
National Security , Newsline

No to Lame-Duck Amnesty

Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Just weeks before relinquishing control of the House of Representatives, congressional Democrats are agitating for a last-ditch mass amnesty push in the lame duck session to allow millions of illegal aliens to legally remain in the country. As the border crisis continues to worsen and with the Biden administration making clear that it has no intention of enforcing immigration laws already on the books, conservative groups are mobilizing to ensure that congressional Republicans do everything within their power to stop such legislation from passing.

According to a report from Fox News late last week, a new group of fifteen conservative organizations and twelve former Trump administration officials have raised the alarm that Democrats are planning to ram through an illegal immigration amnesty bill potentially days before they lose power in January. The coalition urges Republican lawmakers to take all actions necessary to stop these efforts” and “show the American people that you stand with them by rejecting special interest legislation and instead take immediate steps to reverse this crisis and restore law and order to our immigration system.”

The letter explicitly cites national exit polling that shows 62% of the electorate believes Congress should secure the border and hold those who entered illegally accountable for violating the law. The letter further notes that only 8.8% of Americans believe amnesty should be a top concern for Congress.

Democrats have spent years pushing for amnesty for all illegal aliens. The legislation they are now pushing would focus primarily on the so-called “Dreamers,” referring to those covered under a 2012 policy imposed by President Barack Obama which created deportation protection for the children of illegal immigrants who were born in America. Initially, this policy covered just 600,000 illegal immigrants. According to one report, the program now reaches 3.3 million illegal immigrants who will likely be granted amnesty under the proposed legislation – more evidence that such mass amnesty programs only encourage more illegal immigration.

Left-wing immigration groups are warning Democrats that the program will likely be eliminated if they don’t pass the legislation before January due to pending court cases. Several versions of the bill have already passed the House, but will die once the new congress takes over. Therefore, Democrats must get the bill through the Senate before the new Congress takes over in January.

Although the dangers of passing such a bill likely seem clear to most conservatives, some Republicans have previously waffled on their opposition to mass amnesty. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been a consistent co-sponsor and a strong advocate for Dreamer amnesty, working with far-left Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) on related legislation. Retiring Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina is also reportedly working on a deal with Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona outlining a “path to citizenship” for 2 million illegal immigrants.  

But while some congressional Republicans seem to be under the impression that granting citizenship to childhood arrivals will placate the left, Democrats have made clear that the “Dreamers” bill is only the first step in full mass amnesty for every illegal alien in the country. During a recent press conference, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stated that Democrats’ “ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”

Should some Senate Republicans vote with Democrats to pass an amnesty bill, it would also be a huge slap in the face to voters who just voted for new leadership in large part to fix the border crisis, not make it worse. Polling from earlier this fall shows that a majority of voters characterize the situation at the border as an “invasion,” and large majorities of voters in key swing states this fall said they disapproved of Biden’s handling of the border. It is therefore baffling that any Republican would now consider rewarding that failure by voting with Democrats to incentivize more illegal immigration when voters rejected those same policies just a few weeks ago.

After two disappointing congressional cycles in 2018 and 2020, Republicans finally began to right the ship in 2022. But ending this Congress with a mass amnesty package could undermine public support for Republicans before the new GOP House majority even takes power in January, placing the party and the country at a significant disadvantage when it comes to addressing the border crisis and finally putting a stop to Democrats’ repeated failures.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.   

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1 year ago

We can’t take care of the homeless, we need to take care of our Veterans, the criminals are running over the common law abiding citizen,and we foot the bill. How can we take in more people when we are not taking care of our own. There are people waiting in line to become American Citizens legally. Who when waiting in line at the stores says come one come all come get ahead of me? NO ONE!!! Think about why when there is a problem on the plane for you to put your oxygen mask on 1st before you put one on anyone else if you can’t take care of yourself how can you take care of anyone else?

1 year ago

i’m surprised chinacrats aren’t pushing amnesty for communists around the world.

1 year ago

Thom Tillis is one of my Senators. I am appalled at this and sent him a hot email yesterday! Burr is the other senator, and I am glad that Ted Budd will replace him. It seems that these congressmen just don’t quite understand US Immigration laws. The DACA people came in illegally with their parents. That makes them illegal also. Obama made an executive order to keep them in the country which was Unconstitutional. So, if amnesty is granted to these two million, they will haul all relatives from their home coutries into the USA. Amnesty is not a right but a privilege from the US citizens if they qualify. And 98% do not qualify! I am purely provoked over this!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Chuck Schumer’s dismissive and insulting attitude toward our own citizens is disgusting. He openly claims that we need a major influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, to keep up with the demand for workers to keep our economy healthy. Of course, this is a big lie. Our politicians should be doing more to encourage our young American adults to become gainfully employed. All types of jobs should be stressed — both manual and skilled. Schumer and his buffoons are foolishly making it easier for our population to become more and more lazy and dysfunctional. In general, the Marxist Democrats are good for destroying America, because they are elitists who do not have to directly deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday economic, social, and political strife.

