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The So-called “Lincoln Project” –Another Trump Derangement Syndrome Group of Swamp Republicans

Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

lincolnOne of the very sad and surprising dimensions of this Presidential election is when formerly respected Republican influencers from the Washington “power swamp” are campaigning against the re-election of a highly successful Republican President and Vice President – and spending substantial funds to create and to air “fake news” and character assassination TV ads.

In short, these “Never Trumpers” are in effect campaigning for the election of the ultra-liberal progressive big government Biden-Harris Democrat ticket.

One has to ask these questions:

  • Why would they ignore the pre-pandemic successes of the Trump Administration, in which all Americans benefited?
  • Why would they want to stop the extraordinary recovery underway from this pandemic and the resurgence of jobs for Americans hurt by the China-sponsored pandemic?
  • Why would they abandon conservative principles they supposedly champion to support the election of the ultra-liberal progressively socialist oriented Biden-Harris ticket?
  • Why are they targeting Republican Senators to deliver the Senate to the other party?

Perhaps, these questions explain the “why.”

  • Is it because their political principles lost in the 2016 primaries to a non-politician business leader elected as a populist-centered President who would not respect the norms of the “political swamp,” and would speak directly and even bluntly against it and those who championed it?
  • Is it that they see the defeat of President Trump as a new opportunity for them to re-emerge as power players in the GOP —  and lead against a Democratic Administration promising more taxes and more regulation that can only result in a decline in the economy and loss of opportunity and jobs for Americans?

I also think this group reflects the horrible pettiness of some in politics who, when their personal political agenda and maneuvering has failed and been rejected, throw baseless rhetorical and personal attacks at the incumbent President. In sports, we called them poor or sore losers.

What’s worse, in cloaking themselves in the Lincoln name, they dishonor that great 16th President of the United States.  In his April 18, 1864 speech in Baltimore, Maryland and in the midst of the Civil War, President Lincoln warned of the dangers posed by wolves in sheep’s clothing – and which metaphorically applies here:

“The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails to-day among us human creatures … and all professing to love liberty. …”

In this connection, I am reminded of this admonition from the Bible in Matthew 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

In sum, it is really tragic that a group professing to be conservative  “Lincolnesque” Republicans would want the American people to elect a Democratic ticket promising bigger government, increasing taxes and regulations that can only erode the returning health of the economy and jobs. Perhaps, in the case of those in the so-called “Lincoln Project,” they, too, like ravening wolves, are starved…for power

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4 years ago

Your assessment of the why the Never Trumpers have launched the Lincoln Project is spot on. Very well written article.

4 years ago

I just spent a few minutes looking up The Lincoln Project, and some of its members and financial supporters. I also checked out Abraham Lincoln, a great president, our first Republican…but also a man who was not flawless.

So, what is this group after? Yes, they’re never-Trumpers, mostly Republicans or former Republicans. Some dropped out of the party a year or two ago. But by then, it already was clear that the president’s tax policies and regulation rollbacks proved very beneficial to this country’s economy and especially to low and middle income earners.

So, what’s their problem? Is it only because Trump is the ultimate outsider and didn’t play by Washington rules? Well, then, I’d rather play Trump’s game than the one rigged by Washington insiders…any day. What do they have to gain by bashing Trump, and by getting democrats into office? There must be more to it than that. And we all know the disaster that will befall us if Biden/Harris take the reins.

The Lincoln Project’s treasurer is Reed Galen, who was involved with the California Republican Party. California? Hmmm…I’m already skeptical. Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George, is a member (I’d love to be a fly on that wall.). Hollywood people, someone associated with John McCain…

The Lincoln Project is fueled by the president’s supposed bungling of the pandemic and the resulting economic disaster, even though they congealed as a group well before the pandemic. How convenient. I shudder to think what condition we’d be in now if the swamp creatures (RINO’s, never-Trumpers, or dems) were dealing with it.

I don’t care about personality or pre-White House escapades. What I do care about are results, enthusiasm, and optimism for our future. Even with this horrible downturn in the economy caused by the virus, the country has managed to return better than halfway, and the stock market, a leading indicator, is flirting with all-time highs. That wouldn’t happen with a democrat in the White House.

TRUMP 2020.

