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Who is Pelosi Kidding?

Posted on Wednesday, October 7, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

pelosiHypocrisy is never pretty.  In May, Democrats were giddy, ready to sucker-punch Trump.  They had him.  Knowing American workers needed job protection and unemployment benefits, that small employers needed payroll protection, COVID liability waivers, and payroll tax deferrals, and that airlines needed cash to avoid fall furloughs, Pelosi took $500 billion in needs – and bumped it to $3 trillion.  She then passed her mega-bill and pushed the Senate and President.

It was all a ploy.  Every member in both parties knew this socialist spending bill had no chance in the Senate, let alone with Trump.  It was a political tool, letting far left Democrats run on socialism, and moderate Democrats run on needed aid – arguing Republicans did not care.

Cynical, yes – but Pelosi’s plan was to force the Republican Senate and Trump to accept her $3 trillion bill or say “no,” allowing Democrats to run their “no.”  Of course, Republicans said “no,” calling her $3 trillion abomination “absurd.”

What she did not bank on was Trump and Senate Republicans standing firm, the President explaining her cynical ploy to Americans, and then issuing “Executive Orders” (EO’s) and presidential memoranda to get the job done.

One continued federal unemployment benefits at $300 per week, down from $600 which disincentivized work, as Democrats prepared to let them lapse.  That Trump memo aimed “to quickly provide billions of dollars in relief to supplement unemployment benefits and help businesses keep their workers employed, in addition to zeroing Federal student loan interest and delaying Tax Day.”

A second act allowed “employers to suspend collection of some Social Security taxes” through end of 2020, no adverse effects on retirement benefits.  A third set of actions reduced healthcare costs, helping seniors.

Importantly for America’s seniors, the President signed big EO’s all summer.  They added to earlier Trump efforts.  In 2017, Trump ended Obamacare’s “individual mandate penalty,” and restored “Choice and Competition” with EO 13813.  That saved Americans millions in jacked-up premiums for less care.  Trump expanded employer reimbursements, added small business access, health savings accounts, and chronic condition coverage.

Rejecting Pelosi’s “poison pill,” Trump worked to address COVID all summer.  In EO 13941 – “Improving Rural Health and Telehealth Access” – he expanded access, then pushed “State Relief and Empowerment Waivers” to allow states flexibility to cut costs.  That built on savings from more “generic drug approvals,” which reportedly saved consumers $26 billion.

In EO 13937 – “Access to Affordable Life-Saving Medications” – Trump gave low income Americans access to insulin and injectable epinephrine at record low prices. In EO 13938 – “Increasing Drug Importation to Lower Prices for American Patients” – Trump allowed safe import of low-cost Canadian drugs.

In EO 13939 – “Lowering Prices for Patients by Eliminating Kickbacks to Middlemen” – Trump eliminated middleman gouging, assuring drug discounts get passed to patients at pharmacy counters – without increased premiums or taxes.  Finally, in EO 13948 – “Lowering Drug Prices by Putting America First” – Trump assured Medicare patients get the lowest prices, by pegging them to comparable foreign prices.

The President did not stop there.  On September 24, he issued the “America First Healthcare Plan.”  That EO further slashes healthcare costs.  In a litany of new and consolidated actions, he pushed costs lower – so average Americans are not disadvantaged by Congressional inaction.

These executive actions – creating life-saving options for struggling individuals, often older Americans – occurred without congressional action.  Not just compassionate, they were vital. The irony is extreme – as a Democrat Speaker continues to stop relief, claiming she cannot pass a “skinny” $500 billion bill.  No Congress in US history would call that bill “skinny.”

The Republican’s $500 billion bill would save businesses – and jobs.  That would include COVID liability waivers, preventing trial lawyers from crippling small businesses, as well as $257 billion for Payroll Protection Plans, $105 billion for schools, more for COVID-related needs, including aid for airlines. That is not enough.  Pelosi prefers to blame Republicans for not doing more – by doing nothing.

Now comes the “cherry on top.”  Pelosi is now telling airline workers, who happen to live in “swing states,” she will help.  She is asking they suck it up, not furlough tens of thousands, as she is with them. Really?  Airlines are devasted, and she plays her “socialism-or-bust” game.

