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The True Meaning Behind the Trump Raid

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2022
by Matt Kane

For the first time in the history of our great Republic, a former president’s private residence was raided by a branch of the Department of Justice, the FBI. The raid was reported to have been due to handling of presidential documents that were classified and might have been brought to the Trump residence. Those behind the raid have spun this as routine, though we all know the reason is far deeper and more sinister than an innocent attempt to retain classified documents. 

The American people realized shortly after the beginning of the pandemic that we are living in a time unlike any other in the history of our country, and not because of the virus. There has always been a distrust between the general population and government. When our elected (or installed) officials began stripping citizens of their constitutional rights for the “greater good” of society, it only further emphasized this distrust. As a nation we can no longer ignore the reality staring us in the face: We are in a battle of good versus evil.  

Long gone are the days of moderates on each side of the aisle in our government offices attempting to find a legitimate middle ground for America to move forward. The Department of Justice has now been turned into a political weapon, actively violating the fourth amendment of our constitution, directed towards a former president. They have become another lawless branch of this illegitimate, corrupt and rogue regime. If they do this to a president, they will do this to anyone they choose without reason, even if it means blatantly violating the constitution in plain sight. 

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. Not all democrats support what is happening, and not all Republicans oppose it. The uniparty that is beginning to expose itself in Washington is to blame for America’s recent path of destruction. The “trustworthy” mainstream news sources will tell you the raid is to distract from the failures of our current government that include a recession, high gas prices, and weak military leadership before the midterm election. I wish it were that simple. Maybe people are in fact distracted by this, but that is not their goal. 

Those running America right now do not feel a need to distract you, because they have zero intention of relinquishing their power. If they were concerned, they would do everything the exact opposite of how they have up to this point, because every move has been the wrong one thus far. When they were rewarded a victory that was not legitimately won, and nothing (yet) has been done about it, they have no reason to change their ways. Criminals typically do not stop and gain a conscience until they are held accountable. Their goal is to fundamentally destroy America from within, do not let anyone convince you otherwise. These people are not stupid in any way, shape or form. They are highly, HIGHLY intelligent and calculated with an evil agenda to provide themselves with money, power and influence.  

This will not fade away. This is not just another election cycle. They will not back down in their attempts to intimidate Trump and anyone who stands with him, ultimately hoping he steps out of the arena. We must all ask ourselves, why do they hate him so much? Why do they hate this man and all that he stands for? A man who promotes peace, freedom, prosperity and optimism for the country he loves, is so hated by a small group that claims to have our best interests. What do they all have to hide?  

We need to look at the big picture when looking at what Trump has done to this country. Of all his accomplishments, his greatest success has been exposing the evil we as a nation were not widely aware existed. When he announced his candidacy, he was mocked by all on the left, and many on the right. Hillary Clinton had hoped he would become the nominee so that she would have an easy path to victory. The longer he hung around, the more they threw at him. Accusations from his private life, business dealings, and leaked audio tapes right before the election were just a few of many dirty political tricks deployed against him. Against all odds, he emerged victorious. It was at that moment those in government realized he had everything they had ever plotted to seize for themselves. He had wealth, he had power, he had influence, and he had the love and trust of the American people. The political establishment spent their entire lives working tirelessly to achieve those things, Trump jumped into the arena and made it look easy. They simply could not stomach what they witnessed in the 2016 election.  

They upped their attacks on him even more throughout his presidency, hoping to derail it any way possible. When that failed, they simply took the power away from the people by installing their chosen administration. Even now, that does not satisfy them. 

They have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to completely destroy this man and the movement he has created. They are not satisfied with removing him from office, they are hellbent on barring him from ever holding it again and would love nothing more than to see him behind bars. Interestingly all of the things they warned Trump would do to America is exactly what they are doing now. Cries of world wars, economic troubles, election tampering and unconstitutional abuse were warnings we heard all throughout the first Trump campaign and into his presidency. Sound familiar? 

