Three years ago this month, unmistakable signs emerged that inflation was ascending out of control. The Biden administration, however, imperiously...
AMAC Exclusive - By Seamus Brennan As Americans head to the polls Tuesday, every indication suggests inflation will be the...
Democrats are repeating misleading claims that a supercharged IRS with 87,000 new agents will not target lower- and middle-income earners. ...
AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan With the perilous state of the U.S. economy and looming threat of a recession...
The media and President Biden have consistently misrepresented President Trump’s signature tax reform legislation. During the 2020 campaign, candidates Biden...
If there is one thing we've learned over the last ten months is that a lot of what we hear...
President Biden is waving the white flag of economic surrender to our foreign competitors while sabotaging our recovery at home by reversing the gains made under...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Biden’s crippling tax hikes on America’s middle class and Main Street will reverse the gains from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,...
Any amateur magician knows palming a card or coin involves secretly taking something while distracting watchers. Biden's big spending is...
AMAC Exclusive With the frenzy of executive orders coming out of the Biden White House, it’s tough to keep track...
For over six years, California has had a top marginal income tax rate of 13.3%, the highest in the nation....