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What Do the Epstein Documents Really Expose?

Posted on Friday, January 5, 2024
by Tammy Bruce
Jeffrey Epstein Bachelor of the Month Vanity Fair Magazine Image

It’s easy to be distracted by the news of previously sealed lawsuit documents being released to the public involving the late and notorious Jeffrey Epstein.

Over a period of several days, documents relating to alleged victim, Virginia Guiffre’s lawsuit against Epstein paramour and now-convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell have been unsealed. Convicted in 2022 and sentenced to 20 years in prison, Maxwell continues to assert her innocence and is appealing her conviction.

The media headlines about the court documents are gossipy, salacious, and so far not surprising. It certainly has not been “a list of Epstein clients,” a description that many in the media shouted in their headlines. Instead, it was a collection of well-known names, throughout multiple depositions and documents, of people who were overheard being mentioned in some fashion by Epstein, or were observed at a dinner, used a plane, attended a meeting, or visited a residence.

Some, including actors Cate Blanchett, Leo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis, and Cameron Diaz, were noted in the context of their names being mentioned by Epstein during a phone call. Neither victim met them, nor are any of the individuals accused of wrongdoing. Epstein relied on networking, name-dropping, and manipulation. He used his influence in international business, money management, and his at least $500 million dollar fortune to create his own personal depraved galaxy. He was the sun around which many revolved. This is the story—that Epstein and this rarified world are part of the supposed class of experts, geniuses, leaders, and visionaries was not an outlier but an example of an informal club upon which our society relies.

The Epstein and Maxwell debacle is also as old as time: Who do we become when we can do whatever we want?

Fortunately for the majority, we’re decent people who have a set of values informing our choices and behavior. Yet, our problem as a society and as a country is we have a genuinely two-tiered system in our country where some people revel in not being held to account at all while others bear the brunt of a justice system that is increasingly weaponized against regular Americans.

The rich and powerful getting away with horrible deeds isn’t a new story. But as we live in an age where information can be shared quickly and widely, the club has adapted and continues to do its best to protect its own. Sometimes, they trip and fall—like with Epstein and Maxwell—and the previously protected have to be thrown into the volcano (or hang themselves in jail).

The Kennedy family provides a litany of getting away with almost anything, with an example from 1969 provided by U.S. Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy. Kennedy drove off a bridge, crashing into a tidal pond with Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28-year-old who had worked on Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign. He escaped with his life, left the scene, and only called the police the next morning, who were then tasked with recovering Kopechne’s body from the submerged car. There were no criminal consequences, and Kennedy would serve in the Senate for 30 more years.

In 2017, as journalist Ronan Farrow was drilling down into the Harvey Weinstein sex trafficking/rapist allegations, there were efforts to stop him at almost every turn. Farrow recounts in his book on the matter that one effort was allegedly made by an aide to Hillary Clinton who attempted to pressure him into dropping his investigation. Weinstein was not just a film producer and now-convicted rapist, he also was a major Democratic donor with deep ties to Hillary Clinton and the Obamas. And then, of course, there is the Hunter Biden protection racket. We still do not know the extent to which our government was involved, but only after unrelenting investigative reporting from outlets like the New York Post did we uncover a massive effort to cover up and protect Hunter Biden.

Just this week, the Daily Mail and multiple other outlets reported that a prosecutor on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team, who is going after Donald Trump, had recommended in 2016 that the FBI stop investigations into the Clinton Foundation.

And speaking of the forever-protected Clintons, part of the newly released Epstein court documents include an allegation from Guiffre about Bill Clinton that is raising eyebrows. “A victim of Jeffrey Epstein once claimed that former President Bill Clinton tried to dissuade Vanity Fair from writing ‘sex-trafficking’ articles about the perverted financier, according to an email contained in a cache of newly released court documents,” according to the Daily Beast. Additional reports indicate staffers from Vanity Fair deny the allegation.

This entire sordid episode, and so many others, has pulled back the curtain on the extent of this establishment protection racket, and Americans don’t like it. When justice is thwarted to protect the anointed and powerful, the other side of that coin easily turns into a weapon to destroy those who do not pay allegiance.