4 years ago

We need to destroy the swamp in Washington. They believe they are entitled. Like spoiled high schoolers the old timers think the power belongs only to them.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

What is amazing is that Trump will win by a landslide (meaning 75 million votes) despite being hated by all of the republican and

democrat establishment. At least the dems tell us to go to hell. The Repubs say oh yea we’re conservative but just don’t
count on us to do anything. Examples: Romney and Ryan. Thank god, we elected Obama ( and don’t be confused. I’m a
mega conservative) instead of those two conservative phonies. The nations key problem is that there is no organized opposition to
socialism. Trump is a one man band supported by the majority of the nation which has made the establishment beserk. Their
cronyism, love of lobbyists and special interests, and determination to hand our economy to China has been revealed by Trump.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Who cares what RINOs & NT say or do, Observe, track, prosecute otherwise Ignore
Chap 7 Lincoln Project rename Goebbles Pproject

4 years ago

Names? Give their names so these wolves can be revealed

4 years ago

I agree there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. I would like someone to have the courage to start naming these people, so they can be voted out in the primaries. In the meantime, I’m voting again for President Trump

4 years ago

It can be ask “What are the thinking?” The answer is “Nothing at all”

H Koch
H Koch
4 years ago

They can try what they may but there are active plans that will do MUCH damage to some of these RINO’S. There is a price to pay and they WILL and ARE Paying it. So worry not readers. Worry not!

4 years ago

Either name individuals or don’t bother even bringing it up.

Fairfield 54
Fairfield 54
4 years ago

Well written. I have confidence in the American people to know this is just a Never Trumper group and vote their conscience.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

The swamp is much larger than anyone can truly measure. Washington is only the deepest part. It is a gathering of major egos and a need for power. Brutus satisfied his needs by killing Caesar a long time ago. What makes today’s motivations any different? Good article.

4 years ago

A bunch of fake conservatives living off real Americans.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

He should execute his veto power. He should be sending Bills back to the Congress until they get them right. He should be more outspoken about stand along Bills to reduce wasteful spending and get results.

4 years ago

This BIG GOVT #SwampCreatures are by definition DEMOCRATS. DISGUSTING P.O.S.

Bob McDonald
Bob McDonald
4 years ago

These stupid nevertrumpers are worse than straight Democrats!! The party should denounce what they are doing as treason toward the party and the country. All you nevertrumpers can go to H as far as I am concerned!
Signed: disabled vet / Bob McDonald

4 years ago

I wouldn’t think that President Lincoln would approve of a forced association with Benedict Arnold . President Lincoln was the first Presidential candidate of the then newly formed Republican Party . I don’t think there is any action or sentiment of President Lincoln’s that the Lincoln Project can cite as a basis for their use of his name . I have not heard of any such citation by the Lincoln Project . And so, the use of Lincolns name is unjustified and without merit and is subterfuge . Its dirty pool and its members are hustlers .

4 years ago

It appears some people profess one thing, but in practice, disagree with their professions completely. Similar behavior seen in children, if I can’t play my way I’ll take my ball and go home. This trait isn’t admirable in children; even less so in supposedly adults.

David Gonnella
David Gonnella
4 years ago

If the “never-Trumpers had their way in 2016: [1] Hilary Clinton would be running for re-election. [2] We would still be under NAFTA. [3] There would be no tax cut, but rather tax increases. [4] The Supreme Court would have a 6-3 far-left majority. [5] Businesses would be continuing to leave America. 96 There would be over 100 more far-left federal judges. [7] Religious liberty would be a thing of the past. [8] We would still be deeply dependent of foreign oil.

If they get their way this time Joe Biden will be president until the Democrats use the 25th Amendment to push him aside and make Tamala Harris the president. Then we will see tax increases, the Green New Deal, Supreme Court packing, two new states to give the Democrats a majority lock on the Senate and attacks on free speech and religious liberty.

The best service the never-Trumpers could do to the Republican Party is to quit masquerading as conservatives and join the Democrat Party where their true principles lie.

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

Lincoln was not a conservative nor was the Republican Party when it first started. As for the “Lincolnesque” Republicans, neither are they. Most likely globalists.

4 years ago

Exactly the “swamp” which needs to be eradicated and replaced with Citizen representation instead of self serving ,power hungry Washington establishment.
Doing as promised, President Trump is what America needs right now!

4 years ago

Back in 2016 when Trump was running in the Primaries against other Republicans for the GOP nomination , won those Primaries , and then went on to win the General Election and to become President reminds me of the old saying of business before pleasure ‘ .