But as this all unfolds, the American people have a beautiful opportunity to determine the righteous from the evil. What is important to understand during this time is the key element driving the radical left in their failed takedown: fear. Fear of coming so close to all they have dreamed of, only to have it collapse at the hands of a man who simply wasn’t part of their plan. We didn’t know it at the time, but we were a Hillary Clinton election-victory away from being six years into the exact chaos we have experienced under Joe Biden. Trump wasn’t supposed to be here. The radical left had it all planned out, they had taken America. Until they didn’t.  

The Trump era has shown he was the only thing standing in the way of America being completely overtaken by a globalist minded establishment, which is why they are so fearful he will emerge victorious. It has already awoken countless patriots who would have never entered politics had it not been for Trump exposing all of the evil rooted in our government. 

So there is hope. An entire nation of people have awoken to rise against these radical attempts to take over America. We are not a divided, 50-50 country like they want you to believe. The vast majority of this country wants the exact things President Trump fought for and continues to fight for. Do not lose hope, do not have fear, beyond all of the noise and chaos, America is uniting. It is seeing what happens when we become complacent and assume scenarios such as the one we currently live in could never possibly happen in America. But there is time. The left is in a desperate, chaotic scramble to hold onto power. America is not finished. America is on the precipice of a patriotic awakening never before seen. 

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2 years ago

As soon as I saw news of the raid, I contacted my representative and 2 senators. I let them know how upset I was that this was allowed to happen. Also, if they could do this to a former president, what could/will they do to the rest of us. I asked them to do everything in their power to correct this injustice and to prevent it from happening to anyone in the future. I have also asked friends, family, neighbors to contact their senators and representatives. This kind of persecution must not be allowed to continue.

2 years ago

I don’t think we need an article to tell us what is behind the FBI raid on President Trump’s home in Florida. Only complete morons couldn’t see through this incredibly transparent display of force and intimidation by the Democrats and the left (same thing actually). The left has been trying to take Trump down for something, anything since he first announced he was running for POTUS in 2015. Everything they’ve tried has been a dismal failure. So now they are just resorting to pure force and intimidation. Trump represents the one thing the left can’t abide: Someone who is not part of the system or can’t be bought off and who actually wants what is best for the United States long-term. Something the left can never allow. Especially when they are so close to achieving their end goal. So this is merely the latest in a very long line of attempts to “get Trump”, as it appears the January 6th hearings are a colossal bust imploding in on themselves.

I still do expect AG Garland will be a good, little stooge for the administration and trot out some charges against Trump sometime before the midterms. I’m sure it will be something very creative and based on some esoteric reading of the Constitution or federal criminal statues. Something so convoluted that it make most people’s eyes water as the left tries to justify the supposed charge. That is the Dems big “October surprise” to try and minimize the voter backlash to the terrible policies and actions of the Congress and the Biden administration over the last 19 months.

The left remains terrified of the prospect that Trump could potentially end up back in the White House in 2025 and starts cleaning out the slime that has infested every federal government agency in Washington by literally firing tens of thousands on Day One. So they have to “dirty him up” as they say in the political circles, so they can keep him from running again.

As soon as the left is done with President Trump, they will immediately turn their attention on Ron DeSantis and do the exact same thing. The only Republicans the left wants running for POTUS are those that are weak, part of the “system” and easily defeatable by whoever the Dems end up running in 2024.

Ted L.
Ted L.
2 years ago

Just going to lay out some facts here – not saying anything for sure.

  1. Trump and DeSantis have been gearing up for a major showdown for the GOP nomination. Trump has not been shy about pointing out that DeSantis owes his success to Trump, and that Trump is polling way ahead of him. DeSantis has some heat, but ultimately he’d probably get badly beaten by Trump.
  2. As governor of Florida, this raid happened on DeSantis’s watch. Not hard to imagine he would have had a heads up about it.
  3. The results of this raid COULD mean that Trump is ineligible to run in 2024… thus paving the way for DeSantis to be the nominee since he’s polling second to Trump.
David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Another WITCH HUNT with ZERO Evidence WASTING Tax Payer’s Money.
WHY isn’t Hunter biden home RAIDED when he’s GUILTY on EVERY Account?
WHY is FBI sitting on Hunter’s laptop doing nothing? Like ARRESTING Hunter.

