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The War on You

Posted on Monday, December 4, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Broken Concrete with American Flag

“I am your retribution.” That’s a rather strange promise for a former President and future candidate to make, isn’t it? Why did Donald Trump make that promise on the campaign trail for his second presidency?

President Trump is right, however. Not because of what has been done to him during and since his term in office. But because of what the assault on him really means: a war on you and your sacred right to choose who should be President. 

I’m going to make the case for you. I’m no attorney, but I’m going to make a case for you that the assault on the President is really an assault on you and all of us. How does it all begin? 

It begins before the 2016 election, a month before that election, when President Obama and the then-Vice President, Joe Biden, were in the White House, in the Oval Office, and were briefed on something called “Operation: Crossfire Hurricane.” An operation that was run by the then-head of the FBI, James Comey, and the then-head of the CIA, John Brennan. The first time ever in history that multiple intelligence agencies, including the NSA, were authorized by that man, by Obama, to do what? To spy on a presidential campaign. 

Let me repeat that: The FBI, the CIA, and the NSA were authorized by Obama to spy on a presidential campaign.

Who was the #1 target outside of the Presidential candidate, Donald Trump? It was a great patriot; it was my former colleague, my friend, Mike Flynn, an individual who’d served decades in uniform, up to the rank of the Director of Defense Intelligence, an individual who told the truth about Al-Qaeda, and that is why Obama fired him from that position. 

But Mike was coming back into the new Trump Administration as the National Security Adviser, above the Cabinet, the most important person outside of the Oval Office, an individual who knew where the bodies were buried and what the Obama Administration had done to undermine our Republic. 

As a result, because of that knowledge, he had to be removed from the Trump Team. And that’s exactly what the FBI did.

But it wasn’t just General Flynn. It was lesser-known characters associated with the incoming President. Individuals like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos who were targeted by the FBI and the CIA, even to the extent of George Papadopoulos being targeted in a sting operation. Yes, a sting orchestrated by the FBI.

What was the main weapon in Operation Crossfire Hurricane? It was a smear dossier. It was an absolute tissue of lies created by two men: Christopher Steele, a disgraced former MI-6 agent, a British spy, and Glenn Simpson, the founder of something called FusionGPS, who created the Steele dossier about so-called “Russian collusion” that was all fabricated, based on lies obtained from a Russian agent based in DC. It didn’t matter that they were lies; that dossier was peddled by Nellie Ohr, at FusionGPS, a quote-unquote “Russia expert,” to her husband Bruce Ohr, a government official, a senior government official working at the Department of Justice.

And that smear campaign was used to justify further intelligence activities under the banner of “Russian collusion” against President Trump. A smear campaign that, sadly, was propagated by the late Senator McCain, an individual who was the quintessence of establishment Republicanism, a RINO who hated the idea of someone coming from outside the Republican establishment to become the highest, most powerful individual in the land. Yes, Senator McCain was part of the Russian collusion hoax.

But it needed foot soldiers beyond the people at the top: CIA director, FBI director, you needed individuals like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page at the FBI and the DOJ, who now we know from their texts to each other. These people, who were married at the time to other people but were having affairs with each other, they said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry about Trump, we have a quote-unquote ‘insurance policy.’”

What was that insurance policy? Was it the Deep State hitman Robert Mueller? Who wanted his old job back as Director of the FBI, but President Trump didn’t want to give it to him because he was old and likely compromised cognitively. But his buddies in the Deep State made him what? Special investigator, Special Counsel, to investigate Russia collusion to see if they could take down the new President by having him removed. 20 months of investigation, $40 million of your money wasted, with not one shred of evidence of Russian collusion.

But it gets worse. 

The war on American democracy and our Republic gets much worse. We have a fifth columnist. We have people inside the Trump Administration. Alexander, “Sasha,” “Don’t Call Me Mr.” Vindman, a Colonel in the National Security Council who lied about the quote-unquote “perfect phone call” to the President. Zelenskyy by President Trump. A phone call that truly was perfect because it’s our duty to investigate corruption in America involving foreign nationals.

The President of Ukraine was asked, “What’s going on with Americans getting lots of money from Ukrainian corrupt entities like Burisma?” People like Hunter Biden! How’s he getting $83,000 a month from a corrupt energy company? Yes, $83,000 a month. That is the level of the Deep State corruption: protecting their own and taking down a President who wants to know the truth.

