
Newsline , Society

Woke Corporations Choose Abortion Over Maternity Leave

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2022
by Ian Gargan

By Ian Gargan


Following the news of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Dicks Sporting Goods CEO Lauren Hobart posted a statement on her LinkedIn account showing just how much she cares for her employees. She announced that Dicks will provide up to $4,000 in travel expense reimbursement to employees seeking abortion in a state where it is legally available. Former CEO ( and non-aborted son of the company’s founder) Ed Stack, agreed with her decision by sharing Hobart’s post.

This stance has the mainstream media doing nothing short of throwing Dicks and companies with similar stances a parade for their heroism. One would think Dicks is just as passionate about other reproductive health benefits, right? I mean, they must go above and beyond to assure mothers have paid maternity leave. Perhaps they even cover dependent care expenses so mothers can return to work. Well, not exactly. A quick look at Dicks on the employer review website Glassdoor shows the company as having a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars, a fairly solid rating. However, the comments, which are posted anonymously by past and current employees, do not align with the incredible vision of the Dicks founder or their current virtue signaling CEO.

Dicks hiring page on their website states, “We [Dicks Sporting Goods] are FMLA compliant,” which means they do not do anything illegal under the guidelines of the Family Medical Leave Act.  That’s a good start. But the Glassdoor comments indicate otherwise. Employees say they are rushed back to work; “It’s like pulling teeth to get a leave of absence;” “difficult job to have and go on maternity leave.”  Many made mention that the health insurance is “very expensive and poor coverage.”

Dicks’ CEO says, “Our teammates are the heart of our business,” and “we are committed to protecting their health and well-being.”  That may be true, but is Dicks pushing an option because it works better for Dicks? Consider this:  A pregnant employee who carries a child for nine months will see a reduction in production, will need reasonable accommodations at work, and postpartum, upon her return, will have the right to lactation breaks. Under FMLA, lactation breaks ensure the mother has access to a private area where she can feed or breast pump. And no, the new mother cannot use a bathroom stall; it must be a secure area with no cameras or windows. If there are security cameras in the area, they must have the ability to be switched off,  which could require an upgrade in technology. Add to that a parent’s need for time off for sick children, medical appointments, and school functions.

Or the employee can just get an abortion, which will cost Dicks about $4000. Dicks is making a choice to support the bottom line more so than their employees. The payoff for Dicks is less time off for the mother and expenses that are a drop in the bucket as compared to paid parental leave.

It is also interesting to note that the abortion “benefit” is only available to employees who are currently enrolled in Dicks’ health insurance, which immediately precludes part-time employees. It is now common for large companies to control expenses  by keeping employees under the average of 32 hours per week, so they do not have to offer them insurance. But can’t a company who had record profits of $4,712 million in 2021 afford to offer insurance?! Part- time employees are the ones most likely to need health insurance, especially if they become pregnant. When deciding whether to carry a child to term or to terminate it, the amount of  financial support a mother has can be a deciding factor in many cases.

So, when the mainstream media praises companies for making decisions like this, we need to read between the lines. Why are they offering a more robust abortion benefit than parental benefits? Dicks has some of the biggest stores I have ever seen and can easily find space for employee daycare. (Tots can enjoy learning to golf, hunt, and fish at an early age!) But unfortunately, that is not the path they have taken. Instead, they have joined the woke mob pandering to the left. A missed marketing opportunity for a store that used to sell guns. Imagine if they had opted for a pro-life stance, paired with their support of the Second Amendment? Profits from Conservatives could soar.

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2 years ago

IMO being ‘woke’ means thinking about you and others just like you as being ‘special’. Got news folks, we’re all ‘special’ in our own way!

2 years ago

They might be pro 2nd amendment if you want a bb/pellet gun. But I remember them destroying all of their AR15s a few years ago.

2 years ago


2 years ago

This idea of paying employees to abort pregnancies is sick. I’m disgusted with the current administration!

Jake Maxwell
Jake Maxwell
2 years ago

We spend thousands of dollars at Dicks sporting goods during baseball season. This supports our young boy/girls and children as they are living and growing. If we had no children… Dicks would not survive!!! And yet, This money making corporation would endorse the killing of babies… the future of our country and our sports … the deaths of our precious children. I urge you all to Boycott Dick’s Sporting Goods…
Abortion is not a hobby or sport … it is murder… and we should not support a sorts store that does not live life or children!’

2 years ago

$4,00 is cheaper than 3 months paid maternity leave you money grubbing VIPERESS, Lauren Hobart… time to boycott her store and wallet!!!

