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WSJ: Democrats Plan to Audit the Middle Class with IRS Expansion

Posted on Friday, August 26, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Democrats are repeating misleading claims that a supercharged IRS with 87,000 new agents will not target lower- and middle-income earners. 

However, the IRS has a longstanding pattern of targeting households making under $75,000 a year. This assault will continue – and rise to even higher levels – under Democrats’ plan. Democrats voted against Republican amendments that would have protected Americans making less than $400,000 from more audits because that’s exactly who they always intended to target.

Most Americans should prepare for an increased chance of being audited by the IRS, Karl Rove writes in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal


Democrats are supercharging the IRS, despite a long history of targeting lower- and middle-income earners.

  • “Add it up, and more than 95 percent of all audits of individual returns have historically been of households with less than $200,000 in income and more than 75 percent of those with less than $75,000 income. 
  • “Less than 5 percent have been performed on returns of those with $200,000 or more in income.
  • “…It’s obvious from these data that the bulk of the new audits funded by the Inflation Reduction Act are going to hit households making less than $200,000 a year. 
  • “If the IRS honors its promise to hold the share of audits to historical levels, that’ll be 95 percent of the new audits.”

Analysis from Ways and Means Republican predicts Americans making less than $75,000 will see 710,000 more audits each year.

  • “The IRS won’t predict what taxpayers are in store for. The Congressional Budget Office won’t estimate, though it did say that the number of audits will ‘rise for all taxpayers’ to levels the IRS had in 2010, when a greater percentage of returns were audited. 
  • “Drawing on that year’s data, a Republican House Ways and Means Committee staff analysis predicts that there will be an additional 1.2 million audits a year over the coming decade, of which 710,000 each year will hit those making less than $75,000.”

Democrats voted against guardrails that would have protected lower- and middle-income taxpayers from more audits.

  • “Congressional Democrats even had an opportunity to protect Americans making less than $400,000 from these audits and chose not to. 
  • “Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) proposed an amendment to the Inflation Reduction Act to prohibit the use of any new IRS compliance funds for audits of companies or individuals with incomes below $400,000. 
  • “All 50 Democratic senators voted ‘no’ on Aug. 7, killing the amendment.”


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2 years ago

I’d like to see the entire Congress audited. That would be interesting. Maybe they would finally take a stand against funding this governmental overreach.

2 years ago

the new brownshirts

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
2 years ago

We the People are truly under attack by our Government. I just can’t understand how anyone can vote Democrats into office….Very sad time for the US of A.

2 years ago

Of course they are after the middle class. Anyone with a decent education in world history would understand this is the only way a tyrant can grab and hold power.

2 years ago

What happens if these students don’t graduate? Are they getting degrees in courses that will benefit our country? I find if something is given to you it is not appreciated. These students should not have student loan forgiveness. They will be making more money and need to learn the responsibility of paying your debts. It is also unfair for tax payers to have their taxes used to pay for other persons debts. The middle class citizens are the ones to suffer. Those of us who have worked diligently our entire adult lives and now able to collect Social Security have to take on a job to survive the inflation. Everyone should be upset at the national debt. Some of us have difficulty making ends meet as it is and now we are responsible for paying off student loans.
Let the Bidens’, Pelosis, Obamas use their millions to pay for these loans.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

We need to start referring to them as Brown Shirts, Gestapo, Revolutionary Guards, the SS,
Bidens Bozo’s, Stumblebums, or A-Holes, or SOB’S, but nothing nice.

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

The 50 COMMIE DEMONcRAT Senators have proven, once again, that the expletive TRAITORS are totally against American citizens, and our Constitutional Republic…which is hanging by a thread. Only thing that should be hanging are the 50 traitors!

2 years ago

Of course the new 87,000 IRS agents will be targeting the middle class. That is where the fast, easy money is when it comes to IRS audits and the federal government needs a whole lot of money to fund the spending extravaganza going on in Washington, D.C..

Most people in the middle class don’t have the means to take on the IRS in some protracted legal battle over what the IRS may claim you owe. So the default response from most people will be to just pay whatever the IRS claims or whatever the IRS agent may offer as a quick settlement if you just agree right now. Remember, the IRS can freeze your bank accounts, seize or put a lien on all your personal property and generally make your life a living h*ll, if they really want to. So you are the proverbial fish in the barrel that the IRS is taking aim at.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
2 years ago

Well, at least you can’t get into too much trouble if you only take the current standard deduction. It seems to me that the issue would be with claiming a lot of deductions, that is itemizing your deductions.
In any event all the Rs running against any of those 50 should make sure that they mention this in campaign spots. Cannot censor political speech, especially if the candidate is paying for it.

Kyle L. Smith
Kyle L. Smith
2 years ago

Where do they keep coming up with these high price figgutres ?? How many do you know that makes that kind of money. ???? Kyle L.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Maybe the 87,000 will do what the rest of the bureaucrats in the federal government, nothing. But give peons a little authority and power then watch what happens.

2 years ago

So when is “what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander “
When is Congress going to follow the rules that they set up?

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

HUSSEIN Obama 2.0 continues.
When my grandmother was alive in her mid-90’s at time of Obama she said the WHOLE WORLD is laughing at us with Obama.
Now, fortunately, she and my wife are not alive to see our country being DESTROYED from WITHIN by DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST liberals.
And now, we are the laughing stock of the World and a 4th World country with DICTATOR Beijing biden when we were #1 in the World with PRESIDENT TRUMP and ENERGY INDEPENDENT, SECURED BORDERS, STRONG MILITARY, and STRONG ECONOMY.

2 years ago

The demon-communist-cRATS want to destroy the middle class. They want a two class society: you are either fabulously wealthy or you are dirt poor.

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