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Will AOC and Left-Wing Billionaires Cost Democrats the Senate?

Posted on Sunday, September 18, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan



Announcing today that it is doubling down on accusing endangered Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) of making a “corrupt bargain” with the far-left progressive wing of the Democratic Party to avoid a primary challenge, a conservative Super PAC is raising a larger question about how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) own fears of primary challenges opened the floodgates to radicalism and endangered most Senate Democrats currently seeking reelection.

The TV spot features the headline “CORRUPT BARGAIN WITH EXTREMISTS” over an image of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other members of the group of far-left left representatives dubbed “The Squad.” It calls on the Arizona press to defy the “corrupt national media” and end Kelly’s “free ride” on charges that, in order to avoid a primary challenge financed by Ocasio-Cortez and her billionaire allies, he toed the “liberal extremist” line in Congress. (The ad, which first aired on September 8, had doubled its airtime this week with both its unusual two-minute long-format original ad and a separate one-minute “chaser” or summary spot, in the same newscast on morning and nightly news in Phoenix.)

But while, as the ad suggests, the Democrats’ leftward lurch in recent years can be largely accredited to Ocasio-Cortez’s subtle primary threats, also important is her broader influence on Schumer and the entire Democratic Senate caucus—as seen when she famously did not rule out a 2022 primary challenge against the Senate Majority Leader. In the opinion of many, this led a frightened Schumer—who knew how many of his fellow New York Democrats have fallen to progressive challengers—to subsequently embrace the no-holds-barred extremism that has come to define the Democratic congressional agenda.

Thus, the ad’s use of the “corrupt bargain” accusation —which was also used in a late-August New York ad run by the same group, Frontiers of Freedom, targeting Schumer—seeks to exploit Schumer’s watershed failure to stand up to the primary threats against him and other senators, as well as his decision to force his colleagues to greenlight the Biden agenda, from inflationary spending to the federal takeover of elections.

“Republicans need to understand that this is the screen that cracks the code against Kelly and all other Senate Democrats,” said Frontiers of Freedom Action President George Landrith. “And the reason this cracks the code is that many people find it hard to believe that their home state senator or local representative could really be so left-wing, but once we give them an explanation for why it happened—that incumbents are terrified of a primary—they see the point. Polling shows that even if they like their senator, they will vote against him if they think they supported Biden’s and the Democrats’ agenda.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s significant influence over the direction of her party goes back further than just her primary threats, however, and can be traced to the 2020 impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) initial hesitancy to introduce articles of impeachment in early 2019, Pelosi caved to Ocasio-Cortez’s demands and proceeded to—in the words of fellow “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)— “impeach this motherf*****.” Of course, in spite of Pelosi’s and Schumer’s preliminary resistance, they ultimately conceded to the radicals’ demands and thus began positioning the Democratic Party for its far-left congressional agenda.

In citing Kelly’s voting record on behalf of that very agenda, the two-minute ad labels him as Biden’s “key enabler,” noting that he votes with Biden 92 percent of the time and “cast the deciding vote on huge spending bills that cause shattering inflation and recession”—referring to the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” which economists predict will even further aggravate inflation and raise costs for Arizona families.

Additionally, the ad notes how attempts by the likes of Biden and Kelly to push a radical takeover of elections—as well as efforts by other Democrats to alter the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Senate, American citizenship, and the Electoral College—represent a “scorched-earth, rule-or-ruin” attack on longstanding American democratic institutions.

“These are not 30-second attack ads that try to manipulate people,” Landrith said, “but heavily informative narrative ads that ask Mark Kelly when he will reject extremist liberal views and plans.”

“The reason Joe Biden and Democrats are trying to use the ‘extremist’ charge against Republicans is they realize it is their own biggest vulnerability,” Landrith said. “Mark Kelly is the perfect example of why a red wave is coming in states like Arizona. He wants to run as a moderate, but like every Senate Democrat, he is imperiled by his corrupt bargain with the left, which said in effect: ‘Don’t primary me and I will vote your way.’”

