Lady Justice is meant to be blind.
The blindfold she wears in all the classic depictions is there not because she knows what she’s doing but because the identity of the person standing in front of her should be irrelevant.
Prince or Pauper, black or white, famous or unknown, it shouldn’t matter who stands accused. They are all equal before the law, they all enjoy the presumption of innocence, and their guilt is to be determined by a jury of their peers.
But what if the judge presiding over the trial is not an uninterested, unbiased actor?
President Trump has been indicted again by Biden’s Department of Justice, and now another judge has been given power over him.
The original “documents case,” the reason the private residence of the 45th President was raided by armed agents of the FBI, has seen initial motions and blistering decisions by Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, which indicate Special Counsel Jack Smith is using his extraordinary powers to politically target President Trump.
For example, why is Smith continuing to use a secret grand jury empaneled in DC when the document’s trial is being tried in Florida? Perhaps because 90.9% of Washington’s residents voted for Hilary Clinton as opposed to President Trump?
But what about Tanya Chutkan, the judge “randomly” assigned to hear the new Federal case relating to the 2020 election and the events of January 6th, 2021?
Will she be an impartial officer of the court as our system demands? Let’s look at her record.
Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, has already established a reputation connected to January 6th, 2021, since she has presided over numerous cases involving the rioters who interrupted the Electoral College count that day. And she has persistently established herself as the judge most willing to mete out the heaviest sentences, often more punitive than the already excessive sentences demanded by Biden’s DOJ.
At the same time, when defendants or their attorneys dared compare that one day to the weeks and weeks of BLM and Antifa violence that took dozens of lives and cost American businesses billions in damages, Judge Chutkan wasn’t having it. She responded: “Some have compared what took place on Jan. 6 with other protests that took place throughout the country through the past year and have suggested that the Capitol rioters are being treated unfairly,” Chutkan said during a sentencing hearing. “I flatly disagree.”
Strange, given the obvious difference in scale between a few hours of a protest gone awry to weeks and weeks of political carnage.
But there are more serious issues with Judge Chutkan than her partisan analysis of Black Lives Matter versus MAGA. She should never have been assigned to this case.
Tanya Chutkan, prior to being made a federal judge under Obama, served as a public defender. Then she was hired by the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, where she worked for 12 years. For the record, BSF has been labeled one of the most disreputable law firms in America, including by Harvard Emeritus law professor Alan Dershowitz.
At Boise Schiller Flexner, Chutkan represented the fraudulent blood testing company Theranos, and as part of that commission, she hired FusionGPS, the opposition research firm that generated the fake Steele Dossier used to smear candidate Trump and launch the illegal intelligence operation against his campaign.
Oh, and one more thing, her colleague who worked with Chutkan at BSF? Hunter Biden, the son of the man who has the most to gain by having President Trump convicted.
If that were not enough, Boise Schiller Flexner also worked for Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian gas company that paid Joe Biden’s son $80,000 a month for a No Show job. They paid BSF at least $250,000.
As former DOJ prosecutor, and former Deputy Director for National Intelligence, Kash Patel, has recently pointed out, just one of the above facts is reason enough to have Judge Chutkan recused.
Of course, she won’t recuse herself. As she has made clear, she is a woman on a political mission to destroy those associated with the MAGA.
Lady Justice’s blindfold has been ripped off. Can the Establishment stop the most popular opposition leader from being re-elected?
If they do, we will no longer be living in America.
Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.
Like most Obama appointed justices, Judge Chutkan was put on the bench to push the left’s ideology and perspective on all things through our judicial system. The left in this country has literally spent decades carefully putting people in place throughout the federal government to accomplish that task. All while the vast majority on the right have been asleep at the switch. Well things are now coming to a head and many on our side still refuse to accept what is staring them in the face. Hoping some magical fantasy event will save them from the consequences of decades of apathy and inaction on their part. Good luck with that as a strategy. It hasn’t worked anywhere in the world to date.
To date, this Judge’s record seems to speak volumes about her interpretation of how she views the law and how it can be weaponized for maximum effect. So, one should NOT expect anything even remotely approximating unbiased justice in this case. Lawfare is a commonly practiced means of crushing one’s political enemies in virtually all socialist and communist countries around the world. If the American people bothered to occasionally read or view news from various sources around the world, this would already be a known fact with much of the public. Instead, the vast majority of the American public still sits transfixed before the TV watching the propaganda put out nightly by the MSM. Well, lawfare is now practiced quite openly here in America on a regular basis. The usual goal is to either bankrupt or imprison those that the left feels pose a threat to their unilateral rule.
Merrick Garland is a crook. You can bet that he appointed the most crooked, racially biased “judge” that he could find. He is still mad because he was not fit to be appointed to the Supreme Court.
