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More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows

Posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2020
by Outside Contributor

ballotsMore than 10,000 people confirmed or suspected dead have returned their mail-in ballots to vote in Michigan, according to an analysis of the state’s election data.

About 9,500 voters confirmed dead through the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the state’s mail voting database as having returned ballots. Another nearly 2,000 are 100 years old or more and aren’t listed as known living centenarians.

The analysis was provided by Richard Baris, director of Big Data Poll.

The data indicates that somebody else was trying to vote on behalf of these people.

“It’s also entirely possible that some of them aren’t even real people,” Baris told The Epoch Times via email. “If someone is 110 or some ridiculous age, we should have their death record but do not.”

Americans older than 110 are exceedingly rare; only a handful of such seniors are known to live in Michigan.

According to the 2010 Census, there were 1,729 centenarians in Michigan (pdf).

Even if somebody tried to vote on behalf of a deceased person, the vote would be rejected, according to Tracy Wimmer, spokeswoman for the Michigan secretary of state.

“Ballots of voters who have died are rejected in Michigan, even if the voter cast an absentee ballot and then died before Election Day,” she previously told The Epoch Times via email.

However, Baris isn’t convinced.

“While I’m open to the idea some of these have been rejected, I’m not open to any outright dismissal they all were rejected,” he said in a Nov. 8 tweet.

The data on how many ballots were rejected isn’t available yet, Wimmer said.

She said that “a ballot received for a living voter may be recorded in a way that makes it appear as if the voter is dead.”

“This can be because of voters with similar names, where the ballot is accidentally recorded as voted by John Smith Sr., when it was actually voted by John Smith Jr., or because of inaccurately recorded birth dates in the qualified voter file.”

This only happens “on rare occasions,” she said.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads in Michigan by less than 150,000 votes. The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Michigan to halt vote counting until Republican observers are granted adequate access. The GOP-led Michigan legislature is investigating allegations of election irregularities in the state.

In a Nov. 9 lawsuit, a Detroit poll watcher alleged thousands of mail-in ballots from people who weren’t properly registered to vote were added to vote counts.

Poll operators were adding names and addresses to the poll book with made-up birth dates, such as 1/1/1900, he said in a sworn affidavit.

Baris said the mail voting data he worked from likely isn’t up to date enough to capture any irregularities that happened Election Day and after.

“If they did that on Election Day in Michigan, then we likely wouldn’t know until December,” he said. “If it is true, then they’d, unfortunately, get away with it in the short-term.”

President Donald Trump is challenging the results of the elections in several states where Biden holds a tight lead. The Trump campaign is alleging invalid ballots were counted for Democrats, valid ballots were thrown away for Republicans, and Republican ballot watchers were prevented from meaningfully observing the vote-counting process.

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3 years ago

The old line, “If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear” comes to mind. If there is any resistance to examining these thousands of questionable votes, then that process is immediately suspect.

The stock market (Dow Jones) jumped over 1,000 points on the recent news about Pfizer’s promising treatment for Covid-19. I wonder if Pfizer had this news on November 1st or 2nd, and what effect this would have had on the election results. More chicanery to remove President Trump from the White House. Shameful!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Well, it did work for Mayor Daley during the 1960 election.
The mayor was a master at resurrecting the dead.
The Dems remember.

John c
John c
3 years ago

If you are not sure your vote counted, you should verify your ballot through your local election office. For example in Oregon you can go to the Secretary of State’s website. It is becoming more evident that voting laws need to be updated to both ensure voting is easily accessible for legitimate voters and that votes are valid. I saw on the PA website that absentee votes would be counted if they arrived at the elections office by the Friday after the election as long as they were postmarked by election day. That is ridiculous. People have known about the election for weeks and months and their ballots need to be there no later than election day to be counted. Otherwise, the system is subject to partisans who are standing by with ballot dumps at the last minute if they think the vote will be too close.

Denise Steil
Denise Steil
3 years ago

I am so disappointed and discussed in what I have seen from the media and the left this last ten years. Now we must stop this and make all involved with the voter fraud pay with prison time, this is very serious and cannot be taken lightly.

