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Trump’s Pitch for Greenland Is Genius

Posted on Friday, January 10, 2025
by Shane Harris

The reaction of the corporate media and Democrat establishment to Donald Trump’s pitch that the United States should acquire Greenland from Denmark has ranged from outrage to mockery. But Trump is right – gaining control of the world’s largest island with its immense natural resources and strategic location would be a stroke of geopolitical and military genius.

Trump’s ambitions to purchase Greenland date back to at least 2019, but the president-elect has reignited the discussion after floating the idea several times since his decisive victory on November 5. Earlier this week, Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., even took a flight aboard “Trump Force One” to the glacier-covered island, home to about 56,000 people, where he shared photos of Greenlanders sporting Trump’s iconic “MAGA” hats and holding an American flag. Other users on social media have likewise reported anecdotal evidence of enthusiastic support for Trump – and the idea of joining the United States – in Greenland.

“We need Greenland for national security purposes,” Trump said during a press conference on Tuesday. “You look outside you have Chinese ships all over the place, you have Russian ships all over the place – we’re not letting that happen.”

Indeed, while Greenland may seem a remote, icy frontier, it occupies a location of prime strategic importance in the North Atlantic. After Denmark fell to Nazi Germany in 1940, the U.S. military quickly occupied the island, protecting it from German invasion. The military subsequently established radar stations and air bases which proved critical in monitoring and responding to German air and naval movements.

Greenland became even more important during the Cold War, with Thule Air Base serving as a critical point in the U.S. early warning radar system for a potential Soviet nuclear attack. That importance has only grown as receding Arctic Sea ice has opened up new shipping lanes for both military and commercial purposes. Recognizing the importance of the Arctic in ongoing competition with Russia and China, Trump ordered a review of the military’s capability to deploy heavy icebreaker ships to counter threats from Moscow and Beijing late in his first term.

As Trump alluded to, America’s top two geopolitical rivals are becoming increasingly aggressive in the region. The Wall Street Journal reported just this week that “Russia reopened dozens of Soviet military bases in the Arctic as tensions with the West worsened over the invasion of Ukraine.” Meanwhile, “China has pursued expanding shipping routes through the region’s melting ice and exploiting Greenland’s natural resources, including minerals used in everything from phones to electric cars and military equipment.” China has also invested in mining operations in Greenland and tried to build three airports there before the Pentagon successfully blocked the planned projects in 2018.

The U.S. currently maintains just one military base in Greenland, the Pituffik Space Base. While Denmark touted new defense spending for the island just before the new year, it was only enough to cover “two new inspection ships, two new long-range drones, and two extra dog sled teams” – hardly the show of force necessary to scare off Russia or China. As former Trump National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien wrote on X, “We love the Danes but a couple of additional drones, dogsled teams & inspection ships are not enough to defend Greenland against the Russians & Chinese Communists.”

Greenland also has significant natural resources that have been largely untapped under Danish control. Of particular interest to the United States is the island’s estimated reserves of 1.5 million tons of rare earth minerals, which are necessary for the production of everything from cell phones to solar panels.

China currently controls 60 percent of global production and 85 percent of worldwide processing capacity in rare earth minerals – a virtual monopoly that it could wield as an economic weapon in a trade (or military) war with the United States. Greenland’s rare earth mineral reserves present an opportunity for the United States to break its reliance on China and secure supply chains.

The U.S. Geological Survey also estimates that Greenland and its surrounding waters could contain 17.5 billion barrels of oil and 148 trillion cubic feet of natural gas – about 13 and 30 percent of the world’s undiscovered reserves, respectively. With demand for energy exploding worldwide, these reserves could be a vital part of Trump’s promise to bring “the number one lowest cost energy” to the United States.

Even some Democrats recognize how much of an asset Greenland would be. In an appearance on Fox News, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman scolded members of his party for having “freakouts” over the mere mention of acquiring Greenland. “It’s a responsible conversation,” Fetterman said. “Remember the Louisiana Purchase? I think Alaska was a pretty great deal, too.”

Of course, there are two important considerations outside of the benefits to the United States.

The first is the desire of the people of Greenland to be under U.S. control. While there has long been a movement for independence from Denmark, whether or not a majority of the population wishes to become part of the United States, most likely as a territory, is unclear.