2 years ago

I don’t go to dicks because of their liberal views.
Boycott Dicks

2 years ago

So Dicks Sporting Goods Store is promoting baby killer cults. I watched the riots with the young women carrying baby dolls soaked in something red, screaming and protesting because they think they can’t kill their babies anymore. They are sick pathetic little creatures that will never amount to a good employee anyway. Feral cats have a better mother instinct than those misfits do. The democrats and the brats they are molding are sick. If they promoted birth control instead of abortion over the last few years these women would not be wallowing in insanity and depravity today. Also, the ones hating our Supreme Court ought to read the Constitution. They have undoubtedly never even looked at it. God bless our Supreme Court.

Jeff S.
Jeff S.
2 years ago

A minor correction. Dick’s no longer sells guns, or at least that is my understanding. I haven’t been in Dick’s since they stopped selling AR type rifles.

2 years ago

Most pro-abortion advocates are men. Women are pro-life by a surprisingly wide margin. Most women see the ability to have children as a privilege. Most single-issue abortion voters are pro-life. Critical mass for pro-life has been achieved. The next step is legislatively conferring personhood.

2 years ago

Abortion saves companies money.

Jack J Schulz
Jack J Schulz
2 years ago

I am done with dick sporting goods. They were ridiculously expensive anyway.

2 years ago

no real sports enthusiasts have shopped at dick’s after a couple visits.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

very true we take better care of stray cats and dogs is the baby responsibility of an employer or the mother and the father that is the question has the sire no responsibility?

2 years ago

“””44 the TRAITOR””” did to the American Worker the worst he could.
It is easier to murder a baby than having a baby. 20 to 40 weeks, PAID FOR maternity leave, is a drastic burden to some, most companies.
Let’s not forget that “””44 the TRAITOR””” is still in charge, holding the reins on the bit in biden’S mouth!

Dennis K Flynn
Dennis K Flynn
2 years ago

Just another company I do not need to trade with. There ae other alternatives and I will not spend my money in a Dicks store ever again. These people are nuts.

K. Martin
K. Martin
2 years ago

Like someone on another site posted, all these companies — not just Dick’s Sporting Goods — doing this (Bank of America, Kroger’s, Amazon, Starbucks, et al) are killing future customers. Sure, only $4000 plus the elimination of many mother-employee accommodations, but that’s no comparison to the revenue from the number of future customers they’re helping to kill.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I have another name for Dick’s Sporting Goods, it starts with a “P” enough said, these anti-gun Weasels opened a store in my town, Bass Pro/Cabela’s or Sportsman’s Warehouse for me, real sporting goods stores for me.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
2 years ago

Family Research Council’s “The Washington Stand” “outreach”/program listed 56 companies in their email to me June 27-28, 2022. thewashingtonstand. com? .org?

2 years ago

Yep,, when the gun ban was put on assault rifles as they are called ,,LOL,, buy the DEMORACTS,,, thats not what AR ever stood for ,,that was all MSM doing that ,,, Dicks destroyed many thousands off them that was not a cheap price to pay to show that you are run by the socialist group but they did it no problem so shelling out up to 4k for a ride is nothing ,, compared to maternity leave and benefits ,, i personally never shopped there because of prices and after that i said i never would ,,if the DEMS can work it out before midterms they will change the court ruling ,, with packing ,,,

2 years ago

Well, I won’t purchase one more item at Dicks.

2 years ago

Well, I won’t purchase another item from Dicks. When Dicks embraces a culture of death, I refuse to be a participant in the evil. Vetdrivet

2 years ago

This would be the typical method of operation for nearly all large commercial concerns….especially in retail where the profit margin is king, not the employees or the customers…’s all about the money.
Political correctness gone amuck. Look at any major chain and you have the same kind of attitude and rhetoric. They all say the same “wonderful” things, and do the same terrible things…..I try as often as I can to go with small companies, mom and pop outfits and the like…..makes life a bit harder and costlier, but far more peaceful in the heart.

2 years ago

All I can do is verbalize to these woke companies that I will take my business elsewhere. Life is to short and money to scare to support what I don’t believe in.

2 years ago

this may have been proposed before, I don’t know, I do not have time to read all comments but I do read AMAC and others support women – how about paying for sterilization of men – it takes two to tango

2 years ago

Just another reason to shop elsewhere.

As far as abortion goes, I believe in a woman’s right to choose, whether or not to have unprotected sex. Once the choice is made, live with it. Life begins at conception.

