Two hundred fifty years ago this month, on February 9, 1775, the British Parliament declared the Massachusetts Bay Colony to...
Learn why list writing is not only beneficial for sleep – but is essential for successful living! Begin composing your...
Each month of the year is unique in establishing awareness of specific health conditions and in promoting education of their...
President Donald Trump will be sworn in Monday with ambitious goals for his first day in office and first 100 days. The...
Looking back, historians may see 2024 as the year Progressives got routed in America and globally. Doing a 360, the...
Our time is epic, but life is sometimes a cartoon. As if America were wrong, the deranged left cannot drop...
The shocked reaction of liberal “elites” in the media and academia to Donald Trump’s election to a second term presents...
The struggle is real We’ve all been there. You’re introduced to a stranger at a party. A few weeks later,...
Are you experiencing loneliness? If so, you’re not alone. Loneliness is a common affliction. Since it occurs so often in...
Temperatures are soaring in many parts of the U.S., thus keeping cool is a necessity. When facing record highs, people...
June is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Department...
Multivitamins are generally presumed safe and beneficial when taken in adequate doses. However, when addressing the question “Are vitamins good...
Retirement-type communities are designed to provide seniors with safe escapes, meaning protected places to live well and enjoy activities. However,...
Wisdom. Listening to what I did not want to hear, I stopped today and watched my parakeet chatter. He was...
My dogs feel midwinter doldrums, like humans. Such is life. Being their kindly government, having taxed them to bark, I...
Make your place shine The way we decorate our home reflects our personalities. Bright and bubbly people tend to gravitate...
It’s likely that you’ve heard the old English proverb, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It means that...
January produces awareness & prevention: January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month – working to address and end this inhumane...
And, also, is it truth or myth that chicken soup can heal illnesses? Read on to learn these answers. Tasty...
It's easy to be distracted by the news of previously sealed lawsuit documents being released to the public involving the...
By - Dr. Mark P. Mostert, National Center for Public Policy Research Corporations, including airlines, exist to make a profit...
AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus This year’s Hanukkah celebration, which concludes at nightfall on Friday, has been unlike any...
Trust matters. What if I told you nine qualities matter more to voters than the economy, border, immigration, crime, national...
"Ultimately," contends Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), the next Israeli government "is going to have to put us back on a...
Without humor, where would we be? Life is a grand tragedy, or survivable comedy, or a touch of both, as...
Moving to retire is a popular trend. Per a study from Hire A Helper, more than 234,000 Americans moved to...
A good question… Many people have heard the term “brain fog” used in the English language. They may wonder, “What...
The brain is generally an adaptable organ. Per Cleveland Clinic, essentially the more you learn, the more the brain can...
Due to prevalence of the syndrome amongst the mature population, the question begs, “Is losing things a sign of dementia?”...
AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel Art is the artillery in the culture war. In the struggle for what...
People who experience slight bouts of forgetfulness may wonder if there are ways to improve memory. They may curiously question,...
Dementia is the name given to a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions. Symptoms...
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would surely be telling stories, helping us recall our roots, identity, aspirations, and...
Innocent until proven guilty. That's a fundamental right in America, at least until now. Anti-Trump groups determined to disqualify the...
Terrorism is a hard topic to discuss – because people differ on what it is, where it comes from, and...
Wow, it’s common! Disorganization around the house is commonplace. The term relates to a state of messiness or an inability...
By – RNC National Committeewoman Shelly Gibson Sometimes, the world reminds you how fragile life really is. For those of...
Back pain is a common complaint of older Americans. Per Health Policy Institute, nearly 65 million American report a recent...
Sometimes, you have to step back from the news, give it a long look from a good distance, and ask...
Americans must not surrender to the new normal of squalor and urban chaos -- of tent encampments, public defecation, panhandling...
Folks need to stop focusing on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Instead, it’s more practical to zero in on keeping...
Most people enjoy consuming fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy human diet. Lucky for us, they taste great...
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream....
The beauty world is buzzing about collagen. Influencers are pushing its use via social media platforms, mainly promoting the supplement’s...
Doubters may scoff at the idea of preplanning for emergencies, believing it to be an overreaction to potential situations that...
Embracing health and wellness are top priorities for many, especially for senior citizens who seek the benefits of longevity and...
Without a doubt, the human language is quite challenging yet essential. Not only does language allow people to communicate and...
Recently, National Teenager Day was recognized and while we did have news stories about educational successes, the bright future of...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott Combatting climate change alarmism might not just be about pushing back on bad science...
The number of people working from home increased during the global pandemic. In some industries, such as technology solutions, ecommerce,...
There are lots of reasons why people sell homes, perhaps moving for work or retiring to a new region. Unfortunately,...
Nothing like a blast of arctic air to remind us what matters most, survival if you can and your fellow...
There are very few things conservatives, liberals and leftists agree on. But if they are irreligious, they all agree that...
Our government seeks more and more control. Our government is not competent. These two statements are both true, and together...
WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 7 -- They call themselves the World Economic Forum and they gather in the swanky environs of...
When we speak politically, we risk criticism – yet we may save the Republic. When we question elected officials, public...
Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) It made a lot of news when the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee...
AMAC Exclusive - By David P. Deavel Say what you will about Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman, but he’s...
AMAC Exclusive - By Ben Solis Last week, the Biden administration announced that the U.S. would be lifting a number...
History is like that dusty chest you dug through as a kid, filled with forgotten lessons. Right now, our world...
WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 10 – There’s plenty of bad news when it comes to the COVID pandemic and that, in...
The Biden White House is hemorrhaging people, so is the entire Administration. This is not entirely unforeseeable, but small leaks...
Imagine, after years of amnesia, a hypothetical American awakes. He would be as mystified as a time traveler, unclear why...
It ought to be possible to operate a retail store in one of America’s largest and most iconic cities, but this...
Why is there no imagination and humor today – in modern America? Where is our inner Mark Twain? Why do...
WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 5 -- In the 20th Century, men and women feared that they might develop heart disease or...
Multitalented comedian and actor George Burns had the gift of making people laugh. Unlike most modern-day comedians, he was one...
An AMAC member whose pen name is Michael P. Healey has written in his book “Trump for the People –...
We all have moments when we feel helpless. Sometimes we allow these moments to mount into years. That is unfortunate,...
Scientific studies suggest that classical music can calm people by decreasing their heart rates, reducing nervousness, and lowering levels of...
Originally appeared in The Federalist In recent weeks, the media has been chock full of stories about Democrats’ angst over...
Let’s take a look at yellow, a welcoming spring and summer color found in everything from bees and daffodils to...
Last week, a bill to fundamentally change America’s election system narrowly passed the Democratic-controlled House by a 220-210 vote. Sponsors...
“This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing” This legislation –791 pages – is a monstrous federal takeover of elections...
[caption id="attachment_273318" align="alignleft" width="482"] MedalCeremony_1_011520[/caption] AMAC joins numerous conservative organizations to oppose H.R. 1 and S. 1 that would, among...
More than 10,000 people confirmed or suspected dead have returned their mail-in ballots to vote in Michigan, according to an analysis...
When it comes to COVID-19, people of a “certain age” are at increased risk for severe illness associated with the...
The following is an open letter to the American people from 68 leaders participating in the Health Policy Consensus Group. The full...
We live in an age of admiring problems, by which I mean fretting and fixating, letting fear grab and shake...
The world is stressed, but some things are constant. In moments of stress, wisdom – and relief – can wash...
Democrats intend to save “democracy” by putting themselves in charge of elections. As absurd as that sounds, it really is...