Let us be clear:  Speaker Pelosi is on Speaker Pelosi’s side – not the side of airline workers.  She prevailed on Senate Democrats to defeat the Republican alternative, blocking cloture in September – not allowing Senate leaders to secure the 60 votes needed to move a rescue bill.

For airline workers?  Hardly.  She is for what will defeat Trump – Russia collusion, Ukraine confusion, impeachment, fanning riots, defunding police, stopping nominees, blocking aid to Americans, holding up relief.  She has spun a story, getting media to run headlines like “Mass Airline Layoffs in Swing States Would Further Imperil Trump,” imagining she will profit from their anguish, blaming Trump – as she encourages voters to for riots in Democrat cities.;

The irony is acute, and cynicism profound.  Still, silver linings peek from that dark cloud over airline workers – and America.  First, Trump is working on executive action to give relief.  Second, “swing states” are like saloon doors – they swing both ways. If Democrats are understood to be holding airline workers – and others – hostage for socialist goals, swing voters in those swing states could swing to Trump.

Third, playing politics with people’s lives is unconscionable; the longer Pelosi’s gamble continues, the more obvious and indefensible it becomes.  Finally, the witching hour is here, since the long-awaited election, furloughs, and need for action converge.  Trump has used his executive powers, but Congress must now act.  Americans get it.  Who is Pelosi kidding?

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4 years ago

While I agree with you RBC that Pelosi’s actions are unconscionable, many, many Democrat voters don’t possess the critical thinking skills to see through her obvious ploy. All most of them seem to see, due to this deficit in cognitive abilities, is that President Trump and the Republicans stand in the way of them getting another stimulus check or overly generous unemployment checks.

Most Democrats don’t know that Pelosi’s bill is filled with $600 billion to $700 billion in items that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19 EMERGENCY RELIEF. Not only is there hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out the bankrupt blue states, but there are billions of dollars for new and existing programs that serve only one purpose: To further expand the power of Democrats across the country. Nor do most of the Democrats I speak with seem to care about any of this non-essential, excessive political pork that the Pelosi bill is riddled with.

The average Democrat voter is purely emotionally driven. Logic and detail is lost on them. These are the same people that you see on YouTube screaming at the top of their lungs like maniacs when Barrett’s nomination to the SC was announced. They can’t articulate why they are enraged, but they know from watching and listening to the MSM that that is what they should be doing. Very Pavlovian in scary sort of way. True “useful idiots” who respond as they have been conditioned to act on queue. All they seem to grasp, in a very rudimentary sort of way, is that the Democrats want to give them more money and they honestly don’t care about anything else. They certainly don’t even have the ability to see the forest for the trees, as their focus is fixed firmly to the ground at their feet.

It all kind of reminds me a bit of the responses we all saw back when Obama was offering cell phones. Democrat voters thought that Obama would follow it all up with them getting free rent, free cars, free whatever they could think of. An endless stream of unlimited free stuff. Well the state of the average Democrat voter has only gotten worse since then, So yes, we all can see the obvious ploy Pelosi is pulling, but very few, if any, of the average Democrat voters can.

4 years ago

The country’s billionaires – Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Buffet, Steyer, etc are all big Dim donors and all have benefited greatly by the shutdowns. Total worth of billionaires has grown to $10.2 Trillion‼️ – all held by a small group of elite liberals. They don’t care if Pelosi helps the middle class. They benefit when every one is living paycheck to paycheck. Pelosi is a giant hypocrite and her base simple lacks the IQ to see what is being done to them

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
4 years ago

Just this morning on the fake news–blaming Trump because the latest Covid scam bailout didn’t go…through the Senate–wahhhhhhhhhh

4 years ago

All I can say is that Pelosi is one disgusting women. A very selfish, controlling critter.

4 years ago

I hope and pray that there is someone running against Nancy out there in San Francisco . She’s an outrage. She never has tried to work with the President without holding out for goodies for DEMOCRATs . With Nancy , EVERYTHING FOR DEMOCRATs IS FIRST . Everything else is just bartering fodder . Nancy is the new Marie Antionette . She cares nothing for the American people .