1 year ago

I’d like to know why government officials, from the top down, are not arrested for allowing illegals into the country. They are breaking the law. The common man/woman would be arrested. Why are they above the law? We have Americans who are in need of help but again are ignored in favor of illegals. I live in a true border state and it’s scary to know thousands cross and of those thousands there are drug runners, child molesters and killers, just to name a few. I don’t see the same care and concern for our citizens that is extended to the illegals.

1 year ago

Well we still have the 18 or 19 RINOs in the Senate, who have merrily walked across the aisle a few times to help Democrats pass some highly destructive legislation in the last 2 years alone. So it wouldn’t be out of line to think some of these same Democrats with an (R) after their name would decide to give one last parting shot to the country by siding with any such legislation before some sail off into either retirement of just decide giving the American people the middle finger once again would be a fun thing to do.

If that were to happen and the estimated 45 million illegals in this country (that’s the real number per the federal government agencies keeping tabs on this) suddenly were granted premanent legal residence, with a fast track to full citizenship, then you can kiss the country goodbye. That is more than enough new Democrat voters to win virtually every federal election and most state elections in this country. It would be the final nail in the coffin of the republic, as we would quickly become a one party government dominated completely by Democrats pushing Marxist ideals.

1 year ago

As a legal immigrant from the U.K. I believe that Biden and the so called “Law makers who Support Illegals,who are by definition criminals,need to be charged with dereliction of duty.Clearly they are violating their Oath of Office and should be punished.

1 year ago

the us gov is allowed to steal lie rape murder and even sell out the country and nothing seems to happen we dont have a country anymore plus we are being replaced by illegals

1 year ago

All RINOs and the Closet RINOs need to be kicked to the curb!!!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

No amnesty for illegal immigrants and no using tax dollars to pay for student loans. We need citizens who are responsible, not people illegally entering the U.S. and not citizens who refuse to pay off loans they took in good faith. Stop Socialism now!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

There is NO labor shortage IF the DIMMs stop paying people to sit on their a****, instead of seeking jobs! Under Trump, we had the highest labor-participation rate ever. While Senile Joe likes to crow about the unemployment rate, it measures the rate based on JOB SEEKERS! People getting handouts from us hard-working people don’t “seek” jobs! Send ALL illegal aliens BACK to their own country!!!

1 year ago

I am already a member of AMAC. Just paid my dues for 5 years. Why are you soliciting me for money. The house republicans already know there is a problem at our border and the democrats are going to do everything they can to get this bill you speak of push thru before they have to leave office. How is my donation to whoever going to help defeat this bill. I feel the republicans are as guilty as the democrats for the mess our country now finds itself.

1 year ago

What I am about to say is very controversial: I refuse to give one penny to any charities that help these illegals. I give enough money toward their care against my will via present government programs. Every penny Americans give to charities that help illegals the more they are encouraged to come here. I know I am but one voice but I don’t know what else to do to make any difference.

Roy Anthony
Roy Anthony
1 year ago

Per a notable radio talk show host: things will change when it gets bad enough. How is the U.S. going to keep up with producing enough food to feed and other commodities to use for hundreds of thousands of illegal invasion numbers each month? In the Normandy invasion in World War II, the allies landed only approximately 160,000 troops on D-Day. Another approximately 83,000 British and Canadian forces landed in 3 other locations for a TOTAL of 243,000 personnel in this military invasion. As of recent, polls estimate the U.S. is being invaded on the southern border by over 200,000 illegals each month. Basic math: the U.S. is being invaded each month by a little less than those who began to fight in Europe for our rights and freedoms in one day. Personally, I think it’s already gotten …. bad enough.

Henry D
Henry D
1 year ago

I have a suggestion; if Congress is about to vote on such a bill, the day before as many AMAC members and any other disinchanted person should enter the Capitol building peaceful, enter the Representative chamber in such numbers to “jam “ the doors so they cannot be opened preventing any others from entering. A people’s direct protest to an illegal act for illegal immigrants, these LOOSERS should no longer have a say in making laws and regulations just as a convicted criminal has any rights as soon as the gavel strikes down.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

NO DACA and NO Bills pass until New Congress.

1 year ago

Just the idea of Amnesty for 2-3 Million Illegal Immigrates is Outrageous!!! The only reason they want to do such a thing is For Their Votes!!! They Do Not Care Anything About The Cost to We The Tax Payers nor Our National and Personal Security!!!! The Further likely hood is they Do Not Know How to Deport All These Illegal Immigrants!!!! They Do Not Have The Courage nor Fortitude to Deport All of Them!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” by the Washington, DCeivers and China!!!!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

This kind of lame-duck crap causes me to consider the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence and its reference to the long train of usurpations and abuses and possible remedies. If you haven’t read it recently you should.

1 year ago

No amnesty for a single one of these criminals. Flat out. NONE. They are invaders, and should be dealt with as such.

1 year ago

We. Need to stop the dems any way we can

1 year ago

The Lord will win in the end…things are going to get worse…but Jesus knows what’s going on…I’m retired…and having a really hard go with the bills. I also live in Texas…I see it everywhere…we have tried…but some people don’t even know what’s happening…

1 year ago

The democrats a.k.a. Marxists, are trying to do as much damage as they possibly can during this lame duck, and there is Mitch McConnell, and a few more Republican’s more than eager to help them. They qualify in the category with the Dominion machines. Dominion and RINOs both destructive.

