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The New MAGA Manifesto

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

What is MAGA? What does Make America Great Again mean? 

A strange question to ask, don’t you think? Given that the man who built his presidential campaign on the phrase, not only won the election in 2016, he is currently trouncing the current incumbent and is in a very strong position to become the Chief Executive once more. 

But that’s the strange thing. 

MAGA was always more of an attitude, a sentiment than an explicit ideology with a concrete explicit, and detailed manifesto. 

What unites the members of the MAGA Movement, from the young black child in Harlem who recently led the chorus of “We Love you Trump!”, to the grizzled construction worker outside the Manhattan courthouse holding the Trump trial who told my Newsmax colleague “F**k Biden!”, or the record 100,000 Americans who attended the Wildwood rally in New Jersey last week? 

The surface answer is “Love of country,” an uncomplicated patriotism that sees in President Trump a man who may be a billionaire but who also sees a broken nation, a bipartisan elite who has betrayed both the working class and middle class in favor of big business, foreign interests and a philosophy of America’s “managed decline.” 

But we are less than 6 months away from an election that demands we step beyond feelings, emotions and instincts, and slogans. With rampant inflation, open borders, crime-ravaged Democrat-run cities, colleges indoctrinating our youth to hate America and our very civilization, women and children targeted and mutilated by the Church of Transgenderism, criminals rewarded based on skin color, war in Europe and war in the Middle East; we need to crystalize our beliefs into a manifesto so we can effectively turn 2020’s 74,223,975 MAGA voters into 90, or 100 million voters before it’s too late. 

Here is a first cut of the new Make America Great Again Manifesto.

The Situation

The USA is the greatest nation on Earth, the apex of the greatest civilization, Judeo-Christian civilization, founded as it is on Man’s liberty being God-given. 

A world without strong American leadership is a world destabilized by regimes that feel free to threaten both America and her allies and friends. 

For decades, the American people have been betrayed by a political and business elite that does not believe in the United States. 

That elite is kept in power by a complicit media which acts as a willing propaganda arm and a permanent bureaucracy of unelected and unremovable officials who believe the will of the people and the people’s choice of President are irrelevant in comparison to their ideological goals. 

We believe America’s original values must be reinstated for all Americans to live in freedom and for the World to be stable.

What MAGA Patriots need to do

  • Secure fair and free elections. This is the responsibility of EVERY patriot. 
  • Re-elect President Donald Trump, the man detested by both sides of the establishment elite because he is a threat to their entrenched way of business. 
  • Restore the rule of law by impeaching any judge who favors criminals based on skin color
  • Protect American companies and American employees with tariffs that penalize foreign manufacturers (especially China) and US companies who outsource jobs to other countries. 
  • Rebuild America’s military so that we can win any war with any Enemy, and excise all ideology from within the armed services, starting with DEI and CRT.
  • Reinstate aggressive tariffs against our greatest strategic foe, the Communist state of China. 
  • Punish universities that discriminate based on race or ethnicity by denying them all federal funding and stripping them of their non-profit status.
  • Identify the worst criminals of the permanent bureaucracy who have used the FBI, DOJ, and the Intelligence Community to target Americans politically, denude them of their civil rights “under the color of law,” and prosecute them in a court of law outside of Washington DC.
  • Effect a Presidential pardon for all January 6th defendants who were maltreated by the DOJ, kept in pretrial custody for years, and given custodial sentences for merely walking peacefully inside Congress. Investigate and sanction all those responsible for those politically motivated prosecutions and provide financial compensation and support for the families of the 5 defendants, like Matt Perna, who have committed suicide as a result of the DOJ’s relentless targeting.
  • Establish a Presidential Committee to investigate the events of January 6th, starting with why the current Director of the FBI continues to refuse to answer under oath the simple question of how many undercover agents or assets were involved that day.
  • Establish a Presidential Committee to investigate the release of COVID-19 from China, and the culpability of US government employees in providing Gain of Function funding to the Chinese Army bio lab located in Wuhan, starting with Anthony Fauci.
  • Secure the border as we did during the Trump Administration. Effect the deportation of all those let illegally into America by Biden’s DHS, except for the fraction who can unequivocally demonstrate that they are asylum-seekers who would be killed if they returned home and are not in fact economic migrants.
  • Finish building the Wall.

If I have left out anything, I look forward to hearing from you here


Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

To do all of the above, we don’t have to just re-elect Trump but a Congress willing to work with him. Don’t just put all your focus on the POTUS election but your state representative as well!

Larry Nuckels
Larry Nuckels
10 months ago

Mr Gorka is a true patriot. I agree with everything he said.

10 months ago

Drill baby drill!

