In my home state of Colorado, there are more than 332,000 Veterans (according to the U.S. Census Bureau), yet less...
Two great options to keep your information secure I’m matter-of-fact when it comes to decisions. I prefer no more than...
Once upon a time, there was no mystery about Social Security’s full retirement age – everyone received their full benefit...
As a Veteran, do you ever wish you could learn more about the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the...
If you have health insurance, you might assume it includes vision benefits—but that’s not always the case. Learn more about...
Cabbage is a healthy food. While it has a stronger taste and texture as compared to regular lettuce, it offers...
Congress just passed a law that will give me (and millions of people like me) extra Social Security benefits that...
Enjoying a delicious bowl of vegetable soup is a magical experience. Chock full of rich flavor and healthy ingredients, it’s...
Learn why NOW is time to act Give yourself the gift of tax organization Tax season is the time of...
Social Security Myths are Pervasive In my efforts to explain Social Security to those who ask questions, it is often...
WASHINGTON DC, Oct 4 -- After 14 years of service, Rep. Jeff Duncan [R-SC] is retiring. As he put it, “at some point...
Why getting your home organized matters! Why bother? There are many people who derive immense benefits from organizing and tidying...
Social Security, combined with your 401(k) and IRA savings, can help you retire comfortably. Social Security was never meant to...
There are some big changes affecting all Medicare beneficiaries this upcoming year. Here’s a summary of important points you need...
There is a wide array of financial investments available, each typically employing a strategic approach aimed at growing your wealth...
There is a famous story about Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman walking down the street with a friend. The friend...
Just before last Christmas, Martin O’Malley was sworn in as Commissioner of Social Security. His term will run through January...
Social Security was established to give economic security to the elderly. The Social Security Bill was signed into law on...
Among Social Security’s myriad regulations, few topics are more misunderstood than spouse benefits. Terminology is important here – “spouse benefits”...
Social Security weighs on the minds of many people, from folks experiencing retirement to those in the initial stages of...
Social Security is a social insurance program that consists of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. It is funded by the...
AMAC investigates misleading Medicare TV commercials: When you’re inundated with TV commercials claiming to offer free dental care and money...
AMAC Magazine Exclusive - Vol. 17 Issue 5- SEP/OCT '23 Read the full digital version of the AMAC Magazine issue...
Retired seniors benefit from free time Many people who work full time and are raising families find it challenging to...
The game of chess originated in India around the 6th century AD. However, chess, as we know it today, wasn’t...
Did you grow up playing checkers with your friends? Historians say the first game of checkers was played around 3,000...
President Joe Biden has repeatedly tried to distract Americans by calling for Republicans to keep their hands off Social Security...
In 2008, former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel famously said what has come to be known as Rahm’s...
Guaranteed life insurance policies are a product created to solve problems for certain groups. Use this guide to decide if...
Keeping Up With Email Scams & Learning About Two Of The Latest by AMAC, D.J. Wilson Scam # 1 –...
The Democratic Party, long known as the party for working people, is now for freeloaders. Democrats want taxpayers to support...
Dear Rusty: Hypothetically, if I plan to sign up for Social Security at 70 and pass away before that, I...
Dear Rusty: I am fast approaching 65 (in August) and plan to continue working full time. I would like to...
Seniors on fixed incomes regularly face money saving challenges. Social Security is a lifeline for most, but those benefits replace...
Dear Rusty: I retired at age 58. My husband and I worked 40 years of employment each. I had a...
Dear Rusty: We were married two years ago at ages 78 and 81. Do we need to do anything with...
Dear Rusty: I will be 62 in 2024 and am considering starting benefits at that time. I will have two...
Dear Rusty: I am considered disabled by State of Washington doctors, but Social Security has turned me down three times...
Embracing health and wellness are top priorities for many, especially for senior citizens who seek the benefits of longevity and...
Dear Rusty: Why can a non-working spouse claim half of their working spouse’s benefit even though they have not contributed...
Dear Rusty: My husband of 48 years died on December 30th, and he received a Social Security direct deposit for...
Dear Rusty: I will be 67 next month and reached my full retirement age in July 2022. My wife and...
Dear Rusty: Politicians are talking about taking money from Social Security, but I need that money to support my daughter...
Dear Rusty: When one becomes a widow/widower, what is the most efficient way to start receiving the deceased's monthly Social...
Dear Rusty: We have hosted international college students for years, all of whom needed to apply for a Social Security...
Dear Rusty: I'm considering filing for my SS at age 64 in February, before my full retirement age of 66...
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a great way to pay for your health expenses. But did you know there...
Dear Rusty: I am 56 and hope to hold out to get maximum Social Security at age 70. However, with...
Dear Rusty: I retired on February 1st of this year (2022). I collect a pension from my employer plus a...
a message from AMACAMAC welcomes all members to join us in this AMAC Magazine Exclusive Christmas Trivia fill-in-the-blank. We strive to...
Dear Rusty: I have a question about the family maximum SS retirement benefit. As I understand it, if the breadwinner...
Dear Rusty: I am 68 years old, born in July 1954. I have the credits necessary to qualify for benefits....
Dear Rusty: I'm 63 and still employed. My husband passed away 7 years ago at the age of 58. Am...
Dear Rusty: I turned 70 in June of this year and want to start receiving Social Security benefits. I am...
Dear Rusty: I am now 80 and my wife is 76, and we both took early Social Security benefits at...
Dear Rusty: I am a military veteran with a total & permanent disability. I was married for over ten years...
Dear Rusty: I will be turning 65 this December and will most likely continue working until July of 2024 at...