1 year ago

One of The reasons we are short workers is that we have been aborting so many. And the next reason is we pay people not to work. Stop abortion and stop paying people who don’t work unless they are disabled. May God bring a revival to our country—which only He can do.

1 year ago

DACA should have been settled during Obama & Trump years & Congress needs to quit kicking the can down the road. Our Govt. should know the history & track record of the Million dreamers when Trump took office, and are they working here or what & if they were born in USA, then we should make them a legal citizen of USA. If they are a Bad Apple, send them back to where they came from.

1 year ago

It’s one of Saul Alinsky’s steps to turning a Republic into a socialist state.

JR Fox
JR Fox
1 year ago

Why does everyone keep using the 11,000,000 number for illegals? They began using that number a decade ago! Five million have entered in the last two years! Three different studies done about 3 years ago estimated 20,000,000 or more and then add the recent 4-5 million under Biden and 20-25 million would be more exact. People still believe their lies?

JR Fox
JR Fox
1 year ago

The Dems are selling out our country, facilitating criminals, watering down our national will with a flood of illegals, and destroying children’s minds and bodies with sex change operations. All for power and greed.

Election Fraud
Election Fraud
1 year ago

Just goes to show that the democrats policies are out of touch with any clear thinking person. How did they win many elections-CHEATING!!! There’s no other way to see it. Defund the police, 4 and 5 year olds can have transgender surgery w/o parental notification, abortion even up to the day of birth, America is racist, climate hoax, jab hoax, pedophelia, gun confiscation, etc. Anything decent and moral is shunned. Everything wicked and perverse is applauded. There is no way that even 25% of Americans go along with this downright wickedness!!!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Can we trust what is going on in the White House not at all the Dems have turned this country upside down a president who does nothing to make this country better Dems who just do nothing but 24/7 go after President Trump that is there goal in life but as this country goes down in flames they do nothing our country over run with drugs and millions of non citizens from all over the world they let them come in and then open up the US to them they care nothing about this country and voters next the Dems will raise taxes to cover expense of all there free give a ways.

Deb C
Deb C
1 year ago

Hi, I live in Texas. It is much more humane to close the border. I am just as distraught over Texas politics as I am federal. I am ashamed that nearly all elected officials serve the government and themselves, rather than the people. I could write a ramble for a 100 pages.

1 year ago

I believe the reason the democrats want to keep the border open is they are all making money from drugs and Saleing people for labor. Biden Harris and pelosi should be hung by the neck until dead.The government in this country is to big they should go back to part time and see how the people in this great country live.

1 year ago

This is a policy like the one the John Birch Society pushes… Constitutional nullification. If it is a law you do not like just ignore it; do not uphold it. Then when it becomes a joke forgive everybody that just decided they too were not culpable. It’s like the laws on the books for stealing… but now some cities and states are okay with it if it is under $900. Everybody worries so much about the environment… I wonder when was the last time a cop ever wrote a ticket for littering?
We used to be a nation of Law and Order… with equal justice.
The numbers of Illegals have been growing for decades. Do they all get a free pass and then we just continue on? If you cannot enforce the laws now and hold people accountable why would you after amnesty? Why if I am waiting in line to come legally would I ever continue to go through the process? You are a fool if you agree to anything less than defending a core pillar of our Republic – the rule of Law.
– Secure the Border and our sovereignty
– Hold those who have violated our laws accountable
– Then and only then should there be discussions on changes; maybe we need an easier process; maybe we need to increase the number allowed to come here legally (we allow over 1 Million now); but we also need to enforce whatever is decided

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Joe Biden’s continuing administration is a clear and present danger to the security of these United States. It is the job of the executive to enforce the laws passed by Congress. It is not an option at his discretion to enforce some and ignore others. He is not enforcing existing immigration law and should be impeached!

1 year ago

Bidum, Harris, Durbin, Lindsey and others should all be charged with malfeasance and misfeasance and replaced. Democraps keep pushing amnesty because it is another piece of election fraud that would give them total control of our Government.

1 year ago

Anyone miss the Trump policies yet? I didn’t say Donald Trump. This poor guy had to blow his own horn because the world wasn’t big, loud or fast enough to satisfy him. But, were we respected around the world? Did other countries have to pay their fair share? Did America’s taxes pay for the worlds economic losses? Were there more Americans of color better off? Were we in line to secure our borders and allow less drugs, dealers, smugglers, human traffic, and convicted criminals released from jails in other countries to just waltz in? Were we selling fuel instead of buying it? Were we energy independent? Was killing babies up for discussion instead of just rammed through state congresses? Were Christian’s first amendment rights protected as much as the radical, woke left? Did our leaders take our constitution seriously or just when it fit their agenda? Maybe we should at least take a look at the second amendment that allows us to bear arms to protect ourselves from a radical, out of control government.

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