2 years ago

If one thing on their list does not work to stop Donald Trump..they try the next one. I am disgusted with this Globalistic Communist party and with the Rhinos who are “turncoats” . We need to vote on November 8th to try and recover sanity for our Republic and once we do…round up those who are so corrupt and prosecute them. If they want to be part of a socialistic government..give them a remote island somewhere near China.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
2 years ago

They are coming for us next.

2 years ago

The Democrats are a mistake and a laugh. Never give up people. (Remember We The People). Believe in America! God Bless America!

2 years ago

The truth of Jesus Christ shall set you free. Seek him and his ways only. Obey Gods words.

2 years ago

The true meaning of this illegal invasion is that the dems now realize that the Jan 6 committee after 18 months has nothing. They are now in to “get rid if Trump”. effort # 9.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

If these vipers can get at a president, what chance do regular citizens have?
Due process no longer exists and we are on our own if dems are allowed to get away with this.

2 years ago

A Great article giving some needed inspiration. Now all we need is for the Real American Citizens to become fully engaged politically and end this anti America clown show by obtaining control of the House and Senate with Constitutional Conservatives who love and value Our Country like President Trump.
It’s time for the Patriots, Citizens who cherish America, TO THROW OUT EVERY marxist democrat in EVERY office, along with ALL rinos who lie to We the People.
ENOUGH of destroying Our Country and everything we hold dear.
THROW THEM OUT , end this traitorous, illegal,immoral action NOW!

2 years ago

Simple solution. Vote the wolves out of office this November and in 2024. We must take our country back

william czincilla
william czincilla
2 years ago

They plan on a repeat of 2020 election with mail in ballots to achieve their goal of staying in power. Here in Pa the mail ballots remain, and I wonder if we will receive one again without a request. Our voting has been compromised.

2 years ago

A rather wistful article, it assumes Good will win. Not true.
Good must be fought for.
Bad must be destroyed.
No ‘bad’ is being destroyed to date.
America is at a position of stalemate.

Sam S.
Sam S.
2 years ago

All this talk about everything going on in our country and no action is taken. Obama, Clinton’s, Biden, all have committed treason and they are still walking around free. When is something going to be done?

John H Creel
John H Creel
2 years ago

Can we trust the government NO when the reelections choose VERY CAREFULLY your future, safety and retirement depends on it!

2 years ago

Fast and pray, VOTE righteously (don’t let them tell you it’s useless), and be ready for your opportunity to jump in and make a difference. Watch and pray! God’s our only hope.

2 years ago

Any one watching Cheney would have noted a Raid was in site.

So anyone with a noodle (except Hunter) would have at the Prior FBI vist moved any documents to more secured location. Assuming there was any.

If my assumption is correct, I would have left bags of shredded nothing for Chaney to reassembled. Then I would publish pictured of what was shreaded.

So what’s the real purpose of the raid?? Since its only a disagreement with the archive people, which have no, power It’s to find the documents Trump has on the Jan 6 game show host.

2 years ago

We need to flood the polls with numbers so mass and watch the polls and drop boxes with such resolve that they can’t steal another election. This is a wake up call and if you think to set this out because it won’t matter you deserve what you get.
I read posts on multiple sites, how many of you email, call. and write your elected officials?
This action by the DEEP STATE was the biggest wake up call to date. Stolen Elections have consequences WAKE UP GET INVOLVED this is not the time to set on the sidelines. Let them know and DEMAND they take or step down.

2 years ago

THEY ARE OR WILL BE COMING YOU. Sorry– this article was done 8/9 but I just received my AMAC 8/10. WHO IS HUNTING HUNTER AND THE BIG GUY???????????????????????????

2 years ago

Nothing is going to change. The communists have taken complete control. With 129 million registered voters 157 million managed to vote in 2020. They are going to just take whatever elections they want from now on. We are now a communist country.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Trump was and still is a threat to the swamp, therefore he must be destroyed along with any who support him. That swamp is the power elite that controls Washington, including most Democrats, many Republicans, most of the higher-level bureaucrats, and their minions in the media and some government contractors. The swamp has great power and wealth, so they will fight against any who may threaten that power. What we have today is nothing close to what our founders envisioned. The corruption has evolved into the tyranny the founders tried to avoid and this current administration is the worst in American history. There is only one possible fix today, and that requires the Article V Convention of States that is being organized – some 19 states are already on board. That convention is constitutionally bound to only develop and propose one or more constitutional amendments that must be ratified by 3/4 of the states like any other amendment, and the main one being considered is term limits for Congress. Eliminating the professional politicians from DC is one huge step toward draining the swamp. Every state should get on board although we know the ones who won’t like California, New York, etc.