2 years ago

Why is it that pregnancy is being treated like an illness that requires “ medical” intervention to remove.
Casual sex with abortion as the remedy.

2 years ago

Dick’s just lost me as a customer. Abortion is murder

2 years ago

So, you they would rather have irresponsible and baby murdering employees? That makes no sense. Shows direction we are heading to in our country. GOD who made us please help us!!

2 years ago

God is good all the time and all the time God is good, the only real TRUTH there is, Trust Him, in Jesus’ name, Amen ????.

2 years ago

Dick’s. Says it all.

Mike From Omaha
Mike From Omaha
2 years ago

Dick’s will NEVER see another single dollar of my money! We have a pool and boat, golf, and grandchildren! Spend about $800-$1200 a year at Dick’s – not anymore!

Frank Bublitz
Frank Bublitz
2 years ago

That last comment about supporting the bottom line of companies that we don’t feel dirty using is an important point. Most of the time we don’t use companies that are woke so the fact that we don’t like them makes no difference to their bottom line. I would love to see a day where conservatives enter a business but down a penny on the counter and see if you weren’t woke this amount would be larger

2 years ago

Dick’s is a joke. They stop selling guns and ammunition because they don’t condone MURDER but still they encourage woman to MURDER their unborn children/babies through abortion. Don’t go with the bull about womans reproductive rights. The babies have a right to life.

2 years ago

Well this just solidifies my stand to continue to boycott Dick’s Sporting goods. To just completely ignore the laws of the constitution to begin with just isn’t American!

2 years ago

I dumped Dick’s after their gun ban…same with Gander Mountain.

2 years ago

We stopped going to Dick’s when they stopped selling guns and ammo Cabela’s has everything plus more. I’m sick of these left wing crazies although I do understand business and if making money for shareholders is the bottom line than I guess they’re doing their job. Too bad that money tops life.

2 years ago

Well congratulations Dick’s Sporting Goods! Another woke company who will never see another penny of my business! I have spent a lot of money there for fitness and golf gear over the years. It’s crystal clear they are democrat hypocrites who wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked in the face. Hey everyone raising hell Read the damn Supreme Court decision. Abortion has not been outlawed. It’s legality has been placed at the State level where you can vote on it for your area. That’s a good thing in my opinion. I believe there are circumstances that warrant an abortion. Pregnancy as a result of rape or pregnancy that endangers the mother’s life are two reasons abortions should be allowed.

Mary Rea
Mary Rea
2 years ago

Dicks made their money on the back of children .. now they’re Against having babies!!!’ All Parents need to BOYCOTT DICK’S SPORTING GOODS!!!!

2 years ago

I found I could go down the road to Academy and always get the same product at a better price. By the way, Academy still uses the word “Christmas” in their adds instead of “holiday’.

2 years ago

Well, they just lost another customer. Not to mention all my family living in all parts of the USA.

2 years ago


2 years ago

That is ‘Dicks’ business. We can choose to follow the law of the land or not if we are willing to accept the penalties. All of us know the truth and it will set you free.

2 years ago

Don’t expect these companies to provide equivalent support to new mothers! Murdering babies is part of the socialist elite strategy for population control, which has a racist basis, given that 90% of abortions are people of color.

2 years ago

Ifwe are thinking of bottom lines CEO’S can be replaced.This will never replace money lost in regards to money made from supporters of the policy. Folks this might be a last attempt here to save this operation. Bad move! Reduce price and customer service gets people in the door

2 years ago

Where do you think the $4,000 will come from? Employee pay/benefits or they will raise their prices. What is their long term plan? In 16-20 years where will the employees come from if you do not allow them to be born now.

Bob K
Bob K
2 years ago

Corporations are doing this so that they don’t have to pay a greater amount for maturity leave.

2 years ago

Woman at gas station said she would save a puppy from drowning but not a baby. I must be stupid to believe what the Natz did in ww2 is here and accepted. Where does it stop if it does They will kill everyone that disagrees with them. Thank God we all have our guns to protect us from our own people.Spent two years in Viet Nam saw enough horror for three lifetimes. People without guns are victims . Lock and load. Airborne all the way.

Janice Hall
Janice Hall
2 years ago

They really didn’t think that through. Babies turn into young people that do sports and need sports equipment. You would think they would be for procreation to further their business.

rebel jtown
rebel jtown
2 years ago

I stopped doing business with dicks when they did the gun thing. Never going back!

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