An Obama appointee? say no more
Will she wreak wrath and vengeance on Pres Trump?
Sounds likely.
The Biden admin and their friends in the federal ” justice” dept are shredding this country…As hostile countries like Russia and China look on…with Glee.
“Randonly Assigned” or “Judge Shopped?” That will surely be brought up on appeal.
The “Democrats” are famous for “Judge Shopping.”
You could have just said judge chutkan is a left wing communist b**ch bent on handing the USA over to communism. But that would not have made much of an article.
Where and on what date did Tanya Chutkan become an American citizen?
I am so tired of Communist promoting judges trying to destroy our legal system! Maybe a message should be sent by having an example made by having one swing from a lamppost in DC.
She’s as unbiased as Al Sharpton.
She like most dems say law is for the good of the crooks like the FBI and DOJ both are so corrupt we do not have and FAIR judges left it seem and For sure Pre Trump will not get a fair judge The law left when the coward jury put the Cop in jail for killing thug floyd who should have been in jail in the first place
in addition to all the reasons mentioned in the article, judge chutkan should be removed from this case and the trial should be moved out of DC because when Trump ran for president in 2016, he vowed to “drain the swamp”. The very same swamp the trial is currently being held. Does anyone seriously believe Trump can get a fair trial in the very same swamp he vowed to drain?
I hope and pray the establishment is showing itself fully so that the plain people know for sure that they must go.
Thank goodness for Judge Aileen Cannon, at least she might be fair if the dems don’t intimidate her. As for Chutkan, Trump’s lawyers had better be good, better than good.
Tanya Chutney is a libturd progressive, plain and simple.
Judge Chutkan is an evil lying woman who hates white people and conservatives. She needs to be disbarred and prosecuted for the crimes she has already committed!!
A 21st century Angela Davis radical…
I’m surprised they’re actually wasting time with the PRETENSE of a trial… ask her “what’s the definition of a woman?” and watch her stumble for an answer.
Affirmative action selectee turned anti-white activist with the power of the gavel. She has been able to afford frozen chicken breasts (pack of 2) for $16.98 in the grocery stores. She has been able to afford $3.90 gallon of gas. Trump wants all Americans to afford all the staples of life, Trump was a great president and prior to his presidency he was well liked and known, charisma, celebrity, liked by almost all, and does business globally. Trump has hotels in many countries, Trump understood the business side of how the USA could do much better, so when Trump entered politics, he didn’t understand the political side of how things were done. Not only does Trump now understand how our crooked politicians get things done, the whole Nation now understands this in detail. If we didn’t know before we certainly know now, and it’s people like this judge who do not want all Americans living under and up to the Bill of Rights in our constitution. Under a Biden or other democratic leader, the two tiered system of justice, the low wages, high prices, non self reliant, the continuation of victimhood and oppressive mentality, weak and woke military will continue for a short time before the open borders and weak military and will of a strong president leader will lead to the overtaking and down fall of the American dream we knew for last 250 years.
There is no hope of a fair trail. The hope of equal justice comes from our appeal process. Where most of this nonsense will be thrown out. The problem is how much money this is costing Trump. Keep supporting him with words and money. We are next if this persecution succeeds!!
It sure isn’t hard to discern good from evil in this spiritual and political battle. I could stand with Mr. Gorka anytime against such a vicious, vindictive female as this judge who should never have made it to the bench. 
I know why we got this far in the destruction of our Representative Republic but the question I have is what scared some of the elected American Citizens in both parties to allow it. Did the anti American zealots scare them or was it, they agreed with some of the destruction that caused them to do the head bob shuffle and sing we get along song, with the sell out crew so they will like you.
A corrupt Luciferian nazi reich justice!
When the balloon finally pops and the SHTF, I expect a French style revolution to clean out the garbage, as opposed to our first one that only changed governance.
Why don’t the people who hate America and Trump so much just leave. Move to China or some other communist country where they seem to think they will be happy. Save America!!!
This AMAC organization may lack an inkling of jurisprudence and is a bit short on moral fortitudes. Justice matters and is far overdue, look at yourself to begin to weed out a just a few amoral magical fantasies.
When the playing field is even it will be found that the entire J6 was a twin fraud identical to Russia, Russia. The tables will turn and the incarcerated will change places with their accusers!!! Any betts? We know who instigated and participated! The world will see!
She has made it clear that she is an anti-Trumper, fair trial my butt, recuse,replace and out of DC the leftist heart land
Recieving money from ukraine evan for work should be a disqualifier
Our very own Teflon Don meets Judge Roy Bean. Pass the popcorn.
”we will no longer be living in America”
you promise? Lol