At the very least, it would take a strong public relations campaign on the part of the U.S. government to win the support of Greenlanders. But in a question of whether they’d be better off under the control of the United States, still the world’s preeminent economic and military superpower, or Denmark, the choice is obvious.

Then there is the Danish government, which has indicated it has no desire to sell or otherwise hand Greenland over to the United States. This will likely prove a more difficult challenge to overcome – but if Trump proved anything during his first term, it was that he has a knack for delivering seemingly unthinkable foreign policy victories. (Not to mention his penchant for savvy real estate deals during his pre-politics days.)

From a pragmatic standpoint, Denmark would stand to benefit from selling Greenland to the United States. Block grants from Denmark currently account for about 20 percent of Greenland’s GDP, despite the fact that Denmark has failed to fully capitalize on Greenland’s natural resources or strategic military importance.

Moreover, the United States has essentially provided for the security of Denmark – and virtually every other European nation – since the end of World War II. Denmark, just like every other NATO member, has benefited immensely from American taxpayer dollars funding the defense of Europe.

The United States remains the arsenal of democracy and the defender of the free world. If America’s leaders believe purchasing Greenland advances that mission, the leaders of Denmark or any other nation should be willing to come to the negotiating table.

Trump’s Greenland aspirations may or may not come to fruition. But regardless, his outside-the-box thinking and ambitious moves, even before entering the White House, are a breath of fresh air following four years of stagnation and decline on the international stage under Biden. Once again, the United States is looking to bolster its standing in the world while securing the homeland and creating domestic economic opportunities in the process.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
2 months ago

Kudos Shane. Donald Trump’s work prospers because he is a bold, America loving patriot. Nothing he does FOR America is selfish but in fact SELFLESS.

2 months ago

From a strategic military point of view it is 100% on target.

2 months ago

I support some kind of acquisition of Greenland as long as the Greenlanders support it. It would be a very good thing for the USA and Greenland residents.

John Steinberger
John Steinberger
2 months ago

Brilliant article. Greenland has great strategic value and enormous mineral wealth. President Trump is using The Art of the Deal to forge some sort of partnership with native Greenlanders!

2 months ago

Another great article from AMAC. And, another reason why having President Trump in charge is a good thing for the USA and the world as a whole.

2 months ago

Type in the North Pole on Google Earth. Pay attention to the geographic position of Greenland in relation to Europe, Canada and the Russian coastlines. Russia owns the Arctic Ocean. Adding Greenland to the United States changes the strategic posture immediately. Trump is correct and the people of Greenland may agree with him.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

According to the leftwing media, Trump will invade Greenland and Canada. Stupid press!

2 months ago

The last president to propose acquisition of Greenland was Truman. He was a realist when it comes to national security. National security should be the priority of our government. Maintaining the status quo is unrealistic.

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
2 months ago

Demark refused a fortune in gold bars to sell Greenland to the US in WW2. Yet a deal was stuck and American protection and interests were agreed to. That again is what Our 47th President has to put in process because all of bidens disastrous foreign errors have brought us to the precipice of WW3.

2 months ago


Roseann Carpenter
Roseann Carpenter
2 months ago

I so agree, AMAC, this is an acquisition our country needs President Trump seems to always get it right! I cannot wait for January 20. This is the first selfless President in my 85 years. We know how bad some of them have been, and that with their best intents, but this patriot is not only selfless, but extremely intelligent, and just what we need for such a time as this.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
2 months ago

I object to my recent comment not being approved. AMAC should provide a reason for doing that. Perhaps it’s because I accurately described the state governments on our West Coast as “communist.” Why should that trigger cancellation? I thought AMAC believed in free speech!

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
2 months ago

President elect Trump – just go get Greenland. It is so important to our national security among all the other benefits for us and Greenland citizens. I always wanted to be stationed there when I was active duty but it didn’t happen. Now, I am old but hope to live long enough to see the acquisition happen. Go Trump and Vance, wow!

Robert Pelno
Robert Pelno
2 months ago

I love President Trumps America First attitude. What are we supposed to do, Wait until the C.C.P. and/or Russia together take it. and probably by force. That is the Democrat way of leading and doing things to destroy Our great Country, America First is the best Policy,

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
2 months ago

There are even reports of states in Canada making comments about wanting to join the United States under Trump. Besides President John F Kennedy, President Donald Trump is they ONLY President we ever had, in my life that was in the White House FOR the citizens of the United States of America and the citizens which is why the Far-Left democrats, and the Rhino republicans hate him because he’s taking away their Corrupt Gravy Train.