Jay Bay
Jay Bay
10 months ago


End extreme false global warming and green energy doctrine that is about government control of energy and its citizens and establish a real science based energy program that creates American energy independence and protects the present and future global environment.

10 months ago

Good article Mr. G. Stay frosty.

10 months ago

It is obvious to most but not all, I woulld like to see an emphais on “following the law” and holding everyone accountable to it. Right now, too many get a pass because of the position they hold…. supreme court, lower court judges, mayors, senators and congressmen and women. If the supreme court is truly supreme should they not stop lower courts when they are blanant disregarding procedures leading to politicized rulings? If they wait for an appeal to come, the damage is already done – with no remedy to addressing the wrong doing!
We need some teeth when an official (refardless of who or what position) violates ones oath of office.
There are no rewards for integrity, nor punishments for wrong doing. There must be consequences!

Tom Richardson
Tom Richardson
10 months ago

Excellent start! I’d add that ALL the J6 incarcerated are owed compensation as they all paid an egregious price for exercising their Constitutional right to protest.
The crimes against humanity around the Chinavirus Plandemic do not end with gain of function research. Any and all who were involved in any way with the one of the worst crimes in human history need to be investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced for the horror that they inflicted on America and the world. Sentences that extend to capital punishment for those particularly responsible.
Take all legal and Constitutional steps necessary to expunge all traces of the crimes against women and children including anything having to do with the transgender “movement”, sexual trafficking, and pedophilia. Opening up sentencing to capital punishment as is being done in Florida and Tennessee is a great start.
Deport any and all illegal ALIENS with lifetime bans from ever entering the United States. No penalties for those self-deporting.
Reduce the size and scope of the Federal government to the bounds defined by our Constitution.
Eliminate the CIA, the ultimate source of most of the unrest in the world for the past 70 years. Purge the DOJ, FBI and Federal government of all traitors. We know who they are because “we have it all”.
Eliminate the Globalist Deep State, the ultimate source of most of the unrest in the world for a century or more.
Eliminate the Fed and the Central Bank. Go back to an asset based currency. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments.

Lane Johnson
Lane Johnson
10 months ago

The primary driver of the current inflationary crisis is government spending. When the federal government spends more than it has, that money isn’t borrowed from private lenders. Instead, the Federal Reserve creates it out of thin air, which devalues all the existing dollars.
Increasing interest rates to slow down private borrowing is the wrong tool, and not effective. When the Fed is creating over a trillion dollars per year, nothing will offset that. Inflation will continue until the Fed stops creating money.
Trump and the Republicans should campaign on actually CUTTING SPENDING, and not just lowering the deficit. Unless this happens, the inflation will continue, and will spiral out of control!

10 months ago

also need to gut gluttonous three letter agencies, DOE, EPA, FBI, CIA, etc.; open up pipelines and energy sources; deport illegal aliens to await their legal asylum if deemed appropriate or permanent extradition; acknowledge God in our country again…

Terry Ercanbrack
Terry Ercanbrack
10 months ago

An exceptional article, It is the correct direction for the future of our nation, we must remove this tyrannical onslaught that threatens the very fabric of the Constitution.

Ken Weatherford
Ken Weatherford
10 months ago

you used the word “exercise” (inappropriate) instead of “excise” (remove) in your fifth point, Don’t trust spell check ever! Have a human read the text also. We need to remove, excise, this stuff from our military and civilian schools and academies before it is too late.

10 months ago

On another tangent, just viewed video of the NYPD Chiefs taking down the Palestinian flag at Columbia and raising the Stars ‘n Stripes. All of them were Black guys but they were Americans first and MAGA in patriotic spirit. A moment that will do for their Department what the flag raising on Iwo Jima did for the USMC, capturing a moment in time of their espirit and elan.

Tammy Sikes
Tammy Sikes
10 months ago

Return to energy independence!

10 months ago

It’s will be a good start and all the principles are those of God loving peaceful American patriots who love this country and the world.
What should be done to destroy the deep state is to force every single Federal, State, City, County employee that has there 20 years into retirement.

10 months ago

Inspired list from a great thinker! I’m sure it could be expanded, but these are the basics.

Paul Mallon
Paul Mallon
10 months ago

I agree with all of these points. Bullet point 5 is incomplete in the war fighting comment. And the correct word is ‘excise’ all DEI programs from the military, not ‘exercise’.
Great summary!!!

10 months ago

Don’t forget to bury George Soros with the spent nuclear fuel rods .

Tom Richardson
Tom Richardson
10 months ago
  • Have typos in this paragraph: “Rebuild America’s military so that we can win any war with any Exercise all ideology from within the armed services, starting with DEI and CRT.