By drawing a direct line between the radicalism of Ocasio-Cortez (as well as other members of “The Squad”) and Kelly—who has long sought to brand himself as a political centrist—Landrith hopes his group’s TV blitz can help to make the midterm elections in Arizona and other states a referendum on the most extreme factions within the Democratic Party, which have increasingly come to represent the party more broadly.

And should Landrith and his group be successful, Democrats may soon find that the key moment of this midterm election cycle came and went when party leaders like Schumer and Pelosi elevated the goals of figures like Ocasio-Cortez and “The Squad” over the needs and values of the Americans who elected them.

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2 years ago

I of the “squad” referenced in this article more as the “squat” based on tha political ideals they produce!!!

2 years ago

In order to move our country back from the abyss, we have to reject extremism of all kinds. We need to come back to the center and reject mob rule. The loudest, most obnoxious voices cannot be allowed to take our republic down. What comes out of your mouth is not as important as your actions. Remember that in November.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

I sure as heck hope these extremists do ruin this Democrat party and show our country this isn’t what this country wants. I hope we can bring this country back from the ruin they are trying to make us into.

2 years ago

The witches have divided America and have only enhanced themselves. We need term limits to get these hateful women out of office

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
2 years ago

they need to get that advert on Pennsylvania TV a.s.a.p. — Mehmet Oz is far from perfect, but even he’s a billion times closer to perfect than that lunatic Fetterman is.

2 years ago

Nothing will slow the Socialist DemocRATS from killing this great nation except WETHE PEOPLE ,, going to the polls in Nov. in person ,, and at least we can slow it down until 2024

Texas Red
Texas Red
2 years ago

I wish those who compose articles that include the description of the “Leftists’ ” Party as the “DEMOCRAT-IC Party” would STOP USING the “descriptor” of “Democrat-IC” and leave their only descriptor as … wait for it … the DEMOCRAT Party. There is NOTHING “democratic” about the Democrat Party. SO… STOP IT ! The only “thing” about the “-ic” component is simply ICK ! So,
okay… go ahead and use IC, but DON’T FORGET to add on the ‘K’ so it always reads, and reminds us all of who, and WHAT, they truly are as a “Party” — DemocratICK. Finally, got this off my mind… I am finally rid of it! Now, I hope this STICKS… Thanks !

2 years ago

We were doing a better job of taking the senate until that Little Closet Never-Trumper Lindsey Graham gave the democrats a fund-raising talking point going into November. At first opportunity this little RINO JackA$$ needs to be sent to pasture along with his buddy Mitch McConnell. These two are working against the MAGA movement and have been for years. Ignore anything they say and Dump’um when up for reelection.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The lurch to the left should tank the democrats who go along. The question becomes have they scared the rest of us to death?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

That people like squad could be elected speaks itself about the sorry state of our electoral system

2 years ago

The extremists will hoist their own petards. That’s for sure. The question is: how much damage will they do before?

2 years ago

What those people who don’t like these radical progressive policies need to do is get them out of office. If you check the turnout of voters when these individuals are being re-elected, you’ll see a very low turnout rate that decides the outcome (around 15%), which is no way is reflective of the majority of the registered voters in their districts. Ranting on social media is not voting. I don’t believe that the majority of the voters are okay with having these progressive views represent their area. You do not have to be a conservative to understand that your representative is not doing anything for your district.
In NYS, where AOC is, people can register to vote on the voting machines with plenty of time, in fact 10/20/22 has been publicly announced as Voter Election Day in NYS and all who register by that date can request an absentee ballot, or vote on the Early Voting dates or the actual Election Day in November. So there’s no voter repression except for individual laziness to make the effort to vote. AOC likes using that laziness as a tool to make herself sound smart. I just wish that people in NYS would stop using social media as their sole means of communication and do what needs to be done—actually vote in person.

2 years ago

i sure hope the squad costs the dems the senate, the house, and the white house!