At the same time, we have individuals like Miles Taylor, A Fifth Columnist in the Department of Homeland Security, who wrote the infamous “Anonymous” letter to the New York Times and then afterward admitted he’s a part of the “resistance.” That’s a political appointee inside the Department of Homeland Security. What is he resisting? He’s resisting you, the will of the American people.

But subversive elements, resistance movements, have to have their armed wings, because that’s how irregular warfare works. And what were those armed wings? Well, you lived through it. Antifa, BLM, the “summer of love,” rioting across America; so serious that it ended up with violence at Lafayette Square and an assault on the White House, the first time ever in the history of the White House bunker, that the First Family had to be evacuated.

Afterward, President Trump sent a very clear message: He walked across that Square to the Church they tried to firebomb, held up a Bible, and he said, “We are not intimidated.” At the same time, the most senior military officer in America, a disgrace to the uniform he barely fits into, Mark Milley, regretted standing with the President. Could that have something to do with the fact that he was working with the Chinese? Admitting that, he told his counterpart, General Li in Beijing, “don’t worry if the President has plans against China, I’ll give you a heads-up.”

Yes. It’s a war against the man you chose to be President. A war involving not one but two impeachments, two failed impeachments, but an attempt by those in Congress to undermine the will of the American people. 

And then, before the 2020 election, we had what? 51 intelligence officers, retired individuals at the top of the intelligence community saying, “No no no, the Hunter Biden laptop? That’s Russian disinformation. You don’t need to believe that.” These men and women are traitors. John Brennan. Mike Hayden. James Clapper. Mike Morell. All working with the CIA to affect an information war assault on the will of the American people.

And don’t listen to me. Listen to the Left. Listen to what they did during the 2020 election under the cover of COVID—all those drop-boxes for mail-in ballots. Mark Zuckerberg dropped over $400 million to privately fund an election. That’s illegal. And they were so hubristic they actually admitted it. In an article in Time, they said, “Hey! Here’s our secret plan. Here’s how we, quote-unquote, ‘defended the election.’” Molly Ball’s infamous article about the secret plan the Left implemented to protect America from choosing President Trump again. They actually admitted it.

And now we have judges, we have prosecutors, we have all over the nation; from Jack Smith, to Judge Chutkan, to Fani Willis, to Alvin Bragg, using the power of the courts to try and imprison the man they hope you won’t elect to a second term in the White House. He’s facing over 700 years in prison. Why? Well, because they don’t want you to elect him.

And what did we just find out a few days ago? Jack Smith, he probably spied on you. He obtained a warrant from the DOJ to get the names and addresses of everyone on social media who liked any post by President Trump concerning his case. That’s probably millions of people. Probably tens of millions. 

President Trump is right. We need some to be our retribution. Retribution against all the unelected officials, judges, and intelligence officers who think they can sabotage who you choose to be President. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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1 year ago

America ceased to exist the day the Kenyan became the president.

Art Warmack
Art Warmack
1 year ago

It will be great when President Trump does win the Presidency just to enjoy seeing the veins stand out on the screeching leftists foreheads.
Do not get over excited though. President Trump cannot “rescue” us from the situation we find ourselves in. Too late for that and was too late in 2016. His presence may soften the collapse or its perception but that may even be a stretch.
As a nation we are rotting. Socially, morally, financially…….all decayed. We can enjoy seeing the libtards heads explode though.. Better than nothing.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

“First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not communist. Then they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.” If they can do this to a Fox journalist and his family, a decorated general, a cabinet official and aid, a sitting President then do it to a Presidential candidate, they can do it to YOU. Is this not America?

1 year ago

Excellent article. That should be printed on the front page of every newspaper in America. The leading story on every cable news outlet. Of course that won’t happen.
We have ole Joe who can’t put two coherent sentences together and kameltoe that gives us a word salad which says nothing, but her lips are moving by using the same word over and over again. Our fearless leaders that follow O’s orders to destroy America and blaming the Republicans you know those extreme fascists Maga people. Trump is right, it is the people on the right that see the destruction of America that Ole Joe on orders of O is busy with. Lies from day one ole Joe was installed. Nothing happened to Hillary, but Flynn was jailed, nothing happened to Milley but Jan 6 people who were not even at the capitol are still under surveillance
Who is more dangerous a general who is in cahoots with one of our enemies or a visitor to DC. The hatred the dems and the far left have for Trump and his supporters is evil and satanic and is a sickness in our country, deeply rooted in those who hate America. Starting with president O and his supporters to destroy America. Without the likes of Soros and Gates and their deep rooted hate for America it would never have happened. To this day we see this continuing with the pro Hamas demonstrations and rhetoric being spouted on MSM against Israel. Who do you think is paying these demonstrators with their flags and professional signs? Someone has to pay for them and furnish all that paraphernalia. I wouldn’t know where to go and buy one Hamas flag let stand 100. And where do these demonstrators work? That they can demonstrate day after day? I am sure someone is paying them like they were paid during the riots, looting and burning down inner cities all over America in 2020. What the left has done and is still doing they try to blame the right of doing should they win in 2024. Of course it worked in 2020 why not try it again in 2024 they need to finish the job of total destruction of America, their final goal