Bob K
Bob K
10 months ago

Darn, I forgot to mention curtailing Union power with Right to Work. Oh well. If Gorka can be forgiven for leaving out stuff then so can I.

Bob K
Bob K
10 months ago

I clicked on “Here” and sent this to Gorka:
Just read your first cut of the new Make America Great Again Manifesto on AMAC. Congrats on drafting it as it is very needed. Please don’t take my comments as criticism. You ended with “If I have left out anything, I look forward to hearing from you here” so “here” I am as much was left out. There was no mention of restoring American energy independence. You’ve recognized we are in a culture war but punishing universities and identifying the worst bureaucratic criminals won’t be enough for us to win. We can start taking wresting control of education from the left by restoring it to the states. That begins with abolishing the Dept of Education and supporting school choice (i.e., getting kids out of public schools). We must wrest control of media (social and mass) from the Left. A good start there would be laws that punish free speech censorship and stop government/media collusion. Putting America First means changing foreign policy. A good place to start is pulling the U.S. out of WHO, which is trying to usurp our sovereignty. Even better would be pulling out of the U.N. although there are pros and cons to that. Another good place to start is to cease funding the proxy war in Ukraine. Given the corruption there and past Biden dealings, I suspect much of the $100+B already sent has gone through a revolving door back to the U.S. Democratic Party. You are correct about Jan 6 pardons and investigations but what about the lawfare against nearly everyone who has stood close to Pres. Trump. What was done to Manaford, Flynn, Guiliani, Eastman, Stone and many others demands justice. And this is important because the Left has made everyone who wants to stand with Trump very afraid of being jailed or bankrupted. Which segues into unelected bureaucracy. Draining that swamp means replacing the top 3 levels of bureaucratic leadership across the board unless that person can show they have not been complicit in attacking and/or censoring Conservatives. Essentially they are guilty until proven innocent. It is critically important to educate everyone that Climate Change is a hoax, that the demands and costs asked to combat climate change will do no good and are often counter-productive. Plus many suspect that the chem trails we see across the sky are efforts to control the weather that have resulted in severe storms which the Left will now point as as proof of Climate Change. Gender fluidity, most especially child mutilation in support of transgenders, has to stop. I’m sure I’ve missed a good deal but these are right off the top of my head. Let me add that your aggressive tariffs on China bullet was redundant to your protect American companies bullet and that “Rebuild America’s military so that we can win any war with any Exercise all ideology from within the armed services” is missing a word – likely any ‘country’ – and Exercise is misspelled – it should be Excise. On the latter, it may be that AMAC copied it incorrectly. Thank you for getting this conversation started. 

10 months ago

Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron.

10 months ago

Dr. Gorka,
You didn’t mention the border disaster, we need those 85,000 IRS positions to be transferred to DHS for ICE, CBP Air and Marine, OFO and HSI as well as transportation!
The agents in the field take their lives into their hands going up against cartel hoods who are better armed and have no problem with shooting our people! Military support could also be considered! clear out anyone who has supported the stupid programs the current administration has in place!
Deportation “Judges” do not have to be lawyers just deputized people with common sense to review cases and get them cleared one way or the other! The catch and release program has to be ended also the Anchor baby clause needs to be either made law or revoked! just because a woman sneaks into the country and has a kid it doesn’t mean the entire family gets to stay!
Thank you for letting me vent!

10 months ago

It also includes acting with integrity, intuition, self-trust, and asking the hard questions.

10 months ago

I don’t quite understand the 5th bullet about the military and exercise “all idealogy” such as CRT and DEI – Absolutely not!! The military is not a place for social engineering. CRT and DEI have NO PLACE in the United States. We have a Constitutional Republic, and an economic model of free market for all American citizens. We don’t need the left (China, marxist democrats, and freemasons, woke meddling in the military nor our economy.