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Nancy DeLesandro(Pelosi)has a focus on destroying POTUS,bailing out the extremely ill Blue states,and trying to save her own hide from Bernie,AOC and their accomplices. SHE NEEDS TO BE IN POWER! She is in a fight to stay in power. If she doesn’t deliver plus the Progressive/Socialist/Communists don’t win,she will be done. MAGA/KAG/KAF 2020 TRUMP/PENCE

4 years ago

The President knows what Pelosi and all the “insiders” never will. Most American voters will suffer if Biden is elected. Not just half. MOST. I am reading Jonah Goldberg’s book “Suicide of the West”. He is a never trumper. Even he knows that the majority and a much greater number than a majority are already suffering under creeping socialism. Our government is not a good manager but Obamacare nationalized health insurance already and power and energy are next. Here is Biden declaring that the green new deal will pay for itself. The Bidens have been paid and at least Jill knows that. It is a system for the elite, limited, inside the beltway people. Hillary was just riding the politician train when she first attempted to nationalize healthcare, plainly unable to save anyone money, she failed. So Obama forced it down our throats, complete with requiring all of us to join and charge penalties if we had too much income. The biggest problem with nationalizing whatever is next is that our government is not going to run it well. Investigate. Set boundaries. Maybe government can do that and not harm us. Nationalize whatever the part of our economy it is will be damaged or worse. We need freedom. We need a non-politician in the White House. We need a fighter for that to happen.

4 years ago

Come on California, fire Nancy and send her to dumpster of history. You might even get some of your self respect back in the process.

4 years ago

If Biden’s plan is to increase taxes on the higher income cooperations and wage earners, why are all these billionaires and millionaires funding his campaign? I hope the idiots that vote Democrat don’t get what they think they want and get what they and everybody in our country get what we need. 4 more years of growth and a President really concerned with the issues of our country.

4 years ago

Pelosi is only kidding herself and her useful idiot followers.

4 years ago

typical dumo thinking! wish the supporters would wake up and see the lite??

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Please contnue to expose Pelosi for the wicked witch that she is!

James Kelly
James Kelly
4 years ago

Who is Pelosi Kidding?

4 years ago

Our founding fathers were very astute & came up with three branches of government: Executive,Legislative,Judicial. Voters elect the people to the Senate & House which I consider the legislative branch. So the Legislative branch is responsible to pass bills AND so why do we say Pelosi is bad & Trump sends out tweet to Nancy to Lets make a deal. I say “Let the Legislative Branch do the job they were voted in for” . What a broken system & two parties that will not give an inch.

4 years ago

Hey, why are democrats so negative about everything? Because they have to lie too cover their real agenda!

Frank J. Reedy
Frank J. Reedy
4 years ago

This entire ‘second stimulus’ is a ploy by the democrats to direct the country’s workforce and those not so inclined to accept a form of guaranteed annual wage. Remember Pelosi’s taunting ‘now artists and creative writers can enjoy health insurance’ after she and her Kenyan/Jakarta/Hawaii/Chicago nomadic president celebrated the introduction of Obamacare? These people seek nothing more than to desecrate capital and ingenuity in favor of sloth and the lower classes. Plain and simple. We are no longer at a political stalemate; we are confronting a destruction of the country politic, private property, and self determination. It is the state versus us. It’s a form of warfare.

David O'Neil
David O'Neil
4 years ago

You talk about airline subsidies, what about the thousands of Bus Companies and all their employee’s going down for lack of work. Bus companies petitioned Washington month’s ago and have heard absolute nothing and get NO mentioin in any News Broadcasts.

Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
4 years ago

Nitwit nancy does not care for the American People. She is only cares for her fellow poverty pimps and rich donors.

4 years ago

It is horribly sad that this list is shunned by CNN, MSNBC and the main stream media. They only spew hatred and disinformation about President Trump. Never do they even mention, in passing, his real accomplishments.