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Meanwhile, there’s a mob of your buddies screaming at a deli owner outside his store in NYC. And HIS “crime”? He’s Jewish! You ppl know all about “hate”… because it’s all YOU.

1 year ago

I’ve already figured that out but thanks to bidenomics have no cash to donate.

1 year ago

The article is spot on & I believe our man TRUMP would win in a landslide but I’m sure the swamp will undoubtedly attempt to steel the election as in 2020 when it was so blatantly obvious for those of us who aren’t good little sheep. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA & DONALD J TRUMP IN 2024.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
1 year ago
  • “they” hate the TRUTH, they hate the Hodly fearing, they hate the Republic… they are SINISTER wout shame that corrupt, slander, and steal thru lies that the non journalistic media narrates n covets for. Our school house hav turned into indoctrination stations n they’ve brainwashed millions to ignore real FACTS SCIENCE and STATS to embrace myths fables and nonsense under the false m shallow guise of a veneer sentimentality. Godlessness be like that though. Sad that there’s so many cowards, blah blah’ers but FEW DOERS. Bc I read here enuf for charges to be brought subpoenas to be issued indictments to take place trials to be held and treasonous foke to be SHOT! But CRICKETS from Republican’ts or Won’t ????‍♂️
anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We do not live in the same country as our parents lived in not even we as children It’s been hijacked by the poison of the left We also have a growing component that is being represented by Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib That component is growing and is neither right nor left It’s a category of it’s own unwilling to meld There is not a whisper about it but left with it’s promotion of insanity and harmful policies is in for a rude awakening All the cheating lies and deception will be for naught

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
1 year ago

Your mother should have had an abortion!
FJB .. MAGA .. TRUMP 2024

1 year ago

And you are clearly a fool. Because if they get to keep Power when they are done with republicans they will come for ANYONE that disagrees with the Marxist ideology. Rich elites in charge and the rest of us in their chains. No matter the color of your skin or the letter D, I or R on your voter ID card. Its a matter of When its your turn. Once the likes of Mao or Hitler or Stalin had absolute power. They got rid of (killed) ANYONE who could pose a threat to their power grab. They killed millions of their citizens and ALSO their own Generals and Subordinates. Wake up please Wake up.

1 year ago

GFY tex. Rotten lying commie

Jay H.
Jay H.
1 year ago

Your buddies biden & obummer are the ones who are the true criminals that should be tried for treason and hung in the public square!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article telling the TRUTH.

1 year ago

We only have a few good freedom fighters! I am beyond disgusted with these establishment republicans Nothing good can come from them ! How can we possibly Unify with War whores? They wouldn’t impeach Mayorkas when it was called to a Vote Why you ask? It’s about big business cheap labor! They do not care that they are allowing in terrorists fentanyl, murderers

1 year ago

You are following Satan with you aligning with ole Joe and his puppet master O. I hope with all my heart that God will give you the insight into the way you are worshipping the devil and see the light. I pray for you to be saved from all the darkness you find yourself in.

1 year ago

Although many conservatives have followed what you reported above, thank you for the clarity in laying it out in a linear and straightforward manner.
Except for the years of the American Revolution and our terrible Civil War has our country been at such a profound crossroads.
Putting aside personal and emotional preferences, President Trump did more for the American people in 4 years than any other president in our history did in 8. That fact alone is why there is such fear by domestic and foreign forces to keep him out of the White House. The historical irony is mind blowing!

Rocco Zaino
Rocco Zaino
1 year ago

You have to be deaf dumb and blind not to see what they did to President Trump. And he’s right on something else. Just imagine what they can do to us, just plan old American citizen’s. This was a coordinated attack on the main fabric of our republic. Not just by the democrats but by republicans also.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
1 year ago

The Biden’s paid no tax from selling out the country to our enemies. Zuck spends his millions on drop boxes to fix elections. Why do you think they’re doing everything they can to get rid of Trump?