3 years ago

The more reason to have a voter ID, regardless of how many names are similar as in my case.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Clear dead persons from registers, Nationwide
Need Uniform NationalElection codes or face same for 2022.
Modernize elections
Need reforms & ideas

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
3 years ago

At least they believe that the dead shall rise first! ?? 1Thessalonians 5:15

Ernest Cuellar
Ernest Cuellar
3 years ago

This practice of the Democrat Party has to stopped. All participants arrested, charged, trial & jailed

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
3 years ago

We must not stop investigating. I remember Hillary saying, Biden should not concede, if we hold on , he will win. The fix was in and is in now. This is disgusting. Power hungry Devious Democrats who only care about control.

3 years ago

If there is any question at all, the election should be deemed invalid and everyone should have to vote again, in person, with a photo id, legal voter registration card and the ones working the polls should be monitored at all times and recorded. Here is some information I’ve learned about over the past week:
**From the Trump Campaign Grassroot calls – To report voter fraud or anything suspicious – Call 1-888-630-1776 – Hotline to report voter fraud, relay reports of abuse and fraud. 
**Last night, on Lou Dobbs, Rudy G. shared the following website ( to also report fraud, to review the updates and any other information.
**On the website noted above, click on “Take Action” and you will be led to a way of sending any email (it is pre-written) to all of the swing states to demand an audit in their areas.

Today, I saw a news article stating the Truck Drivers are going on strike on November 29th, as their way of not accepting this election, in favor of President Trump.

Please continue to Pray for President Trump, the final outcome and for this country!! I feel certain the truth will prevail and President Trump will be back in office for his second term in January, 2021!!

Wendy Hetrick
Wendy Hetrick
3 years ago

this is too much!!! We definitely need recounts in all the close states!!

3 years ago

Surely, no one is surprised at this. I’d say 10k is quite low compared to the actual ‘Dead’ vote. What I find amazing is that it appears all dead people are democrats!

Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson
3 years ago

This is just as we expected…Democraps cheating, lying, stealing from the American People as usual…This entire election must be voided and a re-do election held by early January…..this is unconscionable and all the recounting won’t fix it, it’s just too deep. It wouldn’t be any strain on us to go back and vote….I’d welcome it…..GOD BLESS AMERICA, AGAIN, PLEASE, AND GOD BLESS MR TRUMP !!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Sleepy Joe said in the first debate–” I will wait till the election is validated “–ANOTHER LIE!!

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Yup, voters who are dead just seem to be coming out of the woodwork! And, wonder of wonders, every single one of them voted for Biden! Imagine that! Are we to believe that all those older cadavers, uh, I mean people, climbed out of their graves, registered to vote, and then voted strictly for Joe Biden… huuuuuummmmmmm… Makes you wonder…

Judith E Lambert
Judith E Lambert
3 years ago

First and for most. The more you give a socialist the more they want : hence a nightmare: VOTING in a corrupt general election . The Swamp is bigger than the US and we let it happen.—The Election was predictable….. 1. Mail in Ballot ONLY…… 2. What is wrong with the “purple finger”. God Bless America !!!!!

3 years ago

Come on Man !! Are you really surprised . Dead people , people mailing in and then on the boob tube standing in line saying I wasn’t sure if my ballot got in so I am voting today . Here is another big surprise !! The Free Press for almost a year pushing the Whaun virus fear factor . 200,000 dead old people . Uncle Joe leading in polls since day one . Amazingly at three am a surge of mail in ballots God knows from where ?? All for Uncle Joe . That America is the elephant in the room .

Carla Anderson
Carla Anderson
3 years ago

There is a way to fix this problem…..when you die, SS and the IRS are immediately notified. Why doesn’t that include the DMV and Voter Registration????? I received ballots for people who used to live in the apartment I live in here in Nevada, plus I received one for my deceased step mother, who died 3 years ago, who also resided in Nevada. I worked the Polls in AZ, during the Obama nightmare, and the ONLY way we knew of anyone passing was to get notification from a family member or friend who noticed that someone they knew was on the list to vote. I also witnessed voter fraud with people, so until there is a better system put in place, LIKE GOING BACK TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE WHERE EVERYONE HAD TO SHOW AN ID AND VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY!!!!!!! The only exception would be to the military and such folks that wouldn’t be able to get out of their home to vote!!!!! Why is something so simple ignored????? BECAUSE it doesn’t give the democrats a chance to steal votes and commit voter fraud!!!!!

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

TRUMP 2020!! I don’t care what the (@#$%$##@@#) media says. The old saying “Honesty is the best policy” should apply here!!