2 years ago

Great article…………..Keep them coming

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I believe this is a violation of the 4th Amendment!

JoAnn Bjorkman
JoAnn Bjorkman
2 years ago

This article is a tremendous encouragement to me. It lays out the truth of corruption. It declares there is an army of patriots left in our country and we are not willing to stay quiet while they lie to us. I believe God is in control and the path ahead will be difficult. But I am trusting in my eternal life after this ends. I’ll be fighting, praying, and helping others survive until then

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

While reading this article, I felt like I was actually reading my own words and not the sugarcoated pieces that tippy-toe around the truth out of ignorance or fear of being called a “conspiracy theorist”. EXCELLENT article Mr. Kane. Thank you for telling it exactly the way it is! Kudos.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

The Democrats are in grave fear of President Trump and his patriotic competence. While the Democrats are busy destroying the power and uniqueness of our Constitutional Republic, President Trump is a constant reminder that there are those Americans who still believe in the right of the United States of America to be its own liberty loving, sovereign beacon of hope and freedom — not only for Americans but also for the rest of the world that has people who are mistreated both physically and spiritually, The Marxist Democrats and the rest of the globalists can’t stand to have President Trump challenge their dehumanizing ideas and policies. They believe that a new world order is needed, and the US had its chance to be number one. The Marxist Democrats are so cynical and anti-American that they hope to elevate the brutal dictatorship of Communist China as the new number one power on the world stage. Disgusting and illogical aptly describes the leadership of the Democrats at the national level.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Amazing… The FBI can raid a home looking for DJT’s presidential files, but can’t even find Obamboozle’s college records.

Nick Gilliam
Nick Gilliam
2 years ago

In the paragraph beginning “Those running America” I think you meant conscience, not conscious. Otherwise slightly less extreme rhetoric would improve the article, give it greater acceptance

2 years ago

we are looking more like china every day and i guess its ok because all of our gov. and politicians are bought and paid for by china let that sink in america!!!!!

2 years ago

When I heard about the Trump raid it pissed me off and put me into an a** kicking mood. If Trump’s name is on the ballot I will be there at my first opportunity to push that Trump button.

Now another issue, there is something wrong with your system for voting on these comments. A lot of the time when I try to vote for a comment I am told I have already voted on the comment when I have not. It would be good to get that fixed.

2 years ago

Disgrace to our Republic! Purely Aniti American.

2 years ago

Make Government Fear Citizens Again

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

You say be patience, the patriotic Americans are maybe finally waking up that are country is at WAR. However i think you are forgetting one thing, we as a nation have one very formidable enemy that wants to take us over and that is China, they are taking us from within & the current Marxists that are in power are helping them tremendously including providing them with are missile codes. I hope & pray we don’t wake up some morning & find out we have surrendered to the CCP.

2 years ago

Thanks, that’s a fine article. Purification of our government i.e. destroying the swamp is our only hope. It might possibly be done via legit elections, but I am skeptical that can be done. CivilWar II is coming, best to prepare. It will be bloody. Oohrah!

Salvatore Mazzara
Salvatore Mazzara
2 years ago


2 years ago

Aa i understand it , the FBI would not show the warrant until after the search and would not let Trump’s lawyers , or anyone else , be inside to observe the search . That looks like the FBI had something to hide . 9 hours to pick up 15 boxes of papers ? It should have taken 30 agents less than 15 minutes to carry out the 15 boxes. Why were the agents armed ? Did they know Trump was in NYC ? Did they plant any bugs there ? Did they take ANYTHING beyond the items targeted in the warrant ? If so , is that theft ? Did the fbi have any electronic devices such as scanners , cameras , microphones , etc ?
If negotiations with the Archives were an ongoing cooperative process , why was the FBI called in ? Who called in the FBI ?
I can’t help but suspect that the reason for the raid could have been to intimidate supporters of Trump.