4 years ago

The hypocrisy and demagoguery of the Democrat Party would be almost comical, if the issues weren’t so serious. I feel sorry for rational, well meaning, patriotic Democrats who want to do what is best for America while remaining loyal to the political party of their parents and grandparents. Unfortunately, the party of FDR, HST, HHH and JFK no longer exists.I am an Independent voter who left the GOP after many years, but often vote for the GOP candidate as the better of two bad choices. While President Trump can be bombastic and cringe-worthy, I truly believe he is a committed patriot and unafraid of a fight. In other words, he is a statesman, not a career politician. These are traits that have been absent far too long in the putrid DC Swamp. May God bless and protect him and his family.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

Pelosi, the real “Wicked Witch of the West”, only cares about political advantage and power.
God help us if she remains speaker. This is a truly “Evil Women” a pox on her and all who follow her.

4 years ago

“California authorities take down giant ‘TRUMP’ sign near highway… that was on private property”

Credit to Tweeter via FR post

M. Connors
M. Connors
4 years ago

It would be interesting to see just what the Democrats want to have in the bill that would cost so much. Obviously everyone wants COVID relief, but what are all the other things beside that that they want money for? I have heard Planned Parenthood mentioned in the past, but it would be interesting to see what else.

Rita F. Silva
Rita F. Silva
4 years ago

I have always said that the ONE bill that we need is the one that prevents the addition of anything that is not directly connected to that bill. In other words, a bill for the military cannot have anything added to it that is not directly connected to the military. In other words, NO MORE PORK!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

What amazes me is, the socialist/dem plan is to re-distribute the wealth, I do not have any wealth, hollywierd elites, hi-tech billionares, msm “journalists”, they have wealth, evidently they are so stupid they cannot see it is thier wealth that will be “re-distributed”, I hope for our sake(not thiers) that does not happen. VOTE TRUMP, RED, KAG, KAFREE!!!

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
4 years ago

Then it seems that it is incumbent on all of us to have discussions with our friends on this and maybe call in to very news station, especially local ones, that parrot the MSM disinformation.

Of course, people will believe what they want to.

4 years ago

I believe that God is through with the Satan worshippers, especially Pelosi! I do not believe she will be alive to see Trump’s second inaguration! She is a modern day Jazabel and her demise will be such that people will simply shake their heads and say:”God did it!” Just as Naman said to the men on the wall in olden time! “Who’s on the Lord’s side! “They said: “We are”! And he said: “Throw her down!” They did and at the end of the day, the dogs licked up her blood as scripture states! People will say, this time, “God did it!”

James Wells
James Wells
4 years ago

The Dems are strictly a party of Doom and Gloom for all but themselves. They have no concern for the American citizen other wanting absolute, complete control of all. Their main agenda is to collapse the economy and destroy all of what America is, I served this country for 10 1/2 years in the military to keep this country on top not on the bottom.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

May Pelosi get voted out of office and Trump voted back into office.

4 years ago

The billionaire donors who give to the democrat communist party not only support Joe Biden, they support the entire democrat communist party. Period! The democrat party gave away your jobs, then told you they were never coming back! The billionaires who have their companies in China don’t give a rat’s behind about the American Worker! These billionaires are taking maximum advantage of Chinese slave labor. Their profits are through the roof! If you’re an American worker, your choice is simple – Donald Trump!

4 years ago

None of this will matter in a few short years or sooner. Signs of the end times as predicted in the bible are showing up, more. God is in control, and He will settle everything His way. The bible says “God alone is good”. His laws and ways are best for anyone wanting joy and happiness. He loves everyone, but will judge all who don’t want Him. It is so simple to have Him in your life. Ask Christ Jesus, who is one with the Father, to be your savior. If you’re sincere, be prepared to be amazed at how much He loves you. He does want us to obey the laws of our land, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to act justly. All good things.

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
4 years ago

She’s an undisguised evil witch in my opinion and really cares nothing about Americans, only her power and herself, not doing her job at all, yet drawing immense salary and benefits. Drives me crazy!

4 years ago

Pelosi is an infected pimple on the butts of American Citizens. She needs to be squeezed out and tossed away. What a wicked old bat.