2 months ago

Trump is crazy like a fox! I love him

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

There is not one nation that had not prospered from the alliance with the USA but many went under from the alliance with the “liberating” communist

2 months ago

Thank God we finally have someone looking out for America’s best interest, instead of how quickly can we destroy the country. What’s scary is that Harris pulled in 75M America hating votes. WE CAN NEVER LET OUR GUARDS DOWN.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Trump is always four or five steps ahead of the “politicians” and “experts.” What the socialist fools deride in Trump always proves out as WISDOM!

Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
2 months ago

Well, we did purchase Alaska from the Russian Empire back in 1867.
(Of course I’m sure today’s Russians aren’t too happy about that)

2 months ago

Trump never ceases to amaze with genus ideas. While Shoomir and the rest of the Trump-hating DAMNOCRAPS and RINOs are the ENEMIES WITHIN, that are hell bent on keeping America beaten down and trodden on the world stage (and at home). They are CORRUPT TO THE CORE.

2 months ago

The Clever Danes named arable Iceland and the glacier that is Greenland to encourage migration to Greenland. I lived there for a year and have great admiration for the people.
When the occupying Nazis said that all Jews had to wear a Jewish star on the following Monday, King Frederick had one put on his riding uniform and rode around the central park so adorned on Sunday. The following day, every Dane wore a Jewish star. Talk about heroism.

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
2 months ago

The people critical of this proposition are descendants of the people who criticized the acquisition of Alaska, the Louisiana Purchase, and the steamboat.
Maybe it would be cheaper to just buy Denmark.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
2 months ago

Trump thinks big. Biden looks for ice cream.

2 months ago

From both a strategic miliary and economic rationale, acquiring Greenland makes logical sense. That is why a number of past U.S. Presidents expressed interest in doing so. The other past U.S. Presidents just lacked either the will, the personal courage or the imagination / skill set on how to pursue the issue beyond simply talking about it.

It would be interesting to see what the residents of Greenland thought of the of the idea of being either part of the United States or being independent of Denmark and aligned with the United States in some fashion. From a number of surveys over the years, the people of Greenland don’t seem to be all that thrilled be tied to Denmark.

Melinda C
Melinda C
2 months ago

I like the way Trump thinks, strategically and rationally. I’m sure Denmark can be “convinced”, especially since the people of Greenland approve. It should be a win-win decision.

2 months ago


2 months ago

I love Senator Fetterman’s comment when talking about the dinner he was invited to at Mar a Lago… answer to one “reporter” what do you expect from this meeting? Ans: “I’m going to ask to be made Pope of Greenland!!” LOL

2 months ago

Even if Trump wasn’t serious about Greenland, just throwing it out there has given the Left a “decoy” to complain and whine about! The entire world is also stewing about “The Gulf!” It could all very well be a masterfully contrived rabbit hole!
Think about it. He’s controlling the narrative of the Democrats! Brilliant! Don’t you see? The nasty opposition could be yelling about the Cabinet picks. Or, beating the “convicted felon” horse! But no…he has Leftists apoplectic over Greenland! And the “Gulf of America!” Nothing substantial is on the news except California fires, the Gulf and Greenland!
Maybe Trump is actually considering these things. If true, they certainly wouldn’t be among his first order of business. But, look how the 3-D Chess Master DIVERTS and CONTROLS the news cycle!
He’s not officially the President yet, and already has Leftist Media singing the songs that HE PICKED OUT!

John Lemley
John Lemley
2 months ago

I hope we can pay off the national debt first and quickly. Purchasing Greenland sounds attractive. But, I know I can’t afford to buy more things until my debts are paid. Can the USA do differently?

john a guzzi
john a guzzi
2 months ago

You are right Mr. Treump’s idea of Greenland is genius. Iceland is owned by some rich family. My research tells me that Denmark does not totally own Greenland you probably know that so there could be a way to buy it. It will be great if they coul get it. Maybe the people in Greenland could vote, this will show them the American way of freedom. Denmark does not have resources so let’s hope they do not consult Russia or China.Buying Alaska was a geeat asset to Amrica. thanks

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

President Trump has thought this out,don’t think that he hasn’t.He is always thinking,and the best part,he is thinking on ways to benefit AMERICA.What a difference,and a refreshing change from today and before.