For Maxwell to be convicted of sex trafficking, there had to be clients to whom the victims were trafficked. Epstein and Maxwell are the latest examples of how the protection racket can be overcome. And while the newly unsealed court documents remind us of the nature of the sordid lives and attitudes of our supposed betters, genuinely equal justice under the law is the least we deserve.

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1 year ago

trafficking children any involvement should be death penalty for all…

Dennis Stanley
Dennis Stanley
1 year ago

Although there will probably be more mysterious deaths, this needs to be fully investigated and the truth exposed. Our country is dying because of government corruption, and this is an example of low morals exhibited by the affluent and some government officials.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Without the clients there would be no business Clients to the press are a protected species That tells us who they were Untouchables of different caliber than Hollywood celebs

1 year ago

This article does a good job revealing examples of the unjust justice system that has been in place for years. went good man standby and do nothing evil flourishes.

1 year ago

This has “shades” of John Wayne Gacy and Dean Coril all over it. If you can, watch the 2021 documentary “The Clown and the Candyman”, or listen to the podcast; it is very disturbing, though. In the documentary, mention is made of the file cards in boxes (this is in the days before the internet) with “clients” who were looking for young boys to have sex with. The retired detective(s) said you would know many of the famous names, i.e. the “clients’ on the cards, people who were looking for young men to hook-up with. Those file card boxes have either been destroyed or authorities will not turn them over- so much for FOIA. Who has the ability to make such things happen? Hm? Politicians, judges, corrupt high ranking police officials. Things just “disappear” from the evidence room. Interesting how that works, isn’t it. Politics and law enforcement is a shi**y business.
Granted, Epstein has not been accused of murdering anyone, but once again we see the rich and powerful, who were engaged in illegal sex activity with minors, being protected by corrupt law enforcement and other government figures. Those in high places, with much to lose, will make every effort to stop the release of a “client” list, which is more damning than a flight manifest. Did everyone on “the jet” and that visited “the island” engage in illegal activities with minors? Did everyone who “rubbed elbows” with Epstein engage in these illegal activities? I don’t know, but probably not. But those that did, thought that what took place on the island, would “stay” on the island. Oh, what goes on behind closed doors.
When I attended a law enforcement academy, many years ago, some of our training concerned the sort of thing you are hearing about now: The rich, the powerful and the politically connected involved in sex crimes with children. And here, years later, we see it coming to light- again. Not that the everyday man or woman cannot be involved in this sort of thing, they are, but they cannot cover it up when caught. They cannot make it “go away”.
I agree with Tim Burchett, Representative from Tennessee, expose it all. As an aside: expose the “UFO” stuff and JFK assassination files. All of it!
Those on the Left, who have the homoerotic obsession with Donald Trump, will attempt to make this all about him. Oh, how they try. But I suspect ( and I may be wrong ) this will involve many more with Left ideologies.
So it goes.

1 year ago

Why does our government try to swim in the same polluted pond that Bad people are in? If you swim in it you are part of it. Why don’t we dry out the polluted pond forever!!!

Wanda Hewitt
Wanda Hewitt
1 year ago

So much respect for how Tammy thinks, keep on keeping us informed so we can make good choices.

1 year ago

Continuing to pray all darkness turn to light. Been praying for a few yrs and crazy how much depravity continues to be outed

1 year ago

Gee ???? what a surprise the ruling class elites make laws we the dregs, dummies and oops ???? almost forgot DEPLORABLES are to follow but not them , ???? WOW

1 year ago

Yep, that’s why President Trump banned him from Mar a lago. His veeerrrry good friend. Go away troll.

1 year ago

Protection racket does thwart justice.
I read that one name was not released because of a BIG payment.
AND our precious classified documents: our government has too many secrets. Put the facts out.
Some of the secrets Hillary keeps (or destroyed) probably show how the location of our ambassador to Libya was discovered by the marauders. The wrong people could find out and her careless messaging then needed “protecting.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

51 current and former intelligence officials swear it “sounds like Russian disinformation” that Clinton traveled to Pedophile Island 50X because of the lovely weather but didn’t have sex with anyone underaged.