3 years ago

If those that have the power to fix this for the current election and the future elections, don’t fix it America is gone and our freedoms lost. You with the power fix this or the American’s will go to the streets and take our country back!

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

How about we save a lot of time and trouble and just declare the democrat party a domestic terrorist organization?

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

This is disgusting and needs to be prosecuted!

3 years ago

How will anyone know how many Republican votes were tossed not only in Michigan but in other contested states? No one was able to watch the wrongdoings.

3 years ago

My mind is overwhelmed by what is happening with the election. The technology is available to chip “we the people,” and watch every move we make, and they can’t keep up with voter ballots? Boggles the mind. The last time I checked fraud was a crime. Those who participated in this, need to be tried, and jailed. Dear Jesus help us.

3 years ago

If our FBI is supposed to be the best law enforcement in the world you can’t tell me they can’t find out who is behind this election fraud, where it originated and how it was orchestrated. Christopher Wray is in all of this corruption up to his eyeballs!. I am so disappointed and disgusted with our justice department that I feel Bill Barr is not going to get the job done of draining his Section of the Swamp. I hope president Trump prevails and Sydney Powell can get in there and clean house!

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


Donna Van Fossen
Donna Van Fossen
3 years ago

The Vatican is starting the process of sainthood for Joe Biden for his miracle of raising a million people from the dead on election day!

3 years ago

We need to go back to absentee by request and in person. Valid ID required. No exceptions.

G. Williams
G. Williams
3 years ago

I’d be curious to know how many people mailed in ballots to more than one state.

3 years ago

My thoughts are all states should follow the same rules.

  1. only absentee ballots that are requested can be counted if received on election day, or live votes only.
  2. all voter records must be purged of dead people, and people who have left the non-residents.
  3. All poll counters must be divided 50/50 Repub. Dem. to keep both sides honest.
  4. There needs to be a limit put on how much money can be donated to a candidate from outside the state they live in. Just some ideas I want to throw out there.
Dino Deplorable"chump"
Dino Deplorable"chump"
3 years ago

And that is only the tip of the dense oc RAT iceberg.Those people are totally evil and vindictive.

3 years ago

How can we the people/electors continue on voting every election year if we can’t trust the election results? So maybe to avoid all these corrupt and unreliable election votes, why can’t we endorse an election just primarily for the President and Vice President alone for that year to avoid chaos and corruption of any sort? I know for sure its expensive but at least we are concentrating on electing a president/vice-president which is the highest position in our country.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Anyone who thinks that all ballots are verified if not cast in person is a fool. Voting “irregularities” have been growing for decades and I expected more illegitimate ballots to be cast in this election than ever in our history. All of the new procedures like mail-in voting and ballot harvesting lend themselves to increased levels of fraud and should be outlawed. If any ballot cannot be proven to be cast by the actual registered voter it should be rejected, but they won’t be in part because that verification is often impossible and those benefiting from the fraud oppose rejecting them. Some dishonest people claim we cannot prove fraud, even though it is obvious, only because it cannot be accurately quantified. I am not saying this election was stolen by fraud, but the fact it is questionable is bad enough. I argue that if we cannot insure fair, honest, accurate election results based on ballots cast by legal, registered voters that we are no better than a third-world nation and our democracy is doomed. We, America, MUST be better than this! Election integrity is crucial!

3 years ago

Only 10,000? I think far more than that! Far more…

El Ey
El Ey
3 years ago

Please donate to Trump’s fight for ballot-recount and lawsuits. A $10, $15, $20, or whatever you can sacrifice will be for a good cause. I’m retired but I have donated whatever amount I can to our movement. We need to fight this election injustice. If the democrats get away with this, this will be the end of our democracy and beginning of socialism.
And don’t forget to pray.
Always remember that God is on our side.

heil biden
heil biden
3 years ago

joe kamala nancy chuck jerry and adam not to forget the main stream media would like to welcome you toTHE NEW AND IMPROVED THIRD REICH, if not stoped there will never be another real election in usa again

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

It just boggles my mind how dead people are able to vote!! Surely there is something that can be done about this!!!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

Not just the presidentual election, how many house and senate races were stolen in the same way? We need a COMPLETE recount of EVERY vote at all levels of government, socialist/dems have been stealing elections for DECADES, gives us HONEST elections or give us civil war, this corruption MUST end NOW!!