4 years ago

Here are the founders of the Lincoln Project: Rick Wilson, John Weaver, Steve Schmidt, George Conway and
Jennifer Horn: I believe Bill Crystal and George will are involved because they have no use for President Trump.
As far as the statement, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I prefer slithering snakes.

4 years ago

Self interests drive never Trumpers. They live for money coming into their pockets or their relatives. They’re just like Biden and Pelosi who enriched themselves on the backs of tax payers. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. President Trump and his family do not need to cheat on taxpayers’ backs. They were satisfied to live on money they had accumulated before Trump became President. President Trump and his family are serving US unselfishly. Read John Solomon’s book “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties” That book shows how you can get insanely rich on annual salary of few hundred thousand $$ being connected to right people in DC. President Trump is trying to stop that gravy train. That’s why Republicans who enriched themselves are attacking President Trump. Follow the money.

4 years ago

The age old story of bbe careful what you wish for// and everyone gets their just due in the end// now and next 4 years will be a loser if Biden wins//

4 years ago

4 these wolf’s in sheep clothing. If the humanoids get elected there will be no more party 4 republicans. Enjoy your party while u can. If trump gets reelected. When it’s up I’ll never vote republican again. So go ahead do it. I’ve already changed party not republican or Democrat I’ll vote 4 trump that’s all. It will be nice 2 c you rhinos decimated like dole – Romney – sing song mccain 3 of your losers. Those who don’t change with the times gets left behind

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

The so-called Lincoln Project?  Just an example of some more anti-Trump cockroaches coming out of the woodwork. We could play Whack-A-Mole with them, but we would never be able to eliminate them all. So, just exposing these vermin for what they truly are is the best response. Remember, when lights are turned on, cockroaches will scatter back into the cracks and crevices (here, depths of the Swamp) from whence they came. Eventually, these vermin will fade into oblivion and obscurity which is an ideal place for them to dwell.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago


Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

I saw some of the list of the Lincoln group and saw most of the members were low level positions in previous Republican administrations. Kasich, who never attended the Republican convention in Cleveland, even to just welcome the delegates to Ohio, was just a show of no class. I doubt that he would be able to be elected to any office in Ohio after showing such disregard to the voters who voted for then candidate Donald Trump. If he had not gotten his nose so out of joint he could have been a good candidate to run against ultra-liberal Sen. Sherrod Brown. He muffed that chance.

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
4 years ago

I’m going to put this as blunt as I possibly can all of these never Trump organizations that have arisen since he’s been in office are mostly made up of the people that directly profit from all the Black operations and black money in Washington, by him actually following through with his promises as well as doing away with all of these little covert ops he is effectively shxtting in their bottomless cookie jar ~

4 years ago

These phonies are commonly known as RINO’s. Republican In Name Only. Iowans need to watch out for Feenstra that replaced Steve King in the primaries. He’s rumored to be a RINO and never responds to questions on the second amendment.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

And on ANOTHER note – A G Barr has ‘concluded’ that his “investigation” of these obama era officials ( who committed FISA crimes and more ) have committed NO wrong-doing. If I’m Trump ? Fatso is gone TODAY. Hell, Eric Holder coulda’ come up w/ that.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Lincoln was a butcher. Never had to launch “his war.” He was in the pocket of EVERY northern industrialist. Freeing slaves ? THAT was an after thought as he wanted his war to look more virtuous. Possible recruits were heading west in droves to avoid Abe’s CONSCRIPTION to butchery of both sides. Read “Lincoln’s War” and “the Real Lincoln.” England and France faced slavery issues. They overcame them w/o a bloody war. Also, “Honest Abe” ? Only POTUS to deny haebeus corpus to editors he jailed for their opposition to HIS butchery. Read, folks. READ.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

These turncoats are country club republicans who rather see the present Republican party go down in flames. President Trump has formed a populist coalition Republican party who welcomes all races, ethnic groups, sexual diversity groups and religions. I have been a life long Republican and am proud to have the new blood in our party. The turncoats think they will have the Republican party back if Trump goes down. He won’t and we now have a much stronger party. Trump 2020!

4 years ago

On 60 minutes this group said they just needed to sway 4% of the Republicans…very scary. It’s mind boggling that these traitors would rather choose socialism over capitalism. I don’t think any of them distribute all their wealth to the poor. They all should just move to Venezuela and see how they like it.