1 year ago

There are two basic ways of life. God’s way, the way of give and satan’s way, the way of get.

1 year ago

Not for very long. Being acquainted is not a friendship.

1 year ago

Unbelievably disgusting racket…those involved with Epstein are as disturbed as he and his sick behavior. Rubbing noses with some well-known people like Epstein got some in an unwelcome trap, participating or not! Do not hang out with human garbage, no matter what they may be worth financially!

1 year ago

I would like to know about the kids who were trafficked. How long were they on the island? Weren’t there any missing persons reports for any of them? How are they doing now?

1 year ago

Hey KTZ. Trump said over and over…and told the FBI investigating the story, they were friends and then Epstein pissed him off with some behavior and then they were not. He cooperated with them completely during the investigation. So just keep looking.

1 year ago

I have no trust for our government and all the obvious deceit that goes on day after day. Power corrupts. We all take it for granted that our politicians have our best interests at heart. Corrupt officials will lie in order to remain in power and they are willing to destroy anyone who would challenge the status quo, for instance Trump. If not Trump, than anyone else like him that would mess things up. Time to vote those in Washington that have been there too long. We deserve better.

1 year ago

No, they weren’t.

1 year ago

No, they weren’t.

1 year ago

You trolls know that by repeating lies several times, makes Dumb-ocrats believe it. Billy boy was on the Loleta Express to the Island over twenty times, but The Donald (Jefferys close friend according to you) never was.

1 year ago

They were Real Estate associates. Photos taken at Real Estate parties.President Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago when he discovered Epstein asking for sexual favors from a minor employee at Mar-a-Lago.The list released a couple days ago was a list of ppl testifying at a court hearing against Bill Clinton by Virginia G. Pres. Trump is listed in these court hearings. DJT was mentioned 7 times. Same question was asked: Virginia’s answer was Mr. Trump never asked me for sexual favors nor did I give him a massage.

1 year ago

As long as Americans are well fed(welfare system) and fat, there will be no incentive for change. Hunger is a driver for work and change.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

Unfortunately, it exposes the poor mindset of most Americans, who would rather talk about ‘people’ than good ideas, the truth, history, honesty, good health, bad food choices…….
Sorry, this would be a LOOOOONG list.

1 year ago

We pray for justice for the many victims and healing for their ruined lives because of this most wicked, lascivious evil spirit the wicked people embrace, God sees and never forgets, they have no clue what is coming judgement for them if they remain unrepentant, forever us a very long time to burn in the hottest hell,

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago


1 year ago

sorry to hear about SLICK WILLLY CLINTON….not.

Ed Ross
Ed Ross
1 year ago

Some on the list have been suspected traffickers for years. I am glad to see them finally exposed for the assholes that they are. Heads need to roll.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Hillary was Bill’s fluffer on Pedo Island…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Just like every Democrat was friends with him, Matt Lauer, Weinstein, John Wayne Gacy,…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Eostein welcomed Bill Clinton there 50X. But I’m sure Bill never had sex with anyone there, right? Anyone who says so “lies”, huh?

1 year ago


1 year ago

The hell they were!! As soon as Trump found out what Epstein was about, he immediately distanced himself from him — and barred Epstein from ever going to Mar Lago. Trump is a very ethical man and would never befriend a moron like Epstein.

1 year ago

my cocaine is out and my diaper is full. Someone change me

1 year ago

This is all a bunch of horse hockey. No one forced these “victims” at gunpoint to get on a jet with a free ticket, fly to a Caribbean island using multiple flights, party with men, eat, drink and have sex, fly back home to mom and dad and return to do it all over again … MULTIPLE TIMES!!! It’s all about the money. Ghislaine is a party girl who never forced anyone to do anything that they didn’t already want to do. Why else would these “victims” return again and again to be “exploited?” Bull!!

Concerned Republican
Concerned Republican
1 year ago

AMAC shows bias in fa or if “the annointed one”, former president Donald Trump. This isn’t the first time his name has been involved in sexual corruption. Keep in mind that not all AMAC supporters want him to be reelected. Time to drain the immoral DC elitist swamp.

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