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Trump, History, and Divine Intervention

Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Donald Trump – former president, candidate for president – was shot by a would-be assassin on July 13. While some minimize his survival, it is neither overstatement nor messianic to say his survival is miraculous, given the intent, range, and agility of the shooter. History foreshadows more.

None of us, however spiritual, can know God’s will, nor change it. Yet cynics, like those of faith, ought not to dismiss the patterns of life, history, and where miraculous events often lead.

For those with no inclination to history, miracles, faith, or divine intervention – no patience for those who see the Hand of Providence in American history – so be it. But history never stops teaching.
The lives of George Washington, Joshua Chamberlain, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher, and countless others, … teach us lessons, not least about faith.

On July 9, 1755, 274 years ago this month, George Washington found himself under intense fire, Battle of Monongahela. At 23, he was not used to being shot at, became defiant, rallied hundreds, and survived two horses shot from under him, four shots through his coat. He should not have.

Without George Washington’s survival at Monongahela, and later facing down point blank attempts on his life at Long Island, Brooklyn Heights, Princeton, and Trenton, the Revolutionary War would likely have been lost, no President Washington, no young nation, no older nation… no now.

On July 2, 1863, 161 years ago this month, Joshua Chamberlain turned the flank of Lee’s troops at Gettysburg, 20th Maine, Battle of Little Round Top. More than once, face to face, he was confronted and shot at – but those shots miraculously missed or the guns misfired.

Without Joshua Chamberlain’s survival at Little Round Top, turning the line and tide at Gettysburg, that battle would have likely gone to Lee, no Union victory, no Gettysburg Address… no now.

On July 1, 1898, 126 years ago this month, Theodore Roosevelt (TR) stormed San Juan Hill in Cuba with his Rough Riders, helping to end the Spanish-American War. In the charge 144 died, not TR.

In 1912, having been president once, running again after Howard Taft’s failed term , TR was speaking at a rally in Milwaukee – when he was shot. The bullet penetrated his suit, hit a metal glasses case and papers ion his vest pocket. Wounded, he defied the would-be assassin, finished.

Without TR’s survival at San Juan, no President Theodore Roosevelt, no Nobel Prize for ending the Russo-Japanese War, no trust busting, national parks, Panama Canal, expanded Navy, “Man in the Arena” speech. Without survival in Milwaukee, no preparation for World War I … questionable now.

In March 1981, a would-be assassin shot Ronald Reagan at the Hilton Hotel in Washington DC, leaving a bullet lodged near his heart. Reagan quipped to doctors, recovered in time. In May 1981, Pope John Paul II was nearly assassinated, shot in St. Peter’s Square. In 1984, Margaret Thatcher was nearly killed in a terrorist bombing, Grand Hotel, Brighten England.

Without those three individuals surviving those three assassination attempts, each narrowly – one might say by God’s Grace – they would not have lived to coordinate an end of the Soviet Union, no “Evil Empire” speech, no “Tear down this wall” speech, no conversion of Gorbachev … no now.

In Reagan’s autobiography he said, on the day, “I thanked God for what He … had done for me.” In his diary: “Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can.”

American history is a constant teacher, as is world history. What follows this attempt on Donald Trump’s life, how it will affect him, affect us, affect our history, perhaps change the course of our history is unclear. But history is filled with examples of divine intervention, and this looks like one.

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Debra Lee Baugh
Debra Lee Baugh
7 months ago

These were my word exactly last night. . . “Divine Intervention”.

7 months ago

May God continue to bless and protect the true President of the United States.

7 months ago

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

The last sentence Robert, ” But history is filled with examples of Divine intervention and this looks like one “. I agree , and there is always the uncertainty because as you wrote earlier in the article that none of us however spiritual can know God’s will ,nor change it. I’ve. used the term having respect for God’s will many times in writing comments and the idea of Faith , having belief in the teaching of Christ, and the will of God — have some connection — however it is important to understand that it would not be possible to know the will of God — that is the limit of human understanding — it is having an appreciation that there is a will of God that is the best way to define the idea. This assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, and what many people would call a miracle is something that indicates Divine intervention — and history sure enough has plenty of examples of Divine intervention, something we all should be thankful for . In the spirit of Faith , Courage , respect for intelligent thought and hope for improvements in communication between people — for Truth and Liberty .

7 months ago


7 months ago

Good article thanks for sharing

Ken S
Ken S
7 months ago

I’ve have felt for some time that a divine hand or some unknown supreme being has intervene by having the right man come forth at a time when the US and the global community are under threat from dark forces. A man who gains nothing but is willing to sacrifice it all for us. The probability of the right person, with the will, character, ability and strength to be here at this time in our hour of need for a once in a generation leader is infinitesimal.
Some will say it was luck. For me, I believe evil saw God’s hand at work yesterday and they know the tide has turn. We the People led by President Trump will take back this country, restore human decency, common sense, inspire global peace and make our republic the shiny beacon for the world to emulate. May God Bless President Trump and keep him safe and May God bless the USA.

Jef Harris
Jef Harris
7 months ago

May divine favor continue to rest on Former President Donald Trump and his family!
“He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” Daniel‬ ‭2‬:‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

7 months ago

Very good

Nancy Perrine
Nancy Perrine
7 months ago

Your three examples from America are men that I have great respect for. I also have respect for Chamberlain, Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II. I have great respect for Trump. He is a man of unusual courage in this day, who keeps pressing onward so that Americans will retain the wonderful freedoms given to us in our national constitution. Is anyone else so brave that they would risk death for the good of others, even the ungrateful? God makes the spirit of a person, and puts them in place to fulfill his plans. He often uses people we might write off as being the wrong person for the job, and they turn out to be the one that was indeed right for the job.

Randall Rogers
Randall Rogers
7 months ago


7 months ago

Great article!

7 months ago

Good will prevail over evil

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