4 years ago

the democraps in california only want to kill america and the middle class they want anarchy for themselves as the dictators

4 years ago

I’m almost embarrassed to say that I live in California. This is a beautiful place, but It’s almost unbearable to live here. Taxes are so high that most of us live paycheck to paycheck. The ultra rich are moving out because of the taxes. The rest of us just hang on. My family lives here so I’ll stay as long as I can. The DIMS that run this state like it this way. The more financially needy, the more control they have. And that’s the goal MORE POWER AND CONTROL. If you’re a conservative you have no voice here. In fact if you make yourself known they scream at you and throw stuff at your house. So we live lives of quiet frustration. I’m going to put up a Trump 2020 banner in my front window and hope they don’t bash it in. We need president Trump he’s the only voice of reason left in America!! God help us!!

Nancy Schneider
Nancy Schneider
4 years ago

I unfortunately live in California and I could never understand who or what Pelosi represents. She has done nothing for California and she continues to play blame game politics with people’s lives. I wonder if the ultimate game is to bankrupt the U.S. and force us all to live under a socialist or worse communist regime. I’ll bet her contributors include George Soros and other criminals.

4 years ago

GOD created women and the devil created Nancy Pelosi…

4 years ago

Lead by Pelosi and her undercover foreign financing, it is the objective of dems to overburden America’s debt to the point it cannot be sustained. America is under attack….from within!! Open borders have allowed a flood of non-productive unskilled immigrants to add more financial burden. Thanks to the horrible Obama years!!!

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

Isn’t there something that the real AMERICANS can do to slow these bottom feeders down.AMERICA is a great country,but we really need to do something about the entities that are working to destroy AMERICA,like sorryos,the clintstones,the nobambas,the liberturd communists and many more.SCREW you liberals,do what you think that you need to do,BUT,be careful,we real AMERICANS are locked and loaded,deal with it.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

Vote, just vote, that’s the best we can do to stop all this BS from Piglosi. Just open your refrigerator door and compare it to good old Nancy’s. Bet you’d like to have some ice cream too, if you could afford it. Too bad we’re not as rich as Piglosi or her clones. Just sayin’, what a pile of $hit. Wonder how many votes she bought or exploited to help herself. I remember when Democrats were Democrats and not these POS’s they say we need. I was a Democrat, until 1994 when I retired from the military and started paying attention to what these idiots are now. Sad, I used to like and respect Democrats until they started selling to the highest bidder. Another sad part, even if a Democrat (or Repubilican), those idiots get a retirement for life, even if it’s only 2 years and they get voted out.
Hey, in 2 years I may run for congress, my military retirement pay doesn’t cover even rent, let alone bills and food. Vote for me in 2022, can’t do no worse and what do you have to lose? Although my personnel stuff sucks, I lick my fingers, don’t use napkins, in other words, I’m a pig, but I won’t tolerate BS from either side. Ain’t pretty, but will do a better job than those POS’s in Washington. Plus, if I lose the vote after 2 years, who cares, I have another retirement and all the other perks that go with the job.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

First Remove every DemocRat (RED), then we can eliminate all RINO’s and “old line” Republicans.  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

If we all get out and VOTE, YES we, the true AMERICAN Citizens CAN win back the House and hold the Senate!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Get our Children our of Public Schools and turn-off Mainstream Media!  Become a Free American!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

American History: Every time a SCOTUS vacancy has occurred in an election year and the Presidency and the Senate are held by the same party, the vacancy was filled that year!  Bullies are crybabies.  The Crybaby DemoCommies are trying to bully all of America to get their own way!!  Push back against the bullies!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers are COMMUNIST organizations that are teaching OUR Children Anti-American sedition!  Members of those UNIONS should NOT be allowed to Teach!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Ray Leigh
Ray Leigh
4 years ago

OK, so how can we impeach pelosi? Some IDIOT from California should never be allowed to rule the rest of us EVER.

4 years ago

Poor thing; she is in desperate need of a good nursing home.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

This Trump-hating, partisan, condesending, arrogant evil (B)WITCH needs to be put out to pasture.

H L Howell
H L Howell
4 years ago

If a person has lived in this country for most of their lives and think that socialism/communism is a good thing, then they are too stupid to even debate.

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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