McConnell, Threatened by America First Candidates, Puts His feelings Ahead of Party During Midterm Elections

Posted on Friday, October 28, 2022
by Tammy Bruce
Midterm Elections

After such a difficult several years it’s thrilling to be receiving such great news for conservatives and, ergo, the country about the prospects for the midterm elections. All polls indicate a red wave is coming, and it proves that Americans have rejected the malign efforts by the left to convince us that living in a crime and economic hellscape is perfectly normal and acceptable. It is not.

Just a few weeks ago it became quite clear that voters did not like the direction of the country as poll after poll indicated the economy and crime are the deciding factors for whom Americans would vote. We can be confident this election will send a clear statement to the malevolent bullies running this country that we reject their policies and have the backbone to reject them as well.

Americans continue to get punched in the face by an establishment that eerily seems to manage to gut our financial future every generation, so it makes sense that we would like to give some fresh faces with new ideas a try. Instead, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s machine has transformed into the political version of Tonya Harding—being involved in attempts to kneecap up-and-coming stars who are on the verge of winning their races.

It is Donald Trump’s doing, in part, that we have candidates running who actually want to help the American people as opposed to using them as an ATM machine for the federal bureaucracy and its managers. So it’s very possible that Kentucky Republican McConnell may be the hardest hit by the indications that the America First candidates—those who support the Ultra Maga Supercalifragilistic Trump policies that made us energy independent and created the best economy the world had ever known (literally)– are doing especially well. 

In August, McConnell took a swipe at GOP candidates whom he sneered lacked “quality,” a petty insult understood to be aimed at America First candidates. “I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said. So Trump-supported GOPers who take over the House are rubes, he implied, but the Senate—those untouchables can’t get in here!

That kind of a statement not only is meant to cast doubt on the candidates themselves, but to diminish overall enthusiasm for a GOP senate takeover. Why would he do that? Because it’s all a game for people like him, and our lives are like a shadow on the wall. He hates Trump, and a good midterm election for America First candidates adds to the likelihood that Trump runs again for president. These are also candidates who would vote against him being Senate Leader. McConnell, like the rest of the establishment, seems perfectly fine to have the country in this miserable position, the economy a mess, war unfolding and teetering toward new ones, as crime obliterates the quality of life for Americans across this country. We pay the price with our peace of mind and futures so these envious swamp inhabitants can stick it to Trump, enjoy their cocktail parties, special protections, power, and of course, our money.

Case in point: Dan Bolduc, the Trump-supported Republican candidate in New Hampshire is running against incumbent Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan. A McConnell-backed super PAC called the Senate Leadership Fund has pulled millions of advertising dollars from the state for Bolduc despite the fact that he is on the verge of flipping that seat. McConnell did the same to GOP senate candidate Blake Masters of Arizona.

Weird. It’s almost as though he’d prefer to keep the senate in Democrat hands than to allow Trump and the American people a victory which would save our future and the fate of this country.

And then there’s Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. She voted to impeach Trump, voted against the Kavanaugh nomination, and she voted against the repeal of ObamaCare, so McConnell, of course, has her back. After abandoning Masters and Bolduc, he poured $9 million into Alaska to support Murkowski by funding negative ads targeting Trump-endorsed Republican Kelly Tshibaka. The Alaska GOP, which has also endorsed Tshibaka, condemned McConnell for his meddling in the race.

Donald Trump’s success has exposed the depth of the malignant narcissism amongst GOP officials. We have what appears to be McConnell attempting to mitigate Republican victories. We have Liz Cheney endorsing a Michigan Democrat. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat, endorsed Murkowski in February, and is now financially supporting her campaign. She in turn has endorsed Sarah Palin’s Democrat opponent for Alaska’s at-large House seat.

Every day it we see indications the Republican/Democrat divide in Washington is a charade. The charade covers for a Federal Uniparty focusing on maintaining the status quo in Washington, DC where they help and support each other after dumping average Americans at the side of the road, leaving us to waste away.

It’s never been more obvious that we can only take this country back by voting for candidates who support the country by lifting up the forgotten man and woman. And the only way we are able to do that is because Trump encouraged people to run who love this country first and understand the reformation that must take place.

Every time we see a Republican attempt to thwart the red wave, just remember, it’s their confession that they haven’t worked for us for a long time and now realize they are about to be shown the door. We all deserve better and we are voting accordingly on November 8.