Dear Rusty: If I file at age 63 what percentage does my wife receive if I die? Does this percentage...
Dear Rusty: You wrote an article about a man who was collecting spouse benefits but was applying for his own...
Dear Rusty: I will be 70 in January and my wife will be 65 in February, at which time we...
Dear Rusty: I am a 62 year old Canadian holding a green card and I have lived in the US...
Dear Rusty: I am 70 years old and just started receiving my Social Security benefits about 4 months ago and...
Dear Rusty: I am 78, still working, have a good healthcare plan and I make a nice salary. Can I...
Dear Rusty: I am a 77 year old married male. I am retired and started drawing Social Security at age...
Dear Rusty: How much would be withheld from my social security benefits? I am 62 and can claim about $1,900...
By Ian Gargan Following the news of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Dicks Sporting Goods CEO Lauren Hobart posted...
Dear Rusty: I was born in late 1951. When I retired 5 years ago, I was made aware that my...
Dear Rusty: My wife passed away a few days ago and I have three children - ages 15, 11, and...
Dear Rusty: I do not recall the rules on my income tax obligation for Social Security benefits. Can you please...
Dear Rusty: My husband is 65 and I am 55. He has recently been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My...
Dear Rusty: Is it possible for you to go over how the Federal withholding tax is computed on Social Security...
Dear Rusty: I'm 63, married, and we file a joint tax return. If I claim Social Security now and keep...
Dear Rusty: I am 90 and a long-time Social Security recipient - I signed up at age 62, which I...
Dear Rusty: I just turned 64 and now get stuff about Medicare and Medigap and so on. I really don’t...
Dear Rusty: My nephew died suddenly at 50 years of age and left 2 children, ages 17 and 14. He...
Dear Rusty: I am originally from Switzerland. I moved to the States, got married in 2012, and became a US...
Dear Rusty: If we take our Social Security at our full retirement age (66 years and 6 months for both...
Dear Rusty: I’m 60 years of age and wonder if I will have any Social Security retirement benefits. After all,...
Dear Rusty: If I work and take Social Security before my full retirement age, how can I find out how...
Dear Rusty: I am 66 years plus 8 months old, am still working making six figures, and can support myself....
Dear Rusty: I would like some advice concerning Social Security. In January, I will be 62.5 years old. I was...
Dear Rusty: Taxing Social Security benefits isn’t fair. It would benefit everyone if seniors could earn as much as possible without...
Dear Rusty: I have heard that when my wife and I pass, the government keeps all we have paid into...
Dear Rusty: I started Social Security about 2 years ago, and I thought that the monthly benefit amount stated to...
The Biden administration and congressional Democrats designed the largest benefits cliff in US history and then tried to change the subject as over 7...
Washington, DC – In a statement today sent out by the House Committee on Ways and Means Republican offices, AMAC...
We've all seen the signs in national parks and wildlife refuges. They are there for a good reason. If you...
Scientific studies suggest that classical music can calm people by decreasing their heart rates, reducing nervousness, and lowering levels of...
What do welfare programs like food stamps, unemployment compensation, and the Social Security program have in common? The answer is...
Dear Rusty: If I were to apply for my Social Security retirement (I’m 68 on August 1, 2021), when could...
Dear Rusty: I am getting hammered with taxes on my Social Security (SS). I am retired and draw a meager...
Dear Rusty: I was born in 1956 and my wife in 1961. I've got 45 years of SSA earnings, and...
Dear Rusty: I turn 62 next year, and I am getting different answers to my questions, so I hope you...
The recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) spent an estimated $90 billion in subsidizing free health insurance to the...
Dear Rusty: My husband and I were only married 5 years before he passed away from cancer. I am 61...
Regular physical activity is necessary for a healthy body. Mayo Clinic shares that people can improve their muscle strength and...
Did you know... You may have the option of delaying your Medicare Part B? The standard Part B premium is...
WASHINGTON, DC, Jun 4 -- “Getting a good night’s sleep comes highly recommended for the 50-plus population, particularly for the...
Many economists and Republican governors have been fuming for months now about the so-called "Biden bonus" of paying people an...
Dear Rusty: I took early retirement at 20 years from the Louisiana public school system in 1996. Since then, I...
A plethora of bills are routinely introduced in every new Congress, mostly by Democrats, promising higher benefits, whether in the...
A spouse of someone in the military is eligible to receive a variety of benefits designed to protect themselves and...
Dear Rusty: Is it still possible to suspend Social Security benefits for a time? And, if so, how often? Signed:...
Dear Rusty: I will turn 66 this year and am considering claiming my Social Security. I have already applied for...
Millions of parents around the country are struggling to care for school-age children who aren’t yet allowed back into their...
WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 12 – “We’re not giving up on our efforts to eliminate the unfair income tax on Social...
Dear Rusty: I am 73 and receive a pension from my state’s Police and Fire Pension Fund. I took a...
WASHINGTON, DC, July 24 -- AMAC Action is calling for reform of the Windfall Elimination Provision [WEP]. “It does a...
Dear Rusty: Can or does the Social Security Administration occasionally make mistakes in determining the benefits due? I’m now 72...
Dear Rusty: If I have reached full retirement age (FRA) and wish to sell a $500,000 asset, will it affect...
The GAO says those with federal student loans in default may have Social Security benefits withheld WASHINGTON, DC - Millions...
A study in contrasts – is the way veterans are treated in China and the United States, and the way...
Democrats introduced the Equality Act to Congress last week. “The so-called Equality Act undermines fundamental freedoms by mandating a single viewpoint on sexual orientation...