John J
John J
1 year ago

Well all I can say is this I stopped watching and listening to the media years ago. I don’t and will not buy anything newspapers they are all drive-by media and I know that every word that comes out of their mouth are lie’sI stopped watching the big three new cast’s back during the Vietnam war and haven’t watched one since. A newspapers like the New York times you couldn’t pay me enough to buy one of them if everyone of had to close down it would be the best thing this country ever saw. I keep having people tell me that this country is waking up but when it comes time next year I’m afraid you’re going to do the same thing and let the demo rats steal the next election once again and then my friend your country you might as well say bye-bye to it because it will be over we will never get it back. My father fought for 2 years or more in the second world war and I’m ashamed to say that because he didn’t fight for the country that I live in today. God bless our veterans but I have to say that I’m ashamed that they fought for this country when Illegal aliens have more rights than the citizens of this country especially the veterans. In all of you do nothing but sit on your ass and let it happen. Because when this country is over you will have nobody but yourself to blame you let it happen every one of us let it happen. So here you go FBI, CIA and the rest of them you’re supposed to uphold the Constitution and do your job as the oath that you took those words mean nothing to any of them and Congress should be fund every agency let them go home because my friend they’re not working for you anymore they’re working for themselves and the devil this is the most corrupt government in the world the good old Mafia has nothing on these boys so fellas you can put me on your lists I will be voting for Trump regardless he may not win but at least you know who I voted for. But I do think it’s about time to shed a little blood you know the old saying Lock and load and spare the ammunition.

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
1 year ago

These people are evil and obviously will stop at nothing to protect their own deep state cronies. They will not stop us from voting for Trump in 2024 and I pray he gets back in the White House where he should have been all along.

1 year ago

Sebastian, that’s the most succinct explanation of the corruption and abuse the democrats committed on President Trump and the American people i’ve read. Thank you for such a brilliant time line.
My problem is they got away with it and will continue to get away with it as as long as we have wuss republicans like Jeff Sessions, Billy Barr, McConnell, Romney, McCain, and the chump looser from Wisconsin Paul Ryan.
If Trump looses or they steel it again i’m afraid we will pass the point of being a free country and end up like Venezuela. Scary thought.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
1 year ago

I love Gorka. He pulls no punches. He was there for the fiasco. Better believe him. Border invasion will be clear soon enough.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

Lest we forget, Basakadaba began this war on U,S. in 2008. While premier Josef is the current face, it was the insurrectionists that dupped the people and put the wheels in motion.

1 year ago

Very good article and interesting indeed thanks for sharing…MARXISM are everywhere TRAITORS at BEST

1 year ago

Excellent article! Thank you

1 year ago

Those of us who already know all this – will vote for him and the Republic..

1 year ago

Enjoyed this article and the honest truth of the marxist democrat party and its minions on American Citizens.
These self righteous, arrogant, dishonest, corrupt, anti American traitors seek to destroy Faith, Family,Freedom and OUR Country !
We the People MUST take back control and throw these FAILED public SERVANTS ( yes,they work FOR us) out!
Stand up for America!

1 year ago

And why, with all the evidence of corruption involving government and non-government individuals, has virtually no one but conservatives been tried and convicted, if not in a court of law, but in the court of false and/or deceitful media? It’s largely because of voters who are ignorant or with little or no scruples and Republican politicians with no guts! I’ll discount the Democrats because we know what they are.

1 year ago

You really think that man is a hater? More likely, he detests parasites.

1 year ago

We’re living in a Police State, definitely.

1 year ago

this is pure and simple “GOOD verses EVIL“. that is what it has been for a long long time. the propaganda has been dribbled, right under our noses, into our country, society, communities and families. now that it is so bad and widespread, we can see, taste and feel it, we must push back. we must win or we will lose so much more than we can realize, life is the test of what is to come. If we do nothing it be a living hell. WE MUST do whatever we can, no matter how small or large!! Win or Lose…..

1 year ago

Supporting Trump is a non-starter. He is not a Republican. He is only for himself. His narcisistic, bullying and vindictive nature make him unsuitable to be president. If he gets on the Republican ticket the election will be a disaster for the party no matter who his opponent happens to be. Of course, if Trump is not the Republican candidate he will run on a 3rd party ticket. His outsized ego will demand it. Also, a disaster.
Focus on Nikki Haley, a very electable candidate.

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