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
2 months ago

From reading other comments, it appears that too many still do not understand Trump 5D Chess. Whether Green goes Statehood, Territory, or Independent country with beneficial trade with the US, Trump and our country wins. His “Greenland Gambit” is, indeed, brilliant.

Chris Temple
Chris Temple
2 months ago

Democrat’s should be reminded that Harry Truman wanted to buy Greenland, too, and actually made an offer to Denmark in 1946.

Dieter Wichert
Dieter Wichert
2 months ago

I truly believe that before Trump’s term is over, we will have Greenland and the Panama canal

2 months ago

Acquiring Greenland would be beneficial to both the U.S. and the citizens of Greenland. Communist China and Russia would love to have Greenland and the U.S. is the only country standing in the way. President Trump has nose for real estate deals and this could be the best one.

2 months ago

Thank you for such a great article & all the wise comments. Trump as usual is ahead of the game . That is why the Dem’s are so afraid of him & now after the law fare they have pulled SHOULD BE ! All his cabinet picks are awesome & I hope confirmation is swift so Trump can start the job day one to clean up the mess Biden left us in .

Herb S
Herb S
2 months ago

There is some precedent, the US bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark back around 1917.

Carrie Mataraza
Carrie Mataraza
2 months ago

Of course, Biden knew none of this. Greenland was never even on his radar, such as it may be. Leave it to Pres. Trump to think outside of the box and may the former unknowns, known as the saying goes.

2 months ago

What a bold move on Trump’s part – thinking of ‘protecting the World from Russia and China’ – like NO OTHER! Denmark should say a big ‘THANK YOU!’ to Trump for wanting to rescue Greenland out of their ‘do-nothing’ hands – for its Survival – and THEIR OWN. Only the US has the capability to save this world from Tyranny. They should realize that.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
2 months ago

We needed Trump to open these issues publicly. EU is quick to turn away while depending on us for defense and economic propping. Time to get tough and move the ball. Absolutely need some great PR to win the population of Greenland though.

2 months ago

Trump’s forward thinking and vision are indeed a welcome revival from the doldrums days under intellectual midget Biden.

Chris Baker
Chris Baker
2 months ago

I think this is an excellent idea. We can’t help but benefit from the purchase as would the people of Greenland. Denmark would get rid of costs and security problems as well.
After that’s taken care of we could see about acquiring the Yukon Territories and British Columbia to make Alaska more secure and accessible, then work our way east and let Quebec be independent.

2 months ago

Good article, I did not know that US defended Greenland in 1940. And did not know that Greenland had Rare Earth reserves & oil/gas potential! Is Greenland mining/exporting the rare earths and to USA at this time?
It sounds like Greenland is worth a lot of money & has a lot of economic potential.

2 months ago

If not for the US, and the British, Danes would be speaking German right now.

Dr Capital
Dr Capital
2 months ago

Troll back to your cave

2 months ago

It’s either the US protecting Greenland and its resources or China. Over the years China has quietly bought strategic ports and other prominent lands all over the world. In Africa they are mining for resources they need for computers and military weapons. Most Americans should be informed where China has holdings. If Greenland falls in Chinese or Russian hands the US strategically has lost standing in the world. The same with the Panama Canal. Carter sold it for a dollar. While we provide the security and maintenance still. We are the security providers for the world but nothing to show for it. Trump is right for the security of America we should buy Greenland. And get the Panama Canal back.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
2 months ago

I don’t know if the Greenland deal would work out. I’m pretty sure Canada will not want to be annexed to the U.S. As the leader of Canada’s Green Party said, it would perhaps be more appropriate for my state (California) and Washington and Oregon to join Canada, since we all have communist governments that would agree with Canada’s policies. In my opinion, the most important of Trump’s suggestions is to take back the Panama Canal. Giving it up was pretty close to an act of treason on the part of Carter and his people.

2 months ago

Such a master leader! Always looking out for the best for America, and others!!!!

2 months ago

Neocon imperialism lives on under Trump.

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