2 years ago

Will people vote for the Freedom Loving President or someone who enjoys power over the people by sending the FBI into your homes! Get to the polls in November and end this assault on Americans! And again in 2024! Don’t be blind to Tyranny! GREAT ARTICLE!

L Hoover
L Hoover
2 years ago

You nailed it, Matthew!

Dr. Jerry McGowin
Dr. Jerry McGowin
2 years ago

I am not a fan of President Trump. As a person we would never have been friends. That said, I did not his policies. From the border to Covid he was a great President. It seems all the things that he said at the time seemed outrageous seems to have been prophetic. He was spied on. He was betrayed by his own staff. Very disappoint in VP Pence.

2 years ago

Excellent Article! All of you have better think twice when you get your next flu – make that covid shot! What better way to get rid of all of us free-thinking oldies than to shoot us up! Also, a better place for you to put your money would be in a mason jar and bury it in the back yard! After all, the dollar bill will probably become a thing of the past. What do you think they are going to go with all of the new IRS agents? I would just about bet you they will be pouring over, not only President Trump’s tax returns, but ours also. You may think I am kidding, but after this raid on President Trump – do you really think they won’t be coming after all of us who support him. I am really hoping that your last paragraph does happen, if not……..sorry, but I really do not want to finish this sentence.

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
2 years ago

The Democrats are the enemy and need to be treated as such

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

????CHRISTrumpOwens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

CHRISTrumpOwens and all our US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

Richard Naples
Richard Naples
2 years ago

The problem in America is the people have taken this country for granted. If they can not see the people in Washington do not represent America, that is left or right. The congress and the president do what they want the Republicans are weak and the democratic just do what they want. It is not the fault of Americans in one way because the media is against America. The thing is when Biden is allowed to become king with all the destruction he has caused for the average American you would think that might wake up and look into what is going on but they do not. It is suppose to be the government of the people not the government of the government. I just say you need to put billboards up to inform the public. It is like we spend a billion dollars a day in interest on the debt. People do not feel this because they do not come in a take money from you directly but it does effect everyone. Tell the truth about this monster bill they are passing people do not understand all that they put in these bills they just tell them what they want them to know . If they do not realize that before King Biden was in office we had a pretty good country to bad for them. Anyone who blames everything on someone or something else is just not doing there job for America. The virus could have been treated in a different manner. Fauci was allowed to control the country and he did a lot of bad things. This the government allowed without looking into what he was doing. He took the medicine out the doctors hands and if you went against him your license would go. This is the way the left works.

Judy Gross
Judy Gross
2 years ago

I am disgusted this country has become so corrupt. Joe Biden should be investigated, Clinton’s should be, the Bush family, the Pelosi’s. Liz Cheney’s house should be broken into and searched to find out why she hates Trump so much. We need a revolution. They are afraid of President Trump.

2 years ago

What a comprehensive, well-written overview of it all!! Hope, prayers, vote, act.

2 years ago

I suspect the only way this country has a chance to survive would involve shutting down social media and our MSM, news and entertainment. They have become nothing but a giant propaganda machine for the liberal left. Unfortunately the American public is addicted to both.

2 years ago

The unlawful power being used against America is frightening. There was obutf**k, then hillary, then 4 years unlawful persecution of President Trump, now biden who seems to think he can freely destroy American lives in every way he can. With the integrity of the Supreme Court in question, is there an American institution left that is untouched by evil? Who “today” “right now” can put the brakes on and return us to a country where we argue civilly over our differences? We have a democratic party with no honest rules for all Americans only ones that favor them and destroy the rest. I don’t believe our constitution covers where America is today. With the integrity of the voting process destroyed . . . what do we do? Are we THAT powerless right now?

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Unbelievable that this would happen in our country. The progressives are turning us into a police state. Remember folks, if you don’t agree with them, they are coming after you next. They will smear you and produce whatever phony evidence they need to get you out of the picture.

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