4 years ago

Here in Alaska we are seeing signs that our Republican Senator Murkowski will vote against Amy Coney Barrett simply because she does not think it is proper to fill a supreme court position this close to a presidential election. If she uses the same excuse Susan Collins is planning to use, they are both further politicizing the supreme court implying that politics is supreme. We need one branch of government to stand apart to solve major disagreements in an acceptable manner to preserve the union. It is a sad day when my own senator cares more about her own re-election in two years than she does about the best interests of the country.

4 years ago

We know they’re out there! In the media, RINOs came in the form of George Will, Bill Kristol etc. In government they came in the form of Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins. Now, the swamp dwellers, RINOs and deep state bureaucrats are coming in the form of false prophet organizations like (the Lincoln Project). A misnomer like the Lincoln Project is intended to deceive voters. Voters, now more than ever, need to be informed!

Michael Zajdek
Michael Zajdek
4 years ago

The right rhing to do is to NAME these RINGS in public fora! That assumes the names can be non-anonymously attributed.

4 years ago

These are the same destructors who would have been satisfied if HR Clinton won. The president violated the campaigns of his Republican competitors and denied them the opportunity to make a good showing, then take a dive in the final stretch, like their lame predecessors did. It was their thinking to get the campaign contributions and the matching funds, lose and see how much of that money could end up in their pockets. They hate the president because he didn’t follow the unwritten script of the good old boy’s network. The president and I, for that matter am tired of losing. The Donald fights, I want to keep him in office!

4 years ago

I was totally disgusted when 60 Minutes highlighted The Lincoln Project last Sunday. It was one big advertisement to vote for Joe Biden, and a big pitch for TLP. Shame on you 60 Minutes for being so biased. But I shouldn’t be surprised. Fake news continues.

4 years ago

They are selfaggrandizing hypocrites.

4 years ago

I am well acquainted with this group as I have suscribed for years to the Mullings Newsletter written by Rich Galen, Reed’s father. Rich started writing unfavorable articles about Donald Trump way back when Trump won the Republican nomination. Rich is a decent, intelligent individual with whom I have exchanged a number of emails – he is one of very few in the Washington establishment who would readily respond to his readers. I was astonished at his deep dislike for our president and surprised when his son helped found the Lincoln Project. The Mullings Letter has now gone the way of the Weekly Standard, all because they are so much against our president and drawn to the Pelosi, Schumer, Harris camp. I am sadly disappointed with the Galens and the Lincoln project.

Daniel Bonner Jr.
Daniel Bonner Jr.
4 years ago

Phony name for Deep State Swamp Dwellers. Trump does what is best for AMERICANS. He also doesn’t listen to War Hungry Generals and Cabinet Members and is KEEPING our TROOPS SAFE. He IS NOT fighting in other Countries Civil Wars. He is FOR ME AND YOU.

4 years ago

Maybe we need to create the Trump Patriot Party for true conservative and AMERICAN VALUES. Vote Red(REMOVE-EVERY-DEMOCRAT) Get the RINOs out also.

4 years ago

The Democrats will us any means to undermine all President Trump has done for America. He was quick to help financially with checks to all house holds, he himself has recovered from Cova-19 which show it is not a disease that cannot be beaten. PEOPLE USE YOUR HEADS vote for President Trump once again, and he will continue making America what it was founded to be!

4 years ago

Drain the swamp!

M. Beaumont
M. Beaumont
4 years ago

This is why, although I vote Republican I am registered unaffiliated. I will not support the RNC until these RINOS are purged from their membership rolls.

Robert J Malark
Robert J Malark
4 years ago

Who are these individuals by name?

Robert Greeson
Robert Greeson
4 years ago

The “Lincoln Project” was featured on this past Sunday’s CBS “60 Minutes”, surprise? Carlstrom’s blog says it all, a disgusting example of the DC Swamp not wanting to relinquish power. How come the Dems don’t have a similar group?Curious minds want to know.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

A lot of discussion of “the freedom of the press”, I see it to mean that the msm is safe ONLY if they are impartial and honest in thier reporting, they should give the FACTS from both sides so that “WE THE PEOPLE” can make INFORMED decisions about who we want to SERVE US, WE are the government, NOT the politicians, biased “reporting” is NOT HONEST AND IMPARTIAL, which VIOLATES my rights as a citizen to self rule and freedom to choose how I want to live. RED, KAG, REMOVE ALL RINOS, VOTE TRUMP AND SAVE AMERICA!!

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