Kristine Wright
Kristine Wright
3 years ago

Our President asked every registered voter to mail him a letter demanding an audit of all ballots and voting machines in all 50 states for 2020 election. Mail to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500. He requested this through Newsmax. Please do this and pass this message around.

Keith S.
Keith S.
3 years ago

The Democrat Party is hemorrhaging black and Hispanic voters who are finally realizing they are simply being used as cannon fodder for the socialist elites. The DNC is a desperate cornered rat and will do anything without hesitation to chew their way out and survive. They are dangerous people inside the gates of any freedom loving institution and nation…..

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
3 years ago

Think that to preclude this in the future, voters need to start with their municipal administration and city council to cleanup and purge current voter roles. This is where the issue starts.

Next, demand state legislators review election laws, forbid mail in ballots (other than absentee), and review the use of the Dominion Voting System if their stater users it.

Start at the local and state level and if there is no cooperation put into local and state offices people who will support rules for fair and transparent elections.

3 years ago

what a joke! and on a lighter note – please don’t get offended, but i’m sure the family of their deceased loved ones would surely have loved to see them.

3 years ago

How low can they go?
Do these liars sleep at night.
All so very sad.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

What aleging? They have signed statements from eyewitnesses, they have proof that dead people have voted, they have proof the machines they used were counting ALL votes for chinajoe and cameltoe even votes from REPUBLICANS, THEY HAVE EVIDENCE but as usual the corrupt socialist controlled msm including foxnews is NOT reporting the truth, all they care about is thier grossly overpaid jobs.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Gee whiz! I don’t think Comrade Biden and Commissar Harris have any problems with the current voting (of course!). After all, look at all the criminal activities of the Demsheviks and Swamp Denizens against President Trump, conservative and religious groups since before the 2016 election and continuing essentially unabated down to the present day.

Given the depth of the Marxist Socialist ideologies seared into the minds of the amoral/immoral Left, does anyone really expect anything to change? This election will go down in history as a “truly stolen election” but only for a short while until the Demsheviks wave their magic wand and put forth their “revisionist history” of the event.  The Comrade Biden and Commissar Harris mob will self-adulate and self-promote themselves by placing self-administered kissing hickies up and down the inside of their arms and self-administered contusions on the back-side of their shoulders resulting from vigorously patting themselves on their own backs as they declare the “Mandate of the Century” for their election victory. Unfortunately, we know that the net effect of a Comrade Biden and Commissar Harris administration will be the destruction of our nation. We are truly faced with a situation in our nation for the first time where the “Inmates Will Be Running The Asylum!”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

State and/or Federal Courts can invalidate for equal treatment and/or send back for revision what a State Legislature has done but they CANNOT implement/decree how the processes may/can be done!!!  Election results have been changed in at least 5 States by “Mail-In Ballots”.  If the US Supreme Court upholds our Constitution, none of such “Mail-In Ballots” are legal/valid!!!  The DemocRats/Communists hope Americans will remain silent!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Trump Republicans have TRULY become the only Americans left!!!  Anyone voting DemocRat must, by fact and logic, have been brainwashed and, therefore, not competent to vote!!!  We must be ready to “Take-up Arms and FIGHT!!”  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The Communists (DemocRats, Media, Entertainment, Education, etc.) industries have finally met a Nation whose Constitution STANDS-UP against their “dirty tricks”!!  Now, if our Supreme Court (thank Our Lord for the newest Supreme Court Judge) and true Americans STAND-UP, the United States of America will not become the United Soviet States of America!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The DemocRats/Communists try to defame people by calling them NAZI’s.  NAZI is a German acronym for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party!  Americans have been brainwashed to believe that NAZI’s means extreme Racists and “right-wing” Authoritarians!  In fact, NAZI is the German form of Socialism!  It is a lie to call it “right-wing, as defined in most dictionaries.  It was, in fact, a “left wing” authoritarian group, exactly the same as the DemocRats of today!!!  The DemocRats of today, just as the NAZI’s, have also become Racist, condemning all white people (and anyone else) who will not join their “Cause”!!!  Become 

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In the 1930’s, Adolph Hitler: “Heute Deutschland, Morgen die Welt!” (Today Germany, tomorrow the World)!!  Today, Chuck Schumer in the same year he threatened OUR Supreme Court: “Today Georgia, next we change the World!”  The Leaders of Socialism never cease to be corrupted by its EVILS!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

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