J Rea
J Rea
2 years ago

The voters of Arizona and Georgia, two historically conservative states sent 4 Democrat Senators to the Senate and those 4 votes made Schumer the Majority leader and enabled him to pass the Biden Harris Schumer Pelosi agenda. This November the voters of those 2 states can replace two of the 4, and with help of voters in other states we can FIRE SCHUMER AND FIRE PELOSI…Wake up voters. VOTE OUT THE DEMOCRATS NOW. Before it is too late.

2 years ago

Why are they call “The Squad “…instead of “The Coven”???

John W Harries
John W Harries
2 years ago

Why are they letting billionaires contribute so much money to one person?? Zuckerberg with $400 million in drop boxes and ads, AOC in bed with Soros. I’m in NY, she is worthless to the people of the state, a “check all the boxes” candidate with absolutely nothing to contribute

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

The Democrats remind me a bit of the last days of Adolph when he accused the German people of not appreciating him and voiced a “rule or ruin” attitude. One of his last orders was to destroy the remaining German infrastructure.
If you don’t know what Positivism is check the definition because it is what the Dems are, non-believers in any authority high than man which is why they can push abortion as vigorously as they and will ignore the constitution unless something coincides with their desires.

2 years ago

I hope every stupid thing the dems have done will cost them the senate.

2 years ago

this election is about socialism and the dems starting with Congress, ending with Congress and nothing but Congress. biden is not with us mentally since prior to the 2020 election. no one knows who is running for President. socialist would be beating up Trump if he had already had two terms. biden may not be around for it. he’s is a marxist tool goon being told what to do/say by marxists. so before you waste anymore of your time on biden watch the video clip on how Clay Higgins very adeptly turned over the rock that cardboard cutout Raya Salter is hiding under by asking her one question. voice shaking, cracking, who knows what else had no response. mic drop!

2 years ago

Here in Michigan this might also be a warning that needs to be promoted, BUT the Democratic funds greatly outweigh the Republican budget. One of the main issues they are really playing up is the recent Roe vs. Wade decision and a possible criminalizing any doctors and nurses.

2 years ago

The conservative voter needs to turn out (even if they think the election will be corrupt)!
If every conservative voted in person with their mail in ballot in hand on election day and flood their election headquarters in person; not dropped in some “iffy” convenient dropbox, perhaps we can really have our votes counted as they were marked by that voter.
Our only hope and our responsibilty is to get out and VOTE, get out of your recliner and off the couch and do your duty as a citizen.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hope so

2 years ago

If you do not vote you lose your right to have an opinion about the states of your government.
Also, not voting is really a vote.

2 years ago

Kelly is just a mouthpiece for the far left. Another has been.

2 years ago

A great article and one which wonderfully describes why so-called moderates like Biden, Schumer and Kelly have pivoted to the far left to avoid the leftist payback. It also emphasizes why the Dems have lost their Party to the far left. They unleashed the left back in 2000 against GW Bush when Gore lost the narrow election. The left has gained traction since that time. It’s no wonder so-called moderates are concerned.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
2 years ago

Kelly will eventually gnaw his paw off to get free of the chains AOC and the extreme leftuals have on him, but by then it will be too late. The amazing part is he was so destined to be a quality leader and to be able to elevate both parties, but now of course he is under GEORGES THUMB $$$ and that requires absolute obedience. OLE GEORGE is not known for his patience with underlings. UNLESS THEY HAVE CROWD APPEAL LIKE AOC.

Traditionalist Patriot
Traditionalist Patriot
2 years ago

Mr. Biden’s policies and the lack of protecting our border will be the reason Democrats lose.

2 years ago

I sure hope they cause the democrats the Senate! And we’ll all be better for it!
2 years ago

I think no real strategy is needed to win the mid-terms as far as campaign commercials go. All you have to do is a montage of the actual absurdities right from their own mouths.
Logic is, let them talk and just play it back. Can’t make a better one if you tried.

2 years ago

What left wing ideal-log controls these boards???

2 years ago


2 years ago

Would love to see AOC & Tucker Carlson (FOX news) run for office . A debate between these two angry people would be very entertaining to watch & tempers would flow.

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