Ron Kerston
Ron Kerston
10 months ago

Good article Dr. G. A good se tof goals to accomplish over 4 years. With our typical politicians such goals are said but never done. Trump does, ar seriously attempts to do, what he says or promises. Many want to accomplish these things but never make it past the swamp monsters in DC. The swamp consists of ELECTED LEADERS of both parties and UNELECTED beaurocrats and lobbyist. Is it possible for a MAGA president to overcome this opposition, even from his own party, and succeed? All of the VOTING CITIZENS have the ability to reject career politicians of both parties who have PUBLIC records of voting for THEMSELVES and AGAINST AMERICA! Please help finding and supporting good patriotic Americans for office. Actions speak louder than words.
Our country seems to be in such a moral mess that doing the wrong thing, whether it be lying, cheating, stealing, misrepresenting the truth, selfishness or acceptance of false beliefs that these things are accepted publicly by our media, education system, politicians and public leaders to the point where truth and facts are not only denied but given nasty code names that frighten good people from such values that were common among patriots and God believing people, constitutional advocates and Bible believing Christians to be true and good for family and country. The truth is folks, if I just described you there are more of us than there are of them. Stand up for what is good and right! Don’t ever be afraid to speak the truth! Be respectful, but confident. Know and understand what you are supporting, and don’t allow the left to misdirect you. The committed left is probably less than 10% of our population, but the conservative right has been distracted with serving their God, family and country, allowing the left to take over leadership positions in our media, schools, politics and now sports and businesses. It is a minority that can be overcome just by standing our ground, opposing their beliefs, supporting good politicians and spending our money wisely. Remember, they are driven primarily by power and money. Don’t give it to them and they fade away. Support things like Trumps agenda, which does not promise you anything but what the constitution grants you, (yes, you deserve and are ENTITLED to much of the agenda as a citizen of this great country!) without giving up anything new (like the demands of the green new deal, UN demands, gun confiscation and loss of freedom of speech and religion). You deserve the freedoms inherent to this country, all you need to do is vote the bums out and reject anti-American retoric. And spend your dollars wisely on ALL THINGS! It’s not that hard!
God bless America!

10 months ago

Great program. I agree wholeheartedly with all the points listed

Sonia Francisco
Sonia Francisco
10 months ago

I would also like to add civic education re our Founding, Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution being stressed in schools with a test that has to be passed by all graduating high school students( perhaps, college, too?) Along the same lines as what Vivek Ramaswamy has proposed. What would happen if only those who could pass such a test and/or join the military or volunteer with first responders could graduate and/or vote at 18? Get rid of the Dept of Education, thereby taking the teeth out of the Teacher’s Union and all the disastrous policies they have spearheaded.Eliminate minimum wage, cease taxing of tips from people in the service industry, and revamp the Labor Dept to concentrate on teaching viable skills to all Citizens to assist them to become more employable at higher paying jobs.Rather than having a racial or gender quota of students at colleges, we should require a quota of liberal vs conservative professors and staff members at every college and at least one good quality civics class that every student attend(in other words be America Friendly)in order for colleges to receive federal funding or students to receive federal grants or loans to attend them.Whatever we put into our MAGA Manifesto we should invite, enlighten, strengthen, and reward more than we force, castigate, destroy or punish.

10 months ago

The reply button is not working again! What’s going on? Any ideas…..

10 months ago

The up arrow Share button is not working on Samsung cell phones.

10 months ago

Really? Which candidates are beating Biden in a landslide?

10 months ago

I have long advocated for a Conservative Manifesto to help define what the movement entails in our society. It should be an oath to protect what the Founding Fathers envisioned for a new, free country.
Whether our freedoms are “God-given” or simply common sense, those of us who are not religious but nevertheless patriotic, law-abiding citizens would like to see an inclusiveness that respects the rights of individuals to have or to not have religion in their lives. I often feel slighted (thumbs down) when the subject of religion comes up. While many say the country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, those values do not exclude what common sense and respect for individualism embody.
This Manifesto should outline what the Constitution does, but which many modern political types like nothing better than to trash. It should generally outline what the government is responsible for in these modern times and what is expected of the citizens. From the start, it should be made crystal clear that all government employees, including the president, are hired by us, the people of the United States. No more of this elitism that dictates what politicians think is best for the country, and in the process, takes our earnings from us. Keep it simple, but include verbiage that firewalls efforts to expand the role of government in our lives.
Start with those 2 issues…

No worry
No worry
10 months ago

your binge age beliefs would be funny even if they were real lol

Medical condition
Medical condition
10 months ago

im Voting for trump because I too couldn’t go to Vietnam because of my bone spurs lol

John Shipway
John Shipway
10 months ago

I heartily agree. It is long past the time when we should mandate that colleges force students to fully support the mass slaughter of mostly children and women by the poor, poor Israelis. The indoctrinated fools actually think that wholesale genocide is somehow evil. What is wrong with these students and their idiotic university presidents that actually allow for free thought and the expression of those thoughts.
By golly, we need to build concentration camps to house these irresponsible free thinkers and do so with lots of money cause everyone knows all we have to do is print the stuff.

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Washington dc, january 20, 2025:donald j trump the 47th president of us, at his inauguration party. photo of donald j. trump at his inauguration celebration in washington, d. c. , on january 20, 2025
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WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 21: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters before boarding Marine One at the White House on March 21, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump is traveling to Bedminster, New Jersey and is expected to attend the 2025 NCAA Division I Men’s Wrestling Championship in Philadelphia tomorrow. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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