Who is Judge Tanya Chutkan?

Posted on Friday, August 11, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Judge Chutkan

Lady Justice is meant to be blind. 

The blindfold she wears in all the classic depictions is there not because she knows what she’s doing but because the identity of the person standing in front of her should be irrelevant. 

Prince or Pauper, black or white, famous or unknown, it shouldn’t matter who stands accused. They are all equal before the law, they all enjoy the presumption of innocence, and their guilt is to be determined by a jury of their peers.

But what if the judge presiding over the trial is not an uninterested, unbiased actor? 

President Trump has been indicted again by Biden’s Department of Justice, and now another judge has been given power over him.

The original “documents case,” the reason the private residence of the 45th President was raided by armed agents of the FBI, has seen initial motions and blistering decisions by Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, which indicate Special Counsel Jack Smith is using his extraordinary powers to politically target President Trump. 

For example, why is Smith continuing to use a secret grand jury empaneled in DC when the document’s trial is being tried in Florida? Perhaps because 90.9% of Washington’s residents voted for Hilary Clinton as opposed to President Trump?

But what about Tanya Chutkan, the judge “randomly” assigned to hear the new Federal case relating to the 2020 election and the events of January 6th, 2021?

Will she be an impartial officer of the court as our system demands? Let’s look at her record.

Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, has already established a reputation connected to January 6th, 2021, since she has presided over numerous cases involving the rioters who interrupted the Electoral College count that day. And she has persistently established herself as the judge most willing to mete out the heaviest sentences, often more punitive than the already excessive sentences demanded by Biden’s DOJ.

At the same time, when defendants or their attorneys dared compare that one day to the weeks and weeks of BLM and Antifa violence that took dozens of lives and cost American businesses billions in damages, Judge Chutkan wasn’t having it. She responded: “Some have compared what took place on Jan. 6 with other protests that took place throughout the country through the past year and have suggested that the Capitol rioters are being treated unfairly,” Chutkan said during a sentencing hearing. “I flatly disagree.”

Strange, given the obvious difference in scale between a few hours of a protest gone awry to weeks and weeks of political carnage.

But there are more serious issues with Judge Chutkan than her partisan analysis of Black Lives Matter versus MAGA. She should never have been assigned to this case.

Tanya Chutkan, prior to being made a federal judge under Obama, served as a public defender. Then she was hired by the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, where she worked for 12 years. For the record, BSF has been labeled one of the most disreputable law firms in America, including by Harvard Emeritus law professor Alan Dershowitz.

At Boise Schiller Flexner, Chutkan represented the fraudulent blood testing company Theranos, and as part of that commission, she hired FusionGPS, the opposition research firm that generated the fake Steele Dossier used to smear candidate Trump and launch the illegal intelligence operation against his campaign.

Oh, and one more thing, her colleague who worked with Chutkan at BSF? Hunter Biden, the son of the man who has the most to gain by having President Trump convicted.

If that were not enough, Boise Schiller Flexner also worked for Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian gas company that paid Joe Biden’s son $80,000 a month for a No Show job. They paid BSF at least $250,000.

As former DOJ prosecutor, and former Deputy Director for National Intelligence, Kash Patel, has recently pointed out, just one of the above facts is reason enough to have Judge Chutkan recused.

Of course, she won’t recuse herself. As she has made clear, she is a woman on a political mission to destroy those associated with the MAGA.

Lady Justice’s blindfold has been ripped off. Can the Establishment stop the most popular opposition leader from being re-elected?

If they do, we will no longer be living in America.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/who-is-judge-tanya-chutkan/