soros, obama, clinton PAYROLL

1 year ago

I am so appreciative of these articles! I just contributed to Masters’, Bolduc’s, Tshibaka’s and Palin’s campaigns. Thank you!

1 year ago

The first order of business for a Red Senate is to toss McConnell out on his corrupt rear end.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Look, I know it is Halloween, but come on Mitch! Please take off the elephant costume and let us what a real jack*ss looks like.

1 year ago

McConnell should have been gone at least since Obama because he showed us what he really is. A RINO.

1 year ago

That’s why I don’t give any money to the republican party. I’m sick of the RINOs. If I ever give again it will be directly to the candidate. No PACs either. I’m so sick of the constant texts every day asking for money. I block them but never stops.

1 year ago

Mitch McConnell should have been gone day before yesterday!

Brendan Bierch
Brendan Bierch
1 year ago

Sums up what McConnell has done even with a majority. Nothing,nada, zilch. Time to move him out.

Bob Curtis
Bob Curtis
1 year ago

I will never donate to the Republican Party. McConnell should be driven out !! To many cutthroats and back stabbers. Collins, murkowski and the other rinos.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

This RINO POS traitor has never had we the people’s best interests at heart. His wife and he are also in business dealings with the Chinese Communist Party. WHY are they still in DC? He’s a slimy little bastard.

1 year ago

Great article! Why hasn’t McConnell retired? He is not for us then he is against us.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

So post my comment already.

1 year ago

Swamps are peaceful places, no waves, just murky water and so comfortable for those slithery creatures that live there. Mitch is a creature of the swamp. Making America Great is not as important to him as keeping his place among the hierarchy of the swamp. Trump made waves in the swamp. Gasp! He told Europe to fund NATO at agreed upon levels or we would stop funding it. He told Angela that trusting Russia for a lifeline to natural gas was dumb. The swamp was mortified. He supported self-sufficiency on energy. The Greeniacs became hysteric. He got Dementia Joe his first COVID shot before he took office as President, while touchy-feely Gov. Cuomo was saying he wouldn’t take a vaccine Trump was promising by the end of 2020. The swamp dwellers knew developing these vaccines takes years……and years. Warp speed, indeed. The swamp dwellers like to see everyone in his or her place. Minorities are Democrats they know. That’s the way it is. But with all of these minorities running for office as Republicans, the swamp creatures are learning that climate change can impact all sorts of things, even slimy creatures. The political climate is changing, but Mitch is having none of it. Kentucky, maybe you should consider a retirement for Mitch when his term expires.

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
1 year ago

Are we being censored on AMAC? I can not post how I feel